IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thinking of going Taiwan in nov..cooler...then dec do FET...seem like need change of plans since KKIVF close in Dec.

You changing to Prof Wong in Oct? Have you made appt? He is one of my choice if i were to do 3rd cycle

You doing in Nov...means you call them on Nov menses? Might drag to Dec for ET...not sure possible or not? Guess we better double check. By the way i think dun need to take chicken essence for FET since not simulating follicles. But can maintain vitamin and protein intake...you taking?

Wow...so fast ER...rest well after your injection and all the best!!

Thanks...so sorry coz cannot come forum daily to read...so not sure of all the details you have posted. How many follicles you had for last cycle? Is it due to high FSH...doctor got explain to you?

Left one frozen embryo so you planning on fresh cycle? Same hospital?

You are a very stong gal. Hugz and take care!

All the best to your ER next tues!!!

It's like what meow has mentioned in her post.
Sorry to hear the news...mind if i ask how old are you. I have failed 2 cycles and waiting for next FET. I tell myself if fail again i will do one more fresh cycle after that last last option then will adopt. You thought of that..or after next FET then if still cannot adoption?
Maggi mee
Congrats on hearing the heartbeats...must be exciting for you
On the prevention of flu...you should take more vitamin C...thats what advised by the nurse. Just to share some vitamin C can also used to be sucked and cure bad sore throat. Coz for pregnant ladies better to take vitamin C then medication

Got faint line...so excited for you...hope to hear good news on tue...got test HPT these two days too? Hope dun need FET...BFP!!

keke... i also don know whether to be happy or not cos of the low hcg at this point of time in cycle. so, actually i also don know what to expect out of all this.

today i did test HPT again, can see positive line. but it's really a big mystery as to what is exactly going on in my body now lor.

ickle, can check with you which type of heat pad u used in ur FET 2WW? those reusable type which can be bought from watsons etc?

and how long do you put them on tummy?

Just hope for the best and take care these two days as everything is still unsure. As mentioned by one of the ladies here earlier, the blood you saw earlier might be the sheding of one side of the lining... the worst case will be FET since you still have frozen embryo...just take care.
hi fond

so cute.. cos pple in nuh switching to kkh.. then those in kkh switching to nuh. think we really wanna try everything within our control!

DH is a slow warmer to new ideas, so get him into adoption idea first. Meanwhile i will still do my part in IVF journey. I wish to have some more understanding from Dr Loh abt my ivf procedure before anything can be so called finalised.

I have seen my friend's two adopted child and I really feel they are simply adorable. I don't see any issue giving love to children accept the fact that I am a prominant person in my trade of work and for some reason I have always been their gossip topic even though i keep low profile most of the time. Human being most harmful weapons is the mouth. My DH most concerning issue is this for me. I guess will need sometime to sink the idea in.
hi leobaby

i have a coll who just adopted a baby girl too.. very cute.. as for ur concern abt gossip..
mouth is with that person, u cannot control what they can or cannot say. just as long as u nvr do any harm to others, just ignore them
For ladies thinking of trying naturally
After reading Vi4n post on taking alkaline fruits....


Found this article also mentioned about taking salmon omega 3 which has fatty acids to improve blood flow to tissues ....like to share that when taking salmon omega 3 its good to check that the salmon omega 3 are extracted from salmon harvested from deep cold water...they are the best.

Also like to re-post something i posted earlier in case some did not catch it.
Taking alkaline fruits is similar to what i feel being alkaline is better for conceiving :

1) For overall health http://www.naturalstresstherapy.com/alkalizing.php

2) Sperm require alkaline conditions for optimal survival, so if your body is quite acidic it does not provide such a sperm-friendly environment.

- Some links for you to read if interested
Basically can test if your body is acidic or alkaline through urine or saliva...depends on the
test stick you use.

At our current mental, emotional stage...as long as financially is ok..i feel most ladies will try everything they can. For me i wish to change to other pte gynae if i can afford...but too bad its too exp...so rather concentrate spend some "smaller" money to build up health and hope for the best...

next BT is on tues together with review with doctor. i guess by then should know what exactly is going on bah.

when you going for your holiday?

u switching over to KK?


ya lor. now can only be like this. just don like all the unknowns now lor. u know lar... not here not there like that.

will keep u gals updated.

I agree with what meow have said. For me my "hurdle" is not friends/collegues around me. My "hurdle" is my in-laws who have yet to know i have problem conceiving and i'm not sure if they are open to adoption. I tend to care more for closest family opionion then collegues. They are the ones that will be with us...for years..

agree with what meow has said.

go with your heart. what other pple think or say is not impt as long as this is what you and DH want.

agree.. how i wish i can go to private drs.. but too expensivE!!

i will be going on holiday mid-oct.
yep.. most probably switching to KK. hmmm.. but dunno which doctor leh. DH said opt for the dr who has high success rate.. meaning Dr Loh loh.. right.. (woo.. double LOHs :p) hmm. maybe when i am ready.. go and see him and then i will know if i like him or not lah.. like what babygalore said.. sometimes maybe no 'Yuan Fen' with the Dr.

agree w u.. hate unknowns.. now my AF also hay wired.. sometimes wipe and see got fresh blood.. quickly go put pad.. then put pad for 1 whole day.. just tiny 1cent coin stain.. grr.. waste my pads leh!! dunno need to put liner or put normal pads.. cos last time i put liner... all stained.... lucky nvr stain jeans ar..

hoping for the best for u.. best no FET..
I bought the fish essences from Dr Zou and cause all those fish essence comes with added herbs, i chose the one in green box. Think is american ginseng. I alternate it with Chicken essence during Puregon and I think it really does wonder in Egg growth. My personal experience cause my follicles grew 3mm when I increaes my dosage of Fish essence.

Think they helps with egg quality too cause DH has very low sperm count and morphology but I have a total of 26 eggs retrieved and 17 fertilized and according to Dr Loh all are good grades, so was really really happy
Dr Loh always joked with me if I can donate some embryos to him whenever I see him for my Antenatal appointments.

Take more green apple better.

The sticks perviously i ordered quite a lot from overseas..now i trying to get from a friend who gave me a bottle when i started my diet programme. If you want i can mail you some to test first. Once i get the source on where to buy i let you know.

ya lor. if high success rate, prob is dr loh liao. but quite a few also recommend dr Sadhana.

enjoy urself!!! Is it going BKK to whack the shopping there?

u want to go see dr. zou to regulate back?

he he.... can understand ur frustration. you can use those slim pad? slightly thinner than normal pad but thicker and bigger than liner.

i want, i want!!! how to pass to me ar.. i pay u for them.

yah.. how does fish essence taste like? i cant even take chicken essence cos of the smell.. how how.. or can put inside soup to drink?

hmm Dr Sadhana .. hmmm i see how how.. i go see them when i ready first.. now i just enjoy life lah.. yup.. going BKK .. to have massages!! yeah!! do u need anything from there? tell me ok..

yep.. just made appt to go Dr Zou next wk to ask her how to regulate back AF. these past 2 wks very lazy.. didn't wanna go thru all the accups and meds again.. so nvr take action.
Yah lor... The taste is stronger than chicken essence definitely. For me, I have never taken any chicken essence in my life even when my mum forced me to drink with a knife, I simply ignore. Only started when I start my IVF in June. The fish essence is so much stronger but it's worth it. Maybe I'm so used to taking Dr Zou's herbs prior to my IVF, so I think fish essence is ok no after taste but need to gulp more water.

If you are worried about the fishy taste, u can buy EYS ones. Cause I took EYS chicken essence but when I want to buy Fish essence they went out of stock so no choice got to get from Dr Zou. EYS chicken essence taste way better than the common brands so I believe their fish essence should be not that awful either.

Dun need lah..dun cost much..you PM me your address...i mail to you. Actually i bought it to ensure my body is in good condition and also to double check the multi-vitamins and supplements i taking are helping my body.
Seriously, bo pian must force yourself to drink. For me, I just gulp all down and drink plenty of water later. So far okay.. I usually drink it before I go to work cause still blur blur then the chicken/fish essence will perks me up. Kekeke... When you start to drink, you will get used to it

really ar..
then i go try chicken essence first.. EYS ones u said are ok?

i nvr taken chicken essence before leh!! like what u said.. my mum force me w knife i also dun take..

so chicken essence will 'Bu' the body?

thanks!! hugs!! i PM u my address now..
meanwhile.. u think of what u wanna get from BKK?
eg.. pet stuff.. food stuff etc..
i see them i help u buy.

I can double confirm on that..EYS chicken essence taste so much better...haha...although still not so nice. Maybe i will try the fish essence when i do 3rd cycle...haha

EYS chicken essence taste better ar.. but stil not nice? oh no.. nvm lah.. i go try it out first.
btw.. is there a time frame on when to take the chicken essence.. eg.. like having AF.. can take or not?

i PM u already..

Ok...on the alkaline sticks...actually you dun need to test everyday. If tested alkaline then means the diet or supplement you doing now is good..so just continue. If acidic...then need to make changes to the diet and supplements you taking and monitor accordingly.
Dun need get things for me lah...small problem...
You just be careful when at BKK..a little worried that riots will come back again. Enjoy your shopping, makan and relax trips...do more massages good for blood circulation...ekeke
Chicken essence is to built up body and helps with egg growth too. Dr Zou said taking these essence can prepare our body for IVF. Remember Chicken essence is very heaty so must drink lots of water after that. Yes, try EYS chicken essence.. though still have that chicken essence taste but not so strong.. smoother than brands ones.

heng arr.. dun have to test every day.. but also true lah.. where got every day body ph level change.. unless one eats a lot?!!

i also hope the riots will stop by the time i go there.. hmmm.. donno can do slimming massages or not hor..

oh DH asked chicken essence need to drink warm or straight from bottle cold? which method is less yucky ar
I didn't put on any weight while on chicken essence but it really went up after my ER cause of OHSS so don't worry! Meanwhile, if you are worried about weight gain, can try doing some simple exercises like swimming and light jogging. I did that when I was about to start IVF cause I was put on microgynon to induce my AF and that microgynon made me put on 2kg!

hmm...actually ph level change according to the things you eat lor...so if you eat alkaline stuff and dun take supplements, it will change lor..thats what happen to me...when i "test" water.

Personally i feel drink warm is less yucky... you just put the bottle into one bowl of hot water to warm it lor...better lor

Yes..stupid IVF makes me gain so much weight..always yo-yo effect..now after IVF need to lose weight again...
hi fond
is super fast..maybe bcos under super fast loh la..haha..

hi shiny
nice to see u in person jus now..wat a coincidence, we are actually somehow schedule the same ER date. wish us all the best..
chicken essence - can try to warm it up before drinking, some say it takes away abit of the smell. my colleague mixes it into milo to trick her son into drinking it cos he hates the taste.
for me, i find dat eys chicken essence taste better than brands chicken essence, less smell

benefits of chicken essence - i feel dat it helps to hasten the growth of follicles for ER. and after bfp, it helps foetus to grow too!
hi fond, thanks again for the test strips, can you pls tell me again which colors to look out for? the first one is supposed to be green (for alkaline, purple for acidic?) and the third one box? Its to test for ketones correct?What is the undesirable colors?
thanks so much..
hi Su yana and sisters,

6,000 IU/day indication was advised by prof wong to me.

babggalore mentioned that there is no limit in beta carotene consumpotion since it is in natural form. and it appears that if it's in natural form, the contents tend to word it as beca carotene instead of Vit A as in the CWG.

hence, i can safely conclude that the centrum vit a is likely in synthetic form.

babygalore, am i rite?
and thanks for the pointers... will keep them dry. wearing dresses / skirts most days now...
Yah lor but after bfp, I feel more paranoid than 2ww. Don't know why. At first I don't believe Develyn when she tell me this and now I truly understand. For me now, all I want is my baby to continue to grow well

Btw, I think EYS having chicken essence promo now. $11+ if not wrong compared to the usual $18+. If the branch near your house no promo, you can ask if any of your friends/relatives have the EYS card, cause can get 20%.

Really?!!? Then I must go gulp my chicken essence now!!!
I taking Amway protein powder occasionally and my SIL also says it helps with foetus growth. If combine 2 together mega baby growth!


Yes, the first one if never change colour will be acidic...turn green will be alkaline.
For third one is ketones...desired is purple colour.


Did not know that we can take chicken essense after preggie...safe?
