IVF/ICSI Support Group

The solution is still clear n when I took out the bottle from its cover (its in a plastic container), it is still cold inside.
(My gosh, suddenly came back with a heart attack)

Thx panda / blissful. I feel relieved now...
Was searching all my kk docs to look for the pharmacy no. but couldn't find. I assumed its still useable.
Hi Ladies,

I become more knowledgable after reading all your post....I agree with panda wife that our worry is never ending... do ivf... scare of this and that.. and pray for BFP... After BFP, another set of worry sets in.... 3 mth, 6 mth etc...

cupcakes, dun despair ok ..... hope for the best also be prepared for the worst...

btw, anybody going to dr zou tomorrow, can PM me ? Maybe we can meet up and chit chat
Cupcake, take care and rest well. dun be despair.

Gan, do rest well and +ve thoughts +ve thoughts.

nm, sorry to hear abt ur situation. It's just a small hiccup, dun be dishearten. gambateh!
Ya.. Maybe becos we have been trying for many many years.. So this bfp feels so unreal.. Those who can conceive naturally can never understand the emotions we are having..
Only those who went thru the same path as us can know..
I really cant wait to see bb heartbeat and pass the first tri.. By then probably can enjoy the pregnancy better.. More assured..
girls thanks for yoyr concern. =) doing ok now though the brown spotting appears again late afternoon.
tMC called and said the swap tests on tues show that i have bacterial infection, need antibiotic.

Blissful, yes resting at home now. I was at clinic d yesterday at 1pm plus.
Judebabe...me gg to dr zou ..appt at 11am..gg with hubbie..cos he also need to accu 1x a week..kekeke

wat time is ur appt?
Is it becos of the infection that cause the spotting?
The swap test is taken from the cervix?
U still have cramping other than the spotting?
Now that u have HL.. Try to bedrest more ok..
Hi ladies,

any idea if it's ok to drink Teh-C or Teh during this period. i tried ditching coffee already but the meds or boring work are making me a little sleepy.. help!
baby, the tmc gynea suspects cld be infection that cause the spotting when i c her on tues, so did a swap test. But will check with dr loh ok to take the antibiotics. Yes taken from cervix. Cramping not so often leh. How r u doing? 1 more wk is our first scan. Mine will be around 245pm

poppy teh is cooling better dun drink.
blissful will be resting at home until i see dr loh next fri. My hubby will go collect the antibiotic from thomson med tomorrow morning. When r u seeing dr loh again?
I did ask Dr Cheng during one of our consultation.. he said still can drink..like 1 cup a day is still alright..
Im feeling ok...
If there is infection i think better to take the antibiotics.. Better to clear the infection asap..
My appt is at 430pm... So anxious right... Another one week feels like a month...
baby, yes very anxious especially after the wed episode. when i was staying in kk, they put me on wheelchair when i go for scan etc.. Really not much walking, except from bed to toilet.

Blissful 2 weeks later can see bb. =)
The blood clot beside the sac. I had that too. My doc says the blood patch will dissolve as the baby continues to grow. My bleeding was also due to that and doc says that my bleed on wed was most likely due to that. Cos on thur when she scan, the blood patch was gone already. She told me that it could be that the blood patch came out as the bleed.

Maybe u want to go for a 2nd opinion? Cos at very early stage, my doc spotted the patch already. Initially we tot its 2 sac, but she told us there's only 1 and that the one beside the sac is a blood patch. I was given a med called Danzen to prevent inflammation and since now no blood patch already, I stopped. By the way, my blood patch is almost the same size as the sac.

Let's hope for the best k. Go for a 2nd opinion. Take good care k..
I also did the culture to check for infection. Was given the antibiotics - Augmentin to stand by. If results come back ok, no need to take, if not good, then must eat. Tml will know the results liao. But my previous culture was fine.
tickles, i just pee some blood out and then there is diluted blood on the whole liner....will observe. Infection will cause bleeding? Honestly didn't expect all these bleeding after bfp...
U pee blood out? The blood came from yr bladder or uterus?
If its from yr pee.. Maybe u have uti.. I too have blood urine when i had uti.. Then my panty liner also have diluted kind of blood stains.. Dr give me antibiotics.. After abt 2 days.. The blood urine disappear.... Once uti gets serious.. Must take antibiotics.. But if its still initial, can just drink lots of water to clear it...
this morning my MS very bad again.. haiz... my hb made toast for bf...i smell the toast wanna puke again, quickly go inside the bedroom and lie down.. aiyoh....
baby, i dunno from bladder or uterus but not painful when i pee....i am lying in bed now..this morning ok. Waiting for my dh gets the antibiotic from thomson med and i will ask dr loh ok to take and send him the lab report that shows i have infection.

ya iam fine now. praying hard.. leh..
planning to take BT on monday not decided yet.

Hugzs.. ttake care.. i just went through the similar case
during my frst cycle. i can truly understand. please be strong.

ttcingb, working wife.. cycle buddies.. no stress , stay happy.. jia you..

hw r u ??
did u get promoted to next stage??
how come not decided? praying hard for you..

Yea,no stress and stay positive..

do you still have any crampy feeling lately? how do u feel these days?
my eyes popped out when u said u pee blood out.. what went wrong? infection? take good care!

is there any remedy for MS? it's seem very bad for you..my heart goes out to you.. if everything fail, drink more warm water..rest well..
ttcingbb, i am not sure is it due to infection or blood from my uterus, if more bleeding, will go kkh again.
Just took the antibiotic for the infection. Dr loh says ok to take

no remedy one leh... can take ginger with honey water to ease it..bt i start to MS first thing in the morning....usually by lunch time, i will feel better liao....
pray hard the blood will stop after taking the antibiotic.. rest well

so ginger with honey water can help u? then rem to take it..else..seeing you so jialat with MS..very xinku le..

yeah...quite xinku.. i cant stomach ginger water so early in the mornings... and the feeling will just hit the minute i wake up kind....

still feeling very nausea as we speak... today seems worse... smtimes my neighbours cook their meals..the food smell will drift over..i oso cannot tahan the smell...
pandawife but having ms is a good sign ur bb is growing well. I have no ms at all and with bleeding now, can't help worrying abt the pregnancy
I think yr ms is the worst here... Most likely due to the high hcg in yr body.. Just have to endure.. At least u know yr little ones are doing very well...

Once u feel better by lunch.. Eat more if u can ok..

Im sure after antibiotics u will feel better.. Dont worry too much
Lying on bed is good.. If can sleep better still...
U feeling any other thing except for the spotting?
baby, no, except the fresh blood..i mean no bad cramps. So not sure why keep seeing blood. I wish i have the worst ms rather than bleeding
can't help crying again this morning when my gf called me to see how i am
baby/gan, i also dunno why my MS is so bad.. i m feeling so horrible tht i just burst out crying when my hb called back to ask me if i am feeling better.....

i m also having some aching feeling at the pelvis bone area... just check with the nurse, she says its probably the pelvis expanding to prepare for the little ones....

gan, ur bleeding probably due to the infection, shld be ok after taking antibiotics.. don't worry, we all hv strong kiddos! esp urs since u did FET! i will continue to pray for all of us...
Gan, your bleeding in pee sounds like UTI. If really UTI, then really need to drink water. You need to monitor closely. If not from pee, if it is from uterus, it might be really infection. But fresh bleeding really sounds bad. I truly understand what u are going through now. And I also know you are afraid of going to toilet, to check the colour of yr pantyliner.

Feel free to discuss anything here. I also dun have any MS now. Only want to pee all the time. And also looking fwd to see baby's heartbeat on 18th.
Just faith
Of cos im looking forward to my first scan! Cant wait man..
I dont even my frequent urination like u.. Feel nothing.. No symptoms leh... So can only feels assured after seeing bb heartbeat..

Dont cry gals... I know the feeling is bad..

Panda, yr ms is real bad.. Thou have not experience it.. But yr description sounds bad already.. Only consolation is u know ms equals to bb growing well..:

Gan, i know u rather have bad ms than spotting... I too hope i have some kind of ms... But once we see our bb heartbeats.. Everything is worth it.. We have come so far.. Its really not easy for us... This bb really dont come easy... All this anxiety makes the injections and procedures seems so small.. Just wait for another 6 days more.. We can say hello to our bb... : )
Cupcake, hope everything is fine. In the meantime hv more rest. May God bless u n BB.

Gan, pls drink more water for UTI, if nt go GNC and buy some cranberry juice. Take care Gal!

I fully agree with u gals that our worries will be there till BB is healthly born. No one truly understand hw it feels like, other than ppl like us who undergoes such treatment. But we will all BFP and be Mummies

Can anyone advise me, I finish my microgynon on Wed n menses is suppose to become on 2nd or 3rd day aft i stop but my mense dun seems to come? what's the prob, is it i'm nt reacting well to the medication. Should i call KK and ask. Pls advise.
faith, i dun think mine is uti as both gynae did say. It's group b sep infection. In fact dr loh replied that no need cure also ok but i took the antibiotic. Anyway had some bleeding when i wipe just now.
My menses came abt 5 days after i stop microgynon in my fresh.

Gan, I also got grp B sep n yeast, hence it makes it more difficult to cure. Cos once i take antibiotic my yeast came bk. N i kn fr my gynae tat bef we give birth also got to take antibiotic cos the bb come out fr there n will pass on to bb. Is a very common issue nowadays, jus dun worry too much gal. Hv to be happy & +ve.
Thxs for sharing, at least nt so paranoid. Cos Dr Zou even told me 90% sure will hv, wondering i'm the 10%, huh... I'll monitor n c hw if nt i'll give KK a ring cos dun kn got to change procdeure or nt.
Enjoy wkends, Gal! Life is nt jus abt TTCing, go out n relax with DH n family
At least today's weather nt so hot.
