IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nell, thanks for sharing your symptoms... ^_^

Mabel, Yes, I feels almost your symptoms... Thanks so much for feeling positive for me... Hugz.. Really means alot...

Summer, same like u, I am in my 2nd week of 2ww now, keep waking up few times at night, and cant get to sleep again after lying down for another 1-2 hrs... and exactly, there r cramps but cant make out where the cramps are from.. either from center lower abdomen or left and right ovary alternate... i really hope this is good news...

Am thankful pantyliners are still white up to date...

Dear Sistas, meeting on Monday? After Nell touch down? Shes coming back on Sunday ya? ^_^
Anyone doing medicated FET? I'm taking progynova for medicated FET and I did a ovulation test today and it shows an LH surge aka 2 lines...Doesn't progynova prevent ovulation??
daintreez, the main reason of waking up is to pee, haha.....

Think ur symptoms r great, stay positive n keep faith, jia you....
summer, thanks!!! spread more bbdust :p one of my gf whom is supposed to be taking BT on Wed 1st June cant wait and went for her BT today at KKH... I hope she brings good news ^_^ making me tempting to go too hehe...
Kimmy,dun jump!! Ltr i oso wanna jump wif u. :p since bingo cant mk it tmr, wednesday then? 11.30am? Dwntwneast? If i dun log on again, my mobile is 97 nine 1 eight 23 one. :p

Daintree, wait for ur frens result? If result shows its not too early, then go!! Jia you!! Or u can try hpt. :p *suspense*
Fi, hope my friend BFP hehe...so waiting for her news
My BT this Friday, dont know if its too early to do HPT...worry I disappoint myself or give false hopes
Wah at kkivf and it's so empty now... I'm the only person here...

Okay fi & bingo, let's do wed 1130am! Downtown east

Okie, don't jump fi.. U are in 2ww...dun jump :D
I am also suppose to go for a scan this wednesday...but i feel like my temperature a bit high so I went to do an ovulation test and saw a surge. I don't understand. Aren't we suppose to transfer the eggs when we are gonna ovulate? Then wat is the role of progynova?
Hi summe, shainie and vann,

I doing medicated fet this cycle too...we are cycle buddies too.

I also just started to visit Dr Zou. Just to check she nvr give us any medicine for fet one right?
Summer: I was with Thomson TCM too. However, until I had that failed ivf, I have moved to Dr Zou. How do you find between the TCM at Thomson and with Dr Zou?
When I was with Thomson TCM, I also continue to take the medicine even during the 2ww.

Now that I am with Dr Zou, I asked her if my cycle is still not so good, can I go for FET? She said that I have to decide myself???? Don't you find this weird?
Hi hokkaidolavender..welcome

Vann as I know this pill prepare for our lining for the ET. This pill also use during pregnancy and for pre menopause. Dunno leh whether we will O or not during this pill but supposed not to O la. Maybe can ask d clinic abt it. Me supposed scan today but my Doc not around so they postponed d scan..
i also think you are not suppose to O. But then I have an LH surge showing that I am gonna O soon. I'm so confused. All the nurse tols me was to come for a scan tomorrow and see the doc.
sun, personally I will prefer dr zou. She is very motherly n I feel comfortable talking to her although I only go there 5 times only.
Summer, my next scan I will ask dr sadhana to prescribe multi vit if she thinks it is necessary. Coz in case my nauseas worsen over the next few weeks, then can't depend just on diet.
Hazel, I m working lah! Now taking unpaid leave till I less symptomatic. Probably back to work mid June. Cos will be taking a short break w my dh on Jun 10 till 20. Then back to work.

Ladies, thanks I confirm venue when nearer. Let's see how many more can join us or got other proposed date/time/venue
Hello daintreez!!! *wave back* The week will pass very soon... Don't worry!

Hi Gum, finally someone from SGH CARE! :D I just graduated from 2WW last week. Which doctor are you with?

I agree that dr zou is good. But i find it very puzzled that she never fix a appt with us after our visit. How are we going to know when to visit her again?

To those doing medicated fet, are we suppose take opk and try natural during the fet cycle?
Hazel, yes! But I feel the same level of tiredness as during 2WW. Except that I slept whole day on Saturday!

Aiyo, sisters... I had tummyache since yesterday and went to toilet to LS a few times.

I have been reading the post and is really happy to find that I am not the only one doing ivf/icsi.

I'm with kkivf and currently doing Lucrin, Puregon and Menopur injection daily. Actually I think I'm the only one doing 3 injections daily. Is there anyone else also on this? I feel so wierd doing so many jap in 1 day....
Hazel, u can read some book n watch HK TVB drama. After watch then can sleep n sleep. Last time I always sleep n sleep for the entire 2ww.

Wayng, hi, you are not alone. I did three jabs too when I was doing my stimulation - Suprefact, gonal F and Menopur daily. Now still jabbing other support medication till end of 1st trimester. THe nurse apologise today when she had to poke me twice for two jabs, I told her it is ok, I got used to the needle liao after so many...imagine beside stimulation, we all still need to do blood tests, jabs during 2 weeks wait etc ...immune....hehehe
