IVF/ICSI Support Group

qing, big congrats.

jass, welcome to 2ww & hv plenty of rest.

qingwei, how r u? I bloat a bit after each meal & cramp on off especially at night. Three more days to go, stress......

congrats sisters who tested bfp! share your tips ok ....

mable, yes i am given antibotics after ER and i am still taking it now .. today the cramp seems better...

pink, haha you sure sound like my dh ... ok sure wait till i am better. miss the warm water sisters...

sisters, after the transfer, how do u sleep? face up? side way? becos i have habit of sleeping side way, scare i hurt the embbies, i tried sleeping face up.. cannot sleep! haha
is it ok to sleep side way??
Hi Bingo, U can sleep any way u like except face down. This is I read from previous post that sistas wrote.
Summer, no more bloat le. Eat as normal but intake only slightly lesser. That day I alone finish a 7inch hawaiian pizza without pineapple.
I do have cramp on Sat n sun together w backaches.
Yest feel better n infact I start to work from home le.

Only problem I face now is I got constipation since ER.
Only poo twice so far. Drinking 1 bottle prune juice alternate days.
Hi Gals,
Am new in this thread. Glad to see so many girls chatting here.
Just fyi that I have one tin of Ensure strawberry milk powder for sale. Understand that some of you are drinking it due to it's selenium inside. I have bought 4 can recently due to some discount at a fair. But as I am going to start my FET soon so may not be able to finish them all on time. If you are interested to buy, can PM me and will let you know the price (<$30).
Let's gambatte together for a bundle of joy to carry in our arms.

Lastly, congrat to Nell, Mable and Qing for your BFP. Please give us tons of baby dusts. we need it desperately.
queenie, *hugz*, tiao ur body and go for fet when ur ready.

congrats nell, qing &amp; mabel for ur bfp!!

sophia, dun worry, ur readings will double tml!

JT, all the best to ur ET!
Nell/Qing - congrats.

Liyan - the jabs are not too bad (ie. it will sting a bit but nothing so serious and won't faint or cannot go work). Might need to be prepared for some mild discomfort as some sistas have backaches, sleepiness, headaches, cry easily, but nothing serious enough that prevent you from functioning at work. It's more the mental worry bits that gets us during the ivf cycle(ie. are my follicles growing, will DH sperm be ok on ER date, enough follicles, how many eggs will be retrieved, ..... the mental doubting never ends (p.s. hats off to the teachers of this world!)

Queenie - you sound strong already. Do have a chat with the doctor &amp; DH on next steps &amp; take some time to heal emotionally &amp; physically. Some of us take more tries (I like to think that God wants us to want the babies a little more before He sends them over ). Many sistas bfp on FET as body is less stressed &amp; it's all about embryo selection for transfer anyway, so if 1st 2 embbies didn't make, maybe next 2 during FET will make it! See you back here soon, ok?
Bear. Me under kk with dr sf Loh. Sad to see that my left ovary is gone due to endo treatment in gleneagle three years ago. Sob sob. I pray that the two grade 4 embbie grow and implant.
Jass-Now most impt is to focus to be +ve.
Don't think too much of the grades.
Maybe k plan to meet with yr close friends to have high tea or lunch on 2nd week, that can help to ease the anxiety also.
Which I plan to do that in Aug.
Ron-How are U recently?
Thank you so much! This is my 1st IVF cycle and i only have 1 healthy embryo for transfer. So super stress up during this period. And also when i check with the Doc here in HK then i realised my SG Doc is super kiasu and loaded me with lots of support. He is an extremly careful doc which is a great thing but i dont react well with the medicine and hence had extremely bad mood swings.

i started taking GNC pre-natal multivits, Effalex (with Omega-3/6), and calcium 1 month before i start my cycle. 1 eat 2 half boiled eggs and 1 bottle of essense of chicken for breakfast everyday. As for the rest of the meals, i eat everything that i feel like eating some time din even eat. but my hubby says as long as i have my supplement i should be fine even if i dont feel like eating.

When i started my FSH jab i was actually very busy at work and have to work till 10+ every night. so i normally go home (i stay near office)to jab then back to office to continue my work. I wine and dine as per usual. I love to drink, i still take a bit of wine/beer with meals. I only stop my alcohol consumption after ET. During my FSH period i flew to Taipei for 4 days (apr30) and my jab flew with me as well. Just a short trip to attend a relative's wedding, and to eat and relax. Cos too stress up with jabs and work.

Then after FSH, is the ER and ET which is uneventful other than the sore ovaries, and the sadness when i realised only 1 healthy embryo for transfer. Though we have already opted for single embryo transfer no matter how many was fertilized.

So,what i do during this 2ww? i actually did nothing other than trying very hard to stablelised my mood. i flew over to HK, then everyday sleep, eat and shop.

I also try to drink lots of soup during my 2ww when i m here in HK. cos the soup here is really nice and makes it easier when i want to vomit.

i have lots of discomfort after the ER and ET, but it subside after 1 week, then i become very depressed and started crying everyday in the midst of my 2ww. towards the end about 5 days before my BT, i start feeling bloated, tummy cramps, nauseating. It was worser 2 hours after my progesterone jab. i also become very sensitive to smell, walking pass a food court can make me nausea non stop till i faint. fainted twice already in 6 days.

hope you find this post useful!
nell, tks for sharing ur IVF journey. Urs one and only embryo really a tough warrior. So happy for u, take good care. Wish u a smooth 9 mths ahead.
Summer/Sarah, thanks. Now I have to find window to fly back SG n start work soon before I go on block leave again on 10 June.

Bingo, I did Day 3 transfer. Mine has 4 cells.

Mabel/Qing/Sophie, congratulations!!! Are you gals on any support now?
I just caught up with some of the posts.

Queenie - so sorry to hear that. *BIG HUG* Please rest well and take good care... Don't give up!

Nell - Congrats!!! Happy for you... And have a smooth 9 months!
Bingo - I did D3 transfer. But the super blur me didn't ask how many cells. Does it matter? I was told one of them is half-compacting which the embryologitst explained but I still didn't understand.

I am totally clueless about this whole process. So just blur blur go through it. Doctor and embryologist told me the two embryos are beautiful so I just went "orh".
Nell - Yah...on support now. but not Crinone anymore. I am prescribed with duphaston (oral) twice daily with folic acid plus gotta go back twice weekly for two progesterone jabs. One is oil base. You?

This morning I had one bad cramp as I have been constipated for two days. Luckily relieved within a min. After releasing bowels, ok leow. do you all get this?
Sorry gals, sotong me. I just turn on my PM. Anyone drinking the ensure can get fr me at cheaper price. The selenium in it helps in implantation. Thank you.
Nell - Thanks for sharing. Hey know what not only did we BT on the same day, like you I also only had one and only good embryo to transfer. For me also just eat healthily throughout. only added like Brazil nuts, ensure milk and some brown rice snacks. I love snacks..kekee. ONly time I was emotional was I cried when I was watching our Prime minister announce that our MM Lee is finally stepping down. I respect him alot but I didn't expect myself to keep tearing.

Now is the start of another nerve recking two weeks. When is your scan? How I wish there are Hpt kits that can measure our level of HCG...hahahhaa so we can monitor ourselves over these two weeks. But anyways, I bought a few gaurdian brands ones and intend to keep check on my pregnancy every few days. Just can't help it.
Hello sisters, I did my OR yesterday.. felt really painful. I had diahorrea a few times in the middle of the night. I am still feeling painful now and don't know what is cramps and what is bloatedness. What should I do? will this pain go away before my ER on Thursday? i am feeling very scared. =(
Whitetiger - Cna understand how it feels. No matter how I tell myself to relax abt the BT, which i did, I still got extremely nervous as the time drew nearer to the hour when I was expecting the nurse's call. Had butterflies in my stomach and had to keep distracting my self with BFP stories online. How are you feeling ?
Summer - It only takes one to stick and our dream will come true. The impt thing is we must have a good lining (which the doctors are helping with all the support)and a good doctor who is skillful with the transfer I guess. Stay positive which I am trying to for my next two weeks too
Summer, I believe it's case by case. Because the nurse told me that trf is D2-D5 and it depends very much on the embryos. But I was told that the later the better.
Nancy - Did you inform your doctor. If the cramp is bad and not going away, do call them. Try rubbing your back gently in a rotational manner from mid spine down. For me it relieve sudden sharp cramps which happened once during my 2ww. If someone can rub for you is good. It gives instant relieve.
whitetiger/mabel, am a bit kan cheong as the BT date is coming soon. Feel nervous whenever go toilet!!! (u all shld know what I mean)
Thanks Mabel, thing is, the pain is on my tummy.. it's cramped, and bloated. i called the nurse this morning and she said as long as i do not have sudden weight gain or difficulty in passing urine, i am still safe. Will this pain go away? i eat egg whites until i want to vomit.
