IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi gloria
start taking ur prenatal multivit and DHA now....must make sure ur body is ready ma before ur next cycle

Serene - yeah... Such a coincidence... He asked me how I know you, I said friend of a friend..from somehere.. Heh..

Develyn - whoa... Good to have you back.. Can see that you are good and well... Looks like you are feeling really positive.. May you have BFP!!! My dear girl, no swimming now, and after pregnancy, no breaststroke... It stresses the back...

Piggy - congrats!! Good to know that you have concieved via power of 'love love'...

Juju - whoa... Hardworking leh... Hope you built your supply really soon...

Bliss - popped or still here??

Itajabi, Lina - how are the 2 of you??
hey develyn,
good tat u r back wif e chirping mode n flood tis forum.

did u manage to check yr progesterone BT results? I hv some pressure on my left front tummy jus above e thigh top bone. Dunno there is my left fallopian tube or not. I hv e pressure there for past 3-4 days oredi. Dunno is it e embryos get stuck in my left fallopian tube or not. Estopic preg is possible n ivf too. Choy... Touch wood for me...
yes, u r rite. exercise to perspire only. not for slimming.
potato chips are NO-NO. not only bcos of fertility, but it will increase ur bad cholesterol.
be a good gal.

waiting for ur good news confirmation.
Hi Steven ,

Nice to hear from u again.. i thought u upset abt it.. :S .. Wow.. 12yrs at Pasir Ris.. i only here 4 yrs.. started to get sianz liao.. Bedok Reservoir still my favorite :D

Good luck to your IVF journey !

Hi Mel ,

Keke.. started flooding forum.. very long didnt flood it liao.. actually 9 days only.. Bleahz..
Oh noo... the advise is to gloria for preparation for her next IVF.. Not for me la.. i am in 2ww.. :p Not brave to do it now.. haha...
I remember u pour babies' dust to me.. and yes.. if i dun give up , BFP is on my way for sure.

Has anybody bought the Great Eastern insurance coverage specially for IVF. It's something like coverage for our babies in case need to stay in ICU. I can't remember the name of the insurance & am desperately looking for it. I have already paid for it and there's no update of the policy. Can someone help me. Thanks
Gloria, actually I have not checked out the store yet because stranded here in office. I went to the centrum website and saw got two types relevant for us. One is the overall for all type, the other one is targeted at woman. If you did not see the woman type at the store, it could be they do not carry in Singapore. Website is here. Under the product tag, you can see all the centrum vits.

hi asahi
the policy will stated thank you for insuring with great eastern life. and u wil have the subject indicated : assisted reproductive programme and also ur policy no and PID no.
Hi Equin0x ,

No worries.. it is normal.. Sue and me have the same as well.. Yes, Ectopic happens in IVF but u will only feel pain of ectopic at later stage like 4wks after ET or so.. not for now.. it is too small to have any pain.. Upper thigh bones and side tummy pain should be due to ER.. Fyi, in ER process, your thigh is stretched apart and gynae will press down your tummy during retriever.. so the pain can remains there for more than a month.. it comes and goes too.. as i have the same feeling in first IVF , i doubt it is caused by ectopic..
hi mel,
didn't see bliss post here but she posted in mtb thread, should be fine. Both of you can aim deliver together.

hi juju,
would you be shaving your gal's hair?
Asahi, policy will arrive in abt 10 days from the day u sent the cheque. you can call 6248 2785 if the policy still has not reached u. Good Luck!
Hi Asahi ,

KKIVF gives us the form before ER.. 1 embryo transfer is SGD 51.36 , 2 embies transfer is SGD 107.00.. 3 embies transfer is SGD 711.55 and 4 embies transfer is SGD1995.55 . Incase your hospital didnt give u , u may call 62482785. It is called "Assisted Reproduction Progamme Insurance". Hope this helps.

Hi Steven ,

Not compulsory but strongly encourage to buy. Policy must buy 7 days after Embryo transfer. Afterwhich , it will not be accepted.
Hi Mel ,

Bliss is fine.. she will check on me via msn off and on.. especially when i am hospitalize on OHSS time..
She is 38weeks 2days preggy...
Hi Serene ,

U already at 2ww now right ? That one is for people who is doing preparation.. everything can eat but limit it.. especially high carbo food.. Eat liao is okay de.. dun worry okie..
Deve, just read your post. in NUH, the nurses told me it's compulsory to buy leh... they bluff me! just got my policy 2 days after i BFN ...
Babygalore, thanks for the link. i guess it's more targeted at women since the folic, calcium %etc are much higher than what i've bot... thanks, for sharing! let me know after u've checked out if the local store does carry the women series.
Dear all

Thanks for your well wishes.

My HCG BT has dropped to 50 today. And i'm still having bad cramps and bleeding.. so it's a gone case.

Will go for final BT next tue, and appt with Dr Loh.
keke! Super sensitive during 2WW... Anway thanks for the info ya! BFP to all of us!!! I still have 11 more days to go for BT. Its a waiting game...
Libby, hugz...We r with u.... How much they charge u for the BT?

Serene, when u is BT gtg to be?

Develyn, u r so active again. Tats a good sign. So when is ur BT gtg to be?
Gloria, Lina - how come compulsary?? Mine was not, and I chose not to buy...

Lina - yeah, I am scheduled for c-section on 21st... Heh... Am asking bliss to join me then...

Develyn - yeah... Lots of baby dust on you... Remember to visualize ahh...

Lots of baby dust for those in 2ww...
hi libby
sorry to hear tat...but pls be positive and we will move on together

hi serene
actualli the sentence earlier on i post to develyn is bcos she told me her embryo has implanted liao...actually just to observe the do and donts...and some ppl will feel implantation bleeding and slight abdomen cramp and physically changes but not all ppl experienced the same...pls be relax ok ...most impt eat right and rest well

It is not compulsory... But strongly encourage to buy.. Ok simple ! If you dun pay Great eastern or given a bound cheque.. what can hospital do ? The policy is btw u and insurance company. Nothing to do with hospital.. of cos hospital wants u to buy as they scare if complication, some mothers have no money to pay medical bill. Ok, just for my case.. In first IVF , i didn't submit the form till Day 9 after ET.. and the great eastern cannot accept it anymore. In this scenario , tell me - how to cover ? Hospital covers u meh ? No no no... Look at the policy term for eligibility- All must be submitted within 7 working days from the date of ET.
yes, but haven't decide shave at full month or 4 month

hugz... take care & eat well to recover

not compulsory. i transferred 3 so premium was $700+, decided not to buy. kkh ivf will jus ask u to sign form say u dun wan to buy.
Hi Gloria ,

U should have say that u have send the policy direct to Great Eastern if the nurse insist..

Hi Lina ,

Confirm not for KKIVF.. :p

Hospital has no say on commercial trade.. they can encourage but not compulsory.. that's why we signed the form and not them.. Keke..
Hi Lyn ,

BT 22/05..

Hi Libby ,

You know how much we care ! Check with Dr Loh the next cycle and try again.. It is a great improvement from Care.. u are a step further already.. Hug okie.. Like DH says care's one is not consider as one.. !

hi gloria
dun use the words conned la..tats why i always tell others..1st ivf is like try and error cos u dun noe anything...but think of the positive side if a lady really preggy and with more than twins and require intensive care for months..the policy indeed is a gd cover
Hi Gloria ,

It is over.. as u signed and endorse liao..
That's why ppl say "one's learn smarter after a failed cycle".. But in the first place why u didnt buy huh.. i also encourage u to buy.. but of cos not BFN time.. the next time , u must buy okie..

hi mel,
I am here!!
Still here, not yet popped.
Was surfing net and reading this thread and the mtb thread the whole morning. But I didnt get to sleep whole of last night, was feeling so sleepy and dizzy just now. Went to rest for a while in late afternoon...however couldnt rest well still, I am having tummy upset... dont know why, feel like having to go poo all the time. Haiz...
Very very tired still and tummy upset still.
I am unsure if can join you to pop on the 21st liao, my boy does not seem to be ready and any intention to come out so soon yet. Think he is too comfy inside, may really want to come out till my EDD, which will be in 12 days time... Me too tired to talk to him liao, he has been giving me sleepless nights, maybe he cant stand me 'persuading' him to come out soon...hahaha!
Hi Mel and Ju,

I dun think I can extend lah. Told boss HL till 22May liao. Luckily 22May is fri so I oni go back office on 25May. Then 26May take MC again for the BT. kekeke!

Anyway think about going back to office also sianz... sure a lot of work pile up for me to clear.... double sianz...
