IVF/ICSI Support Group

daintreez: don't think so much. Try to have enough rest because the embbies will be worried too. Maybe you should give yourself a break from the forum.... sorry to say that... I am not sure you get stressed after reading the symptoms of others...

Good morning sisters! How's everyone feeling today?

I have been having funny dreams at night eversince BFP! I don't know why... Am I too tensed up?

Good luck to all the sisters who are going for BT this week. *BFP BFP*
Hi Fatefully, my af came ytd morning too... so it was more than a week late and I was disappointed as I usually am every month and couldn't really talk to dh properly or be myself for almost the whole day. tear here & there but after a sleep, im better than ytd.

sisters wanted to ask you when u first take BT to check for e2, and all that before embarking on your cycle you see nurse on day 1 or day 2 ah? I feel like seeing nurse today to take BT then ask her at the same time can start my cycle a not since its for jun...

i want embbies in my tummy, i don' think i can brace myself to see another month of red again ....

bingo / fi/ dainztree / nell : when's good day to meet. I everyday also good. :D

btw, does kkh dr loh reply to emails?
Sunstillshines, no worries, in fact I feels the joy for sistas that BFP and of course feels the pain for sistas that BFN, but its really a good place for me to seek advice that no one can give out of here ^_^ I will try my best to relax and talk to my embbies ^_^

Koirc - Morning!! 'wave wave' Thanks, Needs bbdust ^_^ Friday is my BT day... end of the 2ww...
Kimmy: I was like you after my bfn. After I went to see Dr Zou and started to plot bbt that I realised that my system went haywired...

Dr Zou told me that it is better to let my body 'return' to normal first before embarking on the next challenge. Are you also on tcm?
Hi Sunshines, My AF came so there is no need to use HPT... anyway even if my AF didnt come... I also wont test, cos I have a "feeling" I am not preggie and yet deep down inside me I hope I am... haha...

Hi Kimmy, I will be seeing my gyna and ask her what happen to me and also will go check with her when my IVF start. cos I hv a IVF briefing in 23 Jun. I plan to see Dr Zou after my this cycle to "tiao" my body...
I dream of Kim chi noodles in my afternoon nap and DH cook for me after I woke up. Sweet..

Maybe i did not notice it before but I notice blue veins on my boobs. Anybody has this before. Today is day 8.
Jass, sorry, i was giggling at d blue veins booby comment. U r damn cute!!! Nope i dun hv blue veins boobies at d moment. :p

Kimmy, im free to meet anyday too, within my stipulated timing though. Im gng crazy stuck at hm.. Though i hv been napping in d aftnns which is a first for me.
Silsilly, u still around? I started being nauseas these two days, can't eat strong flavored food, but no vomiting. Hate puking so will try my best to keep it down. And still having my backache. How r u?
hi fatefully, kimmy,
my af also came yesterday n like both of u i was a week late. tink i did not ovulate this mth. My system went haywired after my failed cycle on Apr. sigh.. hopefully come jun, my cycle will b bk to normal so can start 2nd fresh ivf on jul.
sunstillshines - yes I'm on tcm. but thing is I've been seeing dr zou for the past 8 months already so i wonder why my system is still haywired
it was actually okay, but when i started on my so-iui in mar/apr, it went crazy again. very frustrating. sigh, i don't know how many times i cried in my heart not wanting to worry my dh but yet i wished he could understand my every emotion

fatefully - where are u doing ivf cycle at?

serene - ya! i think i ovulated twice cause i got a +ve reading twice, 2 weeks apart this month. Its mad...i'm also hoping my cycle return to normal.

I think in a way i'm scared because with the irregular period, on short cycle chances is that it may be cancelled halfway. And I don't know if I have the strength or the heart to even start all over again and again and again because of my screwed up state.
hi Fi hozali, i find ur name veri familiar. i tink i bought the sesame streets figurines from u bk in 2007 for my boy one years old birthday cake. u hav a pair of twins right?
Daintreez, actually I havnt got a good night of sleep since my ER day. Initially was because I have very backache then now I have bad nausea, tummy cramp and diarrhea at night. So i actually never get to sleep thru. All short nap here and there.

Kimmy, most likely to return to Sgp on sunday afternoon. We can meet on Monday afternoon if you all are free. Amy takers?
Ya, I'm here.. I've got no nausea, no backache, no diarrhea no nothing.. I sleep like a baby at night.. I feel like I usually do normally.. I have gone shopping, all housework and today, I'm clearing my store room!
My symptomless self is worrying shits outta me! No constipation, no bloating, nothing unusual lor! No cravings either!
I'm actually very anxious about my scan day.. I hope my baby(s) is/are growing well..
If I have symptoms, I won't be too worried.. But I still talk to my embbies to grow on strong!
Oh, but I do get funny funny dreams! I just dreamt I was murdered by Steven Tyler! But then again, I always have weird dreams la..
I guess everyone is different? I just try to stay positive..
hi kimmy, i definitely know how u feel. last yr my 1st try iui need to cancel halfway due to follicles not growing well. i was supposed to start my 1st ivf in tis Feb. After 2 weeks of suppression jab, during my scan, my doc found 6 cysts inside my ovaries. I dun hav cysts before tat. the suppression jab is suppose to suppress my hormones but end up i developed cysts. No choice hav to cancel my ivf n to wait for my cysts to b gone. Then finally during my Mar af, cysts all gone. My doc decided to put me on short protocol wif no suppression jab. As i was prone to ohss, he put me on low dosage of stimulation jab. end up my follicles grow veri slow. tot March cycle need to cancel again but luckily follicles eventually still grow. i was on 19days of stimulation jabs (gonalf f) n 12days of cetrotide. Faint** ppl jab stimulation jab the most is 12days but i jab for 19days. Retrived 7 follicles, only 2 fertilized wif good grade. Put in the 2 good grade embbies. tot i will hav good chance but sad to say i bfn in Apr : ( then want to try naturally in May. But did not ovulated based on OPT n my cycle go haywired. Faint** So frustrating. Seem like fate is making fun of me.
Qing Wei - I am sorry to hear that but am glad you are picking yourself up so quickly. It is not easy we all know. Great that you can move on quickly to FET which you may do better like some sisters here. Do not despair ok?
Daintreez - Yeap I had very bad nights during the two weeks, mostly saken up by cramps or just pure duscomfort due to bloating or hunger. Then I had very vivid strange dreams for some nights. But since BFP, I have sleeping better. I think it is due to our anxiety. I have a good feeling for you. Stay positive!
Hi serene (hugs)
thanks, i feel comforted and sorry to hear about your experience. I've been on 4 so-iui previously and have to cancel 2 because doc said i got too many follicles (like 5-7) and then they will say "if only u're doing ivf then it will be so much better". like I got a choice to switch ( which i don't).
I was looking forward to jun ivf because i tot finally (my gynae last time keep pushing me to still do iui). and then now this cycle is so abnormal that i think the whole thing will get delayed again.

I use this time to 'tiao' my body but what upsets me is despite tiaoing, it gets even more 'crazy'.

Nell - I'm a taker! hehe is everyone okay with next Mon afternoon?
hi Fi hozali,
yup.. ttc#2 naturally for 2 years but no success. so started assisted conception since last aug. so far tried 2 iui n 1 ivf.

how abt u? currently 2ww?
Kimmy, Nell, count me in! Im game for nxt wk.

Bingo, shall we meet tis wk? Or wait till nxt?

Serene, i know hw u feel. My number 3 is an elusive one frm 2007 till now.
yup in 2ww. ET last monday.
Silsilly - like you I would say my symptoms are very mild. I also got worried but thanks to some ladies who have graduated way before us (from the thread "mommies-to-be support group", and are in their 3rd trimester, they reassured me that some of them also had zero symptoms during the 1st trimester but are now about to deliver. also got some reassurance from other forums from the other countries. So I continur talking to my growing foetus everyday and am indeed lookign forward to 6 June.
Silsilly, my nauseas could be due to the duphaston. I always have side effects with medication when I take too much of them. Or coz my mum says she always puke badly when she's pregnant, ha ha, maybe she psyched me to feel nauseas coz before she harped on it I was feeling normal. Anyway, we all have the same worries until the next scan. Juz dun overtire urself with housework. I only cook daily, leave the rest of chores to hubby. Take care k
Mabel and Silsilly, two of u get to do ur next scan earlier than me, u both same day scan right? Mine is 9th. Prolonged wait, haiz
Hi ladies, I sincerely apologies that if my 2ww symptoms's post cause u worry n stress. Anyway, I also googled the 2ww symptoms fm internet.

Daintreez, I will wake up 3-4 times at night during 2ww. Sometimes can't get back to sleep. Lie down for almost one hr plus then fall asleep again. Now sleep better. Bloated (after each meal), cramped n backache exspecially 2nd wk of 2ww. I also can't tell the cramp come fm where?

Sun, I din really bed rest fm 0dpt to 3dpt. I drove my boy to school fm 1dpt onwards. Do light household work like cook lunch, sweep floor, laundry cleaning n go out to buy groceries. I can't stand the dirt. But after each chore, I will sit down n rest for half an hr. I din take Dr Zou's 2ww medicine. Also din take any special supplement b4 ER or ET.
Summer, we about the same, no tcm nor supplements except diet. Frankly, I feel it really depends on what is the issue that drives to ivf in the first place. If it is male factor problem, hubby got to focus on building up his health. Tcm is good but effects more visible in the long run
Sun, am with Thomson-TCM fm Aug to Nov last yr. Thought of doing IVF with Dr Cheng in Dec last yr. But cause of the ban on mix sperm case, I decided to go back to KKH. I only acu with Dr Zou 5 times. She advice me not to take her medicine.
hi qingwei, jiayou, i known is not easy.. but as long as we dont give up, we will become mother one day.. the day will come..

hi kimmy.. smile..
at least now you know af is here and you can start the battle soon..

hi fi, i can meet up this week too...
any ladies interested to meet up this week? kimmy, pink, queenie, bbnn as well? i can meet up today too... haha
Summer - Thnks, received it :D

Bingo - Ya true. But I want soon. haha very impatient hor. I'm going to kk later this noon and ask if I can start Jun cycle? Wahahahahaha.

I can meet up this week, no probs! How about...tmr?? or Wed??
Hi Bingo...on yr 2nd day of af, is it true kkh will scan u even with yr period first to check before proceeding with jabs? So u brought extra pad ah?

kimmy... kkh never scan me on my 2nd day of af leh.. i just told them that my af is here and they said day 21 to collect the injection..n

tom, wed i am fine too..
