IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi bee,
we are only given choice of the blood test and scan package. Unless older than 35 years old or high risk, then will be given the option of the "yang sui" test.

LIna,Bee-wow ladies I thought I'll be the last one to post today but guess you ladies also not sleeping yet hehehe.

wah i "off" for one nite, already 2 pages of post liao....

<font color="0000ff">Humbug</font>
dEvelyn "lun" for many days nv talk liao + coz she lost to ABNN during her hospitalisation... so now she recover le, she started "flood" lor, spitting her saliva all over the forum... maybe shd put a plaster on her

<font color="aa00aa">Libby</font>
together okie...

me gtg for accup liao... Bye
Thanks for the nice greetings
really nice to wake up and see your beautiful flowers! Really creative. thanks

thanks for your wishes. I am now in bed. don't dare to move as it is the first day.

Had one more HCG injection today. Not as painful as I thought. i really doubted my hubby's skills but he is really getting good at this! I did not even know that the jab was over! Otherwise, after he jabs, we notice that there is still about 0.5 mm left inside the syringe. the medicine is just stuck there, can't jab more. Have you experienced this as well? Is it normal?

My stomatch feels quite bloated. must be from all the medicine...taking progesterone pessaries, progynova, antibiotics and now HCG jab (need to take 3 doses). Also having lots of gas, like Equinox and WY...but still constipated ...DR said not to force too much as it is bad for embryo. He also recommended prune juice, like Babygalore!

Otherwise, how many days did you complete bed rest? I already feel backache and can't sleep much at night!
Thanks for your encouragement and congrats. Must be excited

Enjoy the game but be careful. May be wear a mask. The other thing to consider is whether you could meet any of your colleagues there?

How was your show yesterday? What did you watch?
Hi Hopeful Mel, Dr Zou's tel No 64560833 add Blk 505 AMK Ave 8 #01-2670. So back to work already, I am going back on Monday sigh...sigh cannot bear with the thought.

Hi Dream, All the best for your 2ww BFP to you. You are with LC Foong right.
Libby, sorry to hear about the news. If you have frozen embies from this cycle, Dr Loh should be able to let you start a FET cycle soon. I'm most likely going to rest one cycle and prepare my body before doing another FET in June. In the meantime, rest well and build up your body for the next round.
Hi Bee,

Congrats on having a boy... emmm... seems like IVF has higher chances of boys than gals... other than ju, the rest who are preggy now either hav boy or one boy one gal! Do you think the embryologist purposely pick a Y sperm for fertlisation esp those using ICSI method.

As for me, I would like a gal this time but I would be very very happy if I strike this time regardless boy or gal lah! If boy again, maybe I go for 3 one. kekekeke... Aiyo talk as if I already confirm pregnant like that!
Dear Fanz,Serene, Develyn and Gloria

Thanks for your advise.


I was only on medical leave for 3 days after my ET then went back to work cos Dr Loh said actually for FET can resume work as soon as the next day. Will start the next round in June. Now waiting for AF to report.
Hi all,

I find tat the insurance part quite ex for putting in 3 embies ie $700++. Wonder if we can buy the insurance after strike cos doing FET chances will be lower and like throwing money into sea leh..

I'm currently with Dr Loh KKIVF. He has suggested me to put in 3 embies for my coming FET to increase the chances. However we are pondering over it cos of the insurance premium.
bee - another moomoo boy... this year like super alot of boys leh..
yeah... for boys very obvious one.. their **ding ding** now is very swollen, so, it will be about half or 3/4 of their femur..
do think positive thoughts and talk to baby alot.. some ppl give their fetus a fetal name ('胎名').. it is supposed to be good luck or something..

itjabi, lina - i wonder what will your babies genders be... so excited for you.. oh, i chose not to go for the down-syndrome tests... was in a discussion with my hubby... i think in the event if fate has decreed that i should have children with down-syndrome, so be it.. i dun think i can bear end the lives of these 2 in me..
can only try to improve my karma do that they'll have better lives next time lor..

tany - you really got alot alot of animations.. so cute!!

hihi to the rest of you... i think i had a good sleep last night, so feeling super chripy..
in my mind, i'm kinda prancing around throwing baby dust at all of you...
hi serene,
that's what i thought initially that ivf will have more boys than gals. But over here, they don't practice gender selection but in other countries, can pay more to choose gender. So we will still have equal chances of boy or gal.
Good morning everyone !

Wow.. just realise that my curfew manager - Humburg logged in and posted yesterday woa..
Haha.. Is all coming back.. forum starts rocket journey.. :p

Hi Jas ,

It works alot better for u with RH TCM as you are doing the cycle with Dr Thong / RH.. Wish u best of luck and big improvement with BFP this time okie...

Hi Fandz ,

See a gynae to solve the UTI before starting puregon.. In lucrin stage , it is ok to get infection or some little sickness (touchwood) cos it is under suppression stage.. But u need to be well being Stage 2 okie.. Dun worry.

Hi Equin0x ,

You should have already past implantation day.. if really implanted , it is not easy for the embies to drop by coughing.. the pain that u are feeling is due to the ER cramp.. Dun be worry.. Note that whenever u stress , your body will release a type of chemical to your womb which is not good for embies/babies.. So just stay positive..

Hi Nicole ,

Understand how you feel.. dun worry of poor connections.. just post and many will advise you.. do u know the DO &amp; DON'T and about brazalian nuts...etc ? I will find and re-post later.. just follow that tips and u should be fine.. any problem, u can sms me also.. if i dunno then i can ask many other sisters as most of us are quite close by now.. Just remember to get your BT / ultrasound result and post it if u dun understand okie.. Hugz !

Hi Bee ,

So nice to know abt your scan and bb is active..
Oh.. i have been walking around and not only infront of computer.. hee.. Oh as for the insurance , YES it is better to buy.. i buy it too.. but of cos not compulsory.. Gloria is jumping as NUH gets her to buy after tested BFN.. and tell her is compulsory.. but is all over as she has paid.. :X U have to take care.. so happy for u that time really flies &amp; u know the gender now .. take good care okie...

Hi Lina ,

For u , it is all worth to buy.. cos u are BFP..
Dun worry if it is compulsory or not.. at least this is clear out and the rest of the gals know by now.. :p

Hi Tany ,

U see u see... how fast the forum goes... so many come back and post.. u got feel my "beauty" ... wakakaka... :X

Hi Dream ,

Bloated cannot cure by prune juice.. U are very very bloated due to pregyl jab and is very normal.. To cure this , eat 3-4 eggs white a day... it will sure help u ! As for my show, it is cosider nice as i cannot see ghost show or over-exciting show.. The ramen girl is a comedy so quite ok.. haha..
hi mel,
One of my ex-colleague who was pregnant with twins found that babies have down syndrome, however due to religion, she could not abort. However, her twin girls turn out perfectly normal. But that was many years ago, could be the technology not very advance then. So such test might not be really accurate.
Hi Gloria,
Managed to create FB and sent you one request. Can you see whether it works. From there, I can then add the other sisters, right?

I went through the last week thread bcoz I wanted to find the website that one of the sister (i think Sue!) gave us to watch some movies from internet. Can anybody give me that website again! thanks a million
prune juice is for my constipation. Since ER day, did not manage to pass motion..sorry, need to share everything with you
and so worried...is it normal?

Congras on your little prince
so cute can see bb jump hehe..

haha she already spit so much liao.. i guess if she meet that ABNN now, that fellow sure lose out to eve cause now she super energentic.. she can outtalk the ABNN and drown her with her salvia hahaa....see now she tiam tiam.. either have not wake up or thinking of how to answer us back hehee...
Hi Develyn,

thx for your advice again. Btw, dun mind me asking where did you get the information from about takinf protein rich food during 2nd stage?

Cos I will be starting 2nd stage soon but have yet to buy those stuff.
lina - yeah.. the numbers are all just estimates based on measurements on thickness of neck.. even the amniotic fluid is not 100% accurate.. then, the results are derived from stats collected from studies... i know of a case of an angmoh lady who got diagnosed with 1:4 and 1:6 chance.. she aborted and requested for forensics test on the aborted fetuses.. and apparently, the fetuses are normal.. so sad...
Hi Dream ,

Prune juice ok for constipation and is very normal at your stage to get constipated..

Humburg ,

I wake up le hor.. first post at 1030am.. wakaka... Took sometime to reply.. :D
Didnt see u online leh.. log in and sms me lor.. or u want to hear my beautiful voice ? Can call me also.. wakaka.. I CAN SPEAK MORE THAN ABNN LIAO as i am okay le !!! YUPPIE !!!
develyn - i thought i was the only chirpy one after good sleep.. seems like you got super good sleep last night hor...
you have a face book acct??
thanks for the info...ya lah i went back to work on monday...and i feel so sian...juz because i choose to go thru this IVF thingy things turn out nasty...i feel so sick and agitated ah...this people forget that when they went for maternity..i was the one who cover their duties for them...so unfair..
Lina and Mel,
Request sent to you.

Otherwise, I am kind of private and no much people know about us going thru IVF. So, do your friends know about it?

Let me know the "rules" of Facebook for this thread?

Develyn and Mel,
Thanks for advice. What is ENEMA? prune juice does not taste nice
only took a bit as advised by Babygalore...afraid will have diarhea after that!

Ok will try to add a few pictures....

Ladies...topic on GLoria
Now, I understand why she does not need to diet! Looked at her pictures on FB!

Beautiful pictures. Really feel like going to NZ.
hi hopeful mel,
ignore those irritating people. You are taking your entitled HL, don't bother about what they say.

hi dream,
i only tell close friends but never tell any relatives. Those who never gone through ivf will never understand us.
Hi ladies,

Just called KKIVF to check on my progesterone BT results. She said hormone level very good and no need to increase the dosage of pregnyl injection. hehe! Mon will be my last injection. hohoho!
Hi dream,

My friend also dont know that I'm doing IVF... I was counting down in facebook and they all asked me what am I counting down for? I told them counting down for some results of a BIG project! hehehe! I'm not wrong wat, making bb is BIG project mah...
dream - enema is a syringe or tube of saline or distilled water that you use rectally.. it give you the feeling that you need to go poo poo.. and voila.. everything comes out...
i think within half an hour.. if you go hospital, that is how they will clear for you.. anyway, this is pretty safe, and it is also sold over the counter at pharmacies.. but some ppl dun like the idea of it..
my gynae told me to use this if i have not been clearing my bowels for up for 4 days...

oh, for me.. i dun really care.. i tend to ignore bad things that ppl say.. all my close friends and family know what i am going through, but for those KPO colleagues.. i adopt the 'tell you if you want to know' approach.. i found that if i confront them abt it, they will stop all the nonsense.. i have walked up to them demanded that if they wanna know, come to me, and also told them to get off my back before..
i am not so politically correct.. haha...
that's how I feel. Somehow, my hubby wants to tell his brother and I don't really feel the need as we are not close at all. He also went to tell his best friend. I guess he also needs to let the "stress" out. I guess I am ok to share with people who I know care but otherwise feel more hurt.

My boss and colleagues keep asking me what operation it is. I keep telling them that I don't feel like sharing but some are really very kaipoh and keep asking. Of course, never told. If really pressurized, I might say it was ovarion drainage..but I guess they would wonder why need 2.5 weeks of HL for such operation. Any better idea?

Good to hear about your progesterone BT. Somehow, each center is doing it differently. Mine, no BT until the "real" BT. May be you can try to have your BT earlier. my doc said 2 weeks after ET. I tried to ask for the progesterone BT but he said not necessary...

Sent quite a few invitations on FB from Gloria's friends. I hope it is correct! If I miss some of you, just give me your address..
Hope the prune juice will work. Enema sounds a bit scary...so, I only have one more day,,why 4 days? what is the side effects if don't clear bowels for longer than that?

You are really strong. I dont know how you do it. I guess you are very determined. I only told my family.

Does your son know about it? Did not tell my daughter but she keeps wondering why I am still in bed at this time. Also told her I have very bad tummy and she needs to be very careful. She is the active type although she is already 7! So, really worried she will kick my stomach by accident (especially at night when she sleeps).
Hi Libby
Sorry to hear abt the news. Are u ok? If u feel to tok, we are all here to listen.

Btw, can anyone advises me must I really need to take those blood test results for Dr Zou on the first visit. Basically, juz had my blood test but no time to get a copy from KKH. In addition, my HB yet to do the sperm test.

Another thingy, my hb dun believe in TCM. So can Dr Zou "tiao" my body only without my HB?

Congrats to u for having a prince.

I have reset my facebook password and can access
Please add me: [email protected]
dream - thanks for compliment.. but strong.. no lah.. just bo chap lor... oh, why 4 days huh... actually, it is quite normal to clear bowels only after 2/3 days..
it is just that usually by 4 days, cannot tahan, then, use lor.. also, using enema consistently over a long period of time, you will increase reliance on it.. but this is a super far off chance... hee.. your daughter still sleeps with you? be careful with the flying legs..
Mel, chicken pox hehehehe...haiya..sometimes i dunno how to let go of my stress because...juz felt like sometimes there are people out there waiting eagerly for someone else's downturn...irritating people...

gals...add me in facebook lehh...i only have pari, gloria, boon boon and zaza inside i think..my email add [email protected]

hi dream,
you might want to slept separately from your daughter for only this period. My boy sleeps with hubby during 2ww and if he cries, i tell myself not to wake up, just in case exert myself. How about telling them that you removing cysts operation, also consider ladies problem and need HL to rest.
