IVF/ICSI Support Group

12 days for you and 11 days for me.

Yong Wei and Deve,
joking only lar. i'll buy even if it's not complusory! insurance is a must coz ivf is so different from natural pregnancy. So ladoes, take it as compulsory lar. hee hee...
Hi Libby,

sorry to hear bout the news..its really a roller coaster for you...meanwhile, u take care ok?

Hi develyn,

alamak, so many things canot eat..life is already so miserable, planning for baby is the most miserable task in our life.. haiz..but hor, maybe we shouldnt read too much info online, cause too much worries..
Hi Gloria ,

Haha.. we know u will lahz.. :D

Hi Sunflower ,

Agree with u .. haha.. i will never ever post such information liao.. now everybody stress up cos potatoes.. Notti me ! Learn from mistake , will not tell anyone unless is seriously NONO.. keke.. Btw, how are u ? Nice to see u online again..

im ok, occasionally relapsed.. think need longer time to get back to normal...

how about u? i seldom post nowadays..quickly read the thread, but its too fast, hard to catch up... understand you already on your 2nd week of 2ww.. do take care and all the best to your BT soon.. dont read too much online..no good for 2ww leh..
bliss - if you started purging naturally, you could be preparing for birth soon..
good luck.. good luck..

serene - ha.. on monday take mc for 2 days lah..
tell your boss that when you went back to doc for review doc advise HL till then.. :p
Hi sunflower ,

Health more important.. let your body recover first.. Oh i didnt post in my first week of 2ww.. today is my D9 liao.. min. walking is ok so will be gtg for movie later :D Relax lor..
Only "left" the forum for half a day and the forum is so alive. Develyn, it is great to have you back. So much positive vibes! I was actually a bit sad as only 3 out of my 21 eggs made it till today! And grade is so so..average and fair that is what the embryologist said. The good thing is that they all develop to 4 cells but they seem quite fragmented.

you really boost my morale. I know it only takes one but I am so scared that history is repeating itself. But you give me hope. I must be more positive.

Develyn, gloria
yep, put three today. Only came home at 6:30. They let you rest there for about 3 hours. Mine a bit longer as the nurse forgot about me. Was really bored there as did not have anything to do. Did not dare to move ! dr was quite happy with the ET. It seemed like an eternity to me.

For insurance they give us a choice. I am not really sure whether I should buy it since I would already be very lucky if one sticks! Have another 6 days to decide!

Dr gave me some more injections! BT scheduled on 29.

I am sorry to hear about your BT. Be strong
Hi Dream ,

Haha.. thanks for the compliments.. bleahz.. :p
Can grow to good 4 cells are good.. my dear gal , u retrieved 21 follicles and not all are mature or contain eggs so dun be sad.. it is the quality okie..

Give me a call if u read this post.. i will teach u something abt the insurance.. u know my no. right ? ok anyway everyone knows liao.. lolz.. HP : 98560606
Hi dream,

Your BT is exactly 14 days after ET. How come mine needs 17 days before I can do BT.
Really cant wait and very anxious abt the results.
Hi gals

I read in previous posts that one can buy a water bag to warm our tummy during 2WW. Anyone has any recommendations on which to buy?
Juju: So u juz did the BT or scan??

Develyn: im the same..Having slight brownish discharge even after the pros. jab. Let hope everything is better by next scan.How r u??Wat happened??

Lina: Mine also had to ask. Dr Loh seem to keep info for himself.Didnt really see bb this time also.. He juz scan say heartbeat okie that's it.. Sigh!!Dun know is that normal for a gynae. Sometimes i feel he juz wanna quickly get me out of room.
Hi fellaine,

I used those heat pads that pple bring to cold countries to keep themselves warm. I've quite a no. left over from my trip 2 mths ago...
Mel: Im fine.,. Still having brownish discharge.
Juz telling myself the other one is clearing n bb is fine constantly!!! How u?? when bb due?? How u feeling now??
Dear Fellaine ,

Don't buy waterbag as it is too heavy.. use hot/cold gel pack that can buy from watson/guardian.. however , use it only warm.. too hot is not good for embies too.

Hi Serene ,

Make sure not too hot.. only warm warm one will do okie..
Dear all
It has been sometimes i didn't post in this forum but i am a silent reader... can't contribute much as i haven't started my IVF..

For those who has been scheduled at later months, wish to let you know that there are available slots to start IVF in June. Nurse asked if i wanted to start earlier in June today when i went to sign the consent form. I still prefer to have mine to start in July for my uterus to rest for 2 months after hysteroscopy next week. You may want to call KKIVF if you want to start earlier...

For those in 2WW, rest well and BFP soon...
Hi Itjabi ,

Nothing .. i am fine now.. admitted for OHSS lor.. But perfectly normal now.. Stay positive, we will pray that everything is ok for u & will not affect another BB okie.. Hugz!
hi fellaine, Remembered some sisters mentioned osim heat pad. Sisters, was that good?
How r u? Back to work already? Have your doc discussed the next course with u? When's your next scheduled cycle?
Hi develyn,

Those heat pad warm warm one.... very comfortable de
I cant stand those very hot water bag... but now not using anymore cos run out of heat pads.
I'm going to watch a basketball match this sunday @ indoor stadium. Ladies, can you advise me whether to go or not. Hubby bought tix long ago and tix not cheap somemore... you think its ok to go? I'm 8dpt on sun.
Dear Serene ,

Day 8 is ok.. but u must take precautions.. no squeezing in crowd.. cannot be over kanchiong with the match and increase heart beats hor.. and of cos no cheering and jumping up & down.. Bring a mask with u incase people surrounding have cough okie..
Serene - you are going to see the harlem globetrotters?? JEALOUS!!! I think you should be fine... Well... No jumping in excitement though...

Itjabi - I'm fine... C-sec on 21st... Boys are heavy lor... Excited, impatient and scared at the same time... Glad to know that you are well... Do stay positive... I have faith that your baby will stay with you...
I went unity, watson and guardian to check liao. They only carry two versions: centrum for all purpose and centrum silver for older people. So the one you bought is THE one. Also, watson and guardian having sale of two packs of 100 tablets for $89.90. Can last for 6 months.

Has any one here have had an yeast infection and went ahead with HSG? I am supposed to be doing HSG in slightly more than a week's time but suspect I got yeast infection. Itchy and got cottage cheese discharge. Cannot do HSG liao right?
Babygalore, thanks for sharing. what abt DHA pills? r u taking any now? what brand? also GNC? btw, is this going to be your 1st cycle? u with which dr?
develyn n those who had gone thru ivf 2ww b4, did u feel u hv a lot of gas to let go? I hv a lot of gas to let go there below after ET. Dunno is it Pregnyl jabs made me so gassy. But I dun feel stomach bloated. N i dun burp frequently. My ET was on May 6th.
me and my hubby have been taking GNC salmon fish oil for 2 years now... in fact, it was recommended by my friend... she told me it's good for the heart and the joints, and at GNC, the lady told me it's not only meant for old people, it's good for all, especially for people who don't eat fish regularly, which is exactly me and my hubby.
I was looking at the GNC website trying to find out wat's the different between fish oil and DHA oil.... but don't understand anyway, so when i'm back in singapore, wld check with the GNC consultants.
Anyway, i think it's good for general health anyway.
Oh yah, regarding your cholesterol level, try to refrain from fatty food ah, usually woman tends to have higher level of cholesterol so must take care. My mum also have this problem and she was taking medications to surpress the level for 6 months before the levels are back to normal.

Our dear dEvelyn is already running all over singapore eating.. She does not sound like she is in 2ww.. but also good if not if she lie down whole day, we got to spend more time trying to catch up with the threads cause she will flood the forum *pengz*.. if she flood I will ask her to call me everyday to summaries the content!!! But the good thing is that she is healthy again


A lot of ladies here also scared of taking pills and injections. You can buy a pill crusher/cutter at any leading pharmachist to help your wife. I also have problem swollowing medication but for the sake of the ivf I do all the "never thought I will ever do" things like swollowing huge Multi-vit every morning, other then all the ivf injections now I am also going for accupuncture...
Woman at a certain stage will go all the way out for a success no matter how pain. If your wife is heaty ask her to drink more water
All the best in your IVF with your wife.
dun worry, i think the gas part is normal, ever since i started the progesterone inserts after my ER, I have a lot of gas, i fart like nobody's business, even my hubby is so surprise how much i fart... and i also dun burp much...

and i remembered some girls mentioning about a lot of gas too...

take care, rest well, BFPBFPBFP dust for you!
hi everyone,
went for acupuncture at raffles today, recommanded by develyn. Aiyo dr said my energy level is very low. Need to "bu" body. I told her , i thought bu means will be fatter, she said not through, she said I am fat because my energy level is too low. She told me to start taking chicken essence, anyone knows what else to take? I will be seeing her once a week for acupuncture and when i start my jabs, twice a day. It was good though. Oh and I decided to do jabs with her cause this time my dr is Joan thong and she works well with her.

yah, totally agree with humbug, i also don't take big pills well, but with all the vitamins, which is so huge, slowly slowly your wife would get use to it one... i always put one by one at the back of my tongue, nearer to the throat, so faster to swallow!

just like many girls, it's normal your wife is scare of injections. Ask her not to look loh, like me :p. Anyway the injections are not painful one, very fine needle.

with you being so supportive, your wife wouldn't have any problem!
Gloria, I have a bottle of GNC: Goldmind's DHA 200mg per gel, a total of 60 gels in that bottle. It cost around $60. I bought it from my previous gynae before I had the miscarriage. But during that time, I went to check at GNC, they don't carry the bottle that I have. They have another another version of DHA. So maybe my gynae's version is only sold via specialist clinic. Can't remember the exact name of DHA sold at GNC shop but it does not carry the word goldmine. I will make do with this bottle first and after finishing, most likely will get from GNC directly. You can check out, they definitely have one and I still remember they sell in different sized bottles.

I will be be starting my first cycle with Prof Wong, NUH nearer year-end. Now starting with preparation work such as hsg and blood tests.
Hi Mel,

You also know Harlem Globetrotters? hehe! Hubby is a basketball fan. I'm just following him...
He was asking whether I can go or not... Told him hould be ok ba... as long as I dun jump up and down... hehe
i think its good to go for the match leh... during my 2ww, i also go and see my hubby play rugby, it felt good to see so many people, get out of the house, the mood gets better! but jux take good care of yourself thou.
Dear fellaine
The heat pads im using is from watson around $10 the brand is medi. approved and save to use.not bad. heard osim is not cheap as it is branded.

Keep trying while we still have 'resource'..

im starting lucrin late next week..but these 2 days seem to have slight urine infection..quite worried...sigh
gals, i had several VERY BAD coughs jus now after got choked wif my food. When i cough, my lower tummy felt some pain. I so sad, dunno got affect my embies or not.
Equinox - dun worry abt it... It'll be fine... Pls try to stay positive okie..
visualize.... And yes, very common to get bloated with gas... I was got colic twice...

Serene - I'm not really a basketball fan... Just a Harlem globetrotters fan..
finally managed to watch them live in US, about 8 years ago.. Wanted to see them in Singapore, but too near my due date, so, didn't go... In case I go into labour when watching..
Hi Develyn,

thx for your advice. I have been trying to tell myself to just follow 1 step at a time what the nurses advise me to do but somehow still ccan't help wanting to find out more to increase chances of BFP.

Hence, I always try to come to this thread and read if I really can't chat due to poor connection. Anyway, will try not to think so much. Thx again!
Hi gloria,

my sis email me this recipe to reduce high cholesterol, but if you going to start ivf soon, I am not sure if you can take this or not. Why dun you check with dr zou if you go for accu or I can check for you when I go there on Mon.

Mok Yee (木耳) ~ treatment for high cholesterol
~ the beauty of herbal treatment for high blood cholesterol

The internet info. claims that Mok yee reduces blood clot, preventing thrombosis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease,and cancer.
Mok Yee (Black Fungus) contains abundant protein, ferric, calcium, vitamin, rough fiber, the content of protein is equal to meat.
1) Pick a hand full of Mok Yee and soak in water for 1-2 hours
2) Wash Mok Yee and cut to pieces with scissors.
3) Pour five bowls of plain water into slow cooker (crock pot)
4) Put 2-3 slices of ginger, 8-10 red dates, 20 kay chee(wolf berry) into crock pot.
5) Bring to boil for 8 hours. One and a half bowls of Mok Yee juice remain after boiling overnight.
You may consume for 10 to 14 days according to the severity of the problem.
For those with low blood pressure consume less or only for alternate days.
Drink Mok Yee first thing in the morning with an 'empty stomach'.
Consume at least one large bowl. Take breakfast 2 hours later.
Side effects - you may feel a little tired after 3- 4 days.
Consume multivitamins and fresh fruits and vegetables daily.
Do not eatoily or fried foods during this period.
Dark and oily stool during the first two days.
Cholesterol medication is chemical in nature and may harm the liver.
Mok Yee is a plant and does not contain chemicals.
Take blood test for blood cholesterol before and after treatment e.g. at Caring Pharmacy, only RM10..00.
Please report results to enable me to enhance update, research and review.
Thank you and may God bless you with vibrant health.
hi all
i went for me scan today... very exciting experience. i was a little scare cos hvnt seen bb for a month, not sure if bb is growing well or not. :D bb was facing down initially, so gynae was not able to see if gal or boy... she tried very hard, scanned from the side, then she said she saw a diamond shape and said 70% sure it's a boy... well, we merely saw grey & black spots.. she wanted to be more sure, so she pressed harder on my tummy and guess what??!! the bb flipped and faced up *i was amazed*. This time, she said 90% confirmed it's a boy.

she even asked me to make a cough, i did and i saw the bb "jumped". bb seemed active.. limbs kept moving up and down... i can't describe the feeling, definitely felt all the jabs and piils were worth it!

So Libby, Gloria and those still trying, dun keep up yet... it's a painful journey but think of the good feeling ahead, do whatever necessary to prepare ur body for the next cycle!

Develyn - BFP to u... dun sit too long in front of computer... must rem to walk and rest hor

I thot insurance is compulsory?! at least at TMC it is... cost is $100 for 2 embyro and $700 plus for 3... i think safer to buy la
hi Steven
My body also considered heaty type.. TCM medicines are usually heaty, just have to make sure that ur wife drinks more water, eat more fruits and vege while on TCM medication. TCM medication will help to prepare the womb to conceive better... worth trying! at least it cured my 15 years long bad cramps which i experienced every month! then... i wish i was introduced to TCM 15 years ago!
hi libby,
sorry to hear that. Do continue to tio your body and jia you.

hi mel and develyn,
the nurse says must buy so i thought compulsory. But i recall when i tried FET, i posted the question here. Then reply from ladies here is must buy. As then i felt that FET chances also not high, why must force us to buy insurance.

hi bliss,
then just let him stay in the cosy womb longer.

hi ltjabi,
that's normal. My gynae also answer questions when you ask, will not talk much as there is a long queue of patients.

hi bee,
congrats on having a boy!
Hi ladies, this thread really moves super fast.

Hi Gloria, Yes went jalan jalan today after Prof sayang me leh. I will PM you what he told me. With regards high cholesterol you can drink green apple and celery juice evry morning this is one way to cut cholesterol, try it my DH did it for 6 mths and managed to reduce his cholesterol. And like Develyn say please don't diet and go any thinner then you will only be skins and bones, just eat healthier lor.

Libby, sad to hear about your BT results. Hugz to you, take your time to recover and join us for your next cycle we can BFP together.

Develyn, Looks like you have recovered fully, good for you. Wow really cannot eat potato ah, I die la I cannot give up potato leh.

Dream, good luck and BFP to you.
blisss - thought u went to labour liao... so u still going strong huh! never mind of the aunty look at this time :p just focus on the bb, u will be seeing him soon
Lina, Itjabi - you shd be doing the test for down symdrome soon right? hv u decided to go for the 95% blood test or the 100% test? my gynae said the 100% test has a slight risk since the needle will have to poke right thru to extract the "yang sui". so, maybe u can try the 95% test first since no risk... cheaper too $300 as compared to the other which is $900.

Lina - thanks... still got to wait for another month for the detailed scan then can be 100% sure... at least now i know when i cough, bb will jump, so i better not cough unneccesary else bb cannot sleep in peace :D
