IVF/ICSI Support Group

Jass- mine is a clear straight blue line, and I have those on off af cramp which is very similar to my usual mthly af feeling
but as what tintedsky mention, it's everything in god's hand. Will wait till fri ba
Tintedsky- mine oso day 3 transfer and only 4cells. Nurse say we must have some mOvement so that there is blood circulation for our embbies to implant.
Is it possible to transfer 3 still? My clinic mentioned that since 2 months back, the gov only allow up to 2 embryos to be transferred per go.
ET day 6. Bit of bloating observe. Can poo and pee frequency increase as drinks lots of water.

Just measure using some normal thermometer and reads 37.3. Normal?
Tintedsky- yup still possible. I transferred 3 too. They will only commence d new protocol nxt mth.

Carrot, cheer up, may still b early or late implantation. Dun give up hope! Jia you.
Sarah, u asked the KKIVF nurse? U nv blanco the word "ivf" off? My company accepts. Just that I didn't tell my boss. If they dun change I will ask dr Loh at ET. he usually obliges as he understands

I dunno y it will be a prob. At my m/c they wrote the cause as "misabortion". I got them to change to "miscarriage". They did for me n asked dr to re sign
carrot, i din measure bbt. Former tcm doc always comment that my tempreature very low, not good. I hate to measure bbt. Dun worry too muvh, i hope what i had written about the 2 ww symptomd din give u pressure, sorry.
Carrot - Pls dont be disheartened, there's 5 more days to BT right? I understand that BT is more accurate cos HPT might not be sensitive enough to pick up the reading...

Be positive ^_^
carrot n daintreez, some of the ladies here said can do hpt test 4 days later after ur last pregnyl jab. U may try out. Dun over stress urself, k?
Summer, i took my last pregnyl yesterday... then it should be Monday? thanks dear

Carrot, Yes, we must Jia You... I am still drinking longan/ red dates/ wolfberries up to date...
Jass, morning, I boil them myself... the sistas recommended in their posts... it helps in blood circulation and keeps the womb warm... I drinks 2-3 glasses a day..
Summer - Dun worry, I am sure they know what they are doing. I am not sure if that is a standard protocol at NUH ot give the same type support medication to all BFP ladies or they go by age and as well as BT results though. My HCG was 191 which is not so high and I am 39 so perhaps need more support.

If your HCG is good and I am sure they could have also looked at the overall results of your blood work before deciding on the dosage and support you need. Stay positive like I am trying to...heehehhe
Mabel/ Summer, today is my 11dpt (ET as 0dpt), I am having abdomen cramps similar to AF, last menses came during my Lucrin (was delayed due to the jabs) on 28th April. Do u had similar cramps near to BT? My BT is coming Friday, another 5days to go.. am getting worried if AF is coming...
Diantreez - I did have AF cramps on and off throughout my 2ww. But as long as there was no flow which becomes heavier by the day, I wouldn't be that worried. Stay positive ok. AF crmaps are normal during this period unless you have spotting that gets heavier by the day. Take care
babymaking - I was talking to my SIL yesterday who did her IVF several years back. She said there was one cycle when she vomiting very very badly after ER too and got admitted then doctor realise that the nurses gave her the wrong dosage of medication which she can't recall the name. Do check with them the the cause.
Daintreez - I can understand. The waiting game if never easy. With IVF, there are so many roadblocks that we have to clear. Hang in there. Just a couple more days. Go read positive stories. I find it helps me reduce my anxiety alot.
Summer, I was given duphaston, progynova, Crinone and progesterone (alternate days). My doc over support cos that is his style. Even both me n my dh request to cut the jab with the blood test result showing my hcg, progesterone and estradiol. You don't worry. You level is high so no need so much support. If u not comfortable, talk to the nurse.
Carrot, you mean after ET also no need pregnyl? Are u with KKH too? My pregnyl is 1 jab every 3 days though, total only 4 jabs for the 2ww. When is your BT?
daintreez, u shld test on wednesday if u wan. Sorry, my english not good. Understand ur anxiety. I had cramp especially on the 2nd wk of 2ww. Also afraid to see red when go toilet. U can go shopping, time pass faster, walk slowly.
