MMI @ katong shopping centre

i'm also MTB sep 2006 leh but i join much later lah maybe tats y didnt see both of u in the thread, wats her nick? her hubby & herself are my ex schoolmates
i just recently got connected with her thru FB.

yeah we all missed each other just by bits
it would be fun to go together!!

hi jamie,
we only chat at e very very initial stage then slowly she stop... i cant remember her nick tooo heeehee :p
u also mtb sept 2006 ah... so qiao but we didnt talk very much then isit...... lucky now got other things tat makes us active here again.
hi smallbell,
paiseh i also dont know how to get points... i only know how to press button n insert money :p n most importantly i know how to get e money heehee
hi elaine,
hahaha...that's true, most important is to win $$. Hope you have lots of lucky stars shining for this coming dec trip...must strike big. Heard from my mom that her friend won 30K ringgit at jackpot by hitting on some lucky jackpot alarm that comes once in a long while.
ya that will be so coincidence

littleskool house is opening a new branch at mountbatten sq this month. just got their flyer in the mailbox.
yup tat new low rise office building. LSH having opening promo for 1st 50 applicants now. $100 off for full day program & $60 off for half day program for 6mths. they also hv infant care service.
hi jamie n smallbell,
no la i'm not same sch as jamie.... cos tat day i was talking to jamie Tan mentioning tat jamie knows her n her hubby then she says cant be cos her hubby is not same sch as her n she dont really recognised u so she ask whether u are from Kuo chuan then maybe u and her are schoolmates. then her hubby is from ACS.... heeheee

wow win jackpot ah..... i never dare to dream of it... so far i always lose one la... hehehe just play for e fun. win then lose win then lose so most of the time end up losing more than winning :p
hi smallbell,
thanks.... if i really win ( A LOT ) i will give u a treat :p

hi jamie,
no problem.... is alrite..
so r u from kuo chuan? same sch as jamie tan?
hi elaine,
wah...i will be waiting for my treat.
the weather at dec in genting should be just like any other months right? now tinking of what to pack and still got to bring the milk pumps.
yes i'm fr kuo chuan. think she cant really recognise me coz put on so much weight after giving birth

tot genting should be even colder in dec since its year end??
hi smallbell,
e previous time i went in march n june e weather wasnt very cold but we didnt go to outdoor theme park or outdoor so a sweater for e kids will be more than enough but we always let e kids wear long pants. only at night n early morning they will wear long sleeves clothes.

if u are thinking of bringing patrick to e outdoor theme park then better let him wear socks too.
hi elaine,
thanks for the advice. I went in June last time too, not cold at all except for night time. For 1st world, i recall they have hot water flask but must take hot water outside the corridor right? I am staying in standard room this time due to complimentary voucher. What type of room are you staying in?

Normally any particular restaurant that you have your meals? i recall going either the food court or a restaurant just outside the casino where it has got a variety of different cuisine.

would you still need to bring stroller for the kids?
hi smallbell,
ya at 1st world there is a flask for u to take hot water from e corridor

i usually also stay in e standard room but i try to get those standard view room but this time e standard view room is fully booked so i will be staying in standard room. the last time i stay deluxe room is so much better in terms of the toilet, is much bigger. standard room e toilet is so so small tat u have to leave ur clothes outside to bath :p
hi elaine,
oh yes, standard room is really small. There was once i ended on the 1st level, no view but good thing is no need to take lift, just walk out to the indoor park. I might spend one day at outdoor theme park this trip, more rides there.
hi smallbell,
never know level 1 also got rooms

this time i think i will bring e kids out for walks.... hehehee cooling walks which they will like very much
hi elaine,
my mom taking us to the mushroom farm and temple there. She said there is free shuttle bus from 1st world lobby. I have also never tried the cable car there, might give a try since only cost around $3 round trip.

Do you mind if i pass you some brand new gals clothings and toy puzzle? My mom's friend friend recently close down biz selling kids clothings, they pass us lots of clothings, mostly girls (suitable for 3-5yrs old). And if you have friends who might need girl clothes for this age group, do let me know. Thanks
hi smallbell,

i went to e mushroom farm last visit cos my SIL says e food there very nice, but i didnt appear nice to us... this time round my friend who just went last wk also came back tell me that the food is nice.... so is either i went to e wrong place or e cook is in a bad mood tat day :p

e cable car ride is very nice then there is a titbits shop there which u can try all e titbits for free... n my mum usually walk out with big n small bags....

Thanks for e puzzle n clothings, if u have extra for girls age 3 and 5 i would like to have it cos my nieces are age 3 and 5. Do let me know how much is all e clothes. Thank you very much.
Hi Elaine,
aiyo, how come different feedback on the mushroom farm food. Let me try then let you know. If i also find it nice, hahaha, then you really need to go to the farm again.

Oh, i want to go tibits shop. You mean the tibit shop is inside the cable car station?

That's good, your neices are 3-5 age group, will pack some for them and pass to mmi. No worries about paying as we are now stuck with a large box and not sure what to do with it.
hi smallbell,
Thank you very much abt the clothes.

u go try then let me know... next yr then i go

e titbits shop is at e cablecar station at e mid hill so after u get down at e mid-hill just go shop there n u will see e titbits shop full of titbitsssssss.....
hi smallbell,
got jelly sweets too so patrick will be happy trying it too... just like my Zhaohui n Sizhen. Can try every different type of biscuits n sweets there
hi elaine,
don't mention.
now we opened another 2 boxes and found adults and kids slippers inside. What is your feet size? For adults slippers a bit tricky, i pass you the different pattern and then you select those that may fit. For those that cannot fit, may pass back to me. For kids one, you may keep and see if your kids or nieces can fit in.
the tidbits shop sounds so yummy, sure will make chloe drool
make me drool over genting now !!

u can also keep some of the girls' clothes for your princess
kids grow very fast, in no time she will be 1yr liao.

Yesterday went to kaypo, visit the new LSH with chloe. wow everything seems nice esp its new. ask chloe which school she likes, she said BOTH!! told her can only choose one, she still prefer shaws!! haha
hi jamie,
oh yes, i kept the clothes but most of it have the same design/size. For LSH will be really near your house right? will you still consider due to the travelling distance?

hi ykkk,
LSH stands for little skool house. Jamie referring to a new branch at Mountbattern Square.
its really near my house, walking distance so tats y i went to view the school. if i didnt enrol chloe at shaws, i would definitely put her there. but now she's doing well at shaws so i'm not sure if its a gd idea to withdraw her.

they having opening promo now. $50 off for half day & $100 off for full day for 6mths. half day is $556.20 net & full day is $716.50 net (after subsidy & gst), but its before the opening discount. sibling discount is $50 for full day & $25 for half day. u may like to consider. the place is not very big but it looks good & clean coz new mah. they only hv indoor playground at the moment, but they are looking to hv a outdoor playground soon.
hi jamie,
and for the amount of registration fees that you paid at shaw, kind of wasted if change to LSH. Or can let your boy try out first. Ask if they have trial class.
i see... the fees almost the same as Shaws right? Will go and take a look one of these days. But the thought of having to go through switching and readapting kind of worries me. Maybe wait till mei mei old enuf to enter cc, then maybe consider putting them together. By then can see the "true colours" of the cc.
ya the reg fees really heart pain leh. actually i forgot to ask abt trial class but even if my boy likes, it would be weird to put them in diff schools. usually siblings attend the same school mah. but the close proximity really tempt me!!
ya the fees are quite close to shaws, abt $50 diff. u can drop by to view the school 1st then decide lor. they hv infant services as well so if u intend to put your gal early can consider.
hmmm.... i'm supposed to start my boy in MMI real soon.
Now i'm tempted to try out LSH.
Has the mountbatten sq branch started class already?
yah think i will do that.
supposed to start mmi next week too. hehe....
but looks like LSH is literature based and doesn't have mandarin teachings like mmi.

i didnt get to see their time table but i would think most schools hv mandarin teachings nowadays. so u actually starting your boy in mmi on monday? then better go visit LSH soon, see if u like after viewing.
hi smallbell,
e teacher passed me e shoes liao... thank you.
e smallest one Zhaohui can wear, e other sandal(boy) abit big for him.
e flower one is for my niece rite??
e pink one too small for me leh... only size 31.

do u have anything tat is size 36. i can wear 35 or 36.
thank you for e shoes
hi elaine,
opps, no worries, those that your neice cannot fit can pass back to me. Let me check if got anything your size.
