IVF/ICSI Support Group

Good morning ladies. :D

Tried to lie down this morning to push the progesterone cream in, lay down for 45 min after that but still ooze out. Arghhh, guess not deep enough again. Worried progestoerone level will not be enough.

MdmKhoo, how many weeks preggie are you? Thru IVF too? Share your success story.
Ann, I can totally understand how you are feeling. At times, I also feel guilty for being negative, guess we're just too worried after going through so much. Ok, we must try to take it easy. (Easier said than done...i know..just try) Hope you get a BFP as Christmas gift. :D

My BT is on 27 Dec...Seems so far away.
Hi Dan and pink
Rest well for ur 2ww... Baby dust are on the way to us..;) jiayou and will bfp de..

Hi stickybfp, happybb and one more gal (oops, cant recall name)
All the best to ur coming Er and ET.. So lucky that u gals do it before doc loh on leave if u r with kk..;) with this luck, u gals will be lucky all the way till bfp too..;)

Hi gals
Need some opinion for gals who r doing polyps removal. Kindly help me.. Can we claim insurance for polyps removal? If yes, wht is best to be written on the mc and claim form? Really worry that if write wrongly and cant claim.. Am short of cash le due to recent ivf consultation and supplements cost..;(
So hope this surgery cost can be fully paid by insurance.. Need ur info pls.. Kindly help and advise pls... Thk u gals..
Holidaygal i do read the forum from time to time... Now bz with werk leh ... End yr like mad hse...hehehe... Nothing to post somemore...hehehe...oh u 6 weeks alreadi... Congrats...congrats... Can hear bb heartbeat?
Sistas who r in 2ww... I got this tip from Dr Zou... For those fearing that inserts is not inserted properly or deep enuff... Try to rest in bed for at least 2 hrs. She said shld be good enuff for the inserts to werk.. Jia you everyone... Dun stress too much during 2ww...Stay hepi... All hardwerk will be paid off beautifully with BFP result...Hepi weekend to all.... Yahoo luv the weekend.... Hehe
dandelion > I am currently 10 weeks 6 day pregnant and yes thru IVF too...

For me is to relex... I just think +ve tok to BB every hour everyday and relex my mind... the important part is rest more on bed do not walk too much if you need to go out remember to take small steps... hehe...
Mdmkhoo, was your tummy very very bloated thru out the 2ww? Mine subsided already but abit bloated. Aiyo today only day 3
but I also realized that I ate a lot lesser since er, no appettite at all. Anyone same as me when less bloatedhess n flatter tummy?
annling > For me I dun feel much bloated...

but i dun eat much till now still the same and I vomit whatever I ate...

I let out alot of gas from 2ww till now... Opps

I lost weight since then till now still had not gain yet...
Annling, my blotedness has gone done, from looking like 3mth preggie to 2 mths preggie but still as crampy and hard, yes, it feels hard.

Thanks for the sharing mdm khoo.
Buddies... Latest update... Er will be next wed, et likely to be next fri... Today's scan shows 16 follicles... Biggest is 17, a few 14, the rest smaller... Smallest at 11... But lining is 7... Must drink more red bean soup le...

Tks, joanne... For insurance claim, it depends on wat the doc writes on the report...
Congrats happybb, your egg size looks good. My first scan was also 16 follicles, in the end, they retrieved 26.

How does red bean soup help? Can take after ET?
Hi Joanne, that time I went for cyst removal dr loh help me to write as normal checkup then found the cyst. He advise me to do ivf after a few mths so the claim will go thru. Think he is helpful in this area. U can ask him n tell him ur concerns.
Happybb : mine confirm on Tuesday Liao .. As for ET hmm maybe Thursday or Friday depend on the quality of the egg ;)

Joanne: thanks ;) can check for you when I'm back office on Monday to see u can do claim on that anot .. Update u tomorrow
Hi Mdmkhoo n dandelion, thanks for sharing the experience. I was worried n kept checking the mirror.. Hehe
I read on the web that 3-5 days after et is very important so we must take extra care!
During my 2WW, I was started feeling v. bloated. I was on 2 types of progestrone supports as well as estrogen supports during 2WW and these supports caused the bloating effect. Some BFP ladies here feel normal during their 2WW. So don't be too bogged down by the symptoms.
Dandelion... Really? Thx! Tot the nos. r too little... Was thinking tat maybe not all eggies can be used... Minus here, minus there, left not many le... But today is my second scan le... Red bean soup helps in increasing lining... Dun whether 2ww can take... Anyone can advise?

Piggy... We r one day apart but still very close... Wait for stickybfp to update us after her followup next mon... See when is hers... How's ur scan today?
Hey all, I am with kKh, dr loh.

Can I check if my er confirmed on wed, will my et be confirmed on fri? Cos I am going away on mon. Hubby booked holiday for me to relax but now I am like more kan cheong.
Hi Day, thks. Yes every min I'm looking for those sypmtons like crampy tummy, sore breast etc... This is driving me crazy.
Hi nip, Et is 2 days after er. So er is wed then et is fri. U with dr loh?
Happybb : yesterday scan today didn't have scan but only blood test;) but doctor give green light to jab hcg on tomorrow night ;) if Stickybfp is on wednesday ET then we will all be very close close ;)
Hi Nip, I'm with dr loh too! He's a good doctor, never pushy or overcomment. Straight to the point. Did u take a lot protein now? I think It helps for me. Er is fast n et is a easy process if u have a very full bladder
hi mdmkhoo, thanks for sharing. It's good to hear from experienced sisters n their happy BFP
Ann: not really, just folic acid and eat normally. Anyways, I eat eggs etc so think my protein level ok.

Can check with those who went on ivf before, I have ard 19 follicle, one 17.5, one 15, couple of 14. The rest 11-12. The doc today ask me to go on purogeon for 2 more days before the final jab on mon nite. What do you think of mt chances of getting mature eggs? Also when they retrieve eggs will they retrieve all? How do we know if they are mature?

Aiya, I am on 1st cycle so don't know if Things will be ok.....
hi nip. I had 16 eggs from the 1st scan. 2 days later, I had the second scan. Not sure how many follicles by then, After the second scan, doc also told me to continue puregon for another 2 days. On the 3rd day, I had lucrin jab in the morn and pregnyl at night(also Monday).

After that I had my ER on Wednesday whereby 26 eggs were retrieved. Think my timeline is almost the same yours. Don't worry, you shd be on track.
Nip1, as long your scan show womb lining >8mm and 2-3 follicles >15mm.. You will be ask to go for pregnyl. As you have 19 follicles but only 2 mature, you need to jab puregon for couple more days.
Lily, my Beta is on 12/20, meanwhile, I have done all my blood tests, so won't need to go back to CARE until that date.

Good luck to all the ladies awaiting their results!
Hi hope4bb and piggy
Thks so much for ur advise and help.. Look forward piggy to ur reply.. Oh.. U r an insurance agent? Hope can claim.. But hope4bb, i will start my ivf following month.. Dun want drag longer le.. Time is not on my side..;(
Good morning all!

Hi Nur, can u sleep better now? I think we had et on the same day! When is your blood test? 24 or 27? It seemed that Kkh has given out 2 days for those who did et on thur.

Hi all sis, any ways to help to sleep??? I can't sleep well n kept feeling nausea. Ginger tea only works for a while. I miss my kopi
my wine
Good morning!! :D

Reporting back that I finally manage to insert the utrogeston without the cream oozing out. Yippee! But dunno why they must stipulate the timing to be 8am, 3 pm and 12mn. Means I have to slp late and wake up early.

Anyway, can someone tell me if I can take birds' nest? MIL bought it for me and ask me to eat in the morning. Not sure if it's good for me at this stage. Can some guru advise?

Annling, I had problem falling asleep last night too. Perhaps that's because we've been inactive for too long. Actually my condition is not getting better. Still feel crampy all the time and nauseas every now and then, no appetite cause eat a bit only feel more bloated. Am just forcing myself to eat
Hi all, I am a silent reader of this forum. I just had a BFN and am really down.. Can you gals pm me Dr Zou's address and contact? I think I must tiao my body for the next FET. Thanks
Thks all for your quick responses. Really like the atmosphere here-friendly and encouraging. Just like to say to all who have bfn, thinking positive is also very imp besides all the remedies that were mentioned. Jia you.

Can I check if pregnly is generic term for the jab at night? Mine is chorionic gonadotrophin.
Babyforus, sorry to hear about your bfn. Stay strong. Dr zoo's add is : Zou Yumin TAM Physician & Acupuncturist 
Blk 505 #01-2670 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 S560505 Opp Nanyang Polytechnic 
Tel: 64560833 
Closed on WEDS 
Hi Dandelion, we do not have to follow the stipulated timing according to the nurse. I just ensure that the time gap ia abt 7-8 hrs. My crampy feeling is gone but I still had nausea almost every hour
its terrible! I went out for dinner last nite, forced myself to eat then after that suffered
bloated tummy that I can't button my skirt .. Hehe luckily my top was long enough to cover

I don't know how to handle my insomia problem
it's frustrating!! Insomia n constipation!!
hey for bird nest, I saw a posting before that it contains protein .. No sure how true thou.
Thank you snuuggly, I was really devastated.. I cried my heart out.. And am still coming to terms with it.. My dh is also very sad... Jia you everyone .. Baby dust to all
dandelion > For now I dun advice you take bird nest the best time to take is when u hit Tri 2 for Tri 1 BB does not absorb ur nutrient they got the nutrient from their sac...
Hi stickybfp
I think claim fr ntuc..

Hi piggy
Thk u so much for ur help.. I remember some sister here say they can claim but not sure wht is written on the mc thats why result they can claim..

Hi bbforus
Hugz.. Dun worry.. Ur fet will be successful k.. Jiayou!!
*hugging babyforus* Take good care before your next cycle k.

Thanks Ann...ya, i read tt it is high in protein.

Mdmkhoo, is it detrimental even if it is not absorbed by the embryo/bb? The problem is MIL wants me to eat and its difficult to say no to her. You know what I mean? So i will eat as long as it causes no harm. Am just afriad tt it is cooling.
hi joanne,
me insurance agent... =)
can claim... ur ivf is seperate from removal of polyps, no prob... but ntuc one u bought via medisave and cash? cos medisave is onli partial claim
