IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies. To those of u who bought new immounocal, may I know when's the expiry date - is it like v far away like 2013?

Grace, what time r u going to be there tmr? All the best for BT! Remember to pass us baby dust k? ;)

Su, tink mon or tues more likely for ER bcuz while my biggest follicle is 14mm now, the rest are about avg 12 so think will take a while more to grow

Hehe ya I wonder how we identify each other, with a red rose? Hehehehe.
Hi sisters! Kimmy, su and grace! Looking forward to tmrw! :D I can't believe there's so many of us going to be there. I'll be there really early, cos need to get back to work straight after that :D Good luck especially to Kimmy and grace! Hope all goes well.
grace, gd luck for ur BT tomoro. remember to pass ur bbdust to us.

kimmy, like wat grace say. ur 2ww wil probably starts by nxt sat. hee hee.

wongval, e form write 8.30am but i tink wil oni reach by 9 or 9plus. haha. i took full dae leave. ;p

I mayb starting fresh cycle soon n eas told it will b short cycle. Anyone can share frequency of scans required as was told by nurse short protocol means more scans. Am w kkh. Btw, any1 does 2 jabs during stimulation stage as was told by nurse i will b on 2 jabs? After that will b 3 jabs. My god! Sounds scary. As my last unsuccessful cycle was 2 yrs ago, cant remember much so any advice? Hv not really prepare my body for tis cycle.... Gd luck to all doing BT soon
kimmy,wongval,su: Tmr reaching around 9am.
yes! good luck to all of us.

kimmy: yes! red rose! haha.

shainie: congrats for singleton... to me is the best scenario leh!!!

blessing: my turn to have bad cramps last night leh... also tossing in bed...
hi 12bmom

yah duphaston can be used to treat irregular menses...

and as i suspected, my menses is here since tuesday brown staining and wednesday fresh blood. So i called the clinic to ask and was asked to stop the duphaston (the last cycle i took for 10 days and my menses came 4 days later). This time i only took for 7 days and menses come liao.

and also start my Gonal F injections straightaway. and my first scan wld be on 13th july. normally i shd start the injections on 3rd day of menses but coz last cycle i ovaluated fast, so my cycle was abandoned.

hope this time i wld even have the chance to reach ET!

can't help but feel really lost for FET compared to fresh cycle. seems like fresh cycle is more monitored and under control.
Grace and SU, I might still be there when you guys arrive... cos after the scan, still need to wait to see the doctor. I hope I'm first in line, cos I can't afford to be back at work late! Good luck ladies! Off to kk in a few min!
kimmy > im also on short protocol soon. do u have to do anything before your menses come for the month of kiv? i was just told to call the hospital on day 1.
Minako, are you still on tcm medication or just accupuncture after your ET? What is the ideal size of folicle that KKH (are you with KKH?) will harvest?

Or any ladies from KKH can advise?
hi gals, back from kkh liao.

collected my summary report... collected 18 eggs, 7 embroyos, 2 transfered, 5 freeze.

and the result of bt is... no call is good news. so i guess will only know this afternoon/evening.
wow grace, so fast. i stil waiting to c e doc for review on my follicles scan.
wil hear ur gd news in e afternoon or evening.
Grace, I did my fresh from TMC and somehow I find that KKH procedure are quite different. May I know why did you have a bt? Are you in your 2ww? what kind of bt this is for?

Does it means that when you did your ER, you are not aware of the number of folicles collected until ET and from this report?
Grace, I did my fresh from TMC and somehow I find that KKH procedure are quite different. May I know why did you have a bt? Are you in your 2ww? what kind of bt this is for?

Does it means that when you did your ER, you are not aware of the number of folicles collected until ET and from this report?

Grace collected more than 15 eggs, so the bloodtest to check for OHSS. Less than 15 no BT at KKH.

At end of ER you will know how many eggs collected but won't know number fertilized until ET.
hi flowers&fruits, i did my scan on my follicles todae. lining 11mm, right side gt 13 eggs max size 12mm, left side 9 eggs max size 11.5mm n doc said 4 eggs on e left side stil small like 7mm. can't b use. does tat mean i oso OHSS.
grace & flowers thanks.

To all ladies, jiayou. Never give up. My journey is still long way to go but I fight all the way. As I write b4, I was sick 4days after ET, bleeding few days after BFP and warded but I do my best for the precious one. I know my journey is still long way to go but keep the spirit to do the best. Yes we cant change what destine for us but we can do our best, and after all we will never regret! Have faith. I pray for all of u!
Babydust to all!
sunstillshines: BT is to test the level of progestrone, to see if additional support is required.
i'm in my 2ww. from the blood test form, it was specified as day 8 today (counted from day of ER).
bt for preg on day 18.

during ER, already know 18 retrieved.
during ET, they informed confirm got 6 embroyo, but may have more as some still under cultivation.
so now confirmed 7. i guess my case is a little special cos normally by ET the no. of embroyo should be known.
then i kapo ask them how many cells the embroys are... 4 x 4 cells, 3 x 3 cells, transfered 2 with 4 cells.

i find kkh staff are quite nice...

i dont know what is their criteria for harvest, but need sufficient >= 16mm before trigger release.

flowers&fruits: OHSS test was done on ER day. as OHSS test was ok, then proceed with ET.
not too sure what will the scenario be if OHSS test not ok.

su: so long no OHSS side effects, should be ok one.
Grace, please don't read too much on the number of cells, ok? Don't compare with others too. From my last failed FET, I realised that it is more than meet the eyes. Just rest and relax during the 2ww.

I am just curious if KKH just leave the rest of the folicles inside the body and only retreive the matured ones.... ...

If OHSS is detected, normally it will be ET not fresh transfer.

Are you still taking Immunocal?
sunstillshines: no choice lah... i'm a number person.

ermm.... what is difference between ET and fresh transfer?

nope, they din prescribe immunocal for me.
just antibiotics which i have finished, and pessaries.
All follicles will be retrieved regardless of size. That's dr Loh's practice. But only matured ones can be used for fertilization
Serious ohss is found, Cycle is aborted and all embryos frozen. Sometimes can request to be monitored for a few days to see if ohss subsides. If does, then can do d3-d5 transfer if embyros make it to then.
shainie congrats!!

Just left KKH. Been waiting for almost 2hrs before my turn for my last FET. Can't hold my U!! went to restroom twice and then drink more water.. now got headache cos of it!
My last two frozen survive after thraw.. actually transfer one but decide to transfer both. One full and another 50% develop further so let me have two for luck. Now I leave my fate to God
miracle baby: wah... great that both survived the thaw. good luck and rest well.

sigh... kkh called, bt no good. have to go down and collect oral medication.

Shainie, singleton is great.. Congrats!!!!

miracle_baby, as long the embbies able to survive thaw, they are super strong! 1 more step towards bfp

Serene, always drink warm water & use heatpad on your womb to improve circulation. After et, no warm compress hor. Avoid cold drinks/food as much as possible.

sunstillshines, I'm on fet but still on tcm & acu all the way. Prior et, i went for intensive acu (3days). After et, no more acu but continue take Dr Zou's 2ww tcm.

During er, most of the growing follicles will be retrieved but only the mature ones will fertilized. Mature size is usually >15mm.

away, today is 8dp3dt for me! It means 8days passed a 3day transfer. Hope it helps!

Grace/Blessing, I'm also having cramps plus constipation. Sianzzz
flower: so funny with different arrangements... maybe condition different?

my level is 26. supposed to be > 30
was given dydrogestrone.
Grace: Hope the extra medication u collected can help push up the progesterone support it needed. Actually i also not very knowledgable on this support thingy. Jus go with the flow. Cramps return for me since last night. But my constipation is ok liao. gotta a medication from kk nurse when i mentioned to her my problem when i went for same the blood test as u. U Hang on yah.

Minako: If ur constipation is not v serious, can try eating prunes. Mine was quite bad with hard stool (sorry for mentioning this) afterall i was constipated for a week. but after taking the medication, i can pass out smoothly but must wait for 2 days to take effect. Pl take care.
Grace, hope with the support can boost your progestrone level high!

blessing, you request meds for constipation? what kind did they give you? My stools used to quite smooth after taking immunocal but suddenly these couple of days started constipation. Maybe too heaty! May I ask what is your progestrone level?

Kimmy, How is your scan today?
Minako: Am told to take lactulose comes in a bottle, just buy from kk pharmacy no need prescriptions, abt $5.60. Syrup is quite tasty actually as it tasted like honey. hee...i also scare will cause any harm to the embbies anot, ask nurse she said it won't. U try eat more fruits or juices maybe ur is juz a mild case one.
As for my progestrone lvl, i blur blur din ask for the nos. she jus told me over phone its enuf support cont with the inserts tats all. And i jus leave it as that.

Btw, wld u or any sistas here can advise if its okay to consume birds nest (bottled kind) during this time, 2ww? thks much.
Hi Su & Minako,

Scan today shows biggest follicle at 15.5mm. Doc (different one today, Dr Veronique I think) mentioned to come in tomorrow for another scan and most likely ER will only be Tues/Wed. Hah, so far off from my initial. I guess cuz while the biggest is at 15.5mm, the rest are an avg. of 12mm so need a bit more time...

Hi Tanny, yup for me on short protocol once af reported, I called kkh to report day 1, then they will ask me to come in on day 2 for a scan to ensure no cysts before they prescribe you with stim.

Hi miracle baby, happy 2ww! I can't wait to be in that stage. haha.

Happy weekend everyone!
Grace, how was your visit today? So meaning you took BT for progesterone reading and KKH has prescribe you oral medications? Will you need to go back for more BTs to check on progesterone level? Don't worry I'm sure with the support that kkh is giving you, its going to help!
Hi Su,

Congrats! Your scan sounds like its good! Wow, your lining is thick. Must be all that nutrition you're taking! I should have done it too!

my scan went well. My lining only 8 mm though.. boohoo. Had I think 7 eggs on the left, 9-10 on the left. Biggest was 17.5 mm, followed by two 16.6 and 15.5 mm. The rest were 12-13 mm, about another 5-6 of them. The rest were v small (between 7-10 mm). Doctor said most looking good, so will er on Tuesday morning. How about you? When are you going to do er?

Kimmy, I'm sure you'll get there! Jia you!

Blessings: ya, lactulose is recommended to children with constipation, even those that are a few months old. So it should be safe

Grace: all the best!

Shaine, congrats! Enjoy the next 9 months!
wongval, ur follicles better than mine. most of them so big size liao. haha.
for lining, u k juz drink more red bean soup.

kimmy, it's oki. it juz slightly off fm ur initial plan.

e doc need mi to continue e jabs n cme back on nxt mon for another scan. she say probably e ER is on wed. but 2 more dae k e follicles grow to 16mm, dun tink so leh. maybe wongval n kimmy both of u wil hv ur ER first. i mayb few dae lata than u all.
kimmy: yes, took the bt for progestrone and level no good, so need oral medication.
dont have to go back for more bt, next will be the preg test.

wongval, su, kimmy: good results. join in the 2ww soon!

hi hazel, babymaking, dainztree and nell,

Good Morning!!!

How's everyone?

I'm quite nervous today as going for my detailed scan and oscar blood test today.
