IVF/ICSI Support Group

Sunflower, mine was natural FET cos my menses and ovulation are quite regular. Just go for scan fropm D10 onwards until ovulation is detected and ET is scheduled 2 days later. I did not do much to prepare for my FET cycle except seeing Dr Zou for accupunture twice before ET. I also did not take any herbs before or after ET but Dr Zou did advice that it is important to keep the womb warm to increase chances of implantation so I made sure I sip warm water and use heat pad on my tummy during 2WW. Hope this helps.
Dear Ladies,

Thank you very much for all the consoling words and encouragement. Honestly, I never cry much as i am not the cry baby type. During D&C, Failed FET and this round of failure the amt of tear drops can count one (except before i stay this FET got one big cry). This time round, I just kept quiet for a moment and by this afternoon i was already planning what step to take next. Actually I was already indirectly planning for FET with sunflower a few days back. I have had BFP and have had BFN before and being a person who knows my own body very well I knew it is BFN but still kept quiet and kept my mind positive as much. I was out with hubby this afternoon doing normal things like eat curry liao. I know that GOD feels that its not time yet for me and I still have faith will certainly be BFP one day.

BTW, for all you ladies to know in case you are planning any procedure in Dec at KKH. They will be close for whole of December. So do plan ahead.
Thanks to all the ladies who i have been communicating thru PM/MSN who help kept my mind afloat on positive. I did not want to sound too negative for others reading this forum and you gals have kept my sprite up in many ways. thank you once again.
blissful fate,

the nurse also told me most gynaes are on leave are on leave in december..so i think kkivf will be closed too..
Sorry ladies for the late reply, have been having issues accessing the forum from work and by the time I am home after work, I am too tired liao.

Hi Shiny,
After ET, they just ask me to relax for like 5mins and I am off to the toilet liao...cannot tahan...And when I am home, I just lie on the bed for most of the time, or sitting infront of the computer in the mornings to read emails.

I am also a side sleeper, but I was also worried that the embryos might float to the tube instead of the womb so I try as much as I can to sleep straight. But sometimes cannot control la, still flip to the side at times.

Hi May,
Thanks! Now looking forward to the 1st scan.

Hi Maggie,
Congrats! What is TPS? Is it different from clinic D?

Take time to pamper yourself crazy and be strong.

TPS = The Private Suite

you can see gynae there, but at a higher price.. i think its only $7 more.. its cosy there, u can drink milo there too..nurses are friendlier. Nurse told me gynae tend to be more attentive at TPS compared to normal clinic. i feel that the waiting time is shorter than clinic D.
yes.. dr loh is at tps... from wat the nurses told me... tps is abt $15 more than the normal clinics but we get to do the scans and collect medication there... unlike in clinic D where u will have to go AMC to do the scans first before going for ur gynae appt... and also have to go up to pharmacy to collect ur medicine...

do the things that u've always wanted and then move on the try again... looking at it from another angle.. even tho there's the emotional and physical stress that we have to go thru for each cycle, we still have the chance to try something to help with our ttc.... there are cases where gynae can't even recommend ivf for some couples...
Hi Ladies,

some update after my scan yesterday. R: 17.5,18,19,11,9,12.5,12,18 and L:18,16,16,16.5,15.5,9.5,11.

My ER will be on this coming tuesday..hope everything will be fine. any advise for our sister's here after ER? thank you.
hi shiny
wow..u have great response on puregon
tonight i be going to the kk 24 hrs women for my pregnyl jab..r u also the same?

for kkh ladies
is it we jus walk in to ask the nurse to jab for the pregnyl? need to take any queue number? co i dun noe thee 24hrs women clinic procedure..TIA
my ER also on tues...haha..the nurse ask me to come at 730am on tues..u must reach there wat time? maybe our timing also same

yup, Dr loh is there too... i've seen him recently at TPS, it only cost me additional $7...maybe pregnant will be $15 more as what eskimo mentioned..
hi sunflower,
yes, you can extend as many days mc as you want, hospital is very flexible about it. The nurse will ask how many days you want and ask the doctor to sign. But take note is only mc, not hospital leave given. I cannot recall the number of days for progynova but i suppose the nurse will explain to you the proceduce. I went back for scan, then ready will be given the ET date. No need to track ovulation.

hi linda,
not sure if you can eat duphaston during 2ww as seems like too early. All the best for your ER.

hi leobaby,
glad you are positive, do enjoy yourself first before FET. Don't think kkivf center will be close totally, they still have other doctors on standby. But could be the senior or junior doctors in charge then.
Hi ickle and Lina,

thanks for your information on FET.

hmm, its mc, not hospi leave..will take note of that.. thanks!
hi sunflower,
anyway year end approaching, just claim all your mc for FET and if still not enough, take leave. Will be better to rest properly for the 2ww till BT. I find that the inserts to support during 2ww is very convenient, i choose to put in rectum, twice a day. No need to go through a single jab is the best part.
my scan yesterday
RT 16, 16, 11.5, 10.5, 10
LT 17, 17, 16.5, 13, 13, 12.5, 10
inner 10mm
last night jab the last puregon
then tonight pregnyl lor.

btw, wat is ur inner lining measurement?
meaning ur ER will 8am tuesday lor..i will reach there later also by 8pm..just wait there until my jab is 830pm.. that means tues u go in 1st follow by me...
i m upgrading my msn now la..cos long time didnt log in liao so got new version...maybe another 10min can log in liao...
hi linda,
yes, a fresh one. I didn't get to choose jab or insert, the nurse just ask me to have jab at thigh daily. I retrieve 17 eggs, 5 fertilized.
Hi ladies,
can I do a OFF TOPIC for once (dunno where to go to on this issue).. :p

these few days, me & DH have been wondering whether r we both too old to hv a kiddo.. me is 37 & DH is 44.. if I success this 2nd round, i'll be 38 when due.. I'll be 58 when my kiddo is only 20, & his daddy will be 64!!!

Anyone who is around my age has these thoughts??? Me & DH are now worried tht we might not be able to fufill our parentage till kiddo is old enough to take care of himself..

Now we r a bit shaken on the determination on this ivf thingy..

Very very very dilema on whether we still want to hv a kiddo ..

really hope to hv someone who has this thoughts to share on their experiences on how to deal with it...

Private MSG me also can...

When u take fish essence, did you buy the fish as plain type or with american ginseng type. Those that Zou sell is all mixed with american ginseng type. Also, is this really better to get better ovum quality as compared to chicken essence?

How are your adoption plans coming along? I know this is ivf forum but would u like to share more here as well. my DH and I are exploring both option concurrently. I cannot find any singapore forum on adoption. Do you have any to share?
hi sunflower,
1st fresh cycle got BFP but bleed before the 6th week heartbeat scan. That cycle was a puzzle, i didn't know must really rest well for 2ww, so i still went back to work immediately 2 days after ET. I was stress at work, wear high heels, walk around and carry heavy things. Surprise embryo can still implant. However, ladies please don't follow this bad example. Later on i learn from Dr Zou that no matter how busy, at least rest properly during implantation period of at least 5-6 days after ET, then can go back to work.

hi leobaby,
there is a thread on this forum.
Dear Ladies,

As far as i know there are 3 types of progestron, 1 thru rectum, 1 thru V and lastly the jab type. Pls don't take the V type put into rectum ok... Hee Hee

Congratulation! U have a singleton, right? How many embries did you put in during FET? Yours natural so did u like start to accu 2 times a wk before ET, ie during the scanning period?

Thanks a lot. Need to understand how ppl handle adoption queries when u suddenly have a baby without the tummy. Asian are still very logical ppl without EQ not like the westerners.

Adoption is very common in Singapore now. As long as both your hub and yourself dun mind, then you will not be bothered with what others say.
Afterall, you still have to take care of the baby and see to his/her growth all the way be it you carry the baby for 9 months or not. The baby will give you the same problems even you did not carry them for 9 months. The bonding for the first year in their life is the most important.. and the life time bonding is not replacable by any words ;) Jia you dun give up.

I jus answered ur query at the adoption forum ;)
Ladies who r exploring the option can join us for a chat there too ! ;)


I had the same thots as u, worrying that we r too old to be parents and doing the same exact calculations as u did abt how old DH and myself will be when our kids turn 20. But many couples that go thru IVF and adoption are our age too and they have happy endings..enjoying the bonding with their babies and the present moments. So we need to just enjoy the present moment. I also keep telling myself not to think or plan too much into the future cuz nobody ever knows what the future holds. For example I have several frens who lost their parents at early fifties due to illness and others who still have parents at seventies...so I think a positive attitude and healthy lifestyle is more ipt. IVF or adoption process is scary but if we really want to be parents, we shld not look for excuses like age to prevent us fr attaining our dreams. Jia You!


Also, jus to add on, nowadays children r very mature and resilient. They can really be independent even by 17 or 18.
