IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Hazel, it's ok, 8 is good number. Only need one warrior embbie as proven by the sistas who BFP this round
rest well to prepare for ET.

hi Sarah,

thx. yes. is my first fresh ivf.
juz nw reach kk, i forgt to bring my prescription form. i'm such " 大头虾". haha. no choice, hv to go to e ivf clinic to request for e form. n i even forgt to call them on my first dae of menses. but anyway, e nurse ask mi to take e med oni tomoro. ;p
Hazel, well done!!! 8 is a good number. Better than my 5! Cheer up! Rest well! So that you are all ready to receive you little warriors!
Hazel - No worries, my ER i only got 6 eggs retrieved. Was also worried like u. Like Ron said, its the quality that counts, not the quantity. ^_^ cheer up ok? But I've got 4 fertilized and transferred 2....
Kimmy, can't help but feel disappointed coz usually will retrieve more than wat scan shows buy my is the opp.. Haiz old Leow so some follicles r empty
Hazel, 8 is good number. U still feel bloat now? rest well. Drink more water and prepare for ur precious embryos to transfer on monday ok. Jiayou...
Hazel, i understand ur feeling as last time when i heard that only 7 fertilised out of 19 i also feel very dissapointed. but important things is success success ok.
Hazel, rest well ok. Btw, age is not important for this stage. When I did my ivf last yr one of my fren is 5 yrs older than me n she is success n im mc. So age doesnt matter ok.
Hazel, dun worry too much. U only need one good quality embryo to success unless u r eyeing for twins. Cheer up.

daintreez, urge to pee is a good sign. I had that feeling during 2WW till now. Ur boy will be ur lucky star like mine. Hugz...
BFPed ladies, I am given dydrogesterone & folic acid tablet to support the pregnancy. How about u gals? My scan will be on 14/6.
hi hi daintree. ;)

for those sisters who bfp, congrats. so happy for u all.
n those gals in their 2ww, keep on fighting. 一定有回报的.
Summer - Is that so? I hope so really... hehe... been running to the toilet endlessly... sometimes i can be peeing 3 times an hour... of course my intake of fluid did increased lately, but its the urge to pee, cant seems to contain too much too long :p

Jass - Me too , did my BT for progesterone and was not given additional support, except for my last pregnyl jab yesterday... nothing more for me now till my BT on 3rd June... Still counting down to the days... crawling....
Summer - Hugz, you made my day... I shall keep myself positive... am really tempted to try HPT.. bought 2 clearblue one from Guardian yesterday... now I'm still thinking 'should i, should i not, should i, should i not.....'
daintreez, u with kkh? sorry, lost track. U bloat? During 2ww, I always feel like something being press down the tummy area & hv the urge to pee.
Afternoon sisters!
As for the outing, I am fine any day next week too..

yes I will be watching Kung Fu panda later! Keep pestering my dh to bring me watch long long time ago...
summer, yes, i am with kkh.. u? me also lost track... been really forgetful...

yes, i bloat from start of Lucrin until now...and yes, i always feel like something is pressing on me too... if i walk too fast, i will have the feelin of the pressure too...

is it because we've given birth before so we tends to bloat more?

occasionally i will have twitching pains/ cramps around lower tummy area...

these two days, not much feeling.. but backache... u had similar symptoms?
daintreez, ya...am with kkh.

I dun think so n I din bloat much in my first IVF. How many eggs u retrieve? I only retrieved 3 n 2 fertilised. Am on short protocol.

I wrote down my 2ww symsptons yersterday, posted ard 5+++pm. Do u read?
summer, r u also with Dr Loh...
Yes, I read your symptoms, u r really very detailed... ^_^
I retrieved 6 and only 4 fertilized...

By the way what's the diff of long and short protocol? Its my first IVF some terms am still not very familiar :p

I started in April 18 with Lucrin, for 16 days, then May 3rd started Gonal-F, for 10 days, then done my ER on May 16 and ET on May 18 ^_^
Is this long or short?
Jass - During my first one week after ET i also cant walk too long... the lower abdomen will feels heavy... i was thinking it might be due to the ER that makes the area sore...
daintreez, ya..am with Dr Loh.

Urs is long protocol. Short protocol start with stim stage ie gonal-f or puregon injection without going thru the suppression stage ie lucrin injection. Ur result better than mine. Dun worry, u will success. I do light household chores during 2ww, this will distract me a bit....
Hazel, retrieve 5 but only 3 managed to fertilize. And eventually only one is healthy for transfer. I was quite sad at that time. Cos if this one fail I have to start all over again. I m blessed that my one and only little warrior hanged on tight to me. So, hazel, be happy! Stay positive!
Summer - thanks for your advice ^_^ shall countdown to my BT in another 6 days.... i think as the day draws nearer I will get anxious again... 'sweat'

Nell - Hope we can get to meet up too ^_^
Daintreez- as wat u n summer mention abt the symptom, I only have cramp (af) n pee very often (think I have drink too much water). And I have just tested HPT it -ve, though I have aredy mentally prepared. Today is my D12.
Bingo - yay so nice!! Me here trying to get tix from different cinema but all sold out. Alamak. Tell us funny a not

Nell - can't wait to meet :D pls broadcast to us when u returning we will be more than glad to yak yak & keep u

Daintreez - can't wait to see you too.

Hazel - hope u r feeling better
Carrot. See below. Don't lost hope.
Q: I had a negative HPT test, but still have pregnancy symptoms, can I still be pregnant?
A: Yes! Not every woman will test positive by HPTs even though they are late for a period. If you think you are pregnant, call your health care provider and ask for a quantitative hCG to be sure.

Hi I had my FET recently, two 4 cells day 3 embryos. Not the best cell numbers for day 3.

My hcg bt is 9 days from now. Everything is really in God's hands now.
