IVF/ICSI Support Group

i think when they retrive less eggs, then they put on this jab instead of progestrone insert and also if there BT for progestrone is low after 5 days after ET, they give pregnyl jab instead of insert.
thats what my understanding is..


i oso tested earlier... tested 2 days earlier for hpt, and 1 day earlier for bt..

maybe discuss with ur hb is wanna go for earlier bt.
tht time my hb cannot wait, went to buy hpt...
my scan n bt at 8am to 9am...i shld be reachin there b4 8..coz wan fast fast go bk..duno y everytime i go kkh i feel very stuffy n always hv headache..
Hello everyone,

IS thr anybody here gone thru IVF with husband having azoospermia?? Care to share?? Wanting to go for IVF but wanna hear success stories like the case i mention to hv a lil courage=) Thank you in advance.
kkh is always pack in the mornin so to avoid the crowd, i might reach there earlier b4 730...otherwise like u said, wl be very stuffy.
shasha: maybe you can seek consultation with yr gynae or ivf centre to clarify your doubts or fears? every couple who goes thru ivf have a diff story....and its unique

discuss with yr hubby perhaps? consultation time is only for clarification and perhaps for the doc to know the situation better and its always the doc who is in the best situation to advise you.

have faith ok shasha...
fancy: will call CARE tomorrow to confirm if i can move on to stimulation stage. will go down to collect the meds then..
hubby will not be ard for five days due to business....i got to be lone ranger for a week..hehe

anyway i got five day HL due to the day surgery so i am very happy to rest ...
i took pain killer last night so that i can sleep better....discomfort in the form of AF like cramps...

yesterday when i came back i felt like not much energy left...
so i took chicken essence and felt better at night
With no polyp found, dr still perform the dnc?
Do u have bleeding aft the procedure? I rem i had it for abt a week...
nm, must rest more today... body need to recover since u starting stimulation tmr...

scraping sounds very invasive...

baby, how are u feeling today??
panda: will rest today ..just lazing ard ...surfing net and reading newspaper...actually have not done this for a long time...
very relaxing

no scraping was done on me luckily so not so bad....it was the Hysteroscopy where a small camera/video was inserted via V and dr paul observed the uterus from there....i first time see my uterus (dr paul gave me a copy of the photos taken from)

how are u feeling today? MS?
hehe...good..sounds like u r enjoying urself at home

my MS is still bad.. this morning wake up 530am with bad MS..... just managed to eat abit of fried bee hoon bf...now the nausea feeling came again...and burping burping non stop...

today is hb's birthday.. want to go out for meal with him..bt looking at my situation...he tinks i better stay at hm...he scared i wanna puke when i smell food outside... super duper sensitive to smells ..
yr hubby also may baby? happy birthday to him! i really think u having twins since ms is so so bad...its like MS times 2...

First time meeting dr paul yesterday, went to his clinic and my gosh so many pple...must be very popular...hubby hates the parking though....very terrible..
nm, yeah..my hb also May baby..hehe..

haha.. next week i will know if having twins.. hv to wait for scan.... these 2 days MS is worse.. seems to linger around the whole day.. last night was quite bad tht i cannot sleep... even lying in bed also feel like want to puke...

he shares clinic with 2 other gynaes..and sat is always madhouse there....

same here, my hb hates going TMC becoz of parking..he is telling me dun choose Paul coz hv to go TMC..hahah.. many other gynaes around...no need pick from there...:p
hehe as for me i also not sure if i should go back to my current gynae or stay with Dr paul....will think of that once the time comes...

mad house is the correct word...i entered and i was blurred cos so many pple...so diff from care ...haha
yeah lor, i oso told my hb we tink abt it when the time comes.. anyway hv to stay with CARE for first trimester....now only 5 weeks... still got alot of time to tink..

yes yes...my first time there was also a sat...and i went alone... i was totally in shocked when i step into the place...stunned and dunno how to react..hahaha..

who is ur current gynae?
Dr lim teck chye from Tow Yung Clinic...he is always with CARE. That is how i come to know of CARE.

He is very experienced and was my grandma's and auntie's gynae too ..hehe

his clinic is shared with two others at tanglin shopping centre and also very busy ..similar to dr paul. i always dont go on weekends lest its absolutely necessary
Just Faith, the other time u were having discomfort at the belly button area right? is it like on and off aching feeling huh?
ya ..i think he is retiring in a couple of years time..so he always joke with me saying that before he retires he will surely help me have a baby...haha

but i also know he isnt that pro IVF ..so this time when i went care for first consultation is without his knowledge...heheh
all the best.

ttcingb, pandawife,
i have decided come what may i am going for bt tomm.
wish me luck.

ladies who bfped.. i need lots of baby dusts.. iam trying to stay positive.

how r u now?? having side eefects of supression stage?? moved in to stimulation stage??
baby, are u still staying away from cold drinks huh? i suddenly hv craving for cold orange juice from the fridge leh..
pour it out to cool...bt very tempted to drink it while its cold...
Hi Ladies

Can I ask if any ladies here (under going IVF and has very good response and producing large qty of eggs) willing to donate your excess eggs to women who has poor ovarian reserve?

I think I may not be able to proceed to IVF using my own egg so I may need donor's egg.

Should you come across any kind soul who is willing to help, kindly PM me.

This could be my last Ray of Hope ........
i hope i can reach early also...so tht i no nid stay there too long..
im feeling ok, hope tml the scan n bt ok so i can move to stage 2 on 20may..
Yup im still staying away frm cold drinks.. I dont like cold drinks anyway...
I did rem hearing some ladies have craving for cold drinks while preggy... But for now cos u still in early preg.. Dont drink too cold.. I think slightly cool its ok..
They craving is what the bb wants.. Cant deprive them.. Haha..
Is yr boobs getting more sore?
Today i feel some twinges and pulling on my sides.. Duno is it normal not..
baby, hahah..really ah... craving is what baby whats? heheh.. i stay away for cold drinks very long liao...suddenly feel like wannna drink..just now i let it cool half way..then cannot tahan..haha...

my boobs getting painful leh... the pain comes and goes...bt very very painful kind...

yeah..twinges and pulling at the sides is perfectly normal.. so long as not the middle part of the tummy where the uterus is...its ok.. now the ovaries still working hard to produce the hormones to support the pregnancy...
Yr boobs are painful when u touch or even dont touch also painful?
For me they are more sore when just wake up.. Painful when u touch them esp the sides...
Do u have cramps? Just now i felt slight cramps for a few seconds.. After that it went away...

if touch is abit sore.. the pain tht comes and goes is dont touch also very painful....same as urs.. at the sides...

where are ur cramps? i hav been having cramps, twinges, pulls and aches at the sides and also pelvic bone area for a while liao.. nurse says its normal...so long as not AF cramps in the middle ...its ok one... our body is changing to accomodate the little one now... thts y all the discomfort..
pandawife af cramps is suan suan cramps?
I do have suan suan cramps at middle on off leh.

5.5 weeks can see sac and maybe fetal pole. Maybe u can ask for scan tomorrow to see if twins or triplets. =)
gan, af cramps to me is painful cramp leh... not suan suan feeling....

hehe.. dun tink will be triplets..coz my hcg levels had been borderline between singleton and twins...
balrogal, actually im not sure of it. maybe sumone can help to ans...heee
i only know for short protocol there'll be lesser jabs during suppression stage wh one wl only start jabbing fr d2 of their mense. the nurse told me mine is longer so my guess urs is consider long protocol too.
Better to wait till thur.. Cos if cannot see heartbeat tml.. U will feel more anxious till thur.. Just wait for another few more days la..

I also have some kind of cramping feeling for a few moments..
More of twinges at the sides.. Today i feel more tired than usual.. Dont feel like doing anything thou i just came bk frm my mum pl.. Brought some vege and meat back so that i can cook soup for myself..
haha..same...the nurse tell me mine shld be 1st wk of june..bt i hope is much more earlier...bt y they gv 14days from egg recovery n nt from transfer? meaning when go bk to work, still nid ard 6 days more then can go bk kkh for bt..so long lo...

pandawife/baby, i dun feel those cramps u have these few days, not sure am i normal. Somemore i still have on off brownish spotting. I am praying for the best that i will see my bb heartbeat this friday. Tired yes, do feel so and have headache in afternoon. I wish my tummy is transparent, at least i feel assured seeing the bb there
