IVF/ICSI Support Group

Stickybfp buddy... Glad u not angry I only tell u now... But I know u sweet, caring & understanding gal...

Tat time went to remove fibroid... We decided on ivf cos feel tat iui & so-iui chances not high... Almost as good as natural... My dh was not against ivf... Only very secretive abt our ttcing... Now only my bosses know cos got to take leave ma...

The nurse shouted while scanning and the other nurse wrote down the measurement ma...

Piggy buddy... Hehe... Good good... Wah... If we really bfp, sculpt our bb born same day leh... Haha... I'm thinking too much le...

Stickybfp buddy... U know when is ur estimated er?
hi happybb,
not angry la... too happy to hear from u again... was a little worried when u mia... cos ttc-ing need alot of support... so much support that dh and family alone not enough... glad u still in the forum... and hey... u stay closest to me liao lorz... haha...
i understand wat ur dh means... i also very secretive...not even my parents noe... but not to the forum gals... haha...
i suspect i be doing it on the 17th....tomolo scan roughly guage liao... i doubt my eggs will grow up big big though... haha...

the norm size for eggs is between 20 to 25 to O...
the nurses sound so unprofessional lorz... my sonographer writes down everything by herself then pass to the nurse... then the nurse explains to me...
Our er only a few days apart... So excited... Ur eggs will grow de... Tell them aunty happybb ask them grow big big & swee swee together w her eggs... When they r born, can hv playmates... Hehehe...

Sorry, make u worried ar... This thread moves so fast, I seldom go to 2ww thread... If hv, only silent read... Time not enough...

I ask him... Actually, I'm so envious of ur outings but I'm shy and my silly dh so secretive...
Hehe... Ya... Sooo cool...

Bought brazil nuts le... But din get the soft boiled egg thing... Cos they only hv the microwave type... But now a bit phobia of eggs le... Haha... Lucky still hv immunocal...
Pinkbubbles, mine is clexane jab and ya may bump into you. I will be there around 930am, how about u and when is your beta BT? Is it also on 23rd or earlier? :) All the best to all those that are in 2ww.
Sticky: Sure why not

Sad my clinic nurse just called and ask me quickly go over to have 1 new jab.. my blood test result out not so good
LH a bit low
i taking 5 soft boil eggs for more than 2 mths liao... if i can so can u... =) me is plain, no salt, no pepper, nothing... sometimes if the taste u cannot tahan can add one yolk, taste better de... prob i be gg out later, i get for u? then tonite pass u lorz...

hi piggy,
no worries, for LH the jab will work... dun worry...
StickyBFP...if yr eggs still very small, then I suggest to up yr egg whites... I up my egg whites to 8 per day after my first scan coz all small small de...think 14.5mm ba. Before ER, I think quite a few grow to 16.5mm le. So u try ba... eat as many egg whites as possible. Dr Zou said one of her patients ate 16 egg whites per day. I nearly fainted...haha
Happybb...if yr lining too thin hor... u can drink red bean soup everyday lor. One bowl is enough le. Last time, Sesame Oil taught me de. Mine wasnt too bad lah, my lining stop growing at 10mm but after drinking I think it grows to 12mm in 3 days ba....

Paisei...I can only tell u abit of wat i learned here. I m not successful in my Oct fresh cycle...heee... paisei paisei
Stickybb : From raffles.. I need to do blood test for LH, E2 & Progesterone.. The rest r okay except LH only 1.06.. She say ideal is 1.2 so a bit low will affect the egg quality
Just injected so to help to increase my LH sian...
Seriously with that huge amount of money that i put in n going through all these painful injections... if fail i don't know whether i can cope with that disappointment anot
stickybfp... think i can do w/o one... now a bit turn off by egg whites le... thx thx... wah... so many eggs white, everyday for 2 mths...

hope4baby, congrats!

stickybb... thx thx... will cook red bean soup later...

all the best to ur upcoming fet...

weird leh... how come doc din tell me my lining thin... aiyo... lucky hv this forum...

piggy... me also dunno how to cope with the disappointment... in fact, now start to feel nervous le... dunno how it will turn out...
Piggy... u starting yr first fresh cycle izzit? sorry i din follow the thread recently...hahaha

Yalor yalor... alot of money spent rite? Me oso cried till great wall collapse when I failed my fresh cycle. I think u can cry and grieve over it for 1 or 2 days lah... after tat life still goes on lor. But who knows, u will strike bfp the first time mah? No worry... one thing at a time lah... dun think so much lah...k!
Happybb: We support one another together with Stickybfp
3 Buddies

StickyBB: Yup alot of money spent
Ya if everything goes smoothly ER will be on next Tuesday together with Happybb :p
hi pinkbubbles, if ur embryo can survive till D5, meaning tat it is the high quality embryo. Think the possibility of pregnant is higher also. In singapore, doc seldom wait till blastocyst stage to inject the embryo into our uterus as they believe woman's uterus is the best environment for the embryo. For Nuh, they will monitor each day if the embryo continue to be high quality, they will wait till blastocyst stage then inject the embryo into the woman's uterus.

I wish you all the best. Remember to send me a bucket of babydust after ur 2ww : )
Congrat hope4bb
Pls share with us ur tips!! Before and after er/et, wht u do??
Why u go for early bt? Thks for ur bb dust yah.. Keep tight tight..;) next will be eager right? Bfp bfp
Hi sistas,
Before er, I took the followings about 2 week before er
1. Folic acid( sometimes I miss a day or 2)
2.vitamin c ( thrice a week)
3. Birdnest (once a week)
4. Some red bean soup

As I m Heaty person, I stop the above if I feel heaty.

After er and et,
Basically I took Folic acid and brazilian nut(2 -3 per day)
Chicken essence on 2 times in 2 ww.
I rested for the first 2 days after et. More bedrest.

Today I had bad diahorrea and tested positive, so I called kk and request for early Bt. Just bluff them I got spotting also. Also I dun want to wait anymore.. Just bite the bullet and test..

Also we talked to our embbiess every nite say will buy toy toy give them... Hahah.
It seems that chicken essence helps most of the sisters bfp from wat I read in the forum coz it can give blood circulations for implantation besides brazil nuts of coz this nuts will oso helps too....
Haha.. My BT long overcloh,last Friday n it's bfn yah..

Tell u a piece of gd news!! My boss tendered!!
But that might mean I can't start FET in feb..I Hvnt spoken to director yet.. Thou she knows I fail d cycle..
last nite menses came with clot so bfn, expected.

Congrats.. Told u confirm bfp. Will grab Yr baby dust tight for my feb fet.

By the way, can I have amk, dr zou address n tel. Want to go n tiao my body n get ready for the nxt battle. Any tips before start fet..like any particulars food I shd eat before the process? Must start to note dwn all Yr advise. Tml still need to go Kk to see dr loh..
hi ceraine,
it sounds like great news...
btw, u have the cater details for the 2ww?
or any gals kind to share again... last round i didnt take down...
