IVF/ICSI Support Group

How did yr scan go? Can see gender yet?

Had a bad scare last week, lost all preggy symptoms after badly puking for weeks, plus feverish and super tired, bloat also disappeared. Made urgent appt and all is fine.

I am so hoping for 1st tri to be over so that can use Doppler to monitor, driving me bonkers not knowing what's happening.
Any mummies-to-be here has bad breakout from the middle of the 2ww? It's driving me nuts..
Trying to deciper the symptoms... 4 more days to bt...
Hi all,

oh the scan is fine, doc ang say got to wait for the blood test result by next fri, so i just keep fingers crossed lor... hopefully no need to draw amniotic fluid cos me 36yrs liao...

Hi babymaking,

Dun worry, i also had the scare last time cos i was puking soooo badly during my 5-6wks tat besides puking i really lost all preggy symptoms.

Hi babymaking,

Gender? hahahaha u are rubbing salt on my mil's wound... hehehe doc say 90% is a gal. now just have to wait another 4wks for the next scan to confirm.
my mil already fainted 2x this week, my sil told her yesterday during her 5th mth scan that she is having a bb gal, and today my turn...hahahahahahahaaa
chris: sure exciting to do oscar and detailed scan.

babymaking: glad that all is fine.

awt: also have breakout. probably due to the medications? 4 more days... jia you!
Chris, u shld hv arrange the BT one wk earlier to get a combined result today and arranged an appointment at the same time today to see dr Loh. Kill all birds in one stone! :p
Hi hazel,
my gynae was dr ang huai yan from gleneagles, recommended by my fren. My fren's 2 bbs were delivered by her. Oh the scan was done by Dr Ang herself, and she told me I should be able to see the bb sex if bb is cooperative. hahahaha oh I'm 12wks + 2 days yesterday. It was my 1st appointment and i arranged for the blood test and oscar scan the same day as my hb works alternate sat off and yesterday suppose to be his off day.

Dr say bb very cooperative and very active, it was my 1st time seeing BB so active bouncing and kicking inside cos normally when we see the scans through internet or even books bb is lying still.

Before the detailed scan, my gynae asked if i wanted to know the bb sex as during detailed scan if bb is cooperative i would be able to see. Heng ah, bb keep opening up her legs hahahahaha even dr ang says that bb is very cooperative cos sometimes if bb's legs are closed or back facing us we may not be able to see.

oooh hahahaa my hb and i had a good laugh after hearing my mil's response on hearing the news tat she's going to get 2 granddaughters...hahahahaha
cos she thought that she might get at least a grandson..altho she keep saying its okie to have granddaughters instead..hahaha but she mention it would be a bonus if she had 1 grandson and granddaughter.
chris: congrats on baby girl. so good that yr girl is so cooperative. haha... can start shopping liao. :p

just kapo... yr sil is hubby's sis or hubby's bro's wife?
Chris, oh u changed gynae. Anyway congrats on having a daughter. Some times as early as 8 wks can see gender!

Must be exciting to see her moving around.. Did she wave at u?
Hi ladies goOd morning!! I dreamt abt dr Zou n her clinic yesterday! So funni right...

I rem seeing someone write abt the timing of what she takes daly like 8am folic acid, 10pm chicken essence.. Now i cant find the post.. Anyone recall? I like to view it for my reference. Right now I'm only taking folic acid n dr zou powders then nothing else.. Sometimes chicken essence on a week.. Feels like not "bu" enough...
Btw anyone went for the NUH talk yesterday where they demo the process of ICSI and a walkabout of the demo IVF lab? Was really good infor!
hi hazel,

Yes i changed gynae. yup she did, she waved at us and then kick her legs around and bounced around. omg!!!

Hi grace,

my sil is my hb's brother's wife
heehee tats y my hb and i laughed cos my mil thought that my sil (aka daughter-in-law) will give her a bb boy cos she got all the symptoms of carrying a bb boy.. so she got quite a shock to hear that she had a bb gal and another shock when i told her mine is gal as well...hahahaa think her ship sink liao...
Hi grace,

we haven't start shopping for gal's stuff cos my dr told me to wait till the next scan 4mth later then start shopping cos it will be more detailed and accurate about the gender.
Hi chris congrats...
For me i dont know my baby fate.. yesterday I was bleeding again heavily with blood clot. Lucky Dr Mathew at 24hrs and he did the scan for me. Found the sac and baby heartbeat .. but I prepare myself for the worse also. Dr Mathew did come this morning at my ward give me morale support an review me.
Hi sisters,
Just to share, If you are taking Brand's essence of chicken, you can email them at [email protected] to place your order. They have Free delivery for orders of $100 n above.

They are having a promotion currently known as Brand's Sunny Singapore Sales that last till end of this month. It consist of 4 packs (12s x 70g) at $114. It is cheaper than shops/supermarkets etc. Can save some $$ and take advantage of the free delivery.
Shainie dear,, don't think too much and rest more on bed.. Easier said than done but you have tried your best and it will be well ok.. Take care.
congrats, i am hoping for a gal this time round,but most importantly is a healthy baby.

btw chris, if you are worried abt amniocentesis, can go to camden med for detailed scan instead if the results are bad, the detailed scan can help lower the odds as their machines are more advanced than kkh's.

hang in there, i had heavy bleeding and was on bed rest for most of my 1st pregnancy, even rushed to KKH in ambulance at week 14 (when everyone thought it's safe) for massive bleeding, gynae say lost cause, but somehow the little one is a fighter and survived. so just hang in there, try to keep your spirits up (easier said than done), talk to baby, pray (if you have a faith).
chris: ic, cos thought confirmed girl liao.

so... yr mil still hasnt sunk ship yet lah, haha.

shainie: r u on total bed rest?
be positive, i'm sure will be fine!
Awt, babymaking, & Grace thanks for ur word encouragement.

Yes, Im complete bed rest (CRIB)

Babymaking Im praying hard. In front of Dr Matthew I pray " God please save my baby" with cries. He reply me, we pray God save the baby. I keep on talking to my embbies "please stay with mummy, no matter how I love u. U must fight as mummy fight for u". My DH keep on saying my baby is save and don't want me to cry (where I was crying hard) I only can pray for my baby.. (I just saw the bb hb on 7.7.11 and 9.7.11 this massive bleeding happen to me)
Hi Shainie

I have been a silent reader. Now in my 2 week wait.

I can totally understand how you are feeling. Have faith and be positive.

My SIL also had bleeding during her 1st trimester, admitted for 3 days and was on HL for 2 weeks. Now her twins are 4 months old.

Do rest well and you take care of yourself and baby.
Shainie, some of my friends & colleagues also has bleeding issues during 1st trimester but all given birth. Your bb is a fighter so mummy must also push on & be strong. I'm sure everything will turn out just fine!! JY
Hi Shainie,
Take good care & I'm sure everything will be ok ya...u must continue to be a strong & happy mommy for ur embies!

Hi wongval & Su,
My ER is on tues too! Haha wongval I may see you!
Shaine, why didn't dr tan hh come & see u? Isnt he your doctor now? Pls ask for him. Check with him if it is due to the position of the fetus which you mentioned is abit lower in the womb.

Try not to cry coz crying wun solve the problem. In fact it may brings you down n the bb can feel it. Look forward when every day begins & be positive that you pass it safely. A day passed safely move us one step closer to our joy of carrying the bb in our arm. Lie on bed & try not to let the mind wonder ok. Think happy thoughts. Continue praying too, everything will be fine.
Hi Shainie,

my heart and prayers are for you and baby. Rest well and try to think positive thoughts. Like Hazel said, it may affect the baby if you are down too.

Kimmy and Su, yes yes! Excited for Tuesday! I just came back from KK 24 hr clinic as I needed to take the jab. No more jabs from now on!

Su, when is your next scan? Hopefully you're only 1 or 2 days behind us! :D You will get there too!
Hopefully just one more scan and dr. says you're good to go for er! Did you go for any this Saturday? If so, how did it go?
grace and 12bmom, thank you for your wishes.
In my first fresh cycle, I lost the other twin at 8 weeks plus.
Now I went thru the last FET one and hope to have another additional member in my family. I getting older now.

I only asked for 5 days MC included weekend.
I hope you will have yours soon! Take care

dear shainie
Please try to keep positive thoughts in your mind & heart and have faith in yourself. I understand it is not easy but I too try to do the same thing. let's be strong and do our best!
Shld do the pregnyl jab on the butt! Is painless if jab there. Other sisters who will be going for the jab, ask for that. At least kk 24hrs does butt jab now.
HI Miracle baby, hopefully you get your wish soon. Will pray for you. How come you only asked for 5 days MC? :S How come not more? I thought they will give HL until the bt? Oh no.... did I get it wrong?

Kimmy, oh! we must have missed each other!
I kept feeling a sharp cramp on right... later on left... mins later on centre again of the lower stomach.. hope it is just nothing...
Anyone of you feel the same way?
hi wongval
I am having my FET. Those thru FET normally have max 3 MC days but can request for more if you need. Some want to go back to work next day. For me, I did my et on fri so I request for 5 only so not to arouse any suspicious among colleagues.
Unlike FET, if you have your fresh cycle, you will be given 2 weeks HL. Some may want to take only one week for various reasons for one, want to work in order not to think too much.

So the decision is really up to you

I see you are going for your ER soon? right? I really wish you success!
Miraclebaby, counting down to BT must be exciting! Hehe can't wait for mine :D

Hazel, actually I asked for butt! Then nurse said they prefer thigh cuz butt near nervous system so she said safer. Thn I said fine, whichever she's more confident of lo. I rem last time my so-iuis the doc all jab on butt that's why I asked for it. :D

Wongval, heeh it's okay may bump into u on tues while waiting for ER & our ET may be same day too!

Su, gg for scan tmr? Yr lining of 11 for Friday sounds good! Mine on sat was at 10.
miracle baby, I think I know what u mean...like when i was having my pregnyl jab earlier I was quite nervous and thought to myself "wow, so soon ER already?" but yet excited but still nervous! hehe
morning kimmy n wongval, i juz finished my scan. e biggest follicle is 15.5mm. i guess i need to jab for few days more. nw waiting for doc review. :'(
Hi everyone

Gd luck to those doing BT, cycling, ER and ET

Shaine, do b positive though i knw its easier said than done.

I m starting my stim jab today, anyone same as me? Looking for buddy
Hi Shainie,

Cheerup & be positive. we pray for you. tk care.

I got my AF finally on last friday. Will be starting FET from tomorrow.
Hi ladies.

Sad to say Im confirm MC. Baby already went to heaven. Scan done this morning and no more sac.

Thanks for all the support.

I will look forward for another FET afterr I tiao my body. I never regret cause I have done my best to save the baby.
Hi Shainie - *hugs* You have done your all you can. Take care.

Hi BNB - prob only next weekend. You keep trying naturally this month ya?
