IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dear all
Dont mean to pour sadness here.. but i think i just failed my 2nd cycle. My AF is coming before my BT next saturday.. I dont know what is going on and i have done my very best. I dont know how much more i can improve my chances to BFP..
So sad....
Hi hi my day op was over at one thirty. Dr Paul says no polyp was found , sometimes it dissolves on it's own . My uterus lining is thin and I don't hVe to abandon cycle . I will continue stimlation stage . Wat a relief
leapgal, u on long protcol right? Also on microgynon? May i kn hw long ur menses cam aft finishing the med? I'm nw D3 aft med.

Nm, congrats. Jia you for ur stimulation stage.

Greenie, pandawife could be correct. it could be implantation bleeding, is it alot?
Hi Panda
My ET last thurs. Dont think it is implantation bleeding cos i have AF cramp already..
My progesterone level is low on Wed.. reading only about 144, worse than my last cycle..

Totally lost now..
Faith.. i also hope it is but today is already D11 and last pregnyl jab... implantation should have occurred earlier.

Just now wipe got a bit stain, exactly like when AF is here..
greenie, i oso had an episode of prog and E2 dipping very very low during 2ww..bt still BFP.

sometimes it could be late implantation... hang in there...
Panda..i dont want to pin too much hope already.. i guess mother instinct told me differently. Had it since Wed and it is exactly like my last cycle.

Which hospital are you with as i think your doc is good, providing all necessary support till your BFP..
I was told that since my menses is irregular hence i was given microynon to get my menses to come on time, but still hv come. Try nt to focus on this but can't help it. Feel like smashing my head go sleep throughout then no nd think abt it. :p

Greenie, can't advise u much on this. But all is still nt lost yet. Jus dun be paranoid n hv rest.

stay positive until ur BT.. dont give up hope yet. this journey is not easy...when my hormones dip during 2ww, i was also very upset...and started thinking of doing FET...

i m with CARE @ paragon. u r right, they do very close monitoring...even after BFP..i still hv to go for 2 twice a week appt to monitor the hormones level and hv regular prog support jabs.
Dont stop yr support med yet ok... U never know..
Today is d11 post et? How come yr bt is next sat? U may want to try hpt at home or request for earlier bt.. I have my bt on d12 post et.. Before any results dont stop yr med first ok...

Good news!
But how come there is no polyp found? Is it an ultrasound error?
U have gone thru the procedure for nothing.. And still need to pay for it? They should have have another scan to doublw check whether the polyp is still there before asking u to go for removal.. But of cos its good news to find nothing... : )
I too remove a polyp before.. My dr monitor for awhile see if it goes away by itself before scheduling the procedure...

Feeling better aft taking antibiotics? Still have spotting?
I believe maybe by tml or so yr spotting will stop... Dont worry ok
ic, i keep wonderin how cum i wasnt given any oral med. so now i understan. dun worrie, ur mense shd cum soon, i tink the stress can cause a delay to our mense. i was q worried too when i was few days due, kept counting the days bt finally came tis am.
today is my D10.. I have not experienced anything.. juz suan suan crampy feeling on D5 & D6.. today my lower part felt like AF is coming too..suan feeling at hip.. should hang in there and can test HPT tomorrow... I'm really praying very hard..

Pandawife & Gan,
do you experience suan suan feeling and any other symptoms during 2ww? I wanna have some hope... +ve tots..
nm, tats gd news. i hope to start stimul soon if everythin goes well tis mon then we can bcum cycle buddies. im targettin my long leave to b in early jun. *finger crossed*
ladies: thanks for the well wishes..

i think the polyp was due to the BC i took earlier on ....cos usually my menses is 4 days but this mth after taking aspirin/gynera/fraxiparine jabs/superfact jabs...my menses till now (day 6 still lingering ard)

perhaps when the scan was done on day 4 of menses, the uterus would still have been thick and with the polyp... today is day 6 of menses ..the polyp was gone....actually the procedure wasnt painful but the stress was horrible....

since can use medisave to pay, then at least not too bad..
dr paul will speak with angela and I will call her on monday morning to see if i start stimulation on monday....heheh quite excited now
leapgal: yupz....we can be cycle buddies..
but my schedule must admend liao cos dates are pushed back due to slight hiccup...

later ordering good food to celebrate ...hahaha actually good food is mac or pasta mania...i caught the pasta mania bug....
yes, CARE is pte, which explains the close monitoring and support given. i tink average cycle at CARE is about $17k.

i dun hv suan suan feeling..i remember feeling suddenly super bloated from D10 onwards, and started to puke in the mornings. bt i m not a gd example.. coz i seem to b the only one having MS here....

dont read too much into the symptoms, coz there are really no fixed symptoms to getting a BFP...
some sisters BFP and had no symptoms at all...
leapgal: i have superfact for suppression plus fraxiparine (blood thinning prb), on top of that i am taking aspirin too.

u only have lucrin?
what about yr proposed stimulation? what type of jabs are u having?
panda: not starting tomorrow..cos i dont have the stimulation jabs with me. mon morning i will call and ask angela about the new schedule..

hence for now just take the suprefact jab.

most of us experience AF cramps before we test on hpt or bt. Baby can tell you she has so much negative thoughts back then.

I still have the suan suan feeling until week 5. Now can say I dun have that feeling anymore. Only want to pee n poo. Heeehehe
glad to hear tht u are celebrating!

pasta mania! wanted to order for lunch today...bt was feeling too much MS..so end up my mum made some noodles and soup for me..

u bought home all the stimulation medications already?

i m still feeling MS now... just now felt very tired went to take nap...wake up liao still feeling MS...

oohh... tht means most likely mon u can go CARE pick up ur medications liao...

i m going for the usual BT and jab at 10am. mayb can see u again.
Today is D11. My ET last Thursday and KK considered D2. As i am on preynl jab, testing HPT will not be accurate. I am not on any inserts.

I dont want to pin too much hope already but you must not learn from me... BFP to you..
panda: u going again on monday? i will call them earlier and see what time they want me over..this time we can chat if we meet ..
nm, yes..again..hahahaha...

i hv to go there every mon and thur until baby is about 8 weeks...then it will be changed to once a week until 12 weeks.

it will be the same for u when u BFP
So u are only 9 days post et... Its still very early to tell..
For all u know its implantation bleed... U may have late implantation or the bleed came out later.. Its too early to have yr period even if its a failed cycle.. And its only 11 days post yr er which is ovulation... It will take at least 14 days to have yr period... So dont lose hope yet even if u feel the odds are against u... Sometimes things happen when u least expect it..
nm, im with kk so i tink i wl be given puregon jab. wl only know when can start the next stage on mon aft a scan + bt. if my hormone is suppressed enuf, can start stimul on tue else wl cont with the suppression for anoth wk.
hey nm, it's great to hear that it's just false alarm
welcome to gonalf stage! I just start menogon today, the injection is ok, but the inject area is red red. felt like blue-black kind of pain when try to rub it. do let me know how do u feel after u try menogon.

btw, I'm tired of thinking of what to eat for dinner so started ordering Tingkat for weekday dinners. Mom's Cooking food very yummy! I love their soup. If u ladies also sian, duno wat to eat, perhaps can try loh.

Pandawife, i'm quite scared of ER, do u feel bad after ER? like pains and dizziness etc?

Gan, can try cranberry juice? i had few episodes of UTI, cranberry juice help to flush out the bacteria.

ER is ok... i felt some tummy cramps for a day or two...by ET, already back to normal.

dont worry, u will b under GA the whole procedure...and when u wake up, u will just be eager to know how many eggs were collected..

u will hv to rest at CARE after ER, and they will make sure u can take milo and biscuit before letting u go home. no dizziness for me...

hmmm, dont rub the inject area after u jab menogon.. yes..will hv stinging feeling after jabbing..bt it will go away in a while....its normal to hv a red patch..
i had cramps only on d5and d6 i guess, then some uneasiness day before.. today iam ok.. how come u say u do hptt tomm. is it not too early for u??
iam still in dilemaa to test it on monday..

workingwife, how r u feeling ??

how r u ?? feeling better after taking medicine?

take care leh.. bad ms for u. take lot of warm water..

good , so u r to the next stage now??
grennie, urs is D11 ?? then go for BT or hpt.
please don't stop the medication.. u might be pregnant and still bleed. i don't want tto give u any false hope.. but still there is a possibility..

for people like us. we need to make sure of the result.. we can't assume and repent later.
greenie, dun give up. Take urself as preggy till confirm by bt otherwise. I.e. Be careful in whatever u do.

Fancy u going for early bt?
just hold on

yes iam planning on may17th instead of BT on may 19th. though i am scared.. i don't know.. it too much of stress. will the pregnancy result vary bcos of this?? beta might vary..
ehh..I was telling that to greenie..hehehe.. not me la.. I'm too early to test yet..

noticed that some sisters here take pregnyl jab.. what is the purpose of taking this jab? always wanted to ask but forgotten...

thanks everyone for the comfort. I will not give up till i see red..

Pregnyl jab is for lady with fewer eggs retrived during ER..I only have 12 eggs
