IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi eager
Hugz hugz.. Lets jiayou together k.. When u intend to do FET? Maybe we can be cycle buddy? In the mean time, continue tiao urself well..

Hi hope
Thks for the valuable tips.. Rest well ya and wish u hv a smooth nine mth pregnancy..;)
Hi ladies, I just did my et yesterday. Is it normal to
1. Very nausea
2. Have some bleeding
3. Backache
4. Lost appetitte
I was not informed that i have ohss.. I can't sleep well at all! It's terrible.. Any ladies have the same experience? Can share with me? Thks.
Stickybfp... Me also a bit sore boobs...

Just now... Nausous again... Made the noise 'yued' twice... Hope later in office dun make this type of noise again... Wait ppl tot wat...

Piggy... Good... Think someone said before... Means ur body reacting well w the jabs...
good morning all sisters..
lily.. I thk the BT is to test for hormones, see enough to support if not they will increase medic... I need to increase mine in my fresh last July by oral medic.
hi annie,
u so cute, u actually use ur name here... lolz... be careful... there are nurses stalking the threads...

morning gals...
i also call them babies....

hi buddy happybb,
ya me also nausea... this morning i also... if really can bfp, i dun mind nausea.. lolz...
Hi Annie
I had my ET done yesterday as well. I had some brown discharge when I came home. Did call KKH. They mentioned it is normal. I dont have much appetite as well. The nurse did mention to me that we can eat small portions and have have more meal. I dont have backache but I have abdomen pain.
Thks jok! Me now d3 after transfer and resting at home. Me do nothing other than watch tv and sleep haha. Let's hope for the best to all ladies on 2ww
hi dosh,
during 2ww for FET cycle did you walk much since you working until bfp!
How do you manage to go for lunch as we've to walk quite of numbers distances to hve lunch?
U never take any rest at all during 2ww time exclude weekends?
hi gals...
me finish scan etc...
got 20 eggs from 8mm to 10.5mm... is growing very slowly... but hopefully slow growth is steadily... =) monday scan again... but today can tomolo start 2 jabs liao..
Hi chel chel, I'm always feeling hungry but after eating I feel like puking out my food
do u feel bloated? U still got that crampy feeling? I'm just feeling tight at my tummy.
Hi annling, I dont have the tight feeling at tummy. But always feel hungry thou. but dare not eat too much scare will vomit. Are you with KKH as well? How many eggs did you fertilized? I transferred 2 grade 4 eggs and froze the rest of 13 eggs.
hi piggy,
mine is monday scan...
me 2 days grow 1mm onli.. lolz... so slow... but i usually O very late too... dunno good or bad... dun care liao... jus bought a new heat pad... will be using tonite so my eggs can grow bigger...
Hi chelchel, I got 6 frozen ones with 3 n 4 grades. Sigh, now I got bad constipation too
stomach less bloated but very nausea. Can't sleep well too. U?
Stickybfp : think it will help a bit cause I do that every night before I sleep ;) ur eggs are doing fine they just need more time to grow slowly.. Btw ur lining okay??
Stickybfp : wow ur lining seem good cause my Chinese sensei say 11mm n above is good ;) mine a bit thin
only 9mm still got to work harder ...u work harder for ur egg I work harder for my lining okay hee hee
ya, we work harder together...
yst told my dh i wanna go swimming for a few days before my er... cos can improve blood circulations... =)
he actually say he go with me, so sweet... he seldom so supportive...

I went for BT this morning, had the results during lunch.
Tested positive with HCG level 1714.4 on day 16.

Baby dust to all sisters who are in ivf cycle.
<font color="ff0000">LILY! HELP!</font> Are you there? My progesterone cream is oozing outta there. It's yikey! How deep did you push it in? Did it ooze out? Just afraid push too deep later kena the embbie.

<font color="0000ff">Just to share...I did ET today. 15 eggs were fertilised, Grade 3 and 4. 2 Grade 4 embryos are transferred.</font>
Hi Dandelion, I think quite normal the residue will ooze out. I also just started yesterday. Nurse said around 1.5 inch in. i just push it to the half mark of my finger. It helps if you lie down for at least half hour after that won't ooze out too much. Good luck
Annling - I just did my ET yesterday, I do have cramping, staining/spotting, nausea, can't sleep well oso.. I think if bearable quite ok rite, coz the nurse said that the hormones ae still in our body, dat's why need to drink lots of water to flush out all the meds.
Dandelion, is ok that some of the cream will come out. I normally push the pill in 3/4 of the index finger even thou KKH advise me to insert full finger....

Annling, I can sleep well. Is just that am still having abdomen pain, so the turning part is a bit challenges.
Thanks ladies. Ouch! Full finger? I think I only pushed in 1/3 just now. Ok, I'll try to go with half first then upgrade to 3/4. *Should ask the hubs to do this kind of thing right?* Wahahah.

Think Chelchel,Annling, Nur and myself are the few who just had ET today or yest. Anyone else? Pls fall in.
This is only 1st day and I'm finidng it so boring. Just watch drama, sleep and surf. *Yawns*

By the way, I had my ER on Wed and fertilisation was yesterday. So my embbie is considered 1dpt?
dandelion - you so cheeky hor haha..when i need to insert i close and lock bedroom door so paisey somehow if hubby see haha.. my body oso stiff liao from lying down too long.. haha.. anyway does anyone have nightmares recently after ER or ET? coz i'm starting to have very scary nitemares nowadays which is not the norm...
Dandelion, my progestrone inserts were done by DH during 1st So-iui. I only manage to insert 1/2 finger and still experience a lot of residue. Then I worried my body did not absorb the medicine so try ask DH to help insert for me while lying down. He can insert full finger and much deeper &amp; I get lesser residue. I also get to rest on the bed for 15mins before getting up.
Dandelion, my doc teach me to push all the way till the fat grip and do a slight twist n press the fat grip and pull out, don't let go the fat grip. Hopefully I am clear.
Nur, I'll tell you after tonight. Lol.

Diana, I sat on the toilet bowl while doing it but still cant bring myself to force it on. Ok, will try to push in deeper. Dunno why they indicate 12mn.

Minako, I just sounded him out. He did not say no but brush it off. I'm going to try my luck tonight.
Hey, I was also given utrogesten when I did IUI but the nurse did not ask me to insert so I took it orally. Now I wonder if that was a booboo. Is there any oral form of progesterone? Ewww
Hmm my is a tube kind so me need to insert the tube in leh and it seems here the ladies need to insert with fingers? My fingers don't need to go in at all leh...maybe we are using the diff type of v cream
