IVF/ICSI Support Group

i1BB wil do. Thanks dear

Chrisl, me nothing to contribute leh. Not doing anything at the moment except gg tcm nia lor. Last fresh shd b end of the year ba...
i1BB chin up ok? Going TCM is also a good step to do, well at least you are doing what you can while waiting for your fresh
you're UPing your chances ok! but Might want to take up a new hobby meanwhile. Think about it, after bfped no time to do hobbies liao..likewise me now, trying to clear my backlog stuffs laying around at home, unpacked boxes of stuffs and clothes etc..and also trying to finish my forever-take-so-long-time-to-finsh cross stitch of precious moments and scrapbookings etc..
Nurul, Alamak .....no ginger.
Can try panadol. Same. Nurse tell me can take the normal panadol (not panadol flu) before ET. I took panadol too.
Today, much better liao. But, tummy still a bit cramp
kittykatty u so cute..never mind I try to sleep onie. Hopefully it goes of by e tyme I woke up tomorrow morning. My cramps getting better too. It's juz dat my appetite is bad. I olwaes hav to lie down. If sit abit long i'll get nauseous.
Haha chrisl, dnt worry abt me. I'm ok! Not feeling down... Feeling normal. Just felt Abit "no up no down" cos ain't doing anything substantial (yet) but still doing something lah. Just not concrete enough. O dear, I Abit 语无伦次hor. Wahahaha.... My new hobby now is gg tcm n accu lor... Zzzz....

Oh today I got a tad bit emo when I saw my friend's colleague posting her pregnancy shots on fb. She saw me n my dh ard year 2011 at kkivf when I was doing my 1st fresh. She did hers n bfp 1st try... She's now in week 39. I felt envyness n Abit down for myself... But I'll b ok in awhile la... Just a tad bit 感触nia lor... Hehe
nurul hv u try 100plus. Previously i had ohss also. I do vomit after ER and after ET. Nausea too. Drink more water. Normally in the evening after ET everything will be ok and that time only feel really hungry. Just share my experience.

Good nite everyone
Red Velvet and HappyPinky, I will be doing my 2nd IVF fresh cycle next month pending on my AF. However, I am not sure which drugs will be used as I asked for Elonva today but the nurses said Dr. TanHH need to review my case first and get back to me by tmr. Nevertheless, we jia you together ya!

HappyPinky, I have finished the first month chinese medicine given by my TCM. I think I will visit the TCM soon. Supposed to be on Day 5 menses which I predict is next week but maybe I will be out of town. Will update you again about my progress later.

Dr. TanHH used apple as for your case illustration but he gave me a shock example. He said my husband look handsome and charming but he don't know whether my husband got evil heart or not. Sighs. The nurse who assisted him also shocked.

For my mc, I didn't request for genetic test as I think it is not relatively relevant. Maybe chromosome test is more applicable. Dr. TanHH said will be very expensive...double the price of our IVF cost. So, I think no point doing it. Since what is gone cannot be back, I will only look forward for the next cycle. If still fail, then I will rest for a year.

Oyasumi nasai Shainie!
Niko, I have just started my tcm this week. It is very bitter, n make me shivers when drinking it. Feel so hot to brew med under this hot weather. Make me questioning myself y I have to go through all these..... Sad ya..
Hi ladies,
Very new to this forum. Feels great to know tat u r not alone, gg thru e procedures!

I'm Ain, just started on my Lucrin jab for 7 days now. Gonna go back KK to see DR Tan H H on e 23rd May.
Happypinky, hugs...hugs...I also shivered when I took my med but after I drink it, I will take a sweet cos dun really love the bitter taste.

Sometimes things happen for a reason. This is what I always tell myself. Life is a journey. Enjoy each and every adventure we have along even it is not a pleasant one. Learn from it and move on. This is how we live on as a human being in this planet.

I don't know whether crying will help you relieve. I did cried a few times before this but after that I will be okay. You may talk to husband how you feel. Maybe will help you vent out all the anger and sadness.
Hi Nurul Ain. Welcome
please do feel free to ask around here if u hav any doubts. We are happy to help u if it's within our knowledge
ryte ladies?
I1bb, morning.... How r u? Tomoro seeing Dr Veronique rite. Me waiting to do BT for tomoro appt. Hope my level can go back to normal.

Nurul, all the best for ur ET and enjoy ur 2ww.
Morning nurul, all the best to ur ET later! It's a rainy morning, traffic is bad, leave hse early

Me still stuck in traffic... Gog KKH for the progesterone BT. The paper states it's my D8. If the embbies decided to settle down inside, they would have started n implanted themselves, right? Nothing more can be done...

Anyway, today's the last day of my leave. Gog back work tml....
morning ladies.

Maybe I check any side effect for dydrogesterone. actually my dosage is 10mg 1 tablet 2x a day. But blue me just pop 2tablet a once go. How how?
Morning Fou fou thanks for ur info. Me gg out soon. Don't worry dear. Ur embbies r safe n sound in u. Hav e positive vibes ya. I'll b rootin ol e way for u til u BFP.

happypinky thanks ya.

BabyGalore thanks dear.
Morning ladies..

Good luck to your ET nurul..

Good luck to your BT BabyGalore & Fou Fou...

Fou Fou, how come go back to work tomorrow? i thought we have 19 days HL?

I just told my boss about my IVF yesterday, felt relieve after telling her, at least she can give me more room to breath..
Yoyo Sarah, ya lor. Tmr apt.... dnt knw wat will Dr Veronique say. Good luck to your BT ya. Hope all's well n u can proceed further

Yo Nurul, mai nervous. Relax. U will b seeing your babies soon leh.... Zen Zen ya. All will be well. I'll b rooting for u here ya.
Hi berry baby, congrats ! Would juz like to know wat e diff bet natural FET n regulated FET ?

U concieved yr 1st bb naturally den 2nd one via fresh ivf ? Mind to share yr age range when u attempted FET ?

Much appreciated
Thanks happypinky, babygalore, nurul, prosepina & i1bb for your well wishes!

Prosepina, me paiseh to take another 2 weeks HL coz I took it last cycle which was in Feb. Did not inform office what I was doing & they were so many guesses!!! Great that u are able to inform your boss. My office very big & "gossipy". Plus a lot of re-structuring gog on. Sigh... not a good time to inform my boss.
So this cycle I asked for 3 days MC to cover ER & ET. Then took 4 days leave. Hope no one will ask this time round. Tml is already D9 = 8dpt? Should be alright to work... me just walk around in office less, walk slowly...drive slowly. Then I can rest for the weekend again!

Babygalore, how's your scan?

How's the rest of the sistas in 2ww doing? Me still cant sleep well at night...
In SGH, for natural only monitor lining and size of eggs by doing scan D2, D9 and then when lining >8mm and eggs >14mm, switch to do twice daily LH blood test till a surge is detected, which they feels is the best time since womb is ready. So 2-3 days after surge, ET is performed.
For regulated, we start with Lucrin suppression, 2 weeks, then BT to confirm suppression before starting Progynova and Cyclogest for another 2 weeks. Then 1 final scan to confirm lining >8mm and ET performed 2-3 days later. And continue both med till end of tri 1. so very lei chei.

Yes, 1 naturally after seeing Dr Tan TCM and spending $1.5K on an old wild ginseng... Second one via fresh IVF. Then started FET since Dec last year when I'm almost 40.

What about you, which stage now?
fou fou, me in big company also! just bo chap..if ppl want to talk then just talk lo..just pretend didnt hear it(hopefully i can)..

yeah! walk slowly, drive slowly especially reaching hump..just for fri then weekend u can rest
good choice..
Fou Fou,
I know what you mean. Me too going back on Mon to work Liao. Only take 1 week HL. Can t take so long even i wish i could. My office also have many "pat po" / busybody keep on guesing and asking around why I am on HL and why I don t wear high heels anymore and wear flat. Sigh! How I wish they will leave me alone.

Sorry ladies, a bit emo today....

I slept in air con last 2 nights and can sleep peacefully. Without air on I can t sleep. Is it ok to sleep in aircon in 2ww?
Kittykatty, it happens to me on my last cycle too. Everyone in office asked n guessed. N even start spreading y away for 2 weeks. Really very tired with them. Try to ignore them what to do n bury myself with work
Hello all.. have been busy at work this morning so just have time to go over the thread..

Nurul..gd luck to your ET.. you should hv completed ET by now..haha

Fou Fou.. gd luck on your BT. Work real slowly tomorrow okie.. I took 2wks HL but offered to work from home so its still not too bad.

Kittykatty.. its ok lah..I slept in aircon every night.. dun worry..

Prosperina.. I respect yr courage to tell the co. Now, I am wondering how to tell my Co about my preg..lol.. they might wonder go for ops den suddenly preg..haha.. will wait till I can't hide anymore then tell.

i1BB..gd luck for your review tml.. why u need to wait till yr end..still so long leh
MC, dont tell first wait till they see lo! is ok ah, just tell them u did ops then got bingo

my company considering promote me to another level which i just got my promotion last few months back. i need to tell them my plan before they break this news to me. i want my boss to plan ahead as is only me n her doing all the reports, budgets, forecasts, consol..sigh! every month also got dateline to meet, so i got no choice have to tell her, else it will be so unfair to her.

To my surprise, she sounded quite supportive (pretend or not i dont know) and told me one of the girl in my department did that last year too. she said if i really want kid then should keep trying..that's really a relieve to me..
nurul: all the best to ur 2ww!!

fou fou, kittykatty: take good care if u r going back to work soon. just let those busybody guess haha.

Prosperina: me too told my boss abt my ivf, and I told even before my cycle start. lucky he was quite understanding.

mc: i think no need to explain how u get preg lah. let them ponder haha. later when u cant hide, then can say u din go ops but an tai at home to play safe... up to u to twist ur story. hehehe. ur scan tmr rite? good luck.
Happypinky: Okie. I ll try and ignore them too
You stay strong and jia you. Try pinching your nose when you drink the TCM medicine. That's what I do so that I can t smell them. Then quickly have a sweet.

Prosepina: Thanks for the encouragement
How are you getting along with the jab? Very soon you will join us.

MC 007: that's a relieve to know. But, I think TCM will surely says no to aircon. But I ll still sleep with the aircon but will not turn on so cold as I feel worse if I can t sleep.

Mel: Thanks
You stay strong and jia you, ya.
i1BB, I also feel the same.. Envy to my friends. Only God knows how it feel when other hold their baby in their arm. Emo + sad

Niko jiayou. Journey never end until we hold our baby(ies) in our arm.
I am oso going back to office to work next week. Hai, have to start squeezing on mrt and buses again...
I already taken 2 weeke HL.
the HL suppose to cover for 19days until next week. This week actually already logging in from home to clear some emails. My colleagues seem to be working so hard. Feel abit guilty. :p So more that I want to succeed!!

I oso can't sleep well at nite. Even on aircon still can't have deep sleep. Last time, i can sleep thru the nite with aircon. My DH say cos i have too little activity in the day, hence not tired enuff to sleep well at nite.

Up till now, I haven't see/ feel any symptoms yet. dun noe if my embbies are still there anot...
Fuo fuo and Joanne, did you all feel anything symptoms yet?

Actually what are some of the symptoms to look out for? i noe i din see any implantation spotting...

How is Nurul? think she should have already "meet" her emmbies already rite?

Fuo fuo, hope your BT is fine...

when would be your HCG BT? Mine is next fri.
Also feel very emo today. Shainie & i1BB, I can also understand how u feel too.
Couple of my colleagues and closed frens got preggie lately. Some even talking abt when to have a 2nd one. Sighz..feel like am even struggling to get one. And my time is all spent on tcm, accupuncture and filling my body with vitamins & LRD drinks =( Let's jiayou bah!

Kittykatty, ya...that's what happened the last round. When I got back, I just avoided their qns by telling them I am fine & I had a good rest.

Kittybaby, ya no clear symptoms for me, no implantation spotting. just like you... not sure if my embbies have "settled in"?
TRying my best not to be bother about the symptoms..arggh...

My BT on Mon, 28th...D19.. still so long! And I cant take leave that day... Am contemplating to do a test on my own during the weekend before so that the shock if its worst case will not affect me during work on Mon.
