IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi, new to this thread. Just wonder has anyone gone through IUI and is it a painful process? Care to share. I just did my HSG test, n the cramps were pretty bad on that day. =(

She is sleeping in our room but in her own mattress on the floor but she likes to come and squeeze in the middle of the night. Somehow, really "chinese/asian" on this. I know it is time but I think her and her daddy not ready! He loves to have his little princess with him. This is also the only time we really spend with her as we are both working,
Hi Hopeful Mel, some people are like that we have to learn to live with them. I don't know wat to expect too. Just be strong and be clear in your path to be a mum. Is this the 1st time you tried. When will you be going for your next round?
hopeful_mel - your email is correct or not? i try to search for you, i got the invite page only.. yeah.. chicken pox is very good to use one..
if they say how come no marks.. just say that it is all under the clothes.. not like they will ask to see the scars..
if got another long HL/MC.. just say that it is chicken pox relapsing.. :p as for the other ppl.. haiyah.. ignore them.. not worth your time..

dream - lina is right.. that is a good excuse.. haha..

bb - welcome... IUI is just inserting a slim catheter of sperm.. it is not as bad as HSG.. good luck.. it is known that after HSG, the percentage of pregnancy success is higher...
Ya that's true...but sometimes u can't help but to think how unfair life is...

ya..this is my first try...i will only get to see Dr Loh this coming wednesday and will see Dr Zou for the first time this coming monday..

I dunno what's the next plan for me...how was yr accu with Dr Zou?
my email correct ah..i request to be added in yours already..

hehe chicken pox got relapse mehh hehehe..be careful they dun categorise as H1N1..later must stay at Aloha resort hehe..
Hopeful Mel, Just hang in there la. My 1st accu with Dr Zou was ok no pain at all. She went through my reports and told me need to accu 2x a week and TCM. I'm going tomorrow at 2pm with DH too.

Hi Dream and rest can add me at facebook my id [email protected]
hi Deve, u misundestood lar. NUH get me to send the insurance within 2 days after ET; not after i BFN lar. anyway, like i mentioned, will still get insured though it's not compulsory.

Bee, your scan was interesting and very heartwarming. i will continue to try. Develyn, mayb you can bring us go pray pray once u BFP (huan shen)... mayb the other sisters and i will have better luck. Libby, Ickle, Fellaine, Pari, Tany, YongWei, Noi, Babygalore can join us.

Dream, photos yet to be uploaded in your FB!

Dileman, Dr Zou can hear your pulses and know your body system. as for blood test, just give her the numbers will do - no need to have hardcopy if u're not in time to get it.

Serene, that's good. keep the positive thoughts flooding during the 2ww.

all sisters in 2ww, sue,develyn,equinox,axjess,dream,serene,Jia you Jia You BFP BFP to you ladies!

Dream, yes, NZ was one of my fave too. next time i upload some plump pics, ok...

Nicole, thanks for the mok yee recipe.

Sisters, i'll be back to work next week. hence may not be able to be active here. to get my attention on any matters, feel free to PM me, or drop a note in my FB (definitely no time to run thru the thread like i am doing these past weeks). wishing u all the very very BEST!
Dream, i told office its cyst removal.

Ladies, what's the next excuse to use for my next cycle in July09? like too close to this cycle and no excuses already hor??? suggestions? chicken pox is out for me.
Hi dream,
My son is too young to understand.
He is only 18mths old. I've not been carrying him since ET. He's a good boy, everttime he wants me to carry, I'll say 'no cannot carry, hold mummy's hand' then he'll hold my hand and walk. He is really a darling!

Thanks. I'll stay +ve and please spread lots and lots of baby dust to me and the rest in 2WW. Esp you got twin, even more dust to spread. kekeke!

cant send invite to you leh. Why dun you add me instead. [email protected]
gloria - not like they will know mah.. just say doc not happy with the cyst removal and wanna do again lor.. :p

serene - lotsa baby dust for you... hahahaa..

hopeful_mel - accepted liao..
well, you can use ovarian drilling or ovarian drainage? but I am not sure whether would need such long MC. Will goggle on cyst removal to obtain more info before I talk about it!

about the website, it is soju.com....only found Korean information? can you give me the full address. thanks

nice to hear and he also looks like one too!
Gloria, wow maybe I start thinking of some excuse for you. Ladies, actually so irritating, govt want more babies then here we are also want babies but our working environment never conducive we got to invent excuses and lies cos otherwise difficult for other to understand what we are going through. Then in 2ww even we on MC office keep calling us to do this and that so irritating. MAybe we can all petition and like maternity leave we can get this 2ww leave for those going throu fertility treatment. See we are doing our best to increase the population, we should be given more incentives then those who delay having babies hehehehe just thinking out aloud.
dear all,
my msn messenger & facebook is steventay @ hotmail.com

hi bee,
so Dr Zou also using TMC medicines...?

This thread move real fast
Hi All,

Hope you gals here can help to clarify some of my doubts. Thanks alot!
I had went to c Dr Loh for the 1st time last wk. Glad that he's quite an amicable guy and still will crack jokes with us. Still thinking that since he's the head of the infertility unit he will be quite stern, relieve to kn that he not so. Heng... I did an ultrascan that day, he told me that I got retrovertered uterus, advising me to go for the scope. He's suspecting I might hv endometriosis. If nt I can opt for the x-ray (dye test) I forgotten to ask him how bad is my retroverted? Cos I ever go to another gynac bef him, and she told me mine is slight.
I hv check out this scope test and I realise that is actually kind of "mini operation" as there will be laser to drill hole inside me and c, if there's anything wrong they will correct immed. Sounds scary, and there will be pain and scar aft that. Anyone has done that bef?

I hv actually decided to go for IVF straight as the success rate is better. But hearing the jabs and stuff like that, really scares me off. Maybe I will opt to try for IUI first. Is SO-IUI the same as IUI???

Can I check with u gals 1 last thing. I was asking the nurse that day whether i'm entitled to any claim, she tell me no. Cos I call up myself to book appt under Dr Loh, not throu referral. Is that so. Pls offer me some advice.

Hope u gals hv a nice wkend!
my understanding on diff between IUI and SOIUI

IUI - either u ovulate on your own, or u can be put on clomid (i did in NUH)

SOIUI - on clomid and on Puregon 9 to super ovulate me; hence the "SO" came in) - did in KKH.

jabs for SOIUI and IVF quite similar except the dosage is much more. that explains the effects some sisters are having.

to be a subsidised patient, u need to get referrals from polyclinics.
but once u're referred to KKIVF, all will be classified as private patients already. no more subsides. for your info, SOIUI also came under KKIVF.

hope this helps.
Thxs Gloria!

So will the doc decide if I should go for IUI or SO-IUI huh?
For SO-IUI, i also hv to jab myself huh? Think I'm gg to faint liao.
Is that such type of service that I can go clinic and ask nurse to jab for me huh?
Ask my hubby to help me think he more scared than me

What abt the govt grant?
How many times are we allowed to claim the grant?
Hi Lyn
It's your day today! Happy Birthday To U & May All Your Wishes Come True!

Hi Libby
Hugz! sorry to hear your news...pls rest well and stay positive throughout..u r always in my prayer! We'll Jia You together!

Hi ladies in your 2ww(eve, sue, dream, zaza, equin0x, serene)
Hope I din miss out anyone,All the best of luck for your 2ww, hope that your embies stick tight tight to u! positive result on the way!
Hi BBAngels
Do you have the name of scope? I am scheduled to to hysterosopy next week to review my uterus as my uterus is indented. Thereafter i will proceed straight to IVF.
hello everyone
Just come back from yoga and the post is already so loooonnng.... thanks for all the wishes. I am at week 16 now. we are fine with boy or gal since my aim is to have at LEAST one gal and one boy eventually. keke...

Lina, oh, peisay, u gals much younger than me. but if less than 35, down symdrome test is optional right?

Steven, Oh, I wasnt with Dr Zhou, mine was at Bt Batok... very far for you. I think Dr Zhou does.. just to be sure, ladies, does Dr Zhou uses TCM medicines to tiao body?

Serene, haha, think it is pure luck la... but if they can pick our preferred gender, i will make sure they pick the X sperm when i try next time
Aiya Gloria, u bluff me or u misled me le..

Hahaha.. u posted :

Posted on Friday, May 15, 2009 - 6:14 pm:

Deve, just read your post. in NUH, the nurses told me it's compulsory to buy leh... they bluff me! just got my policy 2 days after i BFN ...
u mean BT or scan for which test? paiseh... too bz to browse thru archives...
if it's down syndrome, i took the cheapest package which i did BT and scan.

2ww dun use hot water bag, pls. it's not recommended.

congrats on ur bb boy!
Hi lina, Bee

i had icsi and when i asked e embryologist during ET if he know if he picked Y or X sperm, he said he didn't know. So i insisted and said dat X sperm is recognizable w leaner w smaller heads, he said it doesn't necc work like this?????

dun know he bloffing me or not.
Bee, Bt Batok where?

Lyn, Happy Birthday!

BBAngel, dr will prescribe the treatment. govt grant for ASSISTED REPRODCTIVE PROGRAMME is 3x. IUI also can but since IUI is cheaper, most apply grant for IVF only. injections - can go to family doc, but no need lar. will get used to it after a couple of tries...

Why 2WW cannot use hot water bag huh? I tot I read somewhere that we can use hot water bag to keep our womb warm so that it is more cosy for the embryo to stick. no ah?? I read wrongly??
thanks, bookmarked the website. Which show is recommended? never watch any of these shows? have english subtitles or movies are in english>

your memory alreadt quite good...just missing the "my"

mystery solved on your insurance!

Develyn and all sisters,
Discussed with hubby and we decided to buy the insurance. Not really sure what are my chances but better buy than regret later..

Trying to look for nice pictures but can't find one! the last pictures taken were in December and I did not lose weight then. Will try to take some nice one now...although still needs to loose weight...but from now on, only hope will only gain weight (for the correct reasons, of course!)
Gloria, it's a small centre. I opted for the lady Dr but the male Dr is more popular and his queue is longer... they are from Taiwan, famly business.

Fu Nan TCM
Blk 152 Bukit Batok St 11 #01-266
WY, haha, i didn ask such qn, i was more worried if my blastocysts are still surviving and how many they intend to put in and if the ET was successful...

Itjabi, does the $300 package include detailed scanning? or the detailed scanning will be done by ur gynae?
dream: just started watching e Queen of Housewives. quite funny. Sue's in a better pos 2 answer e qn.

Bee: do u recommend e down syndrome test ie check neck thickness? M hitting 36 soon.
ah... answer posted above liao.
i took package C :-
* Ultrasound scan at 11-14 weeks
* Blood test at 15-20 weeks
* detection rate of 90%
* 2 working days after blood test
* price $245.40
Hi Pau le,
Are you there?
I'm reading a book written by an ex-crew talking about her 13 years experience in the airlines. Nice book to read and somehow refresh some of my memories during my flying days... The book is by the name of 'The Mile Hi! Club Memoirs of a Stewardess' by Janet Chew. If you have the chance, go read it.
good morning girls! hehehe probably good evening is more appropriate!

okok, i would buy when i come back to spore, like to read these kind of books too!

congrats on having a bb boy!

Ya, I already dont bother about looking like an 'auntie' long ago. Hahaha! No mood to care about that liao.

glad that your BT level is very good!
All the best!
