IVF/ICSI Support Group

Babysmurf I also pissed of with clinic D staff. Just now ask something they dunno. Prefer if there is consultation at IVF I will go there. Then my appointment on July tell me any Dr may entertain me when Dr Tan told us to see him.

huh?? i have appt with DR H H Tan on 26 May and recd a letter saying the appt push to 2 Jun. Now u all are saying he is away on conference and other doctor will entertain us?? That is not very nice leh.....
Shainie, how have you been? I hope you are coping well. I seldom login nowadays but will be back active again looking for June cycle buddies.

I received a letter from KKH to see him on mid of next month.
hi nurul,
i was told dr matthew lau is on e-leave. my intial appt wif him this wk has also been pushed out to next wk leh.
hi shainie,
i thk service @ clinic d quite jia lat hor. everytime i need to make payment, i am clueless! was told to go to counter 6 but that lady there will ask me to wait n she will call me. no queue # given. there was once i left my payment chit wif her since she said she will call me and later, she called out "who needs to make payment?" I was like....DUH!
Chevy today I ask just to test the nurse there coz angry of some issue. I ask her if pvt patient at KKH need to be warded can he choose subs ward? She reply with confidence no! Must stay pvt difficult to downgrade, upgrade easy one. I fed up I go to admission at 24hrs and ask. Just to confirm. The nurse at admision counter tell me where got such
thing? Imagine if a person no money for deposit wanna wait to die coz cannot admitted to subs
ward. It seem that the nurses at clinic D dunno what they job and hospital protocol. Hayaa.

I fed up coz everytime I make appointment with them sure got problem but when I make appointment with IVF centre there is no problem.
mc, lynn: all the best to your scan!

Berrybaby: congrats! twins is great! dream of it. all the best to your pregancy.

nurul: the timing is all god's plan. good luck to ur ET, and smooth 2ww!
Shainie-I'm under pte, yeah I must agree with the service at Clinic D sucks big time esp when making pymt. I tried to email dr tan at his gmail Acct but it got bounce bck..Been spotting last week and honestly got no hope already. One thing I learnt that with IvF/FET pregnancy, it's a hurdle after a hurdle. And no I'm no complaining, it's just that having a BFP is not the end of story. Till u hv the baby/babies in ur arms, that's when u finish the fight..
Sue Ann it is good ur pvt. Me coz that day warded at sub ward due no vacant now under subs again and the clinic D nurses told me to see panel of Dr. My lau kong angry ohh. Said after this what more. So we decided after do SIS under subs which i pay lesser then straight away change back to pvt. If possible i want meet him at TPS. I dunno lei why since b4 also I dun like clinic D.
Sue ann his email no longer activate. I e mail him by kkh feedback or I call one KKIVF staff that I know well. She will help me ask him.
Niko, based on my blood test for lupus, Dr Tan told my DH everything ok. Hcg already O. Now waiting for AMH result and SIS scan. He scan me this morning to see my lining, he said everything ok. My mum forbiden me for DNC and Dr Tan also said he dun want to do DNC for me. Let everything clean naturally. He tell me our emmbies once implant we dunno what happen. Like an Apple. Eventhough we see the Apple nicely on the tree grow well but we never know inside of it. My DH can say true true.. Me listen only lor.
I told him I nvr give up trying for babies. No matter how. I only afraid for M/c so ask him what can he do and what can i do to prevent m/c happen again? He also no answer to my question.
Chevy, now just recal: me also pvt kkivf patient that day m/c can be admited subs what.. Hahaha me kanna play with that blur nurse.. Hoyoo. That's y thinking to change to TPS.
egg factory he only do lupus test. No genetic test. He mentioned about doing dna test for embbies but after all he said what point. Sum more after doing dna /genetic test embryo not survive. I think SG Dr did not do any genetic / dna test from the way Dr Tan explain.
Anyone who see him i hope can ask him again about this.
Shainie, hahahaaa.....then u "tan dio" liao!

btw, wat r those tests that u mentioned? SIS n DNC.
Sun, I had my fresh cycle in 2009, (then 37) 11 fertilized, freezed 7, and ET 2, BFP and delivered my second boy in 2010.

I was on purgeon, 150 or 200, can't quite remember le. But I have pcos, then I had mild OHSS and was hospitalised for 5days after ET, luckily BFP on the day of discharge.

THis is my 3rd FET, the first cycle was BFN, second cycle was abandoned cos my eggs erupted before they reeach ideal size. (in SGH, we scan and do BT everyday for natural FET, ET only when eggs size is good and LH surge on BT). This time round I did regulated FET, I abit bo chap, even stopped going for accupuncture with Dr Zou and take coffee and cold drinks as the weather was super hot... then BFP. So I believe, everything is really GOD's plan.

Thanks Mel, baby dust to you.
Chevy tomorrow my ET is done by Dr Matthew.

kittykatty i m not disappointed its juz so sudden. Sarah told me not to worry about my embbies. If they r not growing well, i would hav oreadi done e transfer juz now, today, despite Dr Matthew Lau absence.

Mel thanx for ur wishes. Anyway i m thankful to GOD for lettin me to rest another day b4 ET. Currently i m stil havin mild OHSS. My appetite is not so good

Prosperina ol e best for ur upcoming ER / ET. How r u copin wif e injection?
nurul: the day of yr scan, u just took lucrin? did they ask u to take puregon? the supply for puregon given to me just enough for 7 days. so the day of my scan , i wont have to use puregon.
b4 the ER u still have to continue lurcin?
Nurul, are you suppose to do a D3 transfer today? If tomorrow ET, that means it is a D4 transfer right? Did the clinic call you about the status of the embbies?

Did the doctor use puregon for your cycle or did you use lucrin all the way?
sunstillshines, were you with KK for your fresh cycle previously? Then most likely you used Lucrin for suppression too if you were on the long protocol. If on short protocol then no suppression stage at all. Are you planning to do a new fresh cycle?

KK uses Lucrin for suppression but other clinics might use different drugs (e.g. Suprefact). There are different stimulation drugs too (e.g. Menopur, Puregon, Gonal-F).
bruno yup I just took Lucrin onie on e day of my scan. Puregon I was onie given in total 1400 units which last for 7 days. So e day u scan, u won't b using Puregon. It should finished yesterday b4 u scan todae. My last Lucrin is on e day I had my trigger shot.

sunstillshines todae suppose to do D2. Tomorrow D3. Nurse Sarah onie said dun worry ur embbies is fine. If they r not in good condition; not growing well, I should hav oreadi done my ET juz now despite e presence of my doctor. Any doc can do e transfer. For suppression I was given Lucrin n stimulation was given Puregon for a week plus Lucrin. My total estimated bill up to ER is $4995.
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone had a good day ^^

Mel, ya.....me also hope it's a good sign

Egg factory, take care

Rainy, yup recently BFP but Linda never say will be snake baby but if snake baby will "wang" me. But I just hope for a healthy bb can liao ^^

Nurul, all the best for tomorrow ^^
Nurul: That was KittyBaby just now...haha...mix up ya.
Don t worry. D2 and D3 embryo transfer not much different. Have a good rest tonight and look forward to receive them back.
Berrybaby, congrat, congrat. Wish u smooth 9 mth ahead.

Niko, you r starting a fresh cycle? Still seeing tcm at marine parade?

Sisters, can explain again how the New drug works? N how much? My gynea also recommend me on that for my next cycle. Still considering. Hesitating to start the new cycle next mth. Tcm recommended me to tiao at least 2 mth.
Suntillshines yup my mum do not want me go for D&C. Both my m/c natural so my mum ask me see TCM to clear my uterus.
Chevy D&C forgot the meaning but it is to clear balance or pregnancy product after m/c.
SIS or Sonohysterography is a special ultrasound procedure that allows the DR to examine the inside
of the uterus in greater detail compared to normal utrasound scanning.
Nurul all the best for 2morrow.
Shainie: I might have saw u today at clinic D. When is ur next review. I also having review in July.

Today the clinic D staff make me super pissed off with her. The Malay girl at counter. Reg n half way go off to don't where. Waited for 5mins then come back. When my reg paper/ q nos is already on the table. After see Dr Tan, I went for payment n make appt. when I abt to leave Kkh waiting for shuttle bus. This girl call me ask I didn't make payment. When back to show her my recipt, she still not satisfy. Discuss eith her friends, waited another 10 mins still cannot settle with her friend.
Congrats to recently bfped sisters! Catching some babydusts from you girls

And all the best to girls in 2ww..hang on there!

Just home from the scan and my doc said that most likely ET next week..just hv to test for O everyday starting from this coming sunday.

Hmm..my 2ww then most likely in this case be in the 1st and 2nd week of june .. dh birthday as well as my birthday and our wedding anniversary! So emo thinking about it..
Hi Nurul, doc did tell me that it is ok to take panadol if feeling unwell. Do try if your fever presist. Try to rest early tonite. take care!
kittykatty I dun hv ginger wif me now.
hv been drinkin longan wif red dates but todae I skip it. Btw how r u now? They took my blood test juz now. Hopefully it's fine

No leh. But DH dun allow. Ask me to endure n drink a lot of water.
