IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Wensi,

Thanks for the infor.
My hubby and I both Singaporean. Now I have better picture. Shall now disuss and decide which Dr.

Any particular reason why u feel Prof Wong better?


u seems to me a very strong woman.

hugs.. we try again ok? cheer up
KK, we don't pay already from the time of collecting the medication.
Insurance will pay on ER day. Freezing I think only when have then pay? this I don't know also.
So for starter just need to pay for the consultation and all the test which will be around $1K more or less i think, I haven't total up the bill.

yes.. we will pay for freezing only when there is embies to freeze.
cos some embies dun make it after D5,6,7. . at NUH.. they try to culture embies till abt D6-7

u had bad cramps after bfn?
i dun have.. and my AF on and off again..
yday starting spotting again.. like non stop spotting. no full flow

shld i go dr zou?

if there are embies to be freezed, they will bill u. dun worry.. when comes to collecting $$.. usually they wun forget lah
Hi Leo_baby, I just calculate from your ET date =), sorry to intrude.

Hi Shiny & Vi$n, Good luck on ur scan's tomr, hope both of u have lots of good quality follicles.
i had my AF prior to my BT and it's a very heavy flow. The cramp is very bad. I remember the last time i had such a bad cramp is when i had my ectopic.
I only started my accu after my BFN and onwards my AF cycle becomes shorter but the flow becomes longer. The best thing is the no more cramp.
How long has it been since ur BFN? because from wat I know , some ppl will have delayed AF due to it.
meow,i was crying non stop whole day yesterday. was prepared mentally when kk called. but still there was a lot of pent up feeling so i brought my dog out to a long walk....came back sat down and want to cry, so went gym i told leobaby that i have not exercised for a long time....but yesterday needed to expel the pent up feeling

can feel body is weak after the whole procedure....suddenly thought that my body is more important than thinking non stop of TTC.
so went to zou with one intention. to be healthy again. before zou say my body is fine, i wun do FET. i think its useless.

mine was flowing a few days after BT and BFN. then in less than 3 days.. just left w spotting liao.. then stopped 1 wk.. then last wk spotting liao.. then tdy more flow.. haywired.
shld i go dr zou there to get meds to clear my system?

good to be able to let out ur pentup feelings.. good move! u got doggie too? what breed?
i also sick of ttc already.. will jsut try naturally for now.. dun think so much lah..
Hi KK,
i tried to send u PRIVATE MSG but yrs not set to accept..
I already mentioned quite a few time why I switch to nuh, so dun wanna say it here again...

No worries, i guess ppl here needs some gd news and i need a lot of baby dust from the graduates...

Graduates, baby dust to all pls
I think you can try to call Dr Zou first and she what she says. If it's necessary she sure will tell you to go down to let her check and prescribe necessary medicine.
Hi kk, there will be a diff in price partly also becoz nuh is using gonal f which is more ex then puregon..

Leo baby gdluck for ur BT. When will that be?
Hi gnny,

My FSH very high but I'm fortunate to succeed in my 1st IVF try. Dun worry, high FSH doesnt mean that no chance to conceive. FSH only means that your egg reserve is low so dun expect a lot of follicles being stimulated during stage 2.... You just need ONE good egg and bingo!

I only had 2 follicles retrieved and 1 embryo transferred. My embryo is now a 5 months old fetus in my tummy.
Hi All,

With so many -ve news online now and being the only one left in 2WW i really need a lot of boost. Don't ask me abt BT for a while pls. I need support ......
Hi Maggie
How is your yesterday scan? Hope all goes well for you.

Hi May
Wow you got twins. Congrats!!

I am now sick with flu, so excuse me for not being here for a while.

The wonder of the pot at tangs is that you need not from 3 bowl boil to one bowl. Just put in the right amt of water and boil for 2.5 hours
Dr Ban also highly recommend that


How come your CEO see your face turn pale never ask you go home.. if I am you will pretend to faint hahaha... :p


Yes, it is not easy. Why don't you wait and see what is the result before you make a decision if you want to tell. Maybe you will want to test water first.. dun say u are on ivf.. just say if you are pregnant along the way how??? From then you decide whether you should tell him direct or not...
i am with kk, after ET, they only allow me to rest on the chair for 15 mins but they did elevate my pelvics during the 15 mins.

but when i reached home, i also elevate my pelvics for another 1 hr or so, i placed a bolster underneath me.

read that some ladies were asking about side sleeping...i m a side sleeper & during my 2ww, i have also been lying on my left side quite a lot. Coincidentally, both my twins implant on my left side....not sure whether it was because of my side resting....Actually, i didn't think whether lying sideways will affect the implantation initially, i only start to worry when some ladies raise this question...i start to wonder whether resting by the sides will cause the embryos to float to the tubes or not....so during the last few days of my 2ww, i was so worried but fortunately, everything turns out well.

miracle baby,
when's your scan? excited? ya, also wonder how is maggie mee doing...

the 5th & last M has graduated! Congrats & smooth 9 months ahead!
Hi Evryone,
Thanx for all the support...I really don't know whether I want to go for 3rd cycle as I guess I'm physically, mentally and financial drained out....I don't know whether I should try again IUI....
hi Cdah,
after whole IVF procedure we can feel our body become weak, so take some time to "tiao" ,let body and mind take a break. dont give up..try again.cheer up
may i know u under which Dr?
when i did my ET, i only got to lie on the chair for 5 min... i dun think it makes that much a difference on how long u lie down... if not the 2ww wouldn't be so crucial for us... this is only my opinion... cos i think it's the doc's skill that is more crucial for ET rather than how long we like on the chair
Hi Sunnybaby.
I'm with Prof Wong at NUH. How abt u? TODAY after the BT, I expected my AF to be heavy but not at all....does anybody experience this?
Hi Bunny,
My first cycle, I had my AF 4days after ET.It was quite heavy and fresh. But this time , no cramps and the flow is not heavy. I don't knwo whether acupuncture really help. Can anyone of u suggest where I can go for acupuncture....
hi cdah, some of the ladies here go to Dr Zou

Zou YuMin TCM Physician
Blk 505 AMK Ave 8
#01-2670 S560505
Tel: 64560833
Closed on Wed

I am not sure if acupuncture will help but if you wanna try TMC to tiao ur body, you can visit Dr Zou.

I thinking going Taiwan again...quite like the place and food...haha
Bangkok..the last two times i went..both kena the riots...a bit scared now

Not too sure on the double-boil pot that humbug mentioned. For the one i buy, you just pour water to the line (eg. Required amt) then let it boil...when done you will get about ¾ to 1 bowl..this one not so consistent...maybe due to herbs...i also not sure guess its convenient for lazy ppl like me

You be patient and wait for your next BT before deciding.

For me...yup going for FET..probably in DEC, there’s medicated and natural. For me i only done medicated before because i got irregular mense. Was thinking maybe this time can do natural if i can ovulate on my own....because i have more regular menses lately..will go KKH and find out more first
I also scared kena the riots. They like nothing better to do log. Spoil their own tourism. Anyway I booked liaoz. I been to Bangkok 5 times this time already. Haha cos need to save for ivf mah. Cannot go so far. :$

I still hvnt called dr zou yet. Dunno if her herbs will regulate my AF again or not
hi cdah,
am under Dr Loh from KKH, currently on D14 lucrin..i failed 1st fresh cycle ,my AF also not heavy leh.. but come out some blood clot as my usual AF.
will move to puregon stage on 24/09.. any september cyclemate here..
Hi cdah,
dun rush to decide now.. Rest well first.. U hv any frozen embies??

Hi fond,
I'm a fan of Taiwan too! Juz came bk last week, was there for a month w/DH.. love the ppl & food & nite mkt.. Can't wait to go again .. Ha ha..
Hi Sunnybaby,
All the best for your 2nd cycle..Is this a fresh cycle..The 1st cycle , your AF came when after the BT?

Me too..the last two times i went to Bangkok..coz cheaper can save money all for IVF...but sianz still fail...this time thinking
to go Taiwan but not cheap also lor

So good ah...go for one month...if i go one month i will gain back all the 7kg i just lost...so NO NO for me...haha.
Maybe one week still ok lor
Totally understand how you feel... i am preparing for FET. As success rate for FET is lower, i am also preparing for 3rd cycle at the same time......this time to ensure body is in tip-top condition then go...else will be another strain on body, emotionally and financially
leo baby,
nope, they placed it in the middle...yup, that's how i felt during my 2ww, there are also some -ve news, so i minimise coming in to talk....good luck to you and pour lots of babies dust to u!!

honestly, i don't know whether resting longer on the bed or elevating your pelvics will increase your chances of implantation, but that's what the hospitals are doing, i wonder why? for me, i will do anything that i won't regret not doing if anything happens...whether it's placebo or not, i guess in a sense it helps me to get twins....
Hi cdah,
why u not sure u got frozen embies leh???

hi fond,
ya, go Taipei can really gain weight! So much snacks to eat non stop.. Ha ha.. When u going? If mid oct better coz now still very hot there.. As hot as spore when I was here..

Hi Fond..
All the best for your 3rd cycle of FET. At least, u had frozen embies but not for me since cycle 1. I guess i'm not producing good follicles....
