IVF/ICSI Support Group

Daintree, I go toilet every 4 days only now... Though I took papaya? Banana n other fruits daily also no use! Lactus also dun help. Dr Loh told me to drink 3 litres of water a day. How to achieve that? Can puke meh!

Thanks guys for the advice. Oh man, I think I better go eat eggwhites or maybe immunocal too then! Yikes! I live with my in laws and on weekends at my parent's place. and I hate eggs. my mum will be wondering what's up with me! Shall have it later for super... will that make me put on weight?

Ron, yups, I'm on the long protocol too. I wanted to go on the short protocol, cos I thought it will be faster. But my dr. said long protocol has better success rates. as good as 50%. So we just listened to him. But my my, the amount of jabs is 'amazing'. Can't wait for it to be over!
Hazel, I feel so sorry for you. Being constipated is definitely not a nice feeling! Try your best! What about prune juice as well?
kimmy, i oso forgt to take my prenatal supplement smetmes. haha. As for e red dates tea, i oni boiled on wkend coz wkdae working, can't boil.
too bad i can't take immunocal. ;p

wongval, i oso can't wait for all e jabs to b finish n bfp. i did told my family abt my ivf n nt my in laws side coz they dun reali care abt mi, they tot i can't gt preg n jealous abt my sil. so disappointed tat they misunderstand mi.

nw u all noe y i so ks liao.
One of my gf told me her record was 2 wks!!! Faint! Oh, dr Loh said Try "Indian mango". Hv not gone to little India to buy yet
Hihi, am new here. Am on my 2ww, which seems forever. Just wondering if the quality of eggs have definite higher chances of success?
Hihi, am new here. Currently on my 2ww. Can I ask if if the quality of the embryos have a high correlation with the success rate?
hi hazel,

how much drinking milk? last time when i had constipation (b4 preggy)everytime i got a bit of constipation after taking fresh milk i'll want to go toilet. 3 litres of water is alot le, but better listen to doc's advice. Try to take food rich in fibre like vegetables, wholemeal, dairy products and fruits.
I drink milk every day too. No use! Told dr loh the stools just dun move. When I eventually empty my bowels, they are actually soft! He was surprised... Anyway, he said take high fibre food not enough water also no use...
hi hazel,

do u apply stretchmark cream on your tummy, try to massage in clockwise circular motion lightly around your tummy. i did tat last time i had constipation, after that it'll help me to release wind and i can release bowel subsequently but not immediately.. Did you drink enough water daily? Think i read somewhere that with increase in progesterone level in our body, our muscle tends to relax tats why we had constipation/ indigestion cos our stomach and intestines became relax and not doing their job in digesting the food and also "pushing" it down our intestines tats why we had constipation.
hi hazel,

it must be very uncomfy for you, last round I 2-3 days constipation already felt so uncomfy took lactus also no use. Did Dr Loh advise how to prevent?
hi hazel, indian mango can buy from ntuc fairprice. they sell. my mom has been buying them, really sweet & nice

Hope those help in the constipation.

been reading but too tired to post, been puking and nauseous all the time, lots of gas till tummy is so tight and uncomfortable, not enough sleep too due to the discomfort and keep going to the loo at night due to pressure on the bladder, even though it's just 2-3 drops of pee.
Hi hazel/babymaking,

I've just went for family dinner last nite, with my in-laws, and my hb's cousin's family. When they saw me all commented tat i don't look preggy and that I should catch up by eatine more. So stress leh... cos my sil who is 4.5mths looks much bigger like 7mths preggy.

Feeling very tired and restless the whole week, esp after lunch i would feel very sleepy..cham tomorrow startg work liao...very scared i'll dozed off at work.

Kimmy: Not on this cycle.. Next one in august.
Mine is on short protocol. I ask dr Loh why not long - he say worse cos I'm prone to Ohss. Start to feel scared.... So eat immunocal n egg whites prevent Ohss?

I don't have OG card. Anyone else buying and looking to share? I read that Li and Fung is the one that Buy 2 get 1 free- and can order as they do delivery. dunoo now still valid. Let me know --- I'm keen to share!
Babymaking, my gf just msg n told me mackerel, promfret, stingray n peanut cannot take when she saw my food photos on FB.. U take all these?

Chris, ur sil will hv prob losing weight after delivery.. Also excessively overweight while pregnant can cause gestational diabetic n other problems. Put on gradually
Chris, u still take coffee to keep awake? I do now & then but I usually take only half a cup. Dr Loh said I scoop of coffee powder a day only
i eat everything in moderation, except for raw foods (including veggies, becos of the recent e coli thingy), soft cheese and diy bbq food. but have been overdosing on instant soup and instant noodles as these are the only things i can eat w/o puking.

i still drink coffee (1 cup a day), on and off and still take cold drinks, 100plus, coke etc.

previous pregnancy i think i ate more fast food esp macdonalds cos was stuck in kkh under bed rest most of the time sand hospital food really sucks, and my boy turned out well. main thing is to avoid foods that can cause stomach upset or food poisoning.

from what i remember:
food that MUST avoid
raw food (raw fish, & raw vegs (because of e coli)
partially cooked meat & diary products (eg diy bbq, chicken, eggs, soft cheese)
cockles and oysters (hep)

food to reduce
excessive coffee (higher chance of miscarriage)
any liver (high content of Vit A- damage fetus)
deep sea fish (big fish) - e.g. shark, fresh tuna (can tuna is ok as they use smaller tuna fish which has lesser mercury content)
good morning ladies

Thanks pau le, chris, DH, daintreez, Su_ttc.

Hazel, I also constipated. Cannot move my bowel even I take lactus. It is uncomfty. I have taking pitted prunes, drink more water and juices but it doesn't help.
hmm other things to avoid
cat's droppings (or any other animals dropping)

oh yeah, avoid peanuts/eggs if you/family have allergy or eczema, will minimize baby's severity if they have it after birth.
Bbmaking, yes I agree. Dun take excessively. But my gf said our pregnancies are previous! Haiz. Now she just told me honey also cannot. That one I really dunno why.

I went coffee shop for prata just now n they were digging road near by. So noisy, I ate already quickly leave...
eh honey shd be ok but not excessive, cos too much honey will cause GD. only know cannot feed honey to babies below 18mths cos it can cause botulism.

i can't eat anywhere with strong food smell, will immediately puke, so coffee shops/food courts are a no no. now when outside limited to sandwiches shops cos no strong smelling or oil smell.

envy you and your prata.
hi BPF ladies,

Is it ok if I request to tone down the discussion here about the m/s once the pregnancy is on the way (ie. seen the sac growing & the little heartbeat)?

We still want you here to give advise, guidance and motivation. However, all the talk about m/s is sometimes demotivating to the sistas still trying, esp those who have already failed previously & on the difficult days. I am one of those who are glad you are pregnant from ivf but can't help being jealous/envious listening to the m/s posts. You have all been an inspiration to know that IVF does bring success, so please stay on this forum, we need all the support we can get! Hope you understand.

We are happy for all of you and can't wait to join you in the "suffering" soon
Hi Hazel,

I am feeling normal so far no signs of anything yet ... can eat can run (tho i didn't try haha) ... hoping everyday I have some symptoms of life ... but it seems like nothing is brewing no sore boobs, no twitches in the tummy, no spotting, not even bloating after pregnyl jabs .... duh I am so bored I bloated so badly during my last fresh but not this round

trying to stay hopeful but its reAlly tough, envy you gals with all the symptoms of healthy bb growth
Flowers, sometimes feeling nothing is a gd sign too! I know someone who has Twins n didn't feel anything during 2ww n in first tri! She told me she was so scared when she went for first scan.

Bbmaking, that thread for MTb is now a discussion thread for mummies n not mtbs anymore.

Ron, we will take note.
We can always hijack the thread, lol

I have anti nausea pills but somehow it never work as after taking, immediately puke.

If continue, I think I got no choice but to go to 24hr to get hydrated, just to break the cycle of puking.
Hi hi...

Ron / Chris: All went well for the ET. Thanks
Chris: ET is really 2 min thingy.
Immediately can walk and go clear my bloated bladder.
Hazel: I'm on 2 litres of water per day due to slight over-stimulation. cant imagine yr 3 litre.
AWt: I'm on my 2ww as well. I guess quality of embroyo does matter.
But I still dont have my summary report for the embroyo yet cos there are still some embroyo cultivation going on.
They just gave me the pics for the 2 embroyo that were transferred in.

Urghh... 2 days wait already v sian. dont talk abt 2 weeks.
Hi Tanny,
I'm on short protocol too & I told dr Loh I'm prone to
Over stimulation (ohss) so I suppose short is a better option. Mm right now I eat 2 EW already a bit sian and that doesn't include immunocal drink yet. I hear that drinking lots of water helps too! ;) aug will be here very soon! Hehe
Hello su!
Do u just drink chix essence by the bottle or heat it up? I'm trying to figure out a better way of drinking it cuz I can't take the smell. I want to faint, my mil cooked mee soto this morning telling me the soup is chix stock so it's the same. Then the egg white she prepare is also meant for mee sotoh. Mm I think the jabs r giving me mood swings :/ maybe I shld just hi-jack her kitchen and cook my own style.

Bfp mtbs,
Can't wait to join ur "club" soon, thanks for staying ard and giving us tips / advice whenever possible :D

Wow 10 more days to go! ;))
kimmy, i can't stand e taste. so i buy yu ren sheng chicken essences instead of brands which hv a strong smell n taste. ;p i didn't heat it up. i juz boil hot water n pour it over e bottle to warm it. it easier tis way. juz like wat i did to e half boiled eggs i ate tis morning. ;) boiled e hot water n pour it in a container w e eggs n leave it for 7 mins n u wil gt half boiled eggs. hee hee. its veri easy, u wun mess up ur mil kitchen. smetmes i oso feel like crying when my DH tok abt going to c or hv dinner w his family during tis period, feeling super down. haha.
thanks su for the tips! Ahh okay I will go get yu ren sheng one then. I can't stand the strong smell & taste too, haha. How long fo you put the bottle in the pot for ah? est. 10 minutes? Yeah..i do my eggs the same way too. minimal fuss, lesser things to worry abt. ;)
kimmy, u welcme. we share share mah. hope our tips k help those silent readers like wat e dear sisters in forum hv been giving us advices n supports, make our journey nt tat tough.

yes, i put abt 10mins, juz make sure is warm enuff to drink.
Grace, I think I found my cycle partner! my 2ww is due on 13th as well.. gosh.. this is my 1st ivf and this is like taking forever and I am having moderate overstimu (extremely bloated stomach) and constipation.
Shainie: I took this del monte prune juice
(1st time i down-ed the whole bottle - 473ml, and soon after, had to go to the loo and it went from constipation to diarrhea that day. Then I toned down the amount to a glass). Perhaps you might want to try.

I'm suppose to go for my FET this month once my period comes. However my period is now late for a week and Dr Loh has prescribed dydrogesterone to induce my menses. But this medication has to be taken for 2 weeks then menses will come few days later. The problem is if I dun take, my menses should be coming anytime soon. But if I take then FET may delayed till end of the month. What should I do? Take or wait and see? Thanks

dear all, I am also in my 2ww now, due on 15 july with kkivf. 2ww passes so slowly for me as i am also having bloatedness and constipation since ER. haizz...

I am so glad to see a few cycle partners here.
hope can learn more from this useful thread esp for first timer like me. Later i may try Awt constipation remedy if i can stomach it. thks . I only drank 2 small cups of prune juice and 5 pitted prunes yestdy. It doesn't really help leh. Its a terrible feeling. I hope i can pass thru this period soon.
