IVF/ICSI Support Group

Yo babes,
i just up from another hour of lying down...last lap liao, tmr lastday... thur BT...yah, my programme swee swee hor...and i have decided to perm my hair too if bfn. of coz going shopping is part of the programme, but it is too common..must have something that is different and v damn rewarding...so that i wun feel much loss even if bfn..wahahaha

happy bb
i havent gone back to work since i gave birth ..hehehehe...i m a teacher..so, after 4mth of ML, i applied 6mth of NPL.After that, i applied for 1 yr study leave..now me studying...next May then 'kui gang'
Wah 76, what a wonderful series of event. If bfp, can u still go for facial and spa? Remember not to eat those raw sashima is bfp ya. Anyway, studying and doing IVF, not easy right?

Anyway, I'm still not feeling well lah. Still very bloated and nauseous, gastri too. Since now know bfp liao, am trying to cut down on medication but I really feel sick when I don't take. Take feel a bit sick, dun take, feel very sick. HOw? Should I continue with those anti-nausea and gastric medicine? DOc and nurse said those are safe for pregnancy but I still dun feel good.
hi dan,
dun worry... u can take... is safe now... better stablise ur condition now... else if it gets worse, the medication or injection is worst for the baby...
hey stickybfp, you nvr fail to come to my rescue lei. So touched. I tried finding another thread for 1st trimester but none is as active as this thread.

Really wish all of us here graduate together then move there together and can yack non stop again.

But stickybfp, I've been on the medication for 2 weeks already, still feeling like that, think I'm already dependent on it.
76... If bfp, next may cannot 开工le... Hehe... Good le... Can be w ur kids during their initial yrs... My co withdraw the npl scheme le... Seems like we hv a lot of teachers here... Wat r u studying?
If bfp, i will cancel everything..whahahahaha...i din go facial for 1 whole year when i preggy...face like shit...sashimi def nono...so i wun even step into shangrila, if not i cant tahan. as for studying, i have crossed the half way mark,and completed 7/10 modules for 1st sem...still have 2 modules+research paper to go..now is my study break till end of jan, so i wanted to make good use of this period to do ivf..if positive, i can still rest at home...if bfn, i will cheong the entire jan with my boys and bring them out for excursion coz i was doing ivf in dec..and din bring them jalan jalan like how other kids would enjoy their dec holidays..seeing my frens' kids go zoo, hard rock cafe hotel, rws..make me envious...

as for your queasiness, i think its better for you to eat your medication....if not, you will lose weight (wch is usual for 1st trimester)...if doc says safe to eat, then shld be ok...dun worry.
happy bb
still can 开工 lah, work a few mths, then ML again lor...woohooo~~~~i tot cheng hu wana us to sei kia? its like that mah...sei kia means must support us.....
I am also a teacher.
Who else? Pls fall in.
Yeah 76. That's why must try so hard. very stressful job.

Mmmm....i only felt like AF was coming, not sure if that is a symptom.

Can someone pls help me? I dunno why but I'm still feeling very depressed. Even the good news only managed to lift my spirits up for a while and on and off, I still feel very sad. Is it because I'm not well? Or there's really sth wrong with me psychologically?
Dan, 76: me teacher too.

Dan: why do you still feel depressed? Think of the positive like the shopping for baby stuff and what happens when baby's here.

When I had my first one, I was still working, until the last day so I was sufficiently distracted. But I had a very easy pregnancy so I was lucky.

Having a kid is a very big change so be prepared.
woa, nip and su are teachers too.

nip, I dunno, I just cant control and cannot lift my spirits up. I have to try very very hard to be positive then a while later, depressed again. I dunno if it's because I'm feeling sick. I dun have mood to think about all the nice and fun things.
hi val and StickyBFP

yes, i have low number of eggs and it always yield 3-5 eggs for my past 2 cycles.
I will cut down on my soy product, as i normally take soya drinks.
i did ask the nurse at kkh about my situation..was explained that low ovarian reserve, so increasing dosage also does not help.

i am a little "last minute" for this round of cycle, hope this last minute homework works

hi vanilla,
thanks for sms. let's hope it works this round.
hi rabbit,
*hugs* low but still have... is not how many u have, but the quality... i may have lots by the quality is not good cos too much liao... =)
bfp soon, keep the faith...
take mc. Dun think school can let us take time off..anyway, i din tell school i go ivf..i just say i go for cyst operation.i am v private person.
Hi rabbit,

Agree with sticky and I have personally gone thru wat u are feeling. After all the jabs, high dosage and multiple types of jabs, I only yielded 3 follicles and only 2 fertilized. While other ladies were yielding 10 to 20 and had different gradings to choose from, I only had 2 precious embbies to transfer back in. I din even ask the grading.. Just kept asking y me? Ladies in this forum have always been encouraging and I agree that we just need to accept that with low ovarian reserve, we know we won't have the numbers - what matters is that u identified the issue and embark on ivf while u are still relatively young and quality of eggs is still there. Keep positive and as long as still have eggs, u are still in the running! Have faith and trust in yourself and in your doc ( and if u r religious, in god). Wishing u all the best!
Hi all! how's ur day?

sticky, does the doc make a diff on the success rate for the egg transfer? or it is really up to individual after the procedure?
hihi 76, did u pre empt ur employers abt cyst ops? How abt the tests & checks which u have to take time off? I havent started the journey but am afraid of the external pressure which i cant handle on top of the stressed journey. I dun want to give up halfway.
are u also teacher? i just say i need to go for op, but need to go for pre-op check ups. mine wasnt time off..was mc...i chose nov/dec off peak period to do ivf and if really clash with school meetings, i will take mc...there is nothing more impt than doing my ivf, i have tried my best to accomodate by doing it during off peak period..if still dun let me go, then i heck it...
In fact, i took HL and cleared all my MCs last year when i was preggy..dun care what others think of me.
in school, there is no such thing as secret. Coz if you tell P, and tell her not to tell colleagues abt IVF, its not possible.. coz she needs to tell VP or ur HOD to make 'special arrangement and leeway" for u..and the VP or HOD surely will ask why rgt...then i dun think the news will just stop there... very soon, HOD room will know..and frens of HODs will know..very soon, pple will start asking you how is your ivf resutls...i cant take that stress, knowing pple are staring at me...
hihi 76, am not a teacher but have got a demanding job. It's nvr a best time but a better time, so am quite for it. Am just worried about starting a lie and end up having to cover up with more lies. From the forum, seems like a lot of time taken off work. The last I want is to have ppl 'concerned' about the procedure. Wat more, am afraid i cant handle the hormones jabs. Planning perhaps to get out of Singapore for the duration on jabs (10 days right?) to get mind of it.
understand..i had cyst op before in 2005, so i just have to re-enact the process of my cyst op and pre-op scene and weave from there. Since you are not a teacher, you may wana tell the truth... and make ur boss soon-pa and cross his heart he will nt divulge...
if u feel bad abt lyiing, justsay you are going for a "procedure to resolve women's problem"...pple will naturally think of it as op...but its also not wrong to say ivf as "procedre to resolve women's problem'...its just how we play with words...at the end of the day, if pple find out, we can say we are not lying...
hi Lola,
huh? i dun really understand ur qn... i try answer...
erm... doc didnt tell me how good my grades are... jus told me that becos of my ohss so better dun do et... but my blood test on et day is very good... =( she still refuse to do...
the lab told me my grades, in fact they called me for the past 2 days on the grading, and even told me how many cells they were... so the lab gal said my 13 were very good... she said very good... i was too happy to ask more... cross fingers that they can go through thawing... but she mentioned that 6 to 8 cells belong to very good liao... heehee... but i understand that some gals get past 8 cells for day 3 er... think theirs are super good... but from the lab gal, she said that if the cells abit fragmented or didnt multiple nicely or one of the cell is not complete, they will not freeze those... or slow growing cells, they will not freeze as well...
76, i totally agree!!! wont just stop there and ppl start speculating the reason behind.
i guess cysts ops is a smarter choice.
Hope no complications to extend HL.
And when u get preggy? How will you tell sch? keke
hi lola,
u can jus find any excuse that is convenient for u... when they ask qns, jus reply all if fine but i dun wanna talk abt it... u dun have to cover ur lies then... lying is no good, but the peer pressure is not healthy either... like wat 76 says twist some words ago... so u will feel better...
sticky, tats means very results for u? congrats.
I wanted to ask if the skills of the ET of doctors make a difference to successful preggy?

76, very smart *applause*... so i wont be clear even if probed?
Dan: give you a big hug. Please do not think about the negative now. Your results are good. There must be a reason you are feeling this way...do not let this affect your mood. If really need people to talk to, please do.

What about your hubby? Can you talk to him?

Lola; got to trust the doc you see. I am with sf loh so I made sure he is the one to do the procedure for me. I feel better.

Actually I told my boss what I am going to do, he gave me his blessings. I do not really care if he tells others...it is something that I really want.
hi lola...
i doubt so... doesnt matter abt the skills of the doc during et... cos is jus transfering into our body... but er hor... if the doc is more skillful, she can extract more eggs, cos my left ovary out of position so she poke into my tummy to extract some eggs out... she said 5 holes... =)
the success rate would prob determine more of the quality of egg and sperm...
Yes, besides our eggs, skills of ET + the lab play an impt role in IVF.Plus, during ET, you cannot 'gek' and shift..coz any trauma to the womb will affect your chances.Must relax...i litearlly did not braethe when the embryo was loaded into me.
76! arent you on anesthetic??? u watched & feel wats happening? *biting my nails*
Yes yes, no 'gek'. Minimal movement after that.
Hi all,
I am new here and currently in ivf program at KKIVF under doctor Sadhana.just start my 1st purogeon injection today and it WILL last for 3 days and WILL back to clinic for scanning on this friday. anyone can share valuable tips and experience to share with me? I really dunno how to prepare myself ( eg. what to eat.. etc)..
Hi sticky ,
Thanks for reply, r u currently on puregeon too?hmmm I don't eat egg
how how? And where to buy immunocal and what it is for ? Sorry leh., I am so sua ku
erm... sry gals... repeating my post...

hi rita,
this is my layman version....
with the hormones jabs, esp stimulation ones causes ur hormones to rises in the body... when it happens, ur stomach and glands produces excessive acids... basically sort of cock up ur body function... so these excessive acids also produces gases that will linger in ur stomach and intestines... egg whites will help ur acid to work on them, with the digestion process of egg whites hoping can reduce the excessive acid that is trap in the stomach... then egg whites and lots of water helps to wash out the poisonous gas as well... the gas is not good for ur intestines and ovaries... esp ovaries is next to and very often in contact with ur intestines...
thats y high protein diet is advised... but meat and fish contains very tough proteins and through digestion also release poisonous gas... thats y egg whites is recommended... and chicken essence too...

is very impt to maintain high protein diet, cos other than helping in ohss... ur body got enough protein to replace and repair cells... our ovaries, follicies are all cells based ma... so easy to digest protein is the key...
wow sticky ! u r great..i read thru' ur prev post.
okay starting tonite i will take chicken essence and ginger drink.
Can i just take immunocal coz i dont eat egg? where i can purchase it?
thanks again..
Sorry i have too many qns..

i got all details for u babe...
here are as follows...

from OG have... $100, OG member is onli $95
then can order online too
free delivery for 2 boxes... $100 each
thanks to our forum mates for these infos...
immunocal not nice to drink de...
so i pour the immunocal into a cup... then add some yakult and stir till it is like a paste... then add the rest of the yakult then drink...
