IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Linda, Thanks for the info. I honestly clueless on all this. I just follow their instruction without question.
hi blissfulfate
tis is my 2nd cycle and choose kkh..1st cycle done in nuh...
thnks for ur advise will go see dr zou later
btw, i heard from other sisters accup not recommended after ET and 2ww? correct me if i m wrong
67745336 -> CHR no.
But i don't know whether should register under this no. or the no. given in the news letter
u r welcome..cos that time they very eagerly to see my E2 level must go up..so u must remember to ask them for the level later ok..just for ur own tracking
I did my accup in raffles TCM, it is to help maintain the lining & womb. later when u see dr zou u ask him is it recommended after ET as he will know better.
hhehee.. Angel, i also don't know what is CHR.
Anyway that's the no. for the NUH IVF centre.

Linda, alright, if I remember too. i'm super absentminded.
oh..how long have u been with raffles TCM? must be quite exp? dr zou is a she, and quite a number of sisters under her..jus tat i nt sure must do continously of many days before ER?
should be I never check on other as I didnt know there was this forum till my 2wk. i went 2mth before I start my fresh cycle.

next mth starting againt to tiao my body before FET.
May, congrats on your twins!

Maggiemee, I also detected one heartbeat when I went for scan last wed. Next appointment with Dr Loh 3 weeks from now. Btw, I've added you to my MSN. Can chat more next time

Leobaby, sorry to hear about that. Do rest well before starting on your FET.
hi hopeful heart,
when u start your 1st jab? during 1st and 2nd stage i am still working as normal. just dont thinks the needle, consume your normal life routine. learning some tips from sisters here, i start taking multi vits, protein power. i also practice yoga as advice by my SIL.
before i decide to go for 2nd cycle , going to TCM "tiao" my body abt 3 month. cos feeling weak after previous cycle. do stay positive and take care your health.
Maggie mee,

Congrats on seeing the heartbeat!!!

Rest well and have a safe and smooth pregnancy! Have added you on msn. Do add me too.

Leo_baby, Sorry to hear the news. Take care...
You have any frozen embies?

All the best for your upcoming ER! Jia You!

For Dr. Zou there, usually she recommend accu for a consecutive of 5 days before ER/ET. Are you with her?
hi dec,
still need to wait for the next BT to confirm, stay positive. Suggest that you get the digital HPT, no need to guess on the faint line.

Hi leobaby,
Hugs! so sorry about it. Do rest and try again. Never give up.

hi maggiemee,
if kk is convenient for you, then no need to change doctor. Dr Marianne queue should be quite fast if you are under TPS. I changed from Dr Loh to my previous gynae (also from TPS) due to shorter waiting time.
December, thanks. Just read back the past posts, good luck to your next BT, hope its a distinct BFP!

Lina, which Dr did you switch to? During my 1st pregnancy I stayed with Dr Loh but switched from clinic D to TPS. Depending on the day of consultation, the queue was still quite long especially if its on a Sat. Now with Dr Loh getting more patients, I'm thinking whether I should switch to another gynae too.
hi ickle,
i switch to Dr Han, senior consultant at TPS who also has night clinic at TPS and he goes to kk ang mo kio clinic on certain days as well. This is much more flexible as i don't need to take leave from work for normal check up, can go after work. The charges is the same as Dr Loh and shorter waiting time.
i also switch gynae to dr benjamin tham... he's with tps too and also goes to the amk clinic on certain days and sat... i prefer to get a gynae within the same hosp as my records are all there.... if switch to other hosp, they wouldn't have my past records as well as my ivf records..
Leo Baby
Don't give up ok. Try again when u are ready.

Hop u resolve your BT with good results. Meanwhile rest well until your next BT.

Saw the discussion on sleeping position find it quite interesting. Dr here don't believe sleeping position has anything to do with implantation. Straight-away after ET, they release us, didn't even ask us to lie down for 5 or 10 mins etc, just told us to resume normal activities. Maybe this is the western way.
did dr b tham asked why u switch gynae? I scare a bit paiseh or awkward within the same hospital.

is dr b tham a fertility gynae? Is he gd in ivf?
he didn't ask me... i think most gynae won't ask... nope... he's not an ivf doc but he's the vice head of O&G department... for me, i'm having a singleton so after the initial stage/1st trimester, my pregnancy is like other normal pregnancy... but he seems to be well informed of ivf procedures... cos when i saw him in wk 15... he told me to continue with duphaston as he said most ivf pregnancies will take it till wk 16...

sorry to hear the bad news.. as we talk before, we got to brace up and continue to walk the journey.. go have a good chat with Dr Loh next week, hope he will help u load off ur mind for failed fresh cycles. lets strive FET together k.

ickle and lina,

can u advise wat i shld do for FET? did u gals did medicated or natural? shld i continue chicken essence or tcm herbs? wat i need to look out for?
hi angel,
similar to eskimobaby, my gynae didn't ask why i change doctor. But he told me to stop duphaston at around 3 months as it will be just like normal pregnancy with singleton.

hi sunflower,
my FET was medicated as my menses is irregular. But i didn't do any preparation last time, didn't take herbs nor chicken essence. But i rested very well for 2ww, though only given 7 days mc but i ask for extension till BT.

can ar? can extend ar? the mc start from ET also right? how many days do you take progynova before ur ET? anything else to take?

oh ya, need to track ovulation for medicated? Dr Loh say no need bcos u dont ovulate since its artificial.
Hi Angel,

My puregon dosage was 400IU then adjusted to 500IU.
Didnt really responded well cos only 2 big follicles was stimulated. And oni 1 made it to the transfer. But then i was very happy already at least one can make it to ET. I was very prepared that I wont get a lot of eggs due to my high FSH level. Mayb that's y I wasnt disappointed with the few no. of eggs stimulated and was actually very grateful that 1 can be good enuff to be transfered.

So dun be discourage abt your high FSH. Be prepared and go with the treatment thinking that all you need is just ONE egg to make your wish comes true!

Hi Linda,

Good luck for your ET next tue! So u gonna have your pregnyl jab on Sun night??? Wow! like taking express train and you are going to reach your destination real soon!
hi vi4n, angel, blissfulfate
just came back from accup with dr zou...she reassured me that my follicles stimulated looks good...and i will continue to go down before my ER..btw, she said after ER not need accup liao...

hi all sisters
i have a thinking...anyone can advise
do we allow to eat duphaston during the 2ww? as i know duphaston is usally given after BFP to support pregnancy. so if eat before BFP will that be help oso? jus my tot...
hi serene
is ER on tues, and ET on thurs...yes u r right sun night jab pregnyl...but kinda anxious..too speedy for everything..i hope i be a MTB very soon oso
hi linda
is dr zou clinic at AMK? she does accup? how's her med like? self brew or powder type? her med to eat everyday type or only during specific CD. I am currently seeing TCM at Marine Parade but his med is only to be taken on specific CD. How much is the accup? is her waiting time long?

sorry for my long question.
hi angel
Dr zou is located at AMK..i onli did accup with her so far...never try TCM...and she also didnt recommend TCM for me either..maybe other sisters can help to explain more on her TCM?
u must call her clinic (64560833) to book appt, and she close on wednesday.. total $25 for 40mins (front body 20min, and back body 20min).

Dr zou's meds are in powder form. she has 2 types of prescription. 1 for the period D3 of menses or something.. the other 1 is for the period of time after ur menses (ie towards ur ovulation, during O and after O)

she usually suggests acup. then for the tcm meds, she will ask if u wish to take from her loh.
per session with only accup is $25 for 40min.
if w her medicine, will be around $65 onward depending on the number of packets u are taking
dr zou say must do accup consecutive 5 days ah before er/et?
im doing fet next mth... dr zou asked me to do accup twice a week... is it nearing to the day of et...must do accup for 5 days??

those planning to do fet
my gynea ask me to do a medicated fet... no injections needed... just take prognvona 3 times a day from d2... this is to suppress hormones to prevent ovulation... then go for a scan on d14 to see when can do et... my gynea say why he prefer natural fet to medicated one is that it is better to control the cycle... if based on natural...have to scan more frequently and harder to control the ovulation esp for those who has irregular cycle who may not ovulate every mth...

for those who has done fet and succeed..
care to share us the success tips? eg.. what to do or eat during the weeks to fet...
yup.. dr zou will suggest to do accup for consecutive days before ur ER. so depending on when ur ER is.. then u let her know. she will let u know when to go every day for accup.

normal days is twice a wk

yeah, i read from website, medicated one is easier to control. my gynae told me if medicated, the ET will confirmed to go ahead. But with natural, if ovulation delayed, it may delayed the ET.
During my 2ww, I had my D8 blood test to see how is my progesterone level & I was prescribed Duphaston the next day as they say my progesterone level is a bit low. So, taking Duphaston before BFP is possible but not sure whether can u request for it though...

hi mayleo
congrates on ur twins preggy 1st ... and yeah..i have tis thinking whether can take it after ER or not? haha...perhaps next tues when i do my ER i will ask dr loh la...thnks and take care lo..
