IVF/ICSI Support Group

Egg_Factory, hugs....hope u pick yourself up very soon! Understand how u feel as I was devastated when I failed my 2nd fresh with no frozen embbies. Is good to take a break before u embark on your next cycle. Jia You!

Egg Factory...hugz...gd tat u still hv bal blasto...rest well and try again..

Chrisl..gd luck for yr scan tml..

foufou, kittykatty, kittybaby..jia you on yr 2ww..
nurul..gd luck for yr ET tml..

jenny..welcome..if u need any info, we are all here to help. which hospital and dr are u with?
xie xie ni Mc007
Thanks LuvNhope for the advise.
Just now i was too surprised to react and think of questions to ask when told of it and my DH din go with me. will find out next time when i go again.
Btw, did your observation embryos grow and get to be frozen?

Thanks kittykatty too.
You are right. I should focus on the 2 embbies in my tummy!

Hope you will feel better after your acupuncture.
Kitty baby, yeah, focus on ur two inside u.

Only one of my two under observation cld be frozen if I recall correctly.

Bbjourney, my AF seems to b stopping. Hope it doesn't start tmw morning again.
Thanks LuvNhope.

Nurul, I tink i rested abt 10min to 15 min? cos we wait for the embryologist to come and explain to us.
After i changed and come out, i see the nurse immediately called the next 1 in.
If you are the last one, I think you can rest longer...
All the best for your ET tomolo!
nurul... me was in the smaller procedure room. After Dr left, waited for abt 10mins for the embroyist. So rested till the embroyist finished his report.

All the best for your ER tml!
LuvNHope, thats good news. Stay positive and stress free. Jiayou!

Chrisl, good luck for your scan tomorrow.

Nurul, good luck for your ET.
Hi again! I'm seeing Dr Sadhana at KKH. Now waiting for AF to visit. Never been happier for it to come! Mine will be a short protocol. (sry, dun really know all the jargons) and will only be injecting for 12 days as I have PCOS and doc is afraid I will have OHSS. I'm so excited and nervous just thinking of it!

Now I have you girls, there's someone to share my worries and fears with! Thank you all!
Hi Cas,
Ya talk to them to find which process best suit u. My menses was late for 3 days after the last cycle. Hopefully no impact on FET. Am not sure if Tcm does work but i sure wish it will increase my chances lah

Don't worry okie.... U have all the support here. Absorb the positive and purge the negative! Let's jia you together!
Thank you sunstillshines. See both tan tmr. Want to find out more on the new drug n request to do some tests. Then ask TSB to give medication to induce mens. Her herbal very Heaty for me.
No prob Chris! Where is blur_xuan?

Miracle, we might b cycle buddy if your af come now
I'll b starting puregon on 19/5. But I'm on long protocol so usually 9-12 jabs only
Piglet, I was contempting to start fresh this cycle. I made apptmt to see Dr Loh on D4. I freaked out... I told him this month I should track my cycle to check ovulation and next month I will do the IVF.

Do you mean you will be seeing Tan HH tomorrow?

Monday was my first visit of Dr Loh... My hb and I have the impression that Dr Loh is an old man... I even thought he has very little hair....

I usually sweat after drinking TSB medicine. Worst, after taking her medicine, I also grow pimples on my face when ovulation is coming.
Hi everyone.. Been awhile since I was on this forum.. Planning to do my 3rd ivf and the thot of it already scares me. reading your postings on this forum is sort of relieve for me..

Am going to be seeing dr Sadhana of kkivf for the first time. Was seeing sf Loh the previous attempt. Anyone seeing dr Sadhana too? Any views to share? Would appreciate thank info.. Thanks
Sunstillshines..Prosepina. I woke up at 3 cant sleep.. Till 5 den went bk to zzz.. Thunderstorm make me n my dog cant zzz.. hehe..
Scan good.. See their heartbeat pop pop pop pop.. so cute.. so amazing..
Congrats blur_xian. My heartbeat scan is this friday and I am a nervous wreck! Been having cramps and backache, though they are milld. Were you given more progesterone support?
Thanks Prosepina n Lynn.. Doc said haf to wait till 3 weeks ltr for it to b stable den tell ppl.. haha.. I cant help it la.. Lynn nope juz 3 times a day for e progesterone..
Been really busy and had no time to log in for awhile since the start of my FET.

Sugary, how was your ET, and when is your BT?

Just want to bring share some good news and sprinkle some baby dust too. Did my BT on 7/5 and it was BFP, HCG was 886. Repeated on 17dpt was 3450 and yesterday 22dpt was 15000+. Nurses say good chance of twins. Can anyone with twin share their hcg numbers? Getting a little nervous and scared cos I already have 2 boys. TIA
You are right. It's me
Mine ET was at 10:30am. He was very busy on Monday. Many people waiting outside to consult him and a few more at the back waiting their turn for ET, ER or FET.

Hehe.....Dr Loh old man meh? No la. He can be quite humorous and funny sometimes. And Sometimes he can be a man of a few words. I guess he has lots of patient waiting. Don t worry, you are in good hands. I m quite happy with him and the nurses there so far. Only thing is my pocket has a very very big hole now. My gf succeeded with twins under him 2 years ago and recommended him to me. But I guess i was late, when I m ready to do ivf he is at TMC liao. But me and hubby decided to take the plunge and go with him as are desparate liao.

Hope you ovulate this month and good luck in starting a new cycle. Jia You!
Actually, I'm more scared cos I had a dream sometime ago that I had twin boys, imagine 4 monkeys at home :p

MC, don't you need to repeat BT every week at least in KK? Did the nurses tell you its likely to be twins? At SGH we do weekly BT for Progesterone, E2 and HCG till scan. I did one extra at my private gynae as I had history of low progesterone and he repeated HCG for his records.

Blur Xuan, can you share your HCG levels?
Congrate ladies. So good to hear so many twins. Double bbdusts here.

Nurul: jia you. I also at kkh waiting to see Dr Tan.

Today a little pissed off with the reg counter at clinic D. The staff reg half way don't go where then come back. When to IVF centre to check out their date. The nurse remember me by my name. My last visit with them is like 5 months ago. Feel so touch by them.
