IVF/ICSI Support Group

How to differerntiate pelvi pain and tummy pain??
I do feel alot of activities down there.. But not sure if its at the pelvi area or the uterus area leh...

U still have spotting today? Lesser?

Gan, not everybody gets the same kind of symptoms ..dont worry.. most important thing is u r resting well, and dont stress urself ... trust that bb is growing well...

baby, pelvic aching is the bone area...the v shape bone area tht is aching.. if tummy, its higher up... its normal to feel alot of activities now...coz our body is changing....

i wake up so many times to pee tonight....bladder like so full the whole night...now feeling hungry ..hv to get up and drink some holicks...

such good weather and i cannot sleep..diao
Just Faith, can understand the feeling. i also cannot wait for my scan this week! the anticipation is almost killing me...
I notice all gals here have frequent urination symptom which i dont have leh.... So werid one...

Just faith
So exciting.. U will know whether u have one or two...
How u feeling now? Feel preggy?
Just faith, pandawife, good luck for your scan ok.. All the best.. Its always nice feeling to see your bb...

Gan, wat happen my fren... read your post.. have a good rest okay.. dun walk too much.. take care.. be positive..
waiting for your scan which i believe its soon rite..

Nancy, how are you? hows your scan?
Panda, yalor! I hv been counting down to 18th may. Hope time flies faster. During my 5.5 weeks scan, I can only see sac n yolk. No sight of foetus heartbeat. Excited leh

baby, my bladder gets full easily. In the past, when I go shopping, I dun hv the habits of looking for washroom. Just the other day, from kk to vivocity by car, the moment we reached, I rush for washroom immediately. And before we went home, I also have to clear my bladder before I hop the car.

Brownie, Nancy has not logged in for a long time. She should have gone for her first scan. She bfp before me. Hope is well for her n babies.
Just Faith, same here... my 30mins car journey to CARE, already i need to go pee once i reach there..then after the appt before going back, i need to clear bladder again....

night time seems to be worse....or maybe coz at night more cold....so the need to pee is even more...
Pandawife, just like you... still having MS.. started werking already.. so if i know i'm puking, got to rush to toilet lor... so sien leh.. no appetite to eat so much... when i ate a little bit more only, i will start to puke.. if didnt eat, will turn hypo..
do you have cramps like AF coming?
Ya, I also think at night, the room is cold, that's why I pee more. But my room temp only 27 deg leh. I still wear long pants though.
hey Pandawife, do u rem how big and how many follies did you see at your 1st U/S after starting puregon?
today was my day6 of stim, only manage to see 4 good ones above 8mm on one side. left ovary is lazy... abit worried.
hey poppy: can ask a question....do u use the gonal f auto pen? any vials or is the pen prefilled?

is the pen to be stored in the fridge?
i once heard from a nurse that when syringes are stored in the fridge, it stinks when injecting. is it true?
hi gan how are u feeling?
nm i didn't find injecting gonal f stinks. In fact lucrin is also stored in fridge. Maybe i have alot of fats in tummy. =) i am ok. Doing bed rest as much as possible.

Brownie my 6 weeks scan is this friday. =)
Gan: i typed wrong word...not "stinks" ...i meant "stings"

so sorry ...hahah ..paiseh...

i find buserelin(suprefact) not painful....

scanning this friday? rest well these few days...

just now i walked a little too much and i had fresh blood oozing out onto my panty liner...my day op was like on sat and last two days were fine..but today i thot should be ok to walk a little more and had bleeding...got the shock of my life...so now sitting down and not doing anything with walking...
Gan: haha ya lo...thot i can do a little housework since on mc ...furthermore hubby not in singapore for me to rely on....

later i got to go CARE in the afternoon...hope not bleeding then..
My May AF has arrived .. 1 more mth of 'bu' before i embark on my 1st IVF using June's AF ....

more n more excited & nervous ...
Gan: thanks will do...i suspect its due to the fraxiparine jabs i have been taking cos that will cause blood clotting prbs..

of all the jabs, i really hate the fraxiparine jab..i call it the green monster cos the cap is green in colour....hahah
nm, the gonal f from CARE is like superfact. need to withdraw the mixed fluid from bottle. u can keep the syringe elsewhere, but gonalf bottle must be in fridge.
the stinging one is menogon. it leaves a red patch for up to 2 days after injections
poppy: thanks for the explanation for gonal f...

eeks think i will hate menogon then....already fraxiparine gives me blue blacks ..i running out of space to inject due to the massive blue blacks..

menogon also same timing as suprefact and gonal f jabs?
brownie, where are ur cramps? i hav cramps at both sides of the tummy where the ovaries are..and also aches at the pelvic area...

poppy, yes..my D6 scan was 2nd scan...hav 20-21 follicles, size between 10-13mm, lining was 9mm.

ladies.. i was grabbed into the scan room today...Angela did a tummy scan.. oh my gosh! there are 3 babies! i feel like i m dreaming...even my mum also abit stunned ....too early to see heartbeat, but Angela says they are good sizes..
nm, thanks... hv to wait for next scan to check all three of them are growing well... Angela says i hv to be extra extra careful.....

just now i call my hb....he went "SO MANY?" hahahaha

today ning is not in... so angela super busy...din hv much time to talk.. she says after my next scan, then she wanna sit down and have a chat with me...
no wonder....just now i called at 8 plus and she say morning very busy so come by at 4 plus...

ning's off day is monday...i forgot..
Just Faith, yeah..today still early..i tink next scan shld b next Mon liao.. they say count 2 weeks from my BT day...shld b this sat..bt dun tink i wanna go down just for scan.. will let them do it on Mon when i go for bt and jab..minimise going out....

nm, yup...i have been very careful..even after bfp, still behave like during 2ww.....

BB rabbit/working wife, thanks!
nm, angela told me usually triplets will be 2 gers and 1 boy.... we already thot of 3 names.. hehe..boy or ger also can use..hav been calling them by the 3 names since ET leh...:p

EDD?? no idea..hahaah.. i still feel like i m in a dream!
hahaha... just faith, u hv any lobangs?

nm, cannot celebrate first...feels like it will be a long journey.... not easy to carry multiple babies...esp for first timer like me.. i hv to pray extra hard that they are well and healthy.. 1st trimester is very high risk period....
Hi Fancy, how did your BT go? Hope its good news. Fingers crossed for u girl

TTCingBB - how are you feeling? I still get the cramps off and on, but very much less vs the 3rd-4th day after ET. Not thinking too much about it, hoping for the best. I've also been feeling slightly giddy, a little headache and slight nausea (nothing too drastic). I definitely don't think its anything to do with pregnancy symptoms since still early. Could be the hormones from the drugs.

TTCing - are you going to do HPT before BT? I am torn between doing it and just waiting for BT. The last time I didnt do HPT, I thought that as long as I don't test, still can have hope. THen when I did the test at doc's office on BT day, was so crushed when the results were negative. I cried there

this time, I really don't want to go thru the same heartache there again in case its negative. but I dare not test at home also. sigh...

Greenie - hang in there. The one thing I've learnt from the sisters here is to never give up until AF comes. Just try to think positive and pray for two things - if you're pregnant, let it be a safe pregnancy, and ifyou're not, pray for the strength to deal with it and go on. HOping for the best for u.
panda: if u give birth on some special occasion like xmas or ny...sure to have reporters and thus the endorsements come in....

yup first trimester is impt...from yr happy news my energy is renewed...initially after the hiccup (polyp) and plus hubby not ard this week, already very lost....and xian....

now i also feel renewed and not wanting to give up...
nm, yes, dont give up.. hehe.. maybe u wanna start tinking if u want to transfer 2 or 3 embryos..hahaha....

oh, must giv birth on special occasions.... hmm.. still far away...

i tink i must try to sleep more.. somehow feel tht i m not sleeping as much as i shld b... still wake up at funny hours..hehe..
working wife, which day of 2ww are u now?
i started to have MS on D10...tht time i oso thot its still early to hv symptoms...i blame it on the pregnyl jab tht i had on D6...bt turns out its actually MS...

so happy for you, u r going to be a mother of 3 !! aren't u excited ,well i m haha.. how i wish i can be like u next month. take good care of yourself. must start saving...So its 3 tigers , can ' pao de kuai' leh.
