IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi hazel,

stingray n shark meat cannot eat as high in mercury, swordfish, mackeral, tuna are high in mercury so take in moderation. peanut take sparingly as may cause skin allergy for bb esp if parents have enzema etc. Like me i tried to avoid cos hb have enzema.

hi hazel,

i take less than 1/2 cup of coffee daily just maybe a few sips lor.. cos my hb will be watching me as i share coffee with him daily
just tat now i seldom take tea. i used to love chinese/green tea and teh tarik. Now totally avoid.
dear ocean: i had d same dilemma as u before i embarked on my first ivf in june. to wait for menses to come or not to, cos i really wan to start the cycle asap.

Moreover i have long cycle as i hv mild pcos. in d end for me, i decided to let it come on its own. hope u can wait maybe let nature run its course. esp if u are not in a hurry to start or due to work or any committments etc.
Try nt to think abt it. Hope it will come on soon for u to start ur FET. good luck to u.
ya hazel,

i went to the mtb thread before le...but now they started to discuss about their kids liao like wat to buy, where to go for enrichment classes etc.....
Blessing, we can be 2ww buddies liao. I'm due for hcg bt on 15jul with KKH too! Did you take immunocal? I find after taking it, I'm able to pass smoothly.

Flowers, no symptom can also bfp, your hcg bt is this wk rite?

Kimmy, if not too troublesome maybe u can try cook your own chicken essence. Juz buy whole chicken, remove head, neck, feet then remove all skin & fats. Break the bones then use a double boiler & cook for 3hrs. Depend on size of chicken, you will get abt 1/2 to 3/4 bowl of essence. No smell at all. Best taken during 2ww.

Thanks minako for the tips...yeah was thinking of cooking my own essence but too lazy to chop off whole chicken and watch fire that's why thought essence is short cut. hah! Maybe 2ww then I will cook more of that chicken (cuz if I ask mil to help me, she will probably glare at me)

Thanks J03 for the link. Its very useful and there's photos! Mm so meaning I can just add wolfberries to it right?
awt: my 2ww due 18 Jul.
kimmy: another 14 days.

blessing / 12bmom: great to find more cycle partners... looks like my due for 2ww is latest.

chris: haha.. have been on tvb for the last 3 days. makes me so stoney.
hi hi, *shake hand shake hand* to minoka & grace. I'm so happy to find more cycle buddies here. hee..

Minoka: so coincidental we shared d same hcg bt date and at same place! I am also taking immunocal now but on alternate days, due to my bloatedness basically can't take alot bu stuff which i had prepared for myself earlier. Moreover, i still hv to take the antibodics (morning/night) and after taking it cannot take with milk, calcium, iron stuff within d 2 hrs. I think KK shld hv prescibed that to u as well? so alot of things before i take i must time it out properly. So how are u taking it so far?

grace: are u doing fine so far? hope we all can sail thru 2ww fast fast.

Not sure if you ladies experience it. Last night I got quite bad cramps and woke up and then can't sleep and kept tossing in bed till dawn. Like those menses cramps. I know cannot be AF reporting since only a few days post transfer, i hope its not something -, i dare not read too much into it also.

May i know whether u gals be gg back to work soon or after ur hcg bt?
grace: 14 days will be over very soon hehe. r you drinking the red dates tea everyday now? ;) rem. to pass on bb dust!

blessings: i've quit my job to start this along with some other sisters in the forum. let us know if u're keen to meet-up for some tea/snacks during your 2ww. of course, rest first. That's most important!

su / wongval: can I ask if your appetite has reduced during this stim stage? I had 2 eggs for bfast, and then a huge cream puff for lunch then when I cooked some jap curry ramen suddenly I ate half way then very full already because all bloated. :\

flowers: maybe no symptoms becuz its going to be a smooth preg and you're relaxed!

I started using conceive well gold from last month. Now my periods are delayed for 8 days while it used to be regular otherwise. I was supposed to start FET after this AF. Did anyone had late periods after using conceive well gold?
i hv done hpt on 34th day. it was negt. will chk it again if it does'nt show by 45 days. but very unlikely for me to becom preg natrlly. thatswy chkg if thse prental vitamins are making this game.
hope283, in that case wait for another 1more wk and do hpt again. Sometimes the fresh cycle make our AF haywire eventhough u have a regular AF. Dunno abt conceive well make our AF delay..

I have a brand new box of Immunocal (30pouches) selling @ SGD85. Usual price is $100 (sold at OG). Expiry date : Feb2012.

Payment upon self-collection.

Interested parties, please drop me a PM.

blessing: i was given the antibiotics but not immunocal.
experienced some cramps, but not till the stage of cant sleep.

on hospital leave all the way till 18 Jul, already told boss quite sometime ago.
already pre-empt boss will try until i give up, getting old liao.

yap, hope we sail thru 2ww fast fast and have the bfp!

kimmy: start red dates tea now? i din eat anything special.
if have the bfp, will also consider taking leave, then can jio me for the outings.

after all the kan jiong settled down, dont have to work and get paid is quite shiok. :p
Kimmy, hmm, I'm not sure.. I think I'm very dense about bodily changes. When I first started lucrin for the first week, I was a always hungry! Kept eating super! Now, its back to normal... thankfully still haven't feel the bloatedness yet... Hopefully for you the bloatedness and feeling full so quickly doesn't last so long!But feeling bloated does mean something good right?

Do you think my lack of bloatedness is something to worry about? Now I'm on day 4 puregon only. Maybe my follicles are not growing well? :S Yikes! HAs anyone else not felt much effects?

wow, I think all you guys, are wonder mummies to be! I haven't thought of giving up my job yet. Maybe I should. I even told my boss maybe I'll come back during the HL, if I'm feeling ok.. cos I feel so guilty passing on work to other people.
Blessing, I doing fet so no antibiotics only pressary & progynova. I drink immunocal daily @ 8am on empty stomach, 9.30am eat breakfast, 10.30am eat progynova, conceive well & folic acid. Take my lunch @ 12.30pm, 2.30pm drink tcm then 4pm eat brazil nuts. At night abt 10pm drink tcm again. Every alternate day will drink red dates with wolfberry tea. I planned to cook chicken essence every 3 days for the 1st wk after et cos tat when implantation happen. I tell myself I've oreadi done my best so the rest up to God!!
anyone has breakout during the 2ww before? Is it a sign that the period is coming or otherwise? it's freaking me out...
kimmy, ur scan todae, rite? how is it? r ur follicles growing well?

wongval, i'm oso working. hee. ;p tink we hv to worri less abt work.
we k oni wait til tis fri then we wil noe how our follicles are, so in e meanwhile dun tink so much, juz provide more protein for e eggs n believe our r follicles growing well.
tks minako.. good to hear that it's effects from the jabs rather than anything negative.. 8more days to tahan.....
gd morning everyone, another day to pass...counting to bt. tmr i am gg back kkh for blood progesterone, anyone knows what is that for?

I am recovering fr d bloatedness but appetite still nt tat good yet. now still battling wif constipation. hope some of the straining yestdy won't hurt my embbies inside.

grace: I like ur determination, dun say old la. ok. its gd to pre-empt n let ur boss know inadvance. For myself i pre-empt my boss since last yr till projects finally finish then i embark. me too all d way take until d test. but i guess i took longer, all in all i m taking 1 mth to do tis ivf. i got d support fr my boss n branch close folks, but sometimes can't help feeling guilty for them to cover my work. Dh always scold me for tat, ha ha...

kimmy: tks for asking me along for d outing.
i guess i hv to b bonded at hm till end of 2ww. its really gd tat u can quit ur job to pursue ur dream. its a blessing. I wish tat u will hv ur bb dream coming true ya. n for rest of us here d couragable mtbs!

Minako: i agree wif u, we really hv done our best watever we could. now its really with god to see if he can let us hv our wish granted anot. I everyday in my heart also pray to zu shen niang niang hope she can hear me.

let's endure on & jia you bah!
Hi Su! Yup, scan is today and as always I got too excited so reached here 30min early. Haha!
Scan is done (There's 7 on the right - biggest 9mm and 5 on left - biggest 10mm). doc at first say no need to worry abt lining & eggs then later when nurse said that it's short protocol she was like oh.. So u know yr ER is soon right? I blur already. She said weren't u briefed and I said well I was told it's ard d10 - d12? Then went to pee on ovulation stick
& collect another injection (that looks like a syringe) to suppress ovulation. Next scan will be on Thursday. Oh yea also doing another round of BT.

Hi Wongval, maybe my bloat is bcuz I'm quite sensitive to the jabs & I tend to overstimulate that's why. I'm sure u will be fine

I do miss working, at least for now but don't think I wld be able to get so much time off from work even for scans without
being subjected to questions & probing from bosses & colleagues, hence the decision. But I do salute the ladies who
are working, it's not easy! Considering the physical & emotional journey the drugs does to us.

Morning blessings 23! Hope that your wish come true at the end of 2ww too. We are just tiny steps away from that beautiful wish! ;)
kimmy, gd to hear tat ur follicles r growing well.
another injection? so u stil carry on lucrin n puregon plus an additional jab for e nxt 2 days til e scan on thur? ^^
so b4 ER, ur lining hv to b above wat level? u need to drink more red bean soup leh.
Hi su,
I'm on short protocol so no lucrin. I started on puregon rightaway on d2 and then today additional injection was ganirelix to suppress my ovulation after i tested on the stick. The granirelix a bit more pain bcuz needle is thicker but its ok...and I had the nice elderly nurse who did it for me, together with BT.

Mm the doc dint mention anything about the lining at what level leh..at first she said it doesnt matter at this stage and then suddenly it seemed it mattered but she just left it be (or so it seemed to me). Today my lining only 6mm so I think I had to drink red bean soup already. hehe
blessing, the bt is juz to measure the progestrone level in body to see enough support a not.. but usually ok! Dun read too much on the numbers. Are you going to do hpt?

Su, lining need >8mm & 2-3 follicles size >15mm then can proceed er.

Kimmy, increase egg-whites for follicle growth. Red bean soup can help improve lining growth. You will doing er soon! JY
minako, thks for e info.

kimmy, these 2 days u need to up ur no of egg-whites n red bean soup. ur ER wil nt b long away. jia you.
Hi minako!
How's your 2ww so far?

Okay noted, will be increasing EW and drink red bean soup these few days. Mm will they tell you before hand that I need to do ER. Cuz Im thinking will they suddenly tell me on Thurs that Sat do ER and then I need advanced notice because dh will need to clear soldiers one time first before ER day right?

Thank u both, I also want to jia you all the way! hehehe
Hi Wongval,
I am in my 2nd week of Lucrin.. And same thing, I get hungry easily, but when I eat, I cant eat much.. Not sure if I am over-sensitive.. But I feel like I have put on quite a bit of weight. Watch and ring are feeling tighter.. (not sure if its water rentention??), need to drink A LOT of water, and need to pee very very frequently.. Hair is also dropping.. =(

Have not started on purgeon. Hpefully wont have so much side effects..
For sistas who are at suppression/stim stage, do remember to drink lots of water (2L/day). This clears out the meds from our body & helps to reduce discomfort/bloating as you progress.

ron, thks. advice noted. wil drink more water.

kimmy, i tink kkh need to give u advance notice like 3 days b4, so ur DH k clear his "soldiers". am i rite, sisters?
Hello sisters! Haven't been here in a while. How's everyone doing?

Can someone tell me how long it takes for menses to come after m/c? Mine's still not here yet.
ok Ron, thanks for the reminder...water is super difficult to down but must try right... haha

su, yeah was thinking that kkh will need to give me the advanced notice...hopefully they do.

hi koric, how are you?
hi minako: ok, i think i shld b getting enuf of d support coz been doing the progesterone inserts daily. refer to the same support rite? Anyway watever for, at least i can get to go out a while. Feel so slack staying at hm. At tis point, I really dunno if i hv d courage to do hpt. What do u tink? and wat abt urself? since we both hv same bhcg. R u gonna test?
Kimmy, it's really boring to be stuck at home all day. Can't wait go back to work
You can ask DH release on wed cos they accept fresh samples within 5 to 2 days. No worry!

Su, kkh may not always give advance notice cos once ideal lining thickness &amp; follicle size achieved, you may be ask to jab puregon for 1 more day or come for midnight jab tat very night. Er will be 36hrs later by tat time too late to release.

Koirc, sorry to hear abt m/c. It usually comes a few days to a week later. How long have u waited?

Blessing, I thinking to use hpt next Mon am (11dp3dt) @ least prepare myself emotionally before hcg bt on 15Jul.

hi minako,
ahh i see. good idea, shall ask DH to release wed night then since I'm not sure when Er will be (either Sat if not Mon/Tues). Thanks for the tips. When is your leave until? ;)
