IVF/ICSI Support Group

awt: i'm also having breakout...

blessing: good that u have supportive colleagues. dont worry abt work lah. :p
my boss found someone to cover my job during this period.
haha... by the time i'm back, think i'll do other things liao.

my appetite is super good, though feel bloated, but still can eat.
one of my few pleasures now leh.

nurse mentioned that the blood test is to see if we have good level of progestrone.
if not, then have to supplement with medication.

su: yes, clear the soldiers between 3 to 5 days before ER.

kimmy, kkh only give 3 days mc for fet so i took my own leave. Will return office this Thu. I think 1 week of rest is enough, better keep my mind occupied if not will get crazy.. haha!
Hi Minako,

It came last month when I had the m/c but it seems like this month's cycle is late. I think my menses is still not regular. I am waiting to do FET in August. :S
minako, thks. wil ask e nurse tis fri. coz is my first scan. ;p yup working k help keep one's mind occupied. u rest well. k try again when u r ready. “十扑你”

grace, thks. 2ww wil pass veri fast and believe u wil have the bfp.
Grace > Wah u hv supportive boss. Good that he hired a temp to help. My side short handed. My boss pregnancy got some issues and she may need to be bed rest at third trimester. And she is asking whether I can cover her work....I would love to help but I'm so flooded too.

Kimmy> Im also on short protocol is how many days from d2 till ER? Abt 14 days is it? So that 14 days we will be going in and out of kkh for scans and jabs? Do they give mc?

So after Er till Et and BT, they give 18 days mc?

All the best!! BFP to all!

Ladies I feel so worn out from work* headache*
Su: Thanks. yes BFP!

Tanny: No lah, not temp. Am in a big organization, so boss got my colleague to cover and slow down other projects.
benefit of being in big organization.

Yes ER till BT, KKH gave me 19 days mc.

Work is good to keep the mind occupied, but shiong work got a lot of stress.
12bmom: thanks for your explanation about why we need to take the various stuff! I'm the kind that will only take if I fully understand why I'm taking it. Oh no.. I hate red bean soup... boohoo, will red bean ice cream do?

Also, you mean you only got 3 days MC? I thought we get MC from day of egg retrieval? Aiyo, if must take my own AL then I'll just go back to work. AL is precious...

kimmy: sounds like all is going well! You responded well to the meds since there's so many eggs! Congrats!

tanny: To my knowledge they don't give mc ... but I think you can ask for one? or at least a time off sheet. Sounds liek its very busy for you at work too! Maybe after your boss has her kid, she will be more understanding, as she got your help. So she'll be appreciative and understanding when you need help in future :D Good investment now! Good luck!

Hopeful: good luck! You're just prob 1 week behind Su,kimmy and myself! I actually had total of 3 weeks of lucrin cos my period came late! I was so stressed that I need to abort by then 3rd week if no period. Good luck! Hope you don't have to go through what I went through.

Su: oh no! I didn't know that er might be on Sat or monday! I assumed and predict tues, so that I can plan for coverage when I'm away from work.. oh no, I even booked for a meeting on Monday! *cross fingers* Maybe if Monday meeting at 830, I can still go.

Anyways, maybe we will see each other on Friday.. I still haven't decided whether to go very early, or go super late. you?
those thru FET already paying for cash, may I know how much to pay? I forget to ask the nurse!
Another thing, did you manage to insert cyclogest into vagina and how did you do that?
Today if womb thickness is 11mm, is it normal or ok to have et 3 days later? Like that, I worry excess linning on et will reject the surviving embroys.. pls advise.. TIA!!
wongval, i nt too sure whether e ER wil b on a wkdae or wkend. but i hope is on a fri, then we dun hv to take AL n k rest on wkend. hee hee. ;p
i stil tinking whether to take half dae or full dae leave. haha. coz we need to bring lucrin n puregon w ice pack to kkh. ^^
Su, I thought on the ER day your HL starts already? :S I thought that's what the nurse said. Cos its the ER day that you might not feel as well... sisters with experience, is that right? In that case you don't need to worry if what day it is on right?
Oh my, I didn't know need to bring lucrin and puregon to KK! Yikes! Thank god you mention it now...
I'm not even taking leave on Friday, cos I assumed will not be doing er at all. I took 2 hrs timeoff only. haha.. I'm so unprepared.

flowers&fruits: Yes, I'm with KK. oh man, I must talk to the sister then.

my little joy: I read journal articles that stated that the success rates of IVF/ICSI correlates with thickness of uterine lining. Apparently, there is high success of pregnancy when lining is more than 10 mm. So if yours is 11 mm, sounds like it is good! I can help search for the article(s) if you wish
my little joy: According to Kovacs et al. (2003): This is copied from the abstract:
There were more follicles, oocytes and embryos, the endometrium was thicker and the embryo quality was higher among women who became pregnant when compared with non‐pregnant women after assisted reproduction. The pregnancy rate improved as endometrial thickness increased.

Do note though: Increased endometrial thickness is associated with higher pregnancy rates. However, neither attainment of pregnancy nor pregnancy outcome was predicted by endometrial thickness alone. --> Meaning that it may result in high pregnancy rates, but subsequent outcomes of pregnancy (e.g. live births etc.) may not be accurate.

PS: I read the abstract only, so not sure if the results of the study etc. is reliable or valid

Hopefully you're not so worried now!
Wongval, ice-cream is no-no cos it will make your womb cold. Avoid all cold drinks as much as possible. I doing frozen transfer so only 3 days mc. For fresh cycle, you will be given hospitalization leave from er onwards. Remember to request up to hcg bt date (17-19days)

Miracle_baby, fet in kkh cost btw 1.1k-3k. Depends whether you need assisted hatching or a not. Are you doing natural thaw or artificial thaw fet? Dun worry, 11mm lining thickness is perfect!! Ideal thickness is btw 10-13mm. Abt the pessary, you can insert through anus or v (remember after poo & pee) then lie down for 15mins for body to absorb. If u feel uncomfortable insert yourself, ask DH do it for you. Men need to do contribute some effort during 2ww too! Mine done by DH every am & pm ;p

Away, is it spotting or af? Fresh or old blood? Today how many days passed transfer? Any cramps? I suggest bedrest & monitor 1st as it may be inplantation spotting.
hi 12bmom

i jux started the FET cycle, actually on 10 days of Duphaston to trigger the menses. Normally my menses shd come few days after i finish the Duphaston, but i start to have staining. It is still spotting of old blood... but i feel my breast swollen and a bit of feeling in the womb like menses coming.
Thanks for furnishing me with useful info. Tat I dunno and I tot by ET day, the lining thickness will become over 13mm or even 15mm may lessen the much higher chance of pregnancy success. however the study is not scientific evidence,right? Luck still play a part in our success.

you have your 1st FET done,rite? If so, then I must say you know a lot of IVF/FET things very well. Ya doing artificial thraw FET. wow 1.5 to 3k? so much to pay! cash upfront on et? Yesterday my first scan shows 11mm thickness and next, I will have ET on this coming Friday! so fast already. Close to one month only now. I am kind of nervous again. About lining thickness, I wonder why D3 instead of D2 transfer. How about you? How many embroys you put in? All survive after thraw? I only have my last two little darlings.

I want to wish you all get your wish real soon! jiayou!!
wat pessary can help? suddenly think why need to insert into v or rectum? why no oral medicine instead? make me wonder... how come I never question the nurse? my head must be so rusty haha
my little joy: the one I quoted is a medical journal article. Journal articles are scientific literature.
When a study is done, it is usually published in a medical/scientific journal. You will need to know how to critic the article to determine how much you 'believe' in these articles. I usually go search medical journals to check if there is evidence. You can do that through google scholar as well.
wongval, haha. i tot i k work 1 to 2 days so i k pass my work to someone to take over. ;p look like i need to let my boss noe tat i wil on HL when ER.
yes, we need to bring lucrin n puregon. it was written on e form. e nurse say need to jab lucrin in e morning, puregon dun jab first, cme down kkh for e scan.
away, Duphaston can trigger af? tat time during fresh cycle, I was given Duphaston for extra support cos spotting. Wow.. i learn someting new!

miracle_baby, during fresh when retreived follicles is consider D0, fertilized is D1 & transfer D2. So they freeze the remaining embryos @ D2. For fet, they need 1 day to thaw so its D3 transfer. Some ppl request for blastocyst transfer, it is call D5 transfer.

I'm also doing artificial thaw cycle & paid $1k+ after et but my friend pay 1.5k. Not sure why? Maybe # of embryo transfer made a difference. If need AH, you need pay 1k+ more.

I had 3 frozen & request to thaw all. But only 1 managed to survive so transfer only tat precious one. However, one of my friend's embryos survive thaw & she transferred 3.

If you feel really uncomfortable about pessary then you request for pregnyl jab. I tink is jab 1000units every 3days. You can DIY or go KK jab but must be careful when breaking the bottle-neck to mix the powder & liquid.
hi 12bmom
when is your BT? hope your only one precious will stick with you all the way!! oh mmm not so easy to guarantee my little twos' survival after thraw!
Glad I did well for my first time on trying pessary by myself this am and will continue till ET.
Thank you for explaining the whole process.
Will receive the bill and then pay,right? If it is more than 2k, can I ask for medisave but without govt grant?
Miracle_baby, the cost is only about 2k, not worth to use medisave cos you can only deduct 3x in a lifetime. (max capped 6k, 5k, 4k) i think govt grant (3k) only for fresh cycle & also only 3x in a lifetime. It is better to keep it in case you need to do fresh again *touchwood
12bmom I understand so I assure it can't be that I can just request to ask for deduction from medisave account but don't get govt grant together. Right?
Did you success your first IVF attempt?
minako, hi how ru?

miracle baby, I pay $1k for my FET excluded insurance & medicine. I transfer 3 embbies. The cost will be different depends on the thawing process eg AH is more expensive, Day5 @ blast transfer is more exp also. Normally the cost is around $1k for normal thawing @ day3 transfer. The big different also is the insurance coz I pay $900 plus for 3 embbies compare to 2 embbies which the insurance is only $200 plus.
thanks shainie for your answers. So you request for 3 frozen to thraw so all survive? Must be.. real fighters! Good if really.You bfp oredi?
I hope to pay 1k affordable since I don't think I request AH and Blast transfer.
sorry I don't follow up with the past posts.
shainie I see.. you must take care! Hope you will be happy one more time again for your BB hb this week or next week.

My late Congrats to you finally bfp!
miracle_baby, I didn't succeed on fresh so doing fet now.

Shainie, I'm good.. having cramps on & off. Will go backto office tmr. When is your next scan?

Hazel, kkh charge you $600 for AH? Why mine is 1.5k? Sometimes really wonder how do they calculate?
Ron- yap, result 25, so wait for tis round menses then start long protocol.
So I be hanging around storing all babydust.
How's yr jab today? Hope everything swee swee & bfp for u.
12bmom, that was the amt shown on my bill. I asked dr Loh last wk. He said embryologist decide no need To ask him...
BNB - that's good news! 25 is more like it!
today's scan & hormonal BT all cleared so fingers crossed for this cycle.
Hi sistas, my scan next Monday to determine FET. Seeking cycle buddies. Any cycle buddies out there who care to share on prep to ensure good lining(thickness). tks
Sunstillshines, yes.. today 6dp3dt.

Shainie, great!! So tmr you will koe singleton, twin or triplets?

Lacey, Are you doing natural or medicated fet?
Hi 12bmom, wat is the diff? I will be on Lucrin and progynova right up to D12 afterwhichstart cyclogest and continue progynova right upto ET. Sorry I was so stressed up after MC in Feb and determine to recover for FET nutrient do any reading to prep myself.
Sorry iPhone autocorrect! I meant did not read up on FET. so a lol lost and didn't think of even inquiring at the clinic!
SarahN, as long u taking meds/jabs means you are doing medicated fet. No need to ovulate, juz monitor lining thickness. Are you also doing at KKH? Are you taking any Tcm or doing acupuncture? Are you drinking immunocal or taking any supplements?
Hi 12bmom, i guess i am on medicated FET. I am with SGH. I did TCM and Acu for my past 3 IVFs but this time i did not. I am taking folic acid, and Obimin.
Hello Su!, morning sisters!

I'm back from KKH. Oh goodness today the queue for doc review was terribly long because I saw her walking to clinic D quite a few times, think is to check something w Dr?
Anyways, I've got about 12 follicles, right biggest is 14mm and left biggest is 11mm. The doc on duty told me that looks like this week cannot do eggs pick up but most likely Sat or Mon (??) Faints. She ask me come back tomorrow to scan and review again because she really doesn't know. But she said growth so far so good. My lining is just 8mm at the moment though...and she didn't say anything about that one, so am not sure.
So looks like I might bump into you and Wongval at kkh tomorrow after all

Minako, do you get soft stools when you first start on immunocal? I did leh...this morning & I kept wondering if I ate anything on. Free tmr for lunch? Go out gai gai or you're back at work already?

Anyone else keen for some delish thai food tomorrow east area? Am meeting some up with 2 sisters...1 on fet, another doing BT ;)
kimmy, gd to hear ur follicles r doing well n so r u. hee hee. wow sat or mon, tat fast. so excited for u.

yeah. u going tomoro too. we wil hv funny guessing who is who. hahahaha.

wah... i'm also going kkh tmr for BT. but early morning.

kimmy: before my ER, i also went there on fri (biggest 13mm), sat(15mm), mon(19mm) for follicle scan. then tues night for the jab to release. thurs for ER, then sat for ET.
in the end, ER 18 eggs. that reminds me tmr need to collect the summary report for the embroyo as well.

how are we going to recognize each other? :p
