IVF/ICSI Support Group

i no guts to test on hpt tonight....if really dun have...i will be sad..though i try to act hero by "planning a series of programmes' lah...but i think i will be a tortoise in the end...wahahhaah...i waited for 10 days liao...wats 1 more day...

Sticky : heehee... I had to find out what was wrong inside... and at the same the Dr can see how well I take to the meds....

76 : heehee.. dun worry! Will be praying for you! I already plan to go Botanic gardens for brekkie after my BT! whahahahaha.... paiseh... am abit glutton! :p
heard the food court at Botanic gardens is closed....not sure leh..my fren say de..dunno she meant closed in the morning or closed for reno...she recomemnds going to evan lodge, near MOE CCAB..
yah lor..me keep refreshing but i dun see anyone...only me getting less fresh only..but i will go off at 10pm..and watch Chn U..sob sob abit over the lead actress life and then go and sleep..and act pitiful for tmr.
ya la... so sian everyday nothing to do le... my sleep cycle got upset... everynite sleep at 2plus am... morning couldnt get up early... onli up at 9plus... =)
Sticky, u r not working ar?
Ask u ar, after ET must bed rest cannot anyhow move for 2weeks ? Now I keep thinking how I going to survive with super less movement
... Omg
hi rita,
on mc and leave le... =)
ya from er u wont get to move much liao... jus stay in bed in front of ur com, we keep u company... i home for 1 mth liao... lolz...
Wow., 1 month ler... I can't afford to be away from office for a month le. Ya I will need you all to accompany me during that period otherwise I will die coz of bore.. ;)
i'm very very bored.... then hor... i got another mth to go... cos next mth like u... doing et ma... haha... no choice lorz... i must rest and relax... so told my boss another 1 mth of mc and leave...
but hor... i admit... i got the freedom to do so, cos me in insurance line... heehee
u ttcing no 1?
me baby crazy de... i so crazy that i got a baby cot in my room with no baby... plus i already noe which brand of diapers, milk powder and stuffs i wan liao... with my niece as excuse, i got everything i need in my place for a baby... i got bottle warmer, steriliser, stroller, toys and all... lolx.... see i am that crazy... so for ivf, i trying my best... and is really all the way to try increase my chances of success... =)
Wow the thread really move too fast to keep track. Congratulating those who bpf . For those who bfn , dun wori try again the next round. I know is easier to be said than done but still must try . I still waiting for my M to come to start the cycle. Anyone here who eat microngyon and have spotting
Just went for counseling at kk this morning and found tat quite good. At least we know how each other feeling as my dh dun really speak his feeling out
oh... is it... my ivf counselling hor, nothing de le... jus sign the documents onli... haha...
baby ur dh shy shy type or traditional type ar?
i try very hard to get my dh to talk de... but ok, now and then he will express his feelings... but most of the time he like to suppress it...
hi stickybfp,

it's me again.though have gone through ivf before, but i am the sotong type. I am going to have gonal F tomorrow. Any suggestions on what to do etc during phase 2, ER and ET? thanks.
hi rabbit,
actually is nothing much...
i took 225units gonalf then reduce to 150units...
hm... then i take 5 egg whites half boil type every morning and immunocal every aft and nite...
thats the basic... plus 1 chicken essence anytime of the day... balanced diet is the key...
wholemeal stuffs, soupy diet, fruits and vegetables lorz... during af is ginger with red dates tea & heat pad...
after af is red dates with longan tea & heat pad...

not much activity for me, cos i was too bloated to do anything... my ovaries were too swollen... light exercise u can do till er...

after er... u jus lie flat on ur bed... haha... continue the diet and drinks, can take more 100plus type of electroyles drinks... and ur heat pad all the way till past et...

after et, increase ur water amt... and electroyles drinks... and take 3 brazil nuts per day till bt day...a week after et u can cut ur immunocal and egg whites liao... =)
Yes my no.1,I did tried via iui 3 yrs ago and failed ., so desperate to hv baby since we got married 7yrs ago, so now trying ivf if it is fate that I can't have one, it okay .. At least we tried

Aiyoo.. U really crazy for baby le., but me too I always thinking how nice if I hv one whenever I saw babies ..,

So we gotta Jia you!! All the best for us.. If we r all made it thru' .. We shall celebrate together .. He hr
Hi stickybfp
No did not sign anything just went for 1.5 hr talking to the counselor . As she mention tat a lot of pple had slip this session. My dh is the traditional type.
Bt is the most accurate so I didnt bother to buy hpt. To me waste of money n make myself more stress.

After my final bt I told myself no hope Liao so u won't feel so bad whatever the results are.
now my 2nd day on puregon, so dont feel anything, or the drug is not working on me?
how about urself last time?
hi rita,
Still early le... Me took gonalf instead of puregon... Hm... I think day 4 the effects more obvious... But many gals dun experience side effects de le... they so lucky lor... Prob u are one of them....
76... all the best! keep us updated...

rita... me too... din feel any side effects... tot will start to bloat, nauseous, diarhorre, etc... so pre-empt my boss tat i may start taking leave anytime but end up no side effects... had fever though, but dun think it is a side effect...
hi all
'stock market' already opened ah? i was the first one to do BT at gleneagles today...hopefully will get results soon.Thanks all for the best wishes...dun harbour too high hopes..i have heard 'negative'said to me more times than 'postiive', so am used to it.
Pardon me for asking.. i vaguely remmeber reading that you tested positive? Oh yah, you are also with O&G partners rgt, Dr. N?
Happybb: Yaloh hee hee... ya back to office today
tone of work waiting for me

Stickybfp: will meet up my doctor to have a review on my this fail cycle but i believe she will sure say expected
anyway i will not give up and try again in Feb
Morning all!

Piggy: sorri to hear tat...dun give up k.. u'll bfp nxt time. Still mi, stickybfp, rita, rabbit, baby, etc to 'pei' u in d journey.. jiayou!

76: gd luck to u! keep us updatesd..

recently, d weather has been veri cold..gals, keep warmth n remember to use d heat pads.
Thanks girls
No worries.. actually i didn't cry when i heard the result is BFN.. im more or less prepare with that negative result
but i still feel a bit heart pain and disappointment when the nurse called n say is negative
because i still put a little bit of hope that Miracle will happen hahahaha
Depend on whether my 3 embryos can survive after thawing anot.. If okay then do FET will do
If do Fresh cycle i will change my doctor to KK hospital

Any girls here know whether if i change from private to government hospital to do my 2nd Fresh cycle can i still can get that $3000 government subsidy? I know that i can claim only $5K for the 2nd try.
