IVF/ICSI Support Group

I have no frozen embryos. Prof can't give me reasons why it failed, think no one k give me the answer also. Is not meant to be mine ba.
Hubby to be supportive, think when u go for appt, ask chr nurses ( ivf centre nurses) when they be having next ivf talk. Bring yr hubby along then u get to understand more before u embark.
U need to be physically & emtionally involved. With the hormone jabs, yr mood will be vey affected so is impt for hubby to be involve & supportive.
All the best for yr 1st round.

Like there are thousands of ants biting your ovaries.
That's how I feel. Hope u r mentally prepared and not forgetting the HCG jab in the later part.
During the peroid when i do IVF hubby will not be around so hving his spermy frozen for back up usage.... also incase the sprem are no goodon the actual day.... so for the 19 days leave i think i hv to ask my friend who does house cleaning to clean the house for me.... i will be all alone ....
Failure is cause of both factors, both man and woman. No one can tell the quality of an egg or sperm just by looking at the their appearance.
Try to talk to your hubby. Fresh sperm is always good since the quality is rather bad. Sperm only survive in suitable environment up to 72 hrs. IVF is a painful process. Have to get fullest support from hubby.
Liyan- when he attend the talk he sure k feel how the journey is.
They will show the types of jabs, needles & the embrologist will be talking too.
Both hubby & me find it beneficial after attending.
So when u be starting the suprefact jab? It would be on the 21st day of yr menses
hi queenie, just saw your post before i watsup you.. go test hpt ok and tell us the good news..
have faith in your embbies! i need your baby dust for my 2WW soon ok...
Liyan. I guess u r a total first fresh cycle. Yes. U need to attend the ppt on the process and sign the agreement. U only start the process After ur next menses.
Jass- is a suppression med, maybe is different from kkh or other pte dr. The other is lucrin I think so that kkh use for suppression.
Liyan-that means u doing on June menses ah?? If like that then we will be cycle buddies
She showed me the pics and info on the IVF and told me to call on the second day of my mens.... den must bring ic ... marriage cert... yup and also oninsurance and lots more....
yes... i will be doing on the june cycle ... lol... i will call them tmr cos i suppose it is not open today... and yes the nurse is very helpful her name is jane.... nice ppl...
Quuenie, it was definitely 3rd day of my spotting, so cld b day 10 Liao. I went to kkivf n told them I wan a BT since I was already there. Had e 2nd BT on actual BT day to affirm my pregnancy then.
Queenie, mine was v diluted and haywire on and off, that's y I ignore. But for u I think u have the right to ask them to do early BT for u. I find kkivf staff quite nice so far and believe they will go the extra mile to put u at ease too.
Hpt stick may not accurate coz still early, but BT should be able more accurate reading. No point stressing yourself unnecessarily with inaccurate reading.
Liyan: Sorry to hear you are proceeding to IVF but welcome

Maybe this site will help you prepare about IVF (the site is for some overseas clinic but the overall procedure won't vary much at NUH). Just a starting point so that you have an idea what to expect and the success/failure rates. Many more good sites on the internet.

Bluenosebear / soon-to-be,
Ur 2 stories made me feel more +ve..
I hv written to Dr Loh & oso ll go down straight to KKH tmr to get a BT done.. Anyway, juz a noodle poke, some cash.. But @ least if additional support is needed, I can get it as well..

Yes.. I ll take action.. So far, my experience with kkivf staff oso not too bad.. Juz tt they r soooo busy.. but tt isn't their fault..

Thanks gals for ur advices.. Much appreciated in times like tis, where I got nobody to turn to..
bluenosebear & Liyan - i have u two for jun cycle buddies too...we can encourage each other and bfp from all the bb dust ard here

hi queenie - how r u? like all the other sisters here, test liaos then can get early support.

hi bingo - tmr et right? jiayou!
hazel/qingwei - is the sushi hk drama funny funny one? i need those i can laugh laugh during 2ww then won't think so much :D
queenie, glad that u already decide to do an early BT. Dun think too much and hv a good night sleep. Ur spotting stop?

Bingo, wish u a smooth ET tmr.
Bingo, all the best for ur ET tomorrow

Mabel and Nell, lots of bb dusts for ur BT tomorrow

Silsilly, when's ur next scan? Mine is 9 Jun, feel like going thru 2ww again since im doing lots of bed rest for my daily backache. How r u coping? Think after confirm heartbeats, i will move out of this thread and maybe we should start a thread for ivf mommies coz our concerns will be more similar having gone through the same process here.
Queenie- all the best for yr BT
Bingo- All the best for yr ET
All doing Bt tomorrow, all the best & spread more more baby dust here
Kimmy- we will cheong together in June
Queenie - stay positive. An early BT is definitely good. yes! tmr is BT day. Finally the 2ww has come to an end...thanks for the well wishes.

Ritzc - I am praying for the best!
Will keep you ladies posted, good or bad.

Bingo - GOod luck to ET!!
Thanks for the well wishes.. But it's game over for me.. Cos it's red flow.. I m not even given a chance to go for BT.. & I don't even hv tears coming out now...
Queenie - *Hugsss*....Do not be discouraged. We all understand how tough it is to deal with this whole episode. You are definitely not alone ok?
Hi ritzc,

My scan is on 7 June.. You asking me how I cope? Haha! You should know my answer right? I'm worried like dunno wat to say! Haizz.. I will be worried all the way until I see my baby (s) at the end of the journey..

Dunno why today so confident, I wore light underwear.. And guess what? I saw brown stuff with my usual white discharge lor! Should have just worn black so I will be ignorant.. Now, still scared la! Wah lao..

Eh, u very relax one hor.. My mom told me that you look very 'zen' and relaxed like dat.. Haha! I wish I could relax more..

My so called cramps are no longer bothering me.. This is my new concern! Haizz.. Waiting for 7 June will cause more panic attacks la!

Anyways, if the scan goes well, we will move to a new thread.. Hopefully, we will move together gleefully..

To sisters doing BT tomoro, good luck!! BFP! BFP!

Bingo, good luck for your ET!

Queenie, *hugs big big* I'm still rooting for you dear..
RitzC >> great idea, start thread for ivf mommies then we can graduate and rally similar support for journey. :D

Bluenosebear > ya! Cheong in june! steady pom pi pi. May ending in 1.5 weeks time and my May menses havent come yet. wah sian.

hazel/Qingwei >> I agree glee is funny! I'm a fan of glee & of britney's dance moves. Wah i think if i can dance so well in the bedroom then good liaos. hiak. thing is hubby loves glee so Im watching all the up to date episodes liao. cannot reserve any for 2ww. sian sian. maybe will watch some comedy movies instead. today watched a comedy movie on dvd and didn't even time passing slowly.

queenie - big hug. u know hor, most likely if u tell dr loh about the flow he will say maybe its implantation bleeding leh? dr loh is quite optimistic one. the last time i ask him why my period came 18 days early then he said maybe implanation leh? ask me don't lose hope. we are all here rooting for u.
Silsilly, I'm pokerface mah. I'm also worried coz of my backache and haywire watermarks. N also have cold feelings down my throat, n when that happens just eat crackers or bread to remove that feeling. Dun wan think too much, just take things in stride. U also try to relax k? Maybe dr sadhana has too many patients that's y we have diff day appointments
Queenie, agree with Sarah. Don't think -ve. Docs told me usually AF will be slightly delayed due to stimulants and the lining is thicker during ivf. that's what i was told anyways. 加油 (jiayou)
Queenie, Mabel n I r doing our BT tomorrow. I m still looking for a place to do my BT cos I don't have a gynae here. Not sure whether I will get my result tomorrow. Anyway will be doing my HPT tomorrow. All the best for your BT tomorrow.

RitzC, thanks for the bb dust.

Bingo, how are you doing? Good luck for your ET tomorrow.

queenie, i thought dpt10 menses is way too early?pleaae dont lost hope yet, wait for the blood test result...

kimmy, queenie, summer, bluenosenbear, mable and silsilly, thank you so much for the well wishes for my ET tom.. i am still having cramp and bloat from my ER! hopefully tom will feel better..
so tom ET consider dpt1 or tues ah?
