IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hello anyone know what is the sensitivity of clearblue preg test kit? The cheap test kit I m using is high sensitivity and put cut off 10miu , something like that. Wondering should I get a clear blue to test...

hi calzz,
aii... my fav ar... coke zero...
dun tempt me... the whole 2ww forum noes i love coke zero and light...
i very good gal liao... 1 week never touch liao...

hi soul,
watch tv, play fb ar... or we chat with u...
*pat pat*
ur dh will be home soon...
Buddies... Ya... Really good to hv buddies... Also glad to hv found this forum... Learnt a lot... Cos hosp dun tell us much de...

Mina... Tat idiot earning big bucks lor... Lol...

Soul... Sth it's good to hv some personal time... Do things tat u like... Think on the bright side... When dh comes home, he'll realise how much he misses u n bb... Make him appreciate u all more...
I already prepare myself on the bad news I will get fr tml bt but when I saw my af coming juz nw, I just couldn't stop my tear frm coming dwn. It's really heart broken. I still harbour a very slight hope there's still chance as long as af dun come.. Nw everything gone. After pouring my sadness out, feel that i shd wrap up all the emo and shd prepare myself for the new battle again. I'm sure 1 of the day I can also bfp like sisters here.
As long as u get ur mind set rite u will be fine. There is always a 2nd try or even 3rd. As long as u don't give up. I told myself if this failed me I will consider 2nd n 3rd try. Importantly is u must be strong, stay positive. And don't let this failure affect ur life n ur relationship with ur dh. Don't think too much ok.
We thought bout it we went for it n when results are not always wat we want or expect we have to accept it n move on. Otherwise the one who suffers is still ourselves.
Calzz, his iPhone batt went low & accompany me last night but I gave him 'cold' treatment.. Tis time i keep use iphone.. He complain i ignoring him.. Ha! Must give him taste of his owm medicine then will koe how i feel.

Eager *hugs*
Haha, agree...


That's d mindset I hv. 30% nia, if fail, there is Alys hope for FET or fresh cycle.
But... I m so emo these few days. Had a big cry again yesdae night.hubb don't wan me go thru another cycle again, he scare I can't take d failure n detrimental to health.
he hopes I can get d bb thingy out of my mind nw n enjoy life itself n stays happy, do things I like...as to plans of feb FET.. juz let nature takes it's cause..
I m not sure how old u r but if u have started I would say rest for a few mths or at least get away fr this bb thingy for a while before u start a fresh. I wouldn't delay for too long since I m already 34. Doc said I m still young but ha if I try for a few years still don have means don't have that's why I seek ivf.

I was just telling dh that I would disappointed if result is neg. Who wouldn't be. It's just a matter of how well we could cope. He asked if I would be hart broken. I said I would be disappointed. Consolating part is becos I have a 3yr old gal. But again I have to educate my mindset n make sure I don fall back too much.
Gd to get away for a while. We did plan to travel if it's neg.
Just be strong. If u still want to do it again have a word with ur hubby n tell him u will be able to cope.
I the this ivf canmake a person either hot temper or emotional. I happen to be hot so I try to calm down. Not nice when I have to keep screaming. Maybe should have a bite of ice cream.
Somehow after ER my stool is soft but not to the verge of LS. Tummy still bloated everytime after food. Siao Liao think really tune hong sia. These days can't sit for too long cos back on the side will feel bit achy. And ever since ivf have so many diff kind of short dream. Jus dreamt I order a piano
N delivery was so late. Said 4am come but in the end came at 8. Funny thing is I was living in a small unit. Think the delivery man n woman also bizzar how come I order such a big white piano haha.
Calzz, I made him watch a FB video clip 'disconnect to connect' is about iPhone user who are too engross in the virtual world. In order to connect back to real world, he needs to disconnect.. then finally he understood!
For those tested positive after bt, were u given some more medicine?
During 2ww I m on this pregyl jab to be done every 3 days. Now left with 2 more jabs n vaginal cream 2x a day n folic.
Mina, that's good. At least he gets the message
Me now inside my gynae room waiting. Took a peep at my auto immune bt results. Look ok. But duno lah see wat she says later.
Hi fire, pregnyl jab will cos alot of bloatness, cramp. My stomach becomes like 3 mths pregnant even though I am not. Somemore if want to test hpt must wait at least 3-5 days.
Hi Ladies,

Do someone know how to drag July until November conversation to archive? It's too long for us to move down to read thrue our current conversation right?
Ladies, what is pregnyl jab during 2WW for? I thought that is used to induce ovulation. Does it help in implantation too?

calzz, what does immune BT test?
Lily and fire, vagina cream as in progesterone cream?

Wow, so much to learn here.
Daily jab? Hmm not me though.

Hope4baby, wat do u mean by support? For now dh on leave to drive my gal to school.

Maybe long tune hong plus pregyl jab not doing any better. Need to de hong haha.

My dh just read a news to me on celine dion. She ivf 6x before she strikes. 42 yr old ok.
Dandelion, it's to test the immune system and antibodies to check whether something's missing fr the body and whether any risk of miscarriage.

My results all ok. My gynae is happy. Phew. But she say my lining abit too think for cd12. It's 9mm. She also advise me to do medicated FET.
But hor damn sickening. Took 5 tubes of blood then the results only 3 lines. I was expecting a very very detailed report loh. Lol.
Dandelion, yes it's that. Hmm seems like only me having daily jab during 2ww but not sure if it's daily but was given 4jabs till my next BT Tis sat
if it's pregnyl jab it is unlikely to be daily. usually is every 3 days. unless u r taking progesterone jab then could be daily.

pregnyl jab is hcg hormone which is also the hormone yr body produces when preggie. it is given in low doses as part of the 2ww support to encourage the body to function like it is preggie and hopefully create a more optimal environment in the uterus for the fertilised embryos.
Ceraine, having menstruation coming does not mean you fail in the cycle, don't give up so fast !! IVF pregnancy still can occur, wait to see your Beta result to believe

All the best !
Thanks calzz. Mmm, then i wonder why i did not take the immune test. Or perhaps they did but did not highlight to me.

Ouch! Pregnyl every day sounds painful. But worth if it helps in BFP.

Thanks for the explanation grumpus. You're indeed a guru. Grumpus, did you actually go out(as in for work/leisure) duringyour 2ww?
morning gals...

happybb buddy,
good luck for ur scan later...

my lining also 9mm ard cd 8 le... too thick for a fresh cycle.... tomolo scanning again, then see how...

hi dan,
the immune tests must request de...
ohhh then that's totally different already. cos u're allergic to aspirin. some ladies with very low progesterone levels need the jab rather than the cream or inserts for support.

actually i already hv a 3 yr old elder girl. during my 2ww i took care of her as per normal. i stayed at my mum's place so that my food is taken care of. my mum did try to help me with my girl wherever possible but cos i'm a full time mum, my girl still look for me. 2nd wk of 2ww i was already driving my girl back and forth to school
hi happybb,
jus saw ur post on half boil eggs...
i buy eggs with vitamin E le... cos i find the quality is better...
u can get these plastic thingy to cook the eggs...
is a 2 piece container u jus add hot water to the mark, the water will drip off... when finish dripping off, is done...
when cook jus nice the soft whites wont stick to the shell so much... and the yolk are easy to remove...
Stickybfp buddy... Doc says I hv good no. of follicles although a few smaller in size... But 15 doesn't sound good to me leh... I heard the nurse shouted 9, 10, 11... Can't rem the rest but think got one is 14... Lining 5mm sounds very thin to me cos it was 4mm last tue while I was in cd5... Grow 1mm only...

Likely next tue er... Piggy buddy... If I rem correctly, urs too, right?

Next appt is sat...
Stickybfp buddy... U know where to get the plastic thingy for the eggs?

Gals... Do u think it's advisable to go for driving lessons & test 4-5 days after et? Now thinking if should cancel...
Stickybfp... Hehe... I stay very near u... U actually know me... Was in ur thread & 2ww thread but I changed nick... Make a guess... Hehe...

Think I go carrefour cos wan to get brazil nuts...
u hor... made me happy onli le... so good to hear from u... i tot u went for various surgery... y did u opt for ivf? i tot ur dh dun wan ivf?
