IVF/ICSI Support Group

Mabel - you are the kind of inspirational stories to keep the rest of us trying on this journey to get the success. Enjoy the next 9 months
Daintreez, thanks!

Can't quite answer your question though but i know seafood with high mercury is not good. So need to chk up on crabs.
Ron- i hope to help keep the spirits high here just like the rest who bfp
My gynae has always told me, it only takes one bean. It helps to keep my hopes up.
Hi ladies.

Sarah yup if we are below 37 can't transfer 3. Thats i get from d nurse.

Fi, ur lucky to allowed transfer 3 embbies. I am a month late. My DH insist we transfer 3 but yet the new policy kick off. Rest well in ur 2 weeks.

Mabel big congrats!!! Baby dust!!!!
Thanks, Sarah!

Fi Hozali - rest well and enjoy your 2WW.

Mabel - congrats! It was indeed an excellent quality embryo! Now enjoy the pregnancy process! So happy for you...
Daintreez, just to share, I abstain from crab, prawns and other seafood totally, except fish. Also stayed away from food that are likely to have chemical preservatives.
Hi Mabel,
I have become a silent reader but wld like to chk you on the prengyl jab? That is the 0.2ml(1000iu) to be jabbed every 3 days effective ET right?
Me too transferred 1 but my grade was not very ideal. hope I can be like you, be bestowed with a miracle..
Thanks Mabel...

Hi Ron, u r right!! Its so happy to be able to share the feelings of all the sistas here..

I feel that this is a place where everyone of us understands best what we are going thru..

Even our family, friends or colleagues cant understand so much, therefore sometimes we just keep it hush hush while we ride thru this journey...

Am again thankful to have gotten the precious advice from the sistas here just thru reading sometimes

I am looking forward to my BT but the days seems to be crawling....

Is it common to have implantation bleeding? I did my ET on 18th May... So its 5dpt?
Btw, sisters, just to check - we can't eat pineapples but is it ok if we pineapple rice without the pineapples?
Hi Adeline, oh, thats great!!! Which hospital are you with? I'm with KKH Dr Loh...

Are u on any other support now? I'm just taking the pregnyl jab every 3 days... every day feels so long this 2ww...
Eh, ladies. Me again. I see that there's a discussion about eating seafood. I had lotsa prawns over the weekend!
I was told that seafood is ok although friends have asked me to avoid crabs because crabs are considered cooling food.
Hi ceraine, i had two of those pregnyl jabs after et on top of daily crinone. The jabs only done in week 1. Ceraine i have read tat even average grade emmbies stick well and lead to healthy babies. Stay hopeful. Rest n relax. Take slow walks to get blood circulation. Some sisters here do accupuncture to improve on tat . R u doing tat too? But hubby n i decided we will try without tcm this round. In fact we never tried tcm though we thought abt it before.stay positive.
Hi Mabel, congrats!!! U used to be the NUH thread during ur 1st ivf right? Coz i happended to read ur past post when I were in the thread. U are wif dr chew right? So happy for u tat u bfp tis round. Ur success really give mi the courage to go for my 2nd ivf as I been quite demoralised since my 1st failed ivf in Apr. I m under prof wong. Care to share with me wat is diff between ur 1st n 2nd ivf?
Hi Mabel, is crinone the insert that some of the sistas is talking about? I wasnt prescribed that from my doc

by the way how was the embbies graded?
daintreez, I also on pregnyl jab every 3 days. KKH will give insert support if u retrieve more follicles, not sure what is the number, paiseh.
Kimmy, Suyana, thanks!! Suyana yes, i am with nuh? Do they normally ask u to go back for blood test after bfp or just wait till the 6th week scan?
No more bt after bfp
Just wait till 6weeks scan. You need your twice weekly jab.
You can get your gp to do it for you. Just buy the medication from emerald clinic
U r with Nuh?? Can I know how many u retrieved?
I m with Kk n the only support given is prengyl as I retrieved less than 15 which qualify for crinone.
Nope, I m not on accunpuncture post ET. Can meh? Dr Zou did not encourage.
Yah, I am staying positive..
As today is 2nd day post prengyl, d hpt result is not accurate as there might be residual hormones.. Have to wait 2 more day for a home test..
Hi Serene, yes i was with the nuh thread. I tried my first cycle a year ago.response wasrather poor. Did only gonal f n suprefact. Dosage was average. Only given crinone support. Did not make it to bt. This round, dr chew stared with suprefact n gonal f then added menopur. But the sizes of the follicles were all over the place. So he harvested 3 but only one made it to transfer. For support, he added two pregnyl jabs in week one. But my transfer this time was really smooth. Felt nothing. Am grateful for tat.
whitetiger, I didn't take stuff like Conceivewell etc coz I started coughing badly twice after taking them. So only left folic acid as my main supplement and have to get my nutrients from my diet instead. So I stay away from junk food, maggie mee, dried preservative fruits. But frankly lots of stuff such as sauces that we use for cooking also has preservatives. Just want the best for embbies
Elo Sistas...

Based on Ron posted pdf file...It seems 2 embbies transfer will take effect from 24.10.11....Based on para 5.30...I tink for those doing ET...better double check with ur Drs..My Dr says it is in Oct too...Best of luck...maybe still got chance for 3 embbie transfer..;-)

Mabel: Congrats...Ur news brings us lots of hope...

Jia You to all Sistas...;-)
Thanks Suyana. Two more weeks!

At nuh so far they got me to go crinone though ionly had 4 EGGS RETRIEVED in first round n three eggs retrived this round. Pregnyl is the one tat varie from case to case was told.

Ceraine, abt accupuncture, some other sisters here r in better position to advise. If dr zou says no then should trust her as i heard she is gd.
Yeay Mabel! Congratulations!

To ladies who just started your 2ww, good luck! BFP! BFP!

Did you hear the news from subha? She just SMS-ed me.. *worries*

Anyways, I'm huge huge huge huge crab lover!! Especially chilli crab! *salivating*
Because I know that crabs should be avoided(dun really know why), I have had my hubby bring me to batam prior to the start of lucrin and ate a plentiful of fat chili crabs and a whole array of seafood! Prawns! Sotong! OMG!
Silsilly, ya, but she's not on this forum so we dun discuss here. Ha, I'm very mean, make my hubby forgoes chili crab too since I can't eat
At least not when we are out for dinner on weekends.
Nadia, ya my DH just call the nurse. And was told to discuss with Dr how many to transfer. I call the KKH earlier after reading ron notes was told with imediate effect only can transfer 2. However, I still insist to talk to Dr. My DH want to transfer 3 this round.

Btw how ru? When to start again? Im on progynova and baby aspirin. Transfer (fet) early June. Maybe ard 7th june..
hi Shainie....

I tink there is some misinperation. Print the article of the para 5.30 & 1st Page show the dr..It should be w.e.f from 24.10.11 and not in June..Insist with ur Dr...

Yup saw u r on ur cycle towards FET..Best of Luck...

I am going for fresh in Aug..:)
