IVF/ICSI Support Group


DH n l luv having foot massages in BKK.
lots of shopping too! Pets stuff very cheap over there too.
Hi Lina,

At this late stage, HCG level so low, still viable pregnancy? I also really confused leh. My HCG level is like just after implantation like that one. *sigh* just fingers crossed and wait and see next BT lor. Nurse gave me impression like this scenario I’m having is not so good like that.

Sorry to hear the news. Meanwhile, rest well and take care!

Hi Leo,
Thanks for sharing with me. But I did discharged a clot with normal tissue kind of thing in it. So, prob is one of the embies. So, there are 2 walls to our womb lining. I din even know about this. Maybe I will still take care of my body and see how it goes for next tues BT. Now is more concerned about the low level of HCG at this point in time. This morning I tested HPT and got a faint line.

Good luck to you and hope you come back with BFP and sprinkle all of us with babydusts!

Hi Miracle_baby,
Take care and hope your flu go away soon!

Hi Fond,
Do you happen to be with Dr. Loh as well? Cos heard he’s on leave in Dec. So, when you meet with him, you can check with him. 
Hi cdah,
think u may hv embies but nuh style is they'll blast it to d5 and then store it.. If those embies didn't reach tht stage then will not be stored.. Next time u see prof, can check with him..

At the meant time, juz relax, can go for a short trip.. Or take days off w DH to go weekday shop shop .. Quite shiok. May also try accu..
Hi wensi,
Frankly speaking, the embryologist in nuh is not that gd.They did not update me whther I had any embryo for frozen. At that time, when they update me regarding the follicle, they just tell me it was satisfactory and did not tell me the grade. They only told me when I asked..

Thanks..you too all the best, think positive and we all get BFP one day

Yup with Dr Loh...yes i heard abt that too...will check out with them
Hi cdah,
in KKH I didn't even know anything!!! Only ET then saw the embryologist.. No one tell us anything.. Only aft ER they will tell u how many eggs retrieve..
So Blur blur one lor.. Maybe I dunno how to ask lah... Ha ha..
Hi Wensi.
Me also during our first cycle.Actually for IVF , the part which i dread abt was during ET.I cried because of the pain...Hmm who recommend u to Prof wong? Y u change to NUH? U got and fozen embies?
Hi cdah,
my 1st is KKH...

hi Su yana
aft 2 AF can try another time liao.. But I waited till 3rd AF..

okie ladies, I'm logging off to zzZzzzzz liao. Gotta wakie at 4.30am tmr.. Good nite all!

hope things turn out well for you on tuesday..meanwhile just take care, dont carry heavy things..


oic..thank you!


you doing FET in december? im doing in November.. Dr Loh will be away in December. Maybe we can be cycle buddies
Hi ladies

I'm new to this forum. I am starting my IVF treatment this coming Oct with Dr Loh. I'm feeling nervous and dont not know what to expect.

Anyone can give some advise?
Hi Angel,

The last time I tested my FSH is just before my IVF treatment. Very high... 20.6 I almost fainted when i saw the level.

Hi Lyn,

I'm on short protocol due to high FSH level. My puregon duration abt 10days...
hi SUNNY JESSIE (jazsunny)

thks for sharing. just wondering wat types and brand of vitamins, food, etc u are taking to help "bu" yourself for ivf?
for myself, i'm seeing dr zou for accup & chinese herbs.
hi serene
do u still remember u were on how much puregon? and wat was ur lining before ER?
i kinda anxious now..and pls spread spread ur baby dust to me ...thanks
Done at nuh. 7 follicles all together. Prof wong said good response.
now having my bfast at the kopitiam before going to office.
Hi all Ms.. minnie,may n miracle..

Yes did u/s and detected 1 heartbeat.. if twins wld be double happiness but with 1 we are very very grateful ald... im at 6.5 wks and go back for 2nd scan 2 wks later..

I upgraded to TPS to try out if waiting time is shorter cuz it took me whole morning to do u/s and see doc n take medication...

Im thinking whether to change to private gynae outside or continue with KK... im under Dr marianne... so guess she will be d one delivering? Ladies any advise?

Ladies.. my msn [email protected]... can add me den we can chat more..

Meanwhile take care!! and try not to be sick! Miracle... do u take med for flu? I got sore throat n feel like hving flu... but i juz keep drinking lotz of water loh...

To ladies still in ivf process.... dun give up...and dun worry about the process.. muz take it easy and one step at a time....Ganbatte!!!
congrats! i do find tps shorter and even if have to go pharmacy to get certain medicine, it's just nearby... i changed gynae after 1st trimester...
Hi linda,

My puregon dosage was 400IU for 6 days and 500IU for 3 - 4days. I dun noe abt the lining cos i didnt ask. Mayb dun ask better cos not so stressful....

Pouring bb dust all over you! Jia you!! You can make it!!!
hi serene and orangey
ya i shld be relax and dun think too much now..next tues ER liao.. grabbing babies dusts from u all
Hi Linda,

That's fast.
so enjoy your long weekend first, then u can rest and rest during this 2ww.

And Good luck..
Hi Linda, what scan?
today i just had BT and scan. now waiting for BT result to see whether need to adjust the gonalf dosage and the next review should be on Tues or Wed.

Leo Baby, sorry to hear that.
hi vi4n
ur BT is for E2 level? i remembered NUH will want this level to be high enuff. cos my 1st cycle also done in nuh
wah tat's very high! then yr dosage must be very high for yr ivf? u give us hope high fsh does not mean cannot conceive.

my 1st FSH 14 & the gynae said wah dun know how much dosage to give u.

btw I have not gone for any treatment yet.
Hi Linda,
ergh.. what is E2 level? last BT when nurse called she just said BT result good can proceed to Stage 2. I just 'oh oh'. heheheh.. So today is my first BT after gonalf.
thanks blissful fate
u r waiting for ur FET rite if i not wrong?

hi vi4n
E2=estradiol needed for supporting the lining of the vagina and also uterus. and also needed to maintain the eggs in the ovaries
