IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nancy - Rubbing the back relieves the cramp at the tummy even better than rubbing the tummy itself. It worked for me as I think becos our nerves are at the spinal area and that's why it relieves. I do that for my child sometimes when he complains tummy pain. Try and see if it helps. If still bad, check with your nurse. So far my cramps are either mild, sharp but goes off within a min or two. All on and off. Bloatedness is expected. Try drinking more water, brazil nuts, drink ensure milk, protein stuff. Did you retrieve alot of eggs?
Summer, I feel the same way too about going toilet. But I actually go to toilet more often now just to check. I know I am paranoid but can't help it cos it's so close to BT.
Hi Mabel, I had 18 eggs retrieved, 11 matured and 9 fertilized this morning. They are worried I may get OHSS as my hormonal level is very high.
koirc, din know that SGH will do a D2-D5 trf cos in KKH we only get to do a D2 trf unless ER is on friday like Bingo's case.

nanz, when is ur ET? Drink lots of water. Which hospital r u with?
Summer - Yes. CARE opens Mon-Fri and I asked the nurse what if D4 or D5 is on weekend and she said they will open just to do the ET. I was actually quite impressed. Hahaha...
nancy - that's a great number. Do monitor yourself closly and don't hesitate to call them for advise whenever you don't feel right.if the pain is unbearable, check if you can take the NORMAL panadol.
nanz, ur bloateness might be due to the number of eggs u retrieved. Drink more water. Many of the ladies here also drink red dates tea to keep womb warm.
Nancy - try other forms of protein. The nurse told me can drink Ensure milk which is available in diff flavours. I love the chocolate ones. I also dun take alot of eggs during 2ww. Two eggs every 3 days. I know I cannot stomach so many eggs. But I can drink Ensure everyday. IT is tastey. I think some sisters here have other protein recommendations which I have not tried though. Can anyone suggest?
oh i see... thanks for the tip! Summer!
thanks sisters for the support..

my bhcg was 95 yesterday, according to the nurse, it must be more than 250 to be positive.. even if doubled, not sure if it is enough

the nurse at kkh only told me to come back for a second blood test, no chance to even speak to my doc, sigh..
Nancy - I am blessed to have just graduated from the first two weeks. Now into the next two weeks before the nerve recking 6th week scan. All the best for your ET on Thursday. Which doctor are you with?
yes. i was told Ensure milk helps to. i am drinking the strawberry flavour one cos the chocolate one sold out.
thanks for the advices and tips.
I feel much better now..
Congrats Mabel. I hope all go well for you.
actually i don't know who my doctors are.. Dr. Chew and Dr. Anupriya both took turns to attend to me.. so i don't know who is my doctor.
i am curious what unit of measurement does KKIVF uses to measure bhcg? i read from websites that any thing 25mlu/ml is considered positive. can anyone share?
Silsilly,KKHivf adds 2 weeks to the dates right? Thought the nurse told me I'm in my 6th week now. Am I right or I hear wrongly?
Hi Sophy >> As long as continue to double, still got chance. The number 250 is benchmark hurdle.

Do keep taking the support, keep positive & eat well until the next BT, & btw, congratulations on the BFP.
Sisters,forgot to mention that i m on 5mg folic acid daily when i started to take my other supplements.

Mabel, ya, what an coincidence.
praying hard that we can go into delivery together. i dont have constipation. I has been having diarrhoea since Sunday morning. Once i eat i have to dash to the toilet. my hubby dont let me take any anti-diarrhoea medicine and prefer i continue to purge out. so just have to drink plenty of water and eat porrige cos the "arm" of the porridge has mild anti-diarrhoea effect it is harmless. I m on lots and lots of support since my ET, 2 tabs of progynova twice daily, 1 tab duphaston trice daily, crinone 8% twice daily, and 1ml progesterone IMI alternate days. I m trying to get my doc to stop my jab. he says tomorrow do BT to check my Estradiol, Progesterone and beta-HCG level then decide whether to drop the progesterone jab and whether i can fly back this friday.

Mabel, why 2 weeks for the scan huh? i had my scan yesterday and will be having my scan next week either here or in SG when i see my doc. Btw, maybe you can try the clearblue digital HPT that can tell you which week of pregnancy depending on your HCG level. can you just walk in to do your blood test as and when you want?

Summer/Koirc/Whitetiger, understand your stressed. i tried to distract myself but meeting up friends for coffee/lunch. stay positive for BFP!!! lots of baby dust here going round. try to relax a little. i know it's easier say than done. jia you jia you

Nancy, i took panadol to ease the pain when i cannot tahan. It is safe to take panadol. i have checked. if you cant take egg whites, just take lots of protein, such as fish, milk or cheese.
Your bloat and backache could be due to your swollen ovaries. Cos after removal of the eggs, the empty follicles may be filled up with fluid and still give you a very swollen ovaries. I will subside slowly. for my case, my right ovary has shrunk back to almost the usual size but my left ovary is still very swollen. and the doc say that it will be like that into the pregnancy. so means i will still be having my left back ache for a long time.

sarah, the shopping and food is really good here. given the super high SGD. it makes lots of sense to shop here. depending on what kind of food you like, the standard of dim sum here very good actually most of the restaurant you walk in serve great dim sum and the price is so much cheaper than SG. once of my recent favourite is Lei garden, their double boiled soup is very good, not oily. so had it alternate days.
hi mable, koric and summer, thanks.. i was told mine is cell 7 and dr zou did mentioned that cell 8 at day 3 transfer is the best.. so got me abit worried lor ....

koric, maybe you can call kkh and ask how is the cell?
wah Nell.really alot of support given. at nuh, they will scan for the sac in two weeks after bfp. did you use tat digital hpt? if so how many weeks did it indicate?
You know after seeing all of you taking egg whites, I realised that I only had 3 eggs the whole of last week! I just went to the coffee shop downstairs and ate two hard boiled eggs!
Bluenosebear - 1st round I transfered one good quality and one average quality. NUH grade them this way.I din ask about cells...blur blur then.

This time I transfer one good quality embryo and I asked them the meaning of good. They told me means the embryo has 8 cells and no fragmentations.
Koirc, thanks for sharing... mine is due on 26 Jan.

Sophia, on my BT report the it shows the 758 mIU/mL and 758 IU/L side by side. so guess it should be the same. will check with my hubby tonight and update if different
Nell, the HK dim sum is very nice. I miss the dim sum. That time when I went with Dh, we order a lot of thing and yet it come out with only abt S$20+. We eat untill so full. I remember I order "loh mai kai", it is so big.... we can only take half of it. I miss the food... omg.
mabel, i used the normal clearblue. cos i m doing blood test same day so din bother. i took a look at the packaging it looks quite easy to use and reliable. it determines your preggy week by the level of HCG. you might want to give a try though our gestational week is calculated differently. i thought at least it give u a comparison against the average normal pregnancy HGC level
koirc, was told to eat 2 egg whites daily.. so i kept stuffing dh with the yolks.. haha.. now he's scared already..

reduce to 1 egg a day now

thanks mabel, read the article yesterday too.. a bit consoling..
sarah/summer, now is dumpling festival. the dumpling here is super huge. about 4 of our usual dumpling. you should try.

sophia, i actually missed going back to office. cos i m so bored at home. i can smell the mould on my skin already. waiting for my hubby to come back and bring me out. so so bored. keep myself occupied by doing some housework and reading.
nell, i miss going out of the house.. haha..

can only look forward be able to eat out.. scared of mil's healthy food already
Nell, Y u like to work... aiyo. especially now preggy and how good if can stay at hm. I like to stay at home watching tv.
How is the weather in HK now?
Nell, that's still CNY!!!

Sophia, I actually didn't know I should eat egg whites until I see all the sisters talk about it here. The nurses at SGH told me I can eat anything as per normal. Only to avoid cooling stuff.

I don't take eggs that regularly in my diet. So now I try. Although we're supposed to eat egg white but it's ok to have the yolk too right?
just saw this at the back of my BT report. Just for information.

Units of measurement: mIU/mL or IU/L

Nonpregnant females (95%ile) and males: <5
Nonpregnant (5%tile) or early pregnant: 5 - 35
Approx levels in pregnancy (95%ile):
0-1 week gestation : 0 - 50
1-2 week gestation : 40 - 300
2-3 week gestation : 100 - 1,000
3-4 week gestation : 500 - 6,000
4-10 week gestation : 500 - >225,000
11-15 week gestation : 22,500 - >225,000
16-22 week gestation : 8,000 - 50,000
23-40 week gestation : 1,600 - 49,500
Hi Nell,

My BT report is different in terms of the breakdown. Strange, I think diff labs have diff ways for measurements. Just strange, coz i see different "passing marks" in the conversations the sistas are having here.
Sarah, work got money and easy pass time mah. no work only spend money. and i spend money quite scary. plus every month see salary credited very shiok, want to buy what also no need to justify. I dont normally watch tv. so can be quite bored. We stayed in the subburb so air quality is good generally 2-3 degree lower than downtown. rainy these 2 days. temp around 23 degree here. Over here drive out to TST about 20 minutes but my hubby dont let me drive out alone now that i m preggy. cos the taxi driver and mini bus driver extremely reckless. took mini bus out give me motion sickness so stay home till he reached home at 6pm. last week my galfren is here to do here shopping stay at my place so got company go out, today she went back sg. then me home alone. sigh.

Koirc, when is next year CNY?

Bb_nn, I think this one not passing mark lah. Think just a statistics showing the level of 95 % of the preggy female by gestational weeks

Koirc, just found out it is on 4th day of CNY.
