IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nell - Is there a local hospital that can do the BT for you? I gather that if done at the hospital, results should be out faster as they should have the labs there. Anyways, All the best to you too!! keep all our finger, toes and limbs cross!
I have been watching the Asian food channels as well and health matters channels over these two weeks for two reasons :

1) Since I dare not do too much serious cooking as I do not want to stand in front of the flame for too long, I can only watch other cook on TV as I miss cooking
. During my first IVF cycle, I dod alot of cooking for family while my MIL was away but this round I told my hubby he shall cook, I merely give instructions cos my MIL is again away on holiday (she stays with us).

2) Have been watching Health Matters becos they have alot of programs on child birth, new borns, families and kids etc which is inspiring.
Hi BNB - *wave wave back*

Hi Queenie - *hugz* & stay strong.

Nell & mabel & bingo - best of luck tomorrow.
hello sisters,

okay today is getting weird for me. I was expecting period on thursday but it didn't come. then on Fri & Sat (ytd) i got slight cramp here & there so I think AF is coming. then still dont have. Then today my tummy feels very 'sng' like bloated and some depression on it like that and for the sake of it, I test hpt -ve. then i test digital ovulation kit was +ve.
so my question really is can one ovulate again without having af? I'm quite frustrated as I've been waiting for ivf journey to start as I think that's the only thing i have a real chance of getting closer to our dream and if i'm ovulating again its like I'm one step back again...
to add on, I've been having a lot of CM in the past week.
like what silsilly mentioned. so I was expecting af to come as it would.
i'm tormented. should we be BDing with the positive ovulation kit (since its clearblue digital 99%) or let slip another chance and wait till af comes in jun probably then my whole ivf push later.

i'm sorry if im not making sense. i'm just trying to make sense of everything, including the cramp. frustrating frustrating... sobs
Qingwei, the sushi Hk drama not only hv lots of sushi.. The actresses carry branded bags! Seldom see in Hk tvb drama... So far I saw the actresses carried Chanel, murberry n balancegia bags!
i think i m mad.
i will guai guai wait for af to show up, get kkivf nurses do necessary bloodtests and then start my jun cycle.

sorry about all the spam posting earlier sisters. :\

Qingwei/Hazel > wah now im so gian to watch the sushi hk drama liaos. will drop by poh kim tmr then.
Hi Kimmy, hehe, sound more like u r having PMS. No worries, AF will come (unless u strike this month then all problem solved!). If tested OPK+ve, no harm BD - good excuse
ron - yah! i been having pms since Friday. then DH keep wondering what's wrong with all the mood swings! wahahahaahahah.
Yeah, I'm anticipating af and keep wearing pad bcuz the last time it surprised me and stained my bottom I have to throw away loh. so lesson learnt, wear pad when af is expected.
u are right, no harm BDing though DH went "again?".

Thanks for hearing me out and 'pacifying' me no less. i hope during my ivf journey i won't be PMSing so much. -hugs-
kimmy.. could you be?????????
test again 2 days later...
Dr zou said alot of girl bfp while waiting for ivf to start... maybe you are one of them?
hi kimmy,

really hope you strike this round! au naturale! hehe! did you do hsg in this cycle?

sisters doing BT today,
im so excited for you!!! BFP! BFP!

have a good ET day! day 3 transfer! hope u see nice flowery embryos today!
Hi sisters, last 4 days I hv some. Rown stains like AF come and got cramp... But it came 3 days early. Then the brown stain gets lighter and now it disappear after 4 days. Other then this I dnt feel a thing diff. I so sian man. I everyday wear pantliner in cause it come suddenly. I think I suay lor even health also wa to bully me. My work already so stress due to my coll sudden resign after MIA for 2 days and now I hv to worry my work load and my health.

I dnt think I am preggie cos I hv been falling sick for the last 3 weeks and hv seen 4 doc (3 western & 1 Chinese). And somemore me and hb didnt BD much due to my sick and drowsy after med.

I worry I gt other problem cos I gt severe endo and I am waiting for my ivf in July... The chance to get preggie naturally is nt high so I am doing ivf lor... Why I so suay!
Fatefully, Who know u might be preggie? Dun think so much on those -ve issue. Face it only when the problem arrive. ok... For work wise, just do whatever you can and dun over stress urself ok. U shld know what is more important for u at current stage.

In this forum, Guess all of us also got a lot of question in mind... why v need to go thru ivf y ppl get pregnant easily and not us??? a lot of ???

This is life... v have to face it! Dun think too much -ve issue ok. Today is monday so have a fresh mood and start a fresh week. All the best!
Hi Fatefully, agree with Sarah - don't worry too much and face the problem when it arives.

Are you late for AF (assuming the brown stains were not AF)? If yes, maybe just to have a peace of mind can do a hpt. Who knows, maybe +ve leh!
or perhaps the meds just made this cycle shorter (and browner
). Your IVF in July so still have time to take care of body. Re work, don't stress-la, even if the boss ask you to cover the work, you just do your best as no boss can expect that you do 2 person's work and achieve the same results, just try your best and chill with us!

Am very happy today coz done with all the work travels for this quarter & can now guai-guai go to see dr zou regularly. Hope everyone has a great week, sistas!

Nell - did you find a doctor for the BT? I can get you a contact for the fertility clinic in HK if you want to give that a try but I think most of the gruop clinics (eg Quality) or hospitals can do the BT for you. Good luck!
Hey sisters!

I'm back again... My hubby is finally back so I was busy updating him on what I'd been doing the last week.

I'm back to work today. So sian!!! 4 more days to my BT. Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed!
Hi Sarah & Ron,

Thanks for your encouragement. Now in office i feel abit cramp. If the brown stain is not AF, I am still late for 2-3 days.. but when I had the brown stain and consider as AF, I am early by 2 days... I will see how it goes after end of this week... I dont wa to do HPT cos i find not necessary.... I mean I dont feel I am preggie. After a week or so still the same... I will go see a gyna ba...
Hello Bingo / Whitetiger / Silsilly,

don't know at the moment leh. Yesterday I kept checking for stains down there. Weird right? I so sian of staining the bed especially we're using our favourite sheets now. wahaha.

Anyhow, I really don't know what to think. Is it possible that I ovulated a 2nd time and skip period altogether?

I don't feel 'pregnant'. I just know that I had horrible tummy ache for past 2 days and my DH did too. Must be something wrong we ate. I took the 'early pregnancy test strip' somemore just to get hopeful again. Something I found in the drawer.

I did however tear when my DH said there's the possibility of a bfp when he saw my smiley face on the OPK. Then i realized I may be getting my hopes up too high. I've never got a +ve reading on hpt before and still have not. but the thought of it happening (I pray and pray) was surreal enough for me to tear.

I think I'm PMSing. Or I do hope what Dr Loh told me in the last visit is really happening.

All the best to sisters who are BTing, ETing and ERing today & this week.

As it approaches June I'm really sian at the thought that my ivf cycle will be pushed back because May af is not showing up. I'm still going to insist with the nurse to get me started asap though. Waited too long, too many tears & heartaches ...
Hi Sarah, that's great. I'm going out to buy some today and get started too. Do you just take it with room temperature water?
Kimmy, Yes, the sisters here say must take in room temperature. I also let my DH take. So each mth will need 2 box. Mayb around July I will take 2 pack each day.
I was anxiously waiting for my BT results at the hospital since 8.30am this morning. Didn't go home as my place is ridiculously far from the hospital. Thanks to the Galaxy Tab hubby got for me to kill time during this IVF process, I started reading more positive stories online while waiting. Finally at 10.30am today, the nurse called to deliver me the most awesome news..."Congratulations, you're pregnant", she said. I almost flipped and can't believe it. It is indeed a miracle as I only had the one and only good egg this round. Hubby and i were overjoyed. My BT reading is 191. Their passing is 6. But following that I had two really painful injections on the butt and the nurse told me, I will need to go back for twice a week to do these jabs for a total of 8 weeks. Well...what is that pain compare to our want for this child. I'll do anything
Thank you ladies for all the well wishes and I am glad I have a chance to spread some baby dust to all and hope to see more BFPs here very very soon. My scan will be on 6 June
. Just have to stay optimistic now.
Sarah, i only had one an only precious embryo. This is my second fresh cycle. My first was slightly better with two embryos but din stick. This time round doc change protocol n aded pregnyl support after embryo transfer.
Summer n bbnn, thank you
i am so glad to share this journey with everyone here.

Ritzc, i am so happy to join you ladies. We will fight on!!
Mabel congrats!!!

dear ladies in here, i've been a silent reader all these while. am in my 2ww now and BT will be on 3rd June.

Was really glad to have found this place where everyone is so supportive of each other.

I've gt a question in mind, during these 2ww, can we take sour prunes? I've been eating like 5-10 pcs a day... And can I eat crab? Been craving for crab for so long....

Thanks sista for your valuable advice

Hi girls, I'm helping my friend to ask. For those of you with kkh, can I check how you start all the checks and eventually to ivf? Is it through polyclinic? And how much are the costs? I can't advise my friend because I was from TMC
