IVF/ICSI Support Group

I also dun have courage to test..anyway, today is my day 10 i havent stepped out of my house since my FET, let alone buy a HPT..even my maid is better than me, at least she goes downstairs buy things, go out hang clothes..
preggy teachers have to take the chance to sit down...just explain to kids that teacher is unwell need to sit down..at least they know from the start..not that we sit down first and then they start formiing neg ideas abt us e.g lazy tcher etc...also, do inform mgt abt the need to sit down, better still get doc's letter..for my 1st preg, i totally cant climb staircase at all...so if have to go to cluster centre or anywhere else without staircase(teachers know where it is lor) for meeting i am excused de...lucky i got good boss.

Liz... Actually, I did struggle before plucking up the courage to test on hpt... Had a dream tat I had bleeding the night before I tested... Haha... Think too much liao... Woke up liao, still struggling tat I delayed my inserts for 1 hr cos wanted to use first morn urine... But heck care lah cos really wan to know... Is ur bt also on 03 jan?
Sticky, Thank you.
are u on long cycle or short cycle?
Mine is short cycle which on my D2 menses started puregon already. Dr.Sadhana advised to do it short cycle as i just got my cyst drained 2 weeks ago, so gotta to do ET asap. I feel mine so complicated ler..
ya happybb, I'm also quite worried about sch reopening. And I taking lower primary next year, so very hands on and manual. Just have to go slow I guess.

liz, I agree with u, its so scary to do hpt. I did once very early then -ve, then decided not to do it anymore even when hub kept bugging me. He just dun get it, he can still say he will not tell me the result but what's the point? no more suspense and I could tell it in his face right?
hi rita,
urs sounds ok le... =) be positive ma...
mine also short cycle in dec... i start my gonalf, like ur puregon on day 2 too... is actually quite fast le... now my cycle is different... on day 2 start lucrin all the way... i will on be jabbing lucrin this cycle...
wats ur puregon dose?
Stickybfp... The embroylogist used 6 of my eggs for natural fertilisation but it did not occur... So dh & I wondering why... Cannot be egg shell too hard cos if it is then shld hv egg hatching ma... But it was not mentioned so we assumed no egg hatching... We asked the embroylogist why natural fertilisation cannot occur but she did not give us a good answer...
i actually told the doc, dun waste money do the binding test... do icsi straight away le...
but y u opt for natural? by right ur dh binding test results will tell u to do natural or icsi le... then like that waste 6 le...
300ml daily so for 3 days, back to clinic on this coming fri morning for scanning if the folicles is not grow then doctor will increased the dosage.. if i am not understand wrongly la..
u also at KKIVF rite?
sorry to ask.. r u on 1st cycle or 2nd?
sorry for being so kaypoh..

later i want go OG to buy immunocal
Happy bb: yeah my BT on 3/01/11. Why so late also I dunno. The wait is killing me! Sigh keep on checking if AF is here to visit. Not that I miss her. I don't feel like going back to work next week. Too syiok already slacking at home.

76: all the best for ur blood test tmw! Did you have symptoms during your first pregnancy? I also never do HPT coz I still want to have a glimmer of hope that this cycle is successful.
Gals, I dun mean to frighten u all. Have u ever read that babies conceived through icsi tend to have higher chances of poorer medical condition and if bb is boy, may inherit daddy's infertility if there is a male factor. But I think this can be countered depending on how hospital select the sperm right?

I myself want to find out cause mine also icsi.
hi rita,
i with sgh care...
urs same cycle as vio, i think same gynae too le... haha...
mine is cycle no 2... jus did cycle no 1 in dec, 3 weeks ago... then =( cannot transfer embryos into me, onli did extraction becos of ohss... now in cycle no 2 to suppress then transfer the embryos into me... so not stimulating...
hi dan,
u very paranoid liao... haha...
dun think abt y icsi... jus think u are having very healthy babies... the more u read the more u worry abt ur babies now...

the generation is different now... the past yrs research on ivf babies, pregnancies and genetic problems are not very applicable in this era le... cos the older generations did ivf cos they didnt have a choice, plus age le... so many in their late 30s early 40s... so sperm and eggs quality are totally different from now... using their icsi research results, of cos more negative la... i can onli say is the sperm quality...

and of cos genetic condition will pass to children... this one is inevitable de... esp on the infertility one... but this one regardless of watever ways of fertilisation...

be happy la, now u P liao... if i P, i would be in a forever floating mood... keep smiling even in my sleep... haha
Hi girls thanks for the support but hoh I don't have too high hope on bfp because I still haven't get to see a positive line on hpt
anyway is okay quite expected Liao ... Thanks arg!!
hahah, what an irony... u ask me symtpom when i am askng the sisters here for symptoms..hahaha, coz i forgot all my symtoms liao...had too many IUI/IVF that i got all the symptom mixed up...but i got no symptom during 2ww...buut had no appetite and feel nauseas once BT and 1st trimester..lost 2kg..
I did icsi coz my egg shell too hard...so have to inject sperm.
Dan: stop thinking about all these already!
will go mad thinking what will be or will not be.

Piggy: jia you.

Happy: I am also worrywart. Just tested just now, line darker but still faint compared to the test line. I also used clear blue yest, it come with a cross?

76: my nickah...nip things in the bud, don't waste time...heh..I have boy, 3 yrs.
Stickybfp... We din do the binding test... Not advised to leh... Din opt for natural, it's the lab who decide... I also feel sayang... Waste my 6 eggs...
stickybfp, u really are a booster. Everytime feel better after hearing from you. Actually I agree with you la.

Hey, do you know which other threads are active and talks about first trimester stuff? I can't seem to find it, still like this best.

76, you are so funny.."symptoms all mixed up"...now I feeling giddy on and off, loss of appetite, still crampy at times. But till now, i still cant tell if these are P symptoms or still my OHSS symptoms.
Nip... Ya... Clearblue w the cross... Tot if +ve, can keep but the vertical line faded away... Now left the horizontal line so look -ve... Today tried watsons brand, +ve line still there..

Ur clearblue leh? Will the vertical line stay or fade away?

Haha... We hv the same concern... Faint line but we tested early ma plus both of us same so shld be ok la...
Dan... Stickybpf is a walking encyclopedia... She is also a good cook and hv tons of medical knowledge... Take care of the elderly also can.. U name it, she knows it....
Oh... Stickbfp... Haven ans ur qn... Out of 35 eggs retrieved, 23 matured, 6 natural, the rest icsi... 13 fertilised but only 9 usable... The fertilisation rate very low.. Haiz...
I will be starting my puregon on Friday.
So once started, regardless of OHSS or not, I have to take like 6 egg white and 2 packs immunocal? And more if OHSS rite?
mine also jialak..i have high FSH, meaning low ovarian reserve..think it was a 9.Even at the highst gonal F dosage, i only have 7 eggs.. Out of which only 4 fertilised (7cells, 2-8cells and 1 9cell). 2 were transferred fresh and 2 were frozen.
hi gals...
this aft i made creamy pasta sauce....
wah do from scratch so much to do de...
=) but dh eat liao say nice... so pasta considered a success...
this dec is a good month, so far we do 3 bfps... more to come...

hi happybb,
*blush blush* shy shy...
i where got so smart... lolx...

hi dan,
jus relax... enjoy ur pregnancy... =)

hi bobzai,
erm, technically like that ok... =)
though some gals never take such amt and they are fine... these gals are very lucky...
wats ur puregon dose?
Wow... 76... But u hv identical twins... Sooo fortunate... Dun think I will be like u cos no history in both families... Twins runs in ur families?
Happy, mine also come with cross and I took picture with my camera. Heh. The cross came quite fast must be very sensitive. Intend to do a final test on new years day. My hubby say good timing. Heh.

76: nope not north. Ah... Do I sound like someone you know?
hi happybb,
aiyoz... i find kkh so stupid... now that my doc request for the binding test, i feel better... haha... thank u le... build my happiness on ur misery... else with the 6 u will have so many fertilised eggs lorz... chey...
Stickybfp... It ok le... I must 看开... Wat is meant to will be... Hope I dun need to use up all my frozen embbies...

Think it's not their std protocol ba... They hv so many patients so cannot give us exclusive care ba... Everytime I go, their waiting area will be packed... Anyway, it's our choice to go there...
i dun have family history..i created the family history.. i think ivf has higher chance of producing multiples..coz we put more in mah...nothing to do with family history.
yah, u sound like someone i know..she also has a boy around 3+...
oh, my deadline is nearing...i feel my organs are all in the wrong mode....oh oh oh..how ?????i feel like put put leh..very nervous...
76... Urs is identical twins... Different ma... U mean ivf also will increase chances of identical twins?

Keep cool... U r a lucky gal... Sure can make it one...
ya happybb,
how well sperm can penerate the eggy...
with the hormones jab and all... i think identical twins chances higher too... identical twins depends on prolactin amt too... hm....
prolactin is produce by our piturary gland in our brain... a very small gland ard the brain... helps to produce prolactin to stop ovulation, or to reduce amt to stimulate ovulation...
preggy gals need to periodically take levels of their prolactin to make sure the pregnancy is a stable one... =)
my layman terms again... heehee...
I on my 1st puregon ytd, mine is 300iu per jab.. so far i didnt feel anything.

how about u? start liao mah?
Hey ladies, my af is finally here! The nurse say they will count tmr as cd1 instead of today so only come down for u/s on 08Jan. Anyway, its a sat so don't need take leave.. Ha!

bobzai, are you with kkh? If yes, the standard protocol for lucrin is 10iu & puregon is 200iu.

faithbb & Snnuugly, are you there? What stage are you now?

Hello all!

Finally reached to mid-way of the 2ww le....

Dan / Happybb : congrats on you BFP! Hope I can grad next week too!

76 : excited for your BT tml?
