IVF/ICSI Support Group

Summer, Yes, now i'm also in my second week of 2ww, cramps seems more...i've been looking at my pantyliners everytime i'm in the toilet

Carrot, your BT same date as me
daintreez, I wont hv af cramp b4 af arrive. Only hv it on the first day. Urs is a good sign, stay positive, really hope u wil BFP.
Aftnn ladies!!

Wow looks like almost all of us BT on d same day. Wow!!! A whole pail of bbdust!!

Anybody on cyclogest inserts?
Or how are u guys feeling today? Im bloated bt nt too bad. N my tongue feels furry.. :p hormone overload. Hahha.
Daintreez- 3rd? Oops, me on 8th. I tink Bingo on 7th? Or am i a confused gal? :p sooo me will b waitg wif ali baba bag to grab all d bb dusts!!

Hazel- yup toilet more often coz im drinking more than normally i would.
Fi, hehe, me also wants bbdust...
I know jass is 3 days after me... so we have quite a number of sistas here going for BT early June ^_^
daintreez... my BT is on the 07 june.. not 03 june.. though i wish so.. hehe

yesterday watched kung fu panda.. funny!! must go watch especially 2WW sisters.. get your mind off and have a good laugh..
Just conducted an art session this afternoon with a small playgroup which we organized for my son and our friend's children. It was a great way to past my sunday but i am totally exhausted after tat. .but glad the kids n parents had a gd bonding time.
all the best to all of u ladies!

as for me i had to stop at ET which was supposed to be last friday 27th May. a bit hyperstimulated. although blood test showed it's ok to continue but i didn't want to take any chances as i was experiencing a lot of pain. couldn't imagine more pain if i go on with ET.

21 eggs retrieved. 17 injected. 10 succesfull embryos. had to freeze embryos since i didnt go on with my ET so they selected the best ones. froze 6 embryos. felt very sad. but now i am fine already. can walk as per normal and appetite is slowly coming back. i wonder if i can go on with ET coz i dun want to wait for another month or 2. anybody here went through the same as me?
Fi, my boy is 5 years old. How old are your kids? Once we are all more stable in our pregnancies, can arrange with some mommies here too.
Dear all, thank you for all the wishes.
I'm already out of the game. Af report yest. So zhun.
Don't worry, I'm upset but I will continue to fight.

I will still go for my bt so I can arrange a appt asap w dr Loh.
Need to see when to go back for fet.
N will call dr zou for appt too!!
hi ladies...
it seems like doc zou was mention very frequently... is her chinese name 陈秋梅???
if she is where can i find her???
thanks for any update....
Summer, yeah!! I'm playing cool.
I'm upset but life have cont. Still not end of the world yet.

Cant help to cry in the mid night n thinking why...
N still Can't bring unhappiness back to work.
Hi morning, gals
My AF just came. I was 1 week late then it came.. It nv happen to me before. Since I make appt for tomo, do u gals think I should go see my gyna? But my AF came is it abit weird to see her cos I am seeing her due to my AF late but nw it came.... Don't kw wa I should ask her. But frankly speaking, I was sad that it came... I even cry cos y I been so suay. My AF like go harewire... Hope it my PMS.
Hazel, all the best for ur ET. Let me know whether ur HL can be amend or not ok. But even if can amend my HR also wont accept as last time they say away for 20 days is too long. This time round i will get Company's GP to give mc.
Sarah, hl can change. I Bluff the nurse I cant change if the words "ivf" is there. She nv say cannot. Said will reprint n get dr to sIgn again

6 out of the 8 usage. 5 fertilized but one was abnormal. So transferred 2 freeze 2. Age really plays a bit part to embyro quality. Last fresh I hv 4 grade 4 n one grade 3. This round only one grade 4 n the rest is grade 3.

Just hope for the best.
Summer: did you bed rest after your ET? I mean between 0dpt to 3dpt? Also did you go out? Were you also still on Dr Zou medication during the 2ww?
Morning sistas....

Summer, my cramps are still here on and off... feels like AF cramps one moment and feel like pain on both ovaries the next.. weird feeling
summer: I read your previous posts and know that you also have low temp like me. Did you take any other supplement beside folic acid before your ET? or before your ER?
Hi Fi
Thank you. Yeah just called the clinic (I'm with CARE at SGH) and nurse said i have to wait for nx menses. maybe a month or two. will look on the bright side.

Hi Babybun
seems we are in the same boat. jiayou to the both of us! ((hugs))
Gd morning sistas!

Hazel, hv a smooth ET! All it takes is just for 1 embie to stick like glue.
dun stress ok.

Gd morning daintreez, im having on n off cramps. Bt i realise only aft i exert myself. Rest more will it help? This morning while sending kids to sch, i felt wet. :p i thought menses, rush home n nothing. Paranoia seeps in.
Fi, morning... Yes, this period of time we can really be paranoic... i feel like walking on thin ice.... and I can't sleep well, kept waking up a few times in the night... hauz....

Summer & Mabel & Nell, did u sleep well during the last few days of your 2ww? I kept waking up every night at 3am and cant get to sleep again till 5am... and wakes up again at 8am
Fatefully: did you use the hpt to check? I suggest you call the clinic and tell them about it. My clinic has schedule a date for me to see the gynae to discuss what went wrong.
