IVF/ICSI Support Group

Queenie, u r on insert support? If so, dun hv to worry abt false alarm. Just know tt u hv a right to insist n they hv to give u. They like to go by protocol. In my last fresh cycle, I missed my lucrin a few days I didn't know.. I was injecting air n I dunno! Lucrin is for suppression to prevent ovulation! I knew only in the morning on the day I was supposed to do the hcg trigger shot that time. I was spotting that morning n I freaked out. It was a Sunday n I calked 24 hrs hot line. But they dunno anything. Told me will get a ivf nurse to call me. The ivf nurse told me shld be ok.. I was like r u sure? I m bleeding then! I told her I googled n it was not a gd sign..in the end she told me she will call dr Loh... Sunday that day!

After that I wrote dr Loh an email too. The nurse did call me bk after she contacted dr Loh. He ordered a series of BT that night b4 I do the hcg trigger shot to find out if my hormones r still suppressed n if I cld proceed to ER! DT Loh also replied my email that afternoon n told me he knew already as the nurse called him. Anyhow, luckily the BT came out ok, i hv not ovulated on my own n I proceeded To ER.

Just wan to tell u tt we r pte patients. So we can Insist on wat we wan. Ask them to call dr Loh if necessary. Ask them if they wan to take responsibility if anything were to happen.. Be it ivf nurse or the dr on duty at 24hrs.

Ha, if can't see clearly then can't really tell right? Too many things to get stressed about when hit with other stuff like stomach pain, cramps, backaches. So can reduce any potential source of stress, reduce la
Queen, I have the same spotting on Monday. Only 1 occurance. Don't worry. I think should be ok. Think positive. BFP! BFP!! BFP!!!
Queenie - You are right. As the day of BT draws nearer, we start to freak out. In my first week, I din really bother about looking out for symptoms or checking internet for info. But then I realised that when I am into the 2nd week, I can't help but google for every single symptom I feel. I think even when BFP, we all have to just always stay optimistic and look forward to the deilivery date.
Yup.. I m on insert support... I ll always rem wat u said.. & not KKH staff push me over...

Thanks.. Ya.. Need to distract my attention more.. No wonder some sisters chose to go to work during 2nd part of 2ww..

Let's hold our hands together & walk towards our BFP BFP!!
Hazel - Sounds like at KK, you have to be very firm to get things done your way. NOt sure about NUH though when comes to emergencies but so far, they give all ivf patients a handphone number for off office hour (inclduing weekends and PH), carried by one of the nurses from IVF dept. So at least dun have to go through one big round. Perhaps can suggest to KK as well. I think what we are all going through is crucial and we dun have time waste with people who can't help or worse, give wrong info.
Mabel, kk goes by protocol, not very flexible. Cld be they see so many such cases so to them is nothing. But we went thru alot of pain n $, so we naturally more Gan cheong than anyone. Dr Loh is very accommodating so usually if we ask, he will give. If we insist of seeing him though we dun hv an appt, he will accommodate too since we r waiting long hrs To see him. He wun turn us away unless he is not at his clinic. 24 hrs hotline told me that is an ivf nurse on duty that Sunday but the line is always directed to 24hrs.

There was one time I wrote to dr Loh. I was pregnant there & wanted a reply urgently. But I waited half a day n he didn't reply me. I called his office n his assistant picked up. He was at his clinic then. His assistant took down my message n shortly after dr Loh replied me! Ha!

Pte Drs r more accessible as some will take patient calls. So the pte Drs can make decision unlike the nurses who can't...
Actually at NUH I also do not know if I am considered private or not leh. Must go and chk. I was referred to Dr Stephen Chew by my regular Gynae.

It is really good if the doctors can attend directly to patients' queries. So far I always contact the nurses at NUH who are really helpful and friendly. at least they never rush you over even when they are busy. I dread most calling hotlines, whether is banks, hospitals, phone companies arrgh! Almost never get my answers after even hanging on for 30 mins.

Hoping it's just early pregnancy spotting! No blood flow, not menses k..

Ritzc is right, wear dark colored underwear! I started wearing black underwear since 10dpt all the way because I was so scared to see blood(I've got plenty of black underwear cos I think I look sexy in them)! But it gave me another stress cos I was seeing so much white mucus on a black underwear.. I usually have alot of that b4 af lor! Actually it didn't matter if I wear light or dark underwear cos at the end of the day, I would still be worried!

So, I guess I dunno whether I 'spotted' or not cos I was mostly in denial.. Haha! The black underwear masked any brown spots or what nots..

So, all the best k! BFP! BFP! We is support you!
Queenie, we nv know which day implantation will be. Some earlier some late. But to get pregnant successfully, luteal phrase needs min 8 days. That means implantation is around D8 after an egg is fertilized.. Dun think so much ok, it Is not likely is menses, too early

Thank you for the big support.. Ur story on the black / White underwear & seeing the mucus thgy put a smile on my face.. Hoping tis is a one-off occurrence.. Then out of sight, out of mind, out of worry...
Okie okie.. Let me take a deep breath & hope & pray tt it ll not b red..
& continue to tink +ve.. Pregnant unless proven otherwise!
Thank you, once again, for ur assurance..
Stupid me.. Muz not hv any doubt in my warrior embbies....
Queenie, this 2nd fresh cycle, I take it More easy. Last round, I took lots of egg white but still hv few follicles.. Only 8 eggs retrieved. This round I m already on gonal-f jabs but still didn't take any egg white. I dunno how many follicles I will hv this round.. I keep telling myself, alot of things r not even my control, this is life. I just hv to remind myself to think positive.. I will succeed this round!
During E2 scan last wk, Karen said I hv 3 follicles of 7mm each on each side before starting on gonal-f.. That make it 6 follicles... Hopefully, after stimulation I hv >6 follicles..
Queenie, don't stress dont stress. I also freak out when i see the spotting that night after I touched down HK. I cry n cry n feel so guilty. Don't worry we all sisters hold hand to delivery not just BFP!!! Go! Go!! Go!!! All the way!!!
Queenie, the implantation takes place from day 5 to day 12 after ovulation or ER(depending on ET procedure too). Do note that the blood flow may not be immediate from implantation bleeding to flowing out. So dun say end game till the fat lady sings.
Dear Nell / Shainie / Blurlet,
Thanks for the info & encouragement.,

I juz went to the loo & I felt wet down there., this time, there is more & darker stains.. & whn I went to wash up, I can't tell if I saw a dark red or dark brown blood coming out.. As much as I don't wish to say tis, but it seems like I m out of tis battle..

Do u tink I should call the 24hr helpline?
Queenie - I think better call hospital immediately (KK right?)and try to get hold of a ivf nurse who can reach your Doctor. They are more experience with having seen so many cases.
Hi Queenie, hang in there. It may just be old blood clearing if it's brownish, or even implantation.

To answer an earlier question, if AF wants to come, it will come even on meds.

I know it's very unnerving the 2nd week of 2ww, so stay strong, ok? try not to think so much as nothing you can do for now until BT, so PUPO & keep positive for your babies.

Game not over until you see red/fresh blood. *hugz* I'm not from KK so dunno about the hotline but if you feel like calling them, just do it.

JT - good to hear FET next Tues. best of luck!
Queenie, I had implementation bleeding for 2-3 days on day 8-10 days post et/er (I can't remember Liao). N same same, I had e af coming feelin. Well, my rascal is 11mth, coming 1 yr this mth.
Queenie, even if it is a stream, it could still be old discharge as ur uterus expands. I still think that only discharge that comes after we finish our jabs or inserts is more worrying, coz by then no support liao. Maybe u can go O&G and get the staff to help u do a blood test, or call to get dr loh's feedback on the issue. Take care k...
Queenie, mine was brownish stain on panty liner. Then I immediately change a new liner then no more liao. I was worried cos I was experiencing cramp throughout the whole flight. Call the doc to confirm. Don't 自己吓自
Nell, I still have brown watermarks til today, but chose to trust what the nurse says no red bleeding means not menses. Hope this info helps anyone else who r facing the same issue
Hi Queenie,

Think positive k! hugs. I think its most likely to be implantation spotting since its not a full flow or red. Plus effectively ur 2weeks is not over so it shouldn't be af. but call kkivf to get reassurance if you need like what the other sisters here recommend k?
jiayou jiayou.
Mabel / Ron / Soon-to-be / RitzC / Nell / Sarah / Kimmy / Summer,
Thanks a million for all ur kind words, advices & encouragement...
I called Dr Zou juz now & she asked me to test hpt myself, which I may do so tis week.. So tt if + & stil spotting, can quickly get additional support..
The discharge is stil on-going.. I can juz pray tt it ll not get into a full / red flow.. It's all in Heaven's hands now..
Queenie, u call the help line, I dun think they will offer much help. Either u go down to 24hrs to ask for addittionsl support or tomorrow go pte gynae ask for support.

Drop dr Loh an email with a urgent subject n that today is only D10 post ET. Tell him if u can request for u additional support. If he said yes, u hv a bargaining chip on hand no matter u go 24hrs clinic of KKIVF.

For now, rest flat in bed.

U may also wsm to use a hpt daily from today since is D10 already. Good luck!
hi ladies...
i am new here... gg to make appointment for my IVF tmr.... not very sure how is it gg to be....
so shy to ask wat is ET huh???
anyone strike with th first round of IVF???? sorry
Queenie, I aso suggest u go to kkh n insist on BT tmrw. I did tt, n detected low lvl pregnancy then. They called me tt afternoon to tell me e result n asked my hb to go down to get add'l support which dr lOh prescribed.

Okie.. I ll email Dr Loh todae.. Thanks again...

I wonder if u stil rem whn u insisted for early BT, how many days earlier was tt? It's okie if u can't rem.. Thanks..
Sad to hear that u need to go for ivf. Presume this is your second day of menses......
First appt, an Ultra scan to check for cyst and other abnormalities. Take blood test....start the hormone jabs a day or two later. The jab numbers depends on the number and size of eggs grow. The injection is not painful, it's the side effect, last for one hour for me.
Liyan- I had done 1st round Fresh in march but failed. Now waiting for June menses , then start 2nd round fresh.
Queenie- I have a friend that had spotting on think 10day post ET, but is in Nuh, they ask her to do BT, is +ve & given her early support, now she is the proud mum of twins
Ya hubby not very supportive .... he seems to blame me for the fail IUI done....
Very stressful for me....
Bluenose - did the doc say why it failed???? hmmm u did not freeze the embroy ar????
oh btw i took 鹿胎粉tt i bought from taiwan (does not taste very nice)。。。i dunno if it is the effect but i hv 2 very good follicles during IUI.... cos the previous time i did not take it but only the pills no follicles at all...but still fail this time.... doc say hubby swimmers very little and not very good quality.... dunno why ... haiz.... nurse told me chances of sucess for IVF is higher due to my age but i not very hopefull.... it cause alot of stress for me.... without support from hubby i hv to shoulder everything myself....
haha but still i am keeping my finger cross....
tons of baby dust to all
