IVF/ICSI Support Group

dandelion - if you notice ah the box says can be taken orally. but nurse cautioned me not to do so! very misleading rite!
lily- wow yours tube will be easier rite? mine is just round tablet which you have to diy insrt.

Yes, mine is also round ball. Is that why I dun understand what is the fat grip?

Nur, take orally? so weird, then we're like eating cream and it goes into the stomach, intestines then finally blood vessels. Wouldn't be so effective that way I guess.
Utrogestan and duphaston r oral progesterone meds.
After ET dr usually advise to take utro via insert rather than orally cos absorption is better. Used as insert the prog is absorbed directly through the skin. Orally still need to go through the digestive system etc.

Just hang in there, once confirm bfp will transition to oral support.
Hi Nur, Yes like you said only 2nd day already so bored. Like other sisters mentioned, watch TV, take after nap and chat in this forum. Are you also from KKH?
Dandelion, i tink there are many type of progestrone inserts. Mine look like bullet shape (arrow head) & must keep @ room temp or below cos it tends to melt.

my DH was reluctant to do it for me intially but after a couple of times, he auto go wash hands and ask me lie down.. Ha!
Hi ladies,
I'm in my 2ww too. ET was on Monday. Yes, nothing much to do besides eating, sleeping and surfing Internet. Always logging on to FB till there's nothing to see. Today went to NUH just to allow Prof to check if there's OHSS. So today first day out of home. Let's hope all the best to all ladies in 2ww :)
Oh no, I didn't push the ballls in so deep
will try tonite. Anyone has constipation? I never have this problem in the past. Any solution?
For nausea, u can boil Ginger tea to drink, it helps.
Actually I felt terrible even thou is only day 2. The waiting time is a mental torment. When my crampy feeling is gone, I panicked cos saw on web that crampy is good. I wonder how I can pass thru the next 14 days. Anyone feeling emotionally cranky like me?
Annling, I agree with you as I am now into 3rd day of 2ww and really boring lor. Only eat, sleep, watch tv and do a little surfing on the internet but me not a surfer lor. Anyone got good recommendation on how to pass time or any good Internet shopping website to buy stuff. 
hi su_yana, all e best
hope u bfp tis round. btw, does nuh give progestrone support? if so in wat form? insert or oral. think i dun dare to do insert leh.
BBW > might be might be not... I had ask the nurse before HCG level cannot determine singleton / twins... only by scan... some say will those cross 1000 over is twin... i am example that i cross 1000 but i carry singleton...
Serene, it's insert. Initially I was afraid too but you will get the hang of it. It's like a stick. Insert it, just squeeze the other end and remove it. :)
Nadia, I saw you!!!!! Lucky we wave @ each other.. I reach abt 6.20pm so finish earlier.. So many gd news from Dr Zou's place.. 1 came and another over the phone. I can really sense their excitement and happiness.. Hope can bfp and share their joy soon

Snuuggly, you there today? Are you the one coughing in the rm or sitting outside cashier?
BBW, are you the one tat Dr Zou talked to earlier? She say one of her patient got 17mth old baby via ivf then now strike again but worry maybe twins cos high hcg lvl.
Hi mina yes we did c each other i reach ard 6.45pm hehe..next week mon n thurs..u leh? Wow lots of gd news..gd.. We shall bfp too soon...;-)
Nadia, I find that mon & thu a lot of ppl so I prefer go on tue & fri. No luck to meet next wk but maybe will meet following thu when Dr Zou is away. I book 23dec liao.. So kiasu hor!
Buddies.... 加油 on growing eggies & lining... I must 加油 too... Only managed to drink 1 bowl red bean soup last nite... Haven hv immuncal today yet... Cos busy at work... Only 1 egg white cos had sunny side up...

Piggy... Yesterday doc said next tue... See my scan how tmr... See got any change anot... Urs still next tue?
Aiyo. As much as I try to ask myself to relax, I'm finding it so hard. This is only day 1. Go poot poot scared press too hard later embbie pop out, sneeze also scared crush the embbie. I know this sounds so silly but can't help it. There's so much to worry. Who's with me? I need to be sane.
Dandelion: guess I will be like u when my ET comes ha ha

Happybb: yup tomorrow morning need to go hospital the very last time to determin my ER is on Monday or Tuesday .. Will update u tomorrow when I'm out ;) hopefully can be the same day ;)
Hi dandelion, I share the same sentiment too. I had constipation today so have to poo poo very hard. Hopefully my embies r fine n holding on. It's a mentally tiring 2ww. We jia you together n see the bfp in 2 wks time
I was given cyclogest ( progesterone ) inserts during 2ww and kkh nurse told me to insert in anus, cos won't leak out so easily, and dun have to lie down for awhile also.
Minako, I didn't go today. Was just so tired. Next week also no time to go then dr zou on leave liao. I am also going away. Actually, I do not know if I want to continue going. I can't eat her meds due to allergies. Come Jan, I have lessons on mon, wed and fri, then Tuesday n Thursday nite sometimes got conference calls. I do not think I can take it. Then sometimes I ask myself if I am putting too much pressure on myself. Hai, sorry, just had to vent abit.
Yes ann, I've never been this paranoid.

Bloatedness and cramp fr the ER, plus the constipation is making me more bloated. Let's hope for the best and jia you together.
Dosb, wow you can still carry yr 12kg gal arh, thought doc advised not to carry heavy stuff? You mean you did not rest at home like most of the sisters here during your 2ww? You must be quite young huh and have good egg quality. How I envy...me now into my 4rd day of 2ww and is resting at home doing nothing u know...
Saw that quite a lot of sisters bfp while doing their normal activities during the 2ww leh...good hor
Suyana, yes twice i was with prof wong. yah, tovelle is the best nurse best, only she understands what we r going through.

Nadia our bubbly gal, i am fine, thanks. coming to week 6 now. Dint see u in forum for a while leh.
Holidaygal, where are you with for your current success?
I will say all the nurses there are nice ppl. There are 2 new ones. One is called Christina. She is very patient in explaining things. One of the nurses went on maternity and another one (can't rem the name) I think had left. Take care yeah.
Snuuggly, I understand how u feel! I was feeling it the same way a few days ago.. Sometimes i feel i giving myself too much pressure by gg for acu, painful massage, aerobic class and eating yucky meds but I try keep my spirits up by counting down to my next fet.. with DH support we can do it! I planning to do fet when dec af comes but need to wait for Dr Zou's green light. If my body still no gd, will postpone to after cny liao
Hi Dandelion, paranoid is the right description!!! I have cleared my constipation problem by taking prune juice. Now stomach less bloated & my hubby also noticed it.
But I still can't sleep well, kinda depressed & worried abt the result on Xmas eve. Every n then I try to feel the crampiness... If no feeling, I'm depressed cos it not a good sign. Just abit of things will send my emotion onto a roller coaster! I so happy to be able to pour these feelings here cos no one will understand it better than all the ladies here. I'm sorry if I sound passive

Minako, dr zou hardly talks to me. So I also dunno my body condition. I tell her I am starting jabs soon, she only said orh. That's y I am thinking of stopping coz it's just so hard to find time. Probably I will do that, just cut down cold drinks, eat more brazil nuts and drink wolf berries and longan. The rest, leave it to my fate liao. If ivf cycle successful, good. If not, try again lor, I do not want to stress myself anymore.
