IVF/ICSI Support Group

berry...nope, we just hv one Hcg bt before first scan and not even progesterone test. prog test only once abt dpt6.

i think i will request for prog test again this fri...trying to play safe since i am quite old liao..lol

Congrats, berrybaby. Glad to see gd news to start a day.

Grabbing ur babydust!
Thanks xuan, bbsmurf, kitty and Prosepina.

MC. I think its good to have prog BT. My levels were not good and I'm now on Prog jab twice a week (2amp) and urogestan 2, 3x a day. I'm 40, so I think I'm the oldest here.
Hi mc, I am with Dr Roland Chieng at Parkway East. I did my HCG only once, 15DP3T and it was only 203 so I know I am not expecting twins. That is why I am very nervous about the scan. Hope baby is growing fine. Anyway I am sure I am older than you. Jiayou to you too for friday.

Blur_xian thank you for the encouragement.
MC007, Lynn: Good luck on your scared. I m excited for you.

BerryBaby: Congrats on your twins
I m catching our baby dust. I love twins.

KittyBaby: Just when to Dr Zhao for Acupunture. Really works wonder. I feel much better and stomach not so bloated liao.
Thanks Kitty, but I'm still not sure its twins.
Baby dust to all.

Just to recap who's BFP now? Looks like our EDD is very close, let's keep in contact so we can arrange playdates for the kids when they are older next year
i don't even know wats my lining thickness from my first scan.. i did not ask.
going for my second scan on friday.. wat should i ask or take note.
if egg size ok...do we still continue with puregon and lucrin jab?
bruno..u can ask yr lining thickness, no. of follicles, sizes and when,to expect ER..

if yr follicles size are not ideal, u may hv to continue jabbing.
Red Velvet, Which hospital and doctor you are seeing now? I am with KKH but thinking to ask my dr to change the drug to Elonva. Sick of too much of injections on my last IVF.

I just called KKH that the nurse will pass my case to my dr for review whether I am suitable for the drug. The min criteria is not a good producer of eggs on the last round. I also ask the nurse to check the price of the drug. They are still awaiting for the drug to be delivered to their hospital and not much info given to the nurses.

Do share with me with what your doctor said. Thanks in advance.
Niko, am with Raffles. According to the news reported, all hospitals should be rolling it out in June. Check w ur doc. My doc asked me to take it on. Hopefully i am not a "guinea pig".
MC, I have no idea how much the drug is. Ivf treatment is definitely very ex. Now I know already. (shaking my head) I am sure the new drug will be very ex.
mc : thx. i think i a the blur patient who just go and do wat they ask me and not sure wat is happening.

Nurul: don't worry ..just stay positive ..all will be fine
nurul, how come like that! can one meh? nvm la...god plan all this..

yesterday when the nurse told me about my estimated ER date, she said that Dr.Matthew Lau will be away fm 26 to 30May. dont know is it because of this they delay my puregon start date. Then said if during ER, dr is not around, he will get other dr to do it..either Dr.Tan HH or Dr.Jerry. I heard he again away on beginning of June 2012.
just to share: my friend who did medicated FET on 25/4. BT 16dp3dt is 203 which is not quite good according to Dr.Zou. She rushed to Gleneagles on Sun due to spotting (in fact got blood clot). Yesterday tested HCG down to 100+ but doctor still want her to admit till tomorrow to redo BT. sigh! i think this dr is really money face, she spent so much and keep giving her fake hope..
Red Velvet, What is the criteria for your side to take this drug? Are you first timer? Me, just updated new info in my previous post. Scroll up to check it out.

Btw, the drug cost I think can use medisave to deduct but I don't like them to anyhow deduct my medisave...LOl...So, I must find out the price tag first. I am not sure for your side.

Hmm, if we were to take Elonva next month, we are definitely the guinea pigs cos no one try before. They will collect our data for their statistical research.
Prosepina, I heard that the doctors in IVF department have to attend medical conference. If Dr. Tan Heng Hao is doing for you, I think shouldn't be any issue. He is quite skilful.

Btw, Dr. Tan Heng Hao also will be away on next month but I am not sure which dates. I am under him but I usually talk to his co-ordinator.
Oh dear Prosepina, now you're scaring me!! Nevertheless thanks for your info. My doc didn't want me to do another HCG as he is confident that it is a positive pregnancy. However he is monitoring me closely by making sure I have enough support. I am to call him immediately if I happen to bleed.

Nurul dun worry, if they are able to reschedule for another day, it only means your embies are strong enough to survive. All the best for your ER tomorrow.
Lynn, urs 15Dp is 203 which is higher than her and i think is safe. in fact, i check with KK nurses, they said above 200 on 16dp is good. i want to comment is her doctor a bit no good as keep giving her fake hope. she is hoping for miracles..

Dont meant to scare you! sorry....stay positive ya
niko, yeah! actually i dont really care who will do the ER or ET for me..either Dr.Tan, Dr.Jerry or Dr.Sadhana also can
but just dont done by MO or trainee..
Dr Tan HH will be on leave for the whole of next week..fyi..

red velvet..i think private u need to fork up the cash first while kk, they will deduct from cpf so i dun,need to pay when i collect the med. u may want to check

with govt grant, kk price is affordable..
Just seem Dr Tan HH. He will also be away for conference in June. Have check with Dr Tan HH. He said I not suitable for the new drug cos I on high dosage one.
Thanks Prosepina. I guess I am kinda paranoid cos I dun really have any symptoms apart from being tired and crampy like menses is coming. This is my first pregnancy and clueless on what to expect. Lucky I have these ladies here to guide and give me comfort. I hope your friend will be fine and that her HCG will increase. This number game and waiting is driving us all nuts.
Hi kittykatty, glad u are feeling better after acupuncture.
Did Dr Zhao ask you to go back again?

Oh Nurul...dun be disappointed. Your embbies will be more ready to meet u tomolo!
Niko - I may not have the full criteria details. One of them which i know is the number of egg follicles cannot be more than 20 before any fertility treatments. Mine is abt 15 so I am qualified.

Hospitals priced their drug differently. I am sure private hospital is more ex than government hospitals.

MC - I was recommended to Dr Loh at Raffles. Followed her since Dec last year. The whole fertility process is already quite stressful, so I am just going to bite the bullet to go ahead with her. Once you are comfortable with a doc, it is very difficult to switch doctor.
red velvet, can you explain what do you mean "cannot be more than 20 before any fertility treatments"?

We all only have 1 egg before any fertility treatment leh... only after going through ivf than we will know if we have more than 20 or less than 20 leh...
Berryfarmer, at what age were you when your embbies were freeze?

What medicine was used on you to triggle the ET? Lucrin? or what medicine?

I am also coming 40 this year! Don't even have a single seed yet....
red velvet..yes..private mark up their med too..for puregon, my ex gynae at Mt E mark up $200 more for every bottle as compared to kk...so super ex..

Prosperina, when is yr expected ER?
Sunstillshines: Dr Tan HH only said that there some criteria to meet. Look thru my files he only comment I on high dosage type not suitable for the new drug. I didn't ask far cos pity Dr Tan he rush in n out of the consult room. Do procedure n consultation. I saw him at 12.30pm. He have not gone for lunch. Quite a handful of couple still waiting for him.
MC - I know right. Each hospital visit is a heart pain experience. Haha.. Sighzz.

Sunstillshines - I am at the age category you mentioned. Let's jia you together. No risk no gain.

I did my first ultra-sound scan and Dr Loh said I have 15 egg follicles in my ovaries. She based on that scan to determine whether I am qualify for Elonva. Ladies who have done IVF treatments, I am not sure what criteria your doc base upon. Sorry I am also very new here. Hope this helps.
I also see Dr Tan HH today. I think I 'bump' with ladies from this forum but dunno who

He is busy today. Runing here and there. Pity. His schedule at clinic D was always on Wednesday.
No reason for my m/cariage. Ask to do AMH review and SIS.

To see him again in July.
