IVF/ICSI Support Group

fou fou..if by 4.30 they didn't call, u can try calling them. rem to,ask yr prog level. i forget to ask and regret abt it.

dun worry abt symptoms..i also dun hv much..but if you are real thirty, that is a gd sign..;-)

you can also do hpt on fri and go for bt on sat if bfp.

gd luck
Fuo fuo, you wan to call them to ask? I tink i received the call ard 1 plus for the progesterone BT result.

i will be taking leave for my HCG BT. My form writes D17 leh. i dun wan to be caught crying in the office.so paisei...haha.
Kittybaby - no symptoms for me too... But think we don't think too much now. Just try to stay relax. I have been staying at home and watching dramas for the last week... Getting a bit listless now .... My bt also on 25/5, can't wait for it to come....

Kittykatty - just make sure u wear your socks at night .....
KKH finally called... luckily I saw MC msg before the call. I got my prog level which is at 62.92. The nurse says above 30 is good enough.
MC... is that the "real thirty" you are talking about? Or?

Sat will be my D17, think that's why KKH pushed my BT to Mon. HPT on Fri will be D16... scared to do the hpt too early.

Ya Kittybaby, same thoughts but saw that my cover already planned the whole week leave so no choice.
Maybe will just do the hpt on Fri or Sat...
Hi,just to check if bottled chicken essence can be taken during menses?or must wait till clear then can take?

For milk powder,anyone took similac mum or s26 for pregnant ladies in the 2ww instead if ensure? Was thinking to try other milk instead and not sure if this is advisable?

Thanks in advance!
Hi ladies, scan seemed ok.. Biggest egg at 10mm only.. How to make it grow bigger?

Have uped my purgeon to 150 units.. Have to go back on Saturday for scan again.
Hi joanne, I am oso watching dramas to pass time...ya, really hope for 25/5 to come soon...

fuo fuo, i tink MC means thirsty as one of the symptoms? your progesterone level look gd. too bad, i din ask abt mine when they called.
hi shainie,
oh....i'm sorry
u r a strong strong gal
have a good rest now ya.
Hi ladies, had my 1st scan yesterday. Lining 2.5mm, 10 follicles. Started Menopur 450iu + Saizen 10iu alternate days. Dr Yu increased from initial plan Menopur 300iu, according to nurse coz my follicles were too few.. I'm scared to have such high dosage.. aaaargh. 2nd scan on Mon, now up-ing EW and immunocal dose. Hope to have my dosage lowered after the 2nd scan. So sick of eating EW.. Chicken farmers sure happy to see me eating so many

BabyGalore, what's ur lining thickness? Puregon 100 to 150iu is still very little leh. Good tt ur doc thinks u have enuff power to push ur follicles, unlike mine.

Hi LuvNHope. When's ur next scan? No more spotting after stimulation stage?
BabyGalore, I think protein shd increase follicle size. Eat at least 10 EW per day and drink immunocal? Eat fish and other high protein food shd be good too.
For lining if not thick enuff, shd eat red bean.
moo3moo, i'm still spotting, sigh... And the doc can't see me till Sat. But I'm taking some TCM med to stop the spotting. Hopefully it works! Looks like you started stimulation before me?

BabyGalore, hope you dun mind me asking... are you in your 20s? Just wondering if age is the reason your dosage is low.
fou fou..yr prog level looks gd..no need scared abt spotting..
and i mean "thirsty" is a symptom..haha..

moo..how many days hv u jab? 2.5mm seems thin to me.

luv..feel bad abt yr spotting, hope it will stop soon.

Well, some one offered her seat to me in mrt..i mus be looking preggy at such early stg...T.T""
MC thanks for the info. My mum has been telling me to start drinking coconut water but I thought it was just an old wives' tale. Perhaps I will start drinking once a day. Btw have fun listening to your baby's/babies' HB tomorrow. All the best.
Hi ladies ^^

Bbliss, the lao shi is a reiki healer

MC, how many week are you now? My symptom very different from you gals leh. You all feel nuasea but I dont have leh......worry if the bb is growing well or not
oops thanks for the info blur_xuan. Was too engrossed with the info that i misread who posted it. congrats for having twins. double joy, double happiness.
Dun worry blur_xuan. Am sure things gonna be fine. Happy thoughts.. (easier to say but I myself worry sometimes) Take very good care of yourself and dun forget to eat your supports.
mc, 4th day of menses I started lucrin 20iu. 7 days later 'menses' started again for 4 days. I think that's why my lining after 12 days of lucrin is very thin. Maybe 20iu is a bit overdose for me, last time KK only gave me 10iu. I'll wait for my 2nd scan, if still too thin then only red bean can help me..
Wah.. looking preggy at early stage is quite good, can enjoy perks on MRT

Luv, I think continuous spotting is not good for lining. HOpe it can stop soon. I started stim on 13 May, a few days later than u.

blur_xuan, I thot coconut water is very cooling? Mebbe not good for us to drink..
I oso tot its cooling/liang for us.. I tink i will drink but not so often ba.. juz in case.. my doc said avoid papaya n pineapple n oso food wif preservatives..
mc, I started lucrin jab 20iu on 4th day of menses. 7 days later another 'menses' started for 4 days. So after 2 wks of lucrin, my lining became so thin. Last time KK gave me 10iu, mebbe 20iu is a bit high ya. Anyway I wait for my 2nd scan on Mon, if still too thin then I hope red bean + tcm can work miracles..
Wow.. looking preggy in early stage has its perks yar
At least there are still some considerate souls out there..

Luv, I think spotting is not good for lining. Hope it can stop soon yar. I started my stim on 16 May, a few later than yours.

blur_xuan, coconut water is very cooling. I think not so good for early pregnancy. Better confirm with tcm or doctors ba..
Hi moo3, may I know which Dr n hospital u with? During your 1st fresh what stimulation drug u used and how many eggs u retrieved? Will be starting my 3rd fresh in couple of mths and Dr suggested menopur + Saizen. So keen to find out more. Oh one more quest, u start Saizen only during stimulation? Many thank!
Kiki: u don't have nausea is becos u got do healing. Laoshi will help u to lessen the symptoms. Hahaha. Don't worry too much. U r in good hand.
Moo3moo: my lining is 13mm triple..

The problem is I dont take eggs and milk. Maybe that's the reason .. Eating alot of fish and chicken to get the protein needs..
blur xuan...my tummy is bigger now and i can't fit into my pants or jeans anymore...will check with dr tan tml if it is ok.. i can't imagine how big it will get at a later stg..i hv the picture of 黎姿 big tummy when she was preg with twins in my mind..lol

i dun like to eat sour plum..is there any sweet that taste sour?

kikigal...i shld be 5 wks gg 6. nausea depends on individual i think, my fren didn't really hv morning sickness.

moo..gd luck for yr next scan and,hope yr lining gets better
Hi Cas, Chevy,

Sorry think I missed your posts. Too many posts and I didnt read all. Today, I had my review with Dr Yong. Told her I need a break as I am planning on changing job. My menses also finished yesterday. I also got Yomeishu that hubby bought for my 2nd cycle. Maybe I will start to drink soon combined with Coq10, folate and DHEA. Haven slot in conceive well and ensure...All the best your upcoming FET! Wonder how is Jeanne.

I think TCM helped as my cycle length is pretty regular. But this time round, my menses very short, only around 3 days. I will see Dr Zou this sat.

Babysmurf, I ask Dr Yong, she said the new drug ok for me but no info on the price as SGH has not start using that yet. I don't know what will the 3rd try be like and when. However, I have taken the first step to request DHEA from Dr Yong. She gave me to try but warned me to stop if pregnant. I wish I can do a 3rd round soon and get pregnant but impossible at my current plight. Broke and under a evil hearted boss. BUt I will still try my best by taking the supplements.
Usagi: jia you. I believe is detoxing during my AF. Cleanse out everything. That take out my supplements again. Hope it helps u.

Wish you n i1bb don't even need to do 3rd cycle.
Thanks Babysmurf. I hope you succeed naturally too.

In the past 1 month since I started my job hunting, I have been to 7 interviews and met maybe at least 5 agents. Hope I land 1 soon.
usagi:think finance job should be quite easy to switch? Am I right? 7 interviews are quite alot. hope u will have good news soon.

Dear Sisters, I find charting BBT very stressful, esp when BBT suppose to stay high but drop. Worried got other medical prob. But BBT is a good way to find out if our prob is at follicular or luteal phase, this may be a good way to understand our body.
Gd nite
