IVF/ICSI Support Group

sticky, thank u so much...
i will buy tmrw la.. so meanwhile i just take chicken essence coz i hv it at home.. haiz.. i should come this forum and get to know u earlier.. so i will be well prepared like urself.

Morning gals
Today is my last day (whether positive or negative)!! i m going bright and early tmr morning 8plus to do BT, so hopefully can get results by 1pm.I still remembered last yr i was alone at home eating lunch when clinic called and i couldnt' swallow my food after that when she told me it was positive...Hope the good luck pervails and persists
Morning girls ;)

Wow only miss a day n I got so much to catch up on this forum faint hahaha .. How's u girls doing???

Nip is ur spotting getting better hope u doing fine ;)
Happybb: will u carry on to test today till ur BT ??
76: all the best to u tomorrow hoh ;) sure no problem for u ;)
Stickybfp: u seem like doing very well hoh ;)
Nip: great ;) ya I'm going for my BT later in the afternoon ;) but don't think is bfp cause this morning got more blood spot
really seem like AF coming ... But is okay la will update u girls tonight on the result ;)
76: ya I'm on oral n insert support for the past 2ww ;) but been spotting these few days
n AF suppose to due today.. That's why it could be that the reason why it started spotting so much ;(
Keep ur spirits up...yo yo baby....why cant u do BT in the morning and know ur results earlier and end this waiting game??i stil have 24 more hours.
Morning to gals
All the best to 76 and piggy today bt result.. Piggy spotting is normal for first trimester.. If ttoday bfp result can asks for more support.. Positive thots k.. We r all here waiting for u and 76 bb dust..;)
i feel this thread is like a stock market..early morning i sit here and start typing furiously..then when refresh, will have new post...wahahhahaa...like the stocks are being updated continuously...but i like!!!
Piggy, have faith,k. Spotting is ok, as long as not heavy flow. That is what I gathered.

Joanne, the nurse told me egg white, eat those like yakun.....
Nip: okay wait fir the BT result la.. Oh my nurse told me I can eat hard boil or even egg white pudding if I know how to bake hee hee steam egg white also can ;)
<font color="0000ff">wow there are alot of teachers here! Xin Ku job thats why high stress. Must salute you gals!

good news later!

hugs and good luck tmr! Waiting eagerly for your good news!

am going to silent reader....busy week for me.

bye gals!</font>
76: it should be tomorrow BT but I shift to today so the nurse say then got to take the blood test nearer to evening time ;( at least today bfn I got my husband stand by me but if it is tomorrow then I scare I cry in the office hahaha
Piggy: wish my Bt is today too. Now got to wait till next Monday. Maybe I go tomorrow or thu for early bloodtest. Kkh said they do not advise early Bt for light spotting as it is not a true reflection. Unless got heavy flow.. Choy!
Piggy... Glad tat ur feeling better today...
Good luck to ur bt later...

Just tested... This time watsons brand... +ve...

Nip... I also wish bt is soon... Still hv to wait next mon...

I had a bit of brown discharge last nite followed by a small spot of pink discharge when I wiped... Should be ok hor? I suspect it's my finger nails injuring myself when I do the inserts...
Aint you happy...congrats!!!!!!!!!! i got no guts to buy HPT...coz i dunwan to suffer for another agnozing 24hours knowing the outcome...waiting for the bt already agonizing...then if must wait+having a hpt result burdens me more..
Btw, what symtpom you have during 2ww??? share notes, pls.
morning gals...

good luck for ur bt 76 and piggy...
=) lots of bfp luck...

i reckon can take hard boil le... i dun noe y piggy nurse said that, then how many she ask u take ar? 1? cos hard boil egg whites the protein structure and molecule all different le...

hm.... rita else u take raw ones mix with milo and drink...
thanks stickybfp..i really wish for the best..now me experiencing some shooting pains in my tummy on and off....maybe i din get as much rest as i would love to coz my boys are sick.hope it is not soemthing bad.
Morning gals!

hi piggy &amp; 76, all d bests to both of u..remember, no matter wat, must jiayou ok! sure ok wan, hang on there positively.

hi dan, r u feeling better tdy? heard tat pregnant is like tat...sometimes tend to be emotional n feeling like depressed, jus like pms..mayb read some magazines to relax yrself?
Piggy: good luck.

Happy: congrats! Is a clear line? Anyways, spotting is fine as long as not bright red. Just monitor k?
happybb...congrats to you... yes, agreed w stickybfp tat all d jabs n efforts in our diet r worthwhile.. hee.
jiayou for your pregnancy phases..
thanks nip and lola,

all the best to piggy and 76 for your coming BT.

I was so super giddy last night that I decided to take MC today. Anyway, doc gave me 3 days. Gonna rot at home again.

Gals, do u know if its ok to apply ru yi oil if bfp?
Hi Dan,
Better not to sniff ru Yi oil cos too much clove oil is no good for bb.
Can sleep it off?

Dreams are opp of reality so u gona have many eggs!
Thx, gals...

It's my first time getting positive hpt... Dun quite believe it... Will wait till bt on 03 jan to double confirm... The line is still fainter than the control line... Is it supposed to be the same or bolder than the control line? Tested on clearblue yest but the positive line is gone today... Is it supposed to be like this? As
for the jabs, still can tahan... Only thing is the distruptions to work but no choice, bfp is more impt... I can imagine the load of work &amp; coll throwing qns at me on my absense when I go back to work... As for symptoms, I dun really hv, rem I kept saying tat I got no symptoms... But I do start to feel warm &amp; a bit cramp for a few days now...
Hi girls,
How long we need to take egg white n immunocal ? My 1st jab ytd and I started eating egg white n drink chicken essence last nite, but I dunno when to stop haha !
Tia .,
Happy: as you tested early, line may still be faint. Should get darker as days past. Dun worry abt no symptoms. It is normal. During my first preg, got nothing at all, not even morning sickness.
Rita... It depends on individual... I started immunocal during stage 2, chix essence after er and stopped slightly after 1 wk of my 2ww... Cos I dun feel bloated anymore and I cannot tahan taking all these liao...

Congrats happybb and nip on your positive HPT. How do u guys get the courage to do the HPT I can only imagine. I kept touching the pregnancy test kit but too scared to POAS! Coz it has been never been positive before. I seem to be having lots of symptoms. Terrible bloatedness, backache, lower tummy cramps, vaginal cramps! Giddiness, nausea and terrible chest pain. And it has been like that since embryo transfer on 171210. And my menses was supposed to come 1 week ago so I'm wondering if the pregnyl injections I'm taking is delaying the menses whereas my uterus is trying to expel the blood causing all this menstrual symptoms. My last jab was on 26/12/10 so I dare not test until at least this fri for fear of false positive. But if it's negative, big fat sigh! And beta only on 3/1/11.

Anyway, sorry for my ranting. I'm just feeling so uncomfortable and aching all over. Good luck to everyone! All the best piggy! BFP ya! And Congrats Dan!
