IVF/ICSI Support Group

Shainie, last time when I was on progynova I also faced the same problem. Dr zou also say this is normal to hv headache with progynova. Rest more n drink more water ok. Take care...

Dear Queenie, pls take care of yourself emotionally and physically...although this is my first time on IVF, I can totally feel the anticipation, anxiety, stress and loss of way most of the time that each of the sistas go thru.

I totally understand the friends of ours that can't stick to us thru all these n neither can they understand what this chance means to us.

As a mother myself to a 11 yrs old boy, I trust that one day God will give u the strength to seek for motherhood once again, that all of us is going thru, had gone thru and going thru it again...

Meanwhile, please take care and all the best to you my dear... 'hugz'
queenie, million hugz. Understand ur feeling as I also went thru my first failed cycle. If this cycle fail again, am not sure whether want to try again, no frozen embryo. Pls rest well before embark on FET. First AF will be heavy after failed cycle. Take care.
hmmm i hv a questions if i go and do the necessary blood test b4 i embark on the ivf journey... can i start in june... or i hv to wait for the june AF to come den do in july???
I call the clinic today and was told to go for blood test tmr morning.... i hope to do it in june cos i will be having holidays....
i am afriad tt all the side effect from the jab is gg to affect my job and my students .... with all the mood swing and sure and pain....
any advise ????
bingo> congratz in ur ET,at Care today will b ur D1 wherelz at kkh itz D0.around D13/D14 u can try hpt for an early indication.good luck n enjoy ur 2ww.. btw u gals still continue w the tradition of hvg makan roadtrip?
kinda miss that..
Queenie- sorry to hear tt but stay strong n have fate in urself, you will success ;)

Daintreez- I'm from care, they provide us with more support hopefully I can graduate soon ;p
Queenie, I like many sisters here empathize with what you are going through. Take a break from this but do make a decision whether to return to this journey as soon as you can. I took a break of a total of one year and in fact gave up the idea to explore adoption because then I didn't wanna go through it again. We were too fickle and when we decided to come back after a year's break I realised, my response to the stimulation is worsen and even with higher doses it is not fantastic. Talk to your husband and see what is the best for both of you. It is emotionally and physically draining I know. For now take good care of yourself *hugsss*
Dear Queenie, I'm really really sorry to hear what u r gg thru. It is not easy but u are a queen and a queen warrior. I believe in what doesn't break u only make you stronger. U are a survivor my dear friend. -big hug hug-
bb_nn> yes my dear fren,will b a silent reader for now but will lend support wenever i can.thread has many new members n moving very fast so mite be lost at times..

how hv u been doin?hope u'll hear bb heartbeat soon
tat'll b music to our ears..
dear kimmy *wave *wave...i miss u too and not to mention our delightful "5 warm water sistas"
will alwaz remember those times fondly..

haha...i'm sure there'll be new makan roadtrips..esp durin ur cycle too.heard u ovulating...better dun stay up so late..BD for a higher natural chance ;) then all the $$ saved fm ivf can put in bb piggybank..hee
Sarah thanks.

Queenie, be strong. Im in your shoes last year. Its very tough but life goes on. I take few months to get the strength for this fet cycle. What happen to u just as what happen to me. But I did not go to 24h. Af come with heavy flow a few days b4 my BT. Im lucky that my DH is supportive. Although he also sad of losing our embbies but he give me the strenght to goes on. We also went for vacation b4 I embark my fet journey. So Queenie dont give up. Keep on fighting until we BFP! Take care. *hugs*
thanks sisters for the well wishes...

mable, my cramp has overwhelm me, i walk pain, sleep pain, go toilet pain.. haiz.. hopefully the littles one are ok... i will talk to them more..

pink, hello! thanks for the info.. yes i would love to meet up, but this week abit difficult.. next week better ...
bingo> no makan roadtrip anytime soon.u better dun walk so much since u in pain..bed rest more ya..ther's alwaz plenty of opportunity for tat later.wat is important now is for u to recover fully.like wat queenie says...be a QUEEN for this 2ww
so rest well my dear fren
Queenie, natural FET starts scanning at D10. Will repeat either daily or alternate days depending on your scan results.
As usual, size of follicles, thickness of lining will be measured.

If your scan results have meet the minimium requirements n you have also ovulated, ET will be carry out 2 days later.

Then it's into the 2WW again.
new here.

juz tested my beta BT this morning, nurse told me it's too low to be pregnant, but test is not negative.

going back for another BT 2 days later, hope it doubles.

anyone have experienced something similar? scared that it's an ectopic pregnancy or blighted ovum
Hi Sophia

I went through the same experience 8 mths ago. My BHCG that time is around 16.Not sure whats yours. Maybe because my level was low therefore I only went back 3 days later for another blood test. The waiting days were terrible. Unfortunately my BHCG dropped and you know the story. I understand the difficulties but keep an open mind and relax and I believe your level will definitely double in another 2 days times. Will be hearing good news from you.

As for me, I just got my blood test today and tested POSITIVE. Hope to give you some babydust and your BHCG will definitely double in 2 days time.
Queenie, so sorry to hear that. *sayang* must be really tough for you. meanwhile take care and rest well and get ready for FET. million hugs, my dear. Remember, never lose faith in yourself!!! Jia you! Jia you!! Jia you!!!

To all my sisters here,
thanks for all your well wishes!!! Yes! It is a BFP for me! I was busy the whole day trying to get my blood test and results and the rest of my support medicine, gel and jab. Cos i dont have a gynae here and my husband's hospital doesn't carry the medicine i m using and Dr Teoh say must continue with all medicine if BFP. my hubby lah, over confident, thought sure can get medicine from the his hospital, then this morning found out that they dont carry the same form, so end up calling all the drug company/supplier and they cant get me the medicine by this afternoon and i dont have any gel/oral/jab medicine for today. super stressed. and at 4pm then managed to find the director of IVF centre in HK's union hospital to see me on urgent basis at 5:30pm. phew... blood test results managed to release at 5pm, just in time! Think i was too tired, after i got out from the hospital, went for dinner, then passed by a food court, i was triggered by dont know what smell and start nauseating very badly, less than 10min later i fainted. so chaos after that.
anyway, i m home now, rested and all jabs/medicine taken.
btw, doc say my lining is in good condition and my BT reading is about 758.
Thank you all of you for your trememdous support!! And lots of baby dust for the rest of us here.

Reserved a huge pile of baby dust for Queenie!!!
Hi Nell

HUGS!! Congrats!! BFP together!! yay! We have been waiting for you and I thought perhaps your BT results can only be out by Tuesday. But I did have the gut feeling that you are fine. Take care and hope for a smooth one all the way!
Sophy - Congrats too!! So you had your BT on the same day as Nell and I. Great! There are lotsa baby dust here and I pray that they will pile up in no time. Take care too
Big congrats to nell & sophy.

nell, u go thru so much hassle to get ur medicine, luckly u get it in the end. Must rest well today lo.
Sophy, maybe u can call ur dr directly to see whether he can give u additional med support? Think it is best u get ur dr's advice rather than wait it out.. Take care
Hi Liyan, if U are doing with yr May menses, likely the retrieval & transfer would be in July.
If U start on June menses, like be in August.
If U are going to start this month, then yr jabs would start on 21 day of menses, go for scan & blood test to make sure no cysts & is well suppressed.
If everything goes well, U will start to jab Gonal F (stimulant jabs)-night time, with the suprefact-morning time. This go on like 10-14 days depending how well U respond to the med.
Once follicles grow to at least 17.5 & lining ok, then they will ask U to jab Overidel (trigger HCG) then 2nd day would be retrieval.
U would be given HL to rest, wait for embrologist call next morning, she would update U the status of yr embbies. Is either 3rd day or 5th day transfer.
Then 2ww till BT on 12 day after transfer.
Hope this help to make U have a better understanding.
Two grade four embbies placed yesterday. Rest for whole day and now still feel like fainting.
All, be strong in this journey and don't give up.
Congratz to the gals who had BT and bfp!

Queenie, do take care and rest well. Many do bfp in FET as the body is more relaxed and less stressed.
