IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Greenie,
Mine is laparoscopy, more to check if I got endometriosis.
Is there any other way to kn other than by this method? Heard is ex and painful and not advisable to do so cos it can scar the tissue. Anybody here hv done tis procedure bef? Hope u can share with me.

How long is the whole period from medication to doc accessing us suitable to do IUI?
Is success rate for IUI gd in KKH?
Please advise, thxs in advance.

ya, saw from the web laparoscopy is quite invensive.. but i guess your Dr will know what is the best for you. I can't advise you as I didn't go through it. May be other sisters from forum can share with you.
Steven, cant remember exact figures. rough indication is IUI $800+, SOIUI $1.5k+. sorry, never really went to add up the costs.
but u can check with the IVF section. they'll be able to provide estimates, jus like IVF.

and yes, Dr Zou does use TCM medicines to tiao body.
BBAngel and Steven : sorry. i've caused confusion on my post at 3.49pm.

govt subsidy is only applicable to IVF, not extended to IUI. however, medisave can be used for both IUI and IVF. since cost of IUI is generally below the limits set for medisave, we'll opt to pay cash instead of using medisave.

i hope this is clear. if not, sisters, pls clarify. thanks.

GLORIAJEANS Posted on Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 3:49 pm:

BBAngel, dr will prescribe the treatment. govt grant for ASSISTED REPRODCTIVE PROGRAMME is 3x. IUI also can but since IUI is cheaper, most apply grant for IVF only. injections - can go to family doc, but no need lar. will get used to it after a couple of tries...
hi bee
glad ur bb boy is doing well
pls spread more bb dust to me and the rest of gals

hi dream 09 and jac
had trying to add u all in facebook but ur acct not permitting me to do so..pls add me at [email protected] thanks

hi gloria
so r u taking tcm herbs and accup now together? how abt any other multivit? since u going to start ur new cycle in few mths times
hi ladies
FYI..me doing night duty now..hehe..tats y post at tis hours from my workplace..planning to go accup coming tuesday abt afternoon time and still keeping my finger cross now
yong wei, i haven't start on tcm yet. Other than accu, u taking tcm medicine too?

How long apart was your 2 cycles? U starting in jul, right?

I'm starting to take multi vits. DHA havent buy yet. Actually i've problem taking pills. Not a problem to bite my pills into small pieces, right? For soft gels, usually i jus take the contents and throw away the 'plastic cover'. Ok or not ah?
hi gloria
how come u stay up so late??
me only doing accup once/week now...dun intend to start on tcm herbs yet
my going to start in august , and hopefulli tis few mths able to strike naturally..my last cycle ended in early april.
yes..u can just eat the oil from the soft gel..but the problem is isnt it taste more awful? but end result as long as u feel is easy to swallow them can liao..
hi bee,
down syndrome test is not compulsory for any age. Doctor will explain risk involve for higher age group but will not make it a must to take. $300 includes detail scan but not by own gynae, just a sonographer. Heard from friends that cheapest package is from NUH, total only $200.
Sorry, me "off" again after my last post on yesterday's morning....

<font size="+2">Lyn</font>
Happy Belated Birthday to You... muakz
happy belated birthday to Lyn.

N congrats to Bee for having a baby boy.

Gals, esp WY Koo n Pau Le, did u experience some AF-liked tummy cramps on-n-off a few days b4 u tested BFP? I m getting those tummy cramps on-n-off. My beta test is May 22nd. But Dr Zou said i can test at home on May 19th. But I tink i ll test on May 20th la, 4 days after my last Pregnyl jabs.
btw, i had been monitoring my BBT since b4 ER. My BBT rose to almost 36.60 on the D7 after fertilization n tis BBT kept staying ard tis range even up till today. Mine is D2 transfer. Wondering 36.60 is an ideal/common BBT range for BFP?
Ladies Good Morning,

Sad news!! I had a fell yesterday, no cramp at all but this morning can see blood.And its like AF blood, brown in colour.

Good morning ladies!

Sue, did you fall very hard? Monitor for a few days 1st. brown blood can be implantation blood. Dun scare yourself, k?
Hi Serene,

I dont want to give hope to myself. For me its all gone. DH angry with me coz giving this up. But for me I dun believe false hope.

I will be ok soon. Thanks for your soothing words Serene.
Hi Sue ,

Try to save it... u may try gtg A&amp;E and get dusphaston.. i heard it will help to stop bleeding but really dunno how it works..

It is not false hope.. just stay positive till your BHCG.. as long as u do not see AF bleeding, do not give up my dear...
yes Sue, develyn is right. must stay positive till your BHCG test. If you are worried, go A&amp;E and see a dr. get a jab or something tp put your mind at ease.
hi bliss,
I am eating alot, another colleague in the same department also pregnant. So whole day, both of us munching snacks like crazy. We have a whole lot of tibits at the cupboard.
Now this bad habit affected the other colleagues to munch with us as well. I could not enter msn from office. Hope they unblock it soon.

hi sue,
develyn is right, you could go to the emergency and see if they can give you jab to support. Please stay positive.
tany - whoa.. you really got alot of animations..

equinox - your BBT went up??
i'm excited for you..
good luck and lotsa baby dust!!

bliss - yah i do.. so, happy and excited for her.. pls send my regards...
how are you feeling?? okie?

lina - ain't you going to upload photos onto facebook? upload your little boy also leh..

sue - pls dun think so much.. mantain a positive attitude.. it helps generate a good enviornment... do go A&amp;E for help...
Yong Wei, dunno y last night toss and toss on bed but cannot sleep. mayb it was the gym session at 8pm? 1st one after such long break. i'm not sure? but last time i exercise at night no such problem lei. or mayb coz monday start work again - stressed! make my already permanent dark circles even more Panda!

hey, last AF was early April - possibly you've BFP already! have u tested on preg kits? i'm crossing my fingers for u. do eat healthily and be positive... its always best to be lucky enuf to conceive naturally. BFP BFP BFP to dearest Yong Wei!
Hi tany, jas and gloria and other ladies thnks so much for remembering my birthday! Paiseh was out the whole day yest thats now then reply. Wow didnt log in for 2 days so many posting to read......

Tany, thks for the kiss.. I kiss kiss u back..
My birthday wish is all ladies here BFP soon....
hi bliss,
earlier on i was eating fruits and carrot stick to curb hunger. But too much fruit intake also no good. Almost right after lunch, i feel hungry again. I wanted to break meals into small amount but not possible as working, no chance to eat proper food and office got no microwave, so cold packet food is no good either. I eat biscuit, formula milk and some junk food daily.

hi mel,
ok, i will find time to load.
Hope the fall was not too bad. Are you on bed rest during the 2ww? I think our body not used to stand anymore. Sometimes, when I stand up, I can feel very giddy. Is that what happened? I really hope it is nothing too serious. Which day are you now? When is your BT?

For those ladies on 2ww and those who have experienced it,
How to stay sane in these 2ww? Do you sisters really bedrest the whole day? Is it ok to seat on the sofa and watch TV? Also, what do you sisters here, apart from eggs? I am on no carb diet and it is really hard. What do you eat for b'fast? last time, I took hot dogs, ham but I heard we should avoid processed food and hot dogs is really a big NO. So, please share your diet. What do you take in the afternoon as snack? Which fruits can be eaten? Sorry, so many questions..just hope to learn from you.

Happy belated b'day and great to hear you had a great time. Forum is always quiet on week ends,,,but I am on bed rest...really hard to pass time...and I still have 12 more days to go !

yep, must be the exercise, your body not used to it anymore. Did you take any coke or caffeinated drink? that may have caused your sleepless night.

Serene, enjoy your games.

Hope get good news from you. Will add you in my facebook but mine very boring..haven't done anything on it,,,
Where are you? Why so quiet? You are on 2ww? or you are moving around? Seems like the forum is so quiet...where are all the sisters?
Hi BBAngel,
I've gone thro 2 laproscopy ops to remove endo b4. During the lapro, the doc will at the same time check for any block tubes etc. Yup lapro will cause scarring of the womb, however it is the only method to clear out the endo cos mild endo or endo hidden behind the womb cannot be seen via vaginal scan or ultrascan. Like in my case, the vaginal scan shows that i've got a 3cm endo on my left ovary, however during the lapro, the doc is able to remove quite substantial tiny ones forming behind my womb (when he flip it over to check).

Simple laproscopy will take around 1-2 weeks to recover. May i know which doc are you seeing cos most docs do not recommend lapro unless necessary ie if they are able to view that there is a prominent endo (at least 3cm) or fibroids growth that is affecting fertility. Cos surgery will cause scarring tissues to form.

Mel, had overlooked ur posting. Tks for remembering my BD.

Dream, when is ur BT? Rest well and BFP to u!

Serene,pau le and urself was an ex stewardess? I so envy u for ur boy, for me if i have a child already i will be very contented liao but i also understand ur desire of wanting another child.... Gdluck to u too..

Sue, watever it is juz rest well and hope for the best.
hi dream,
you can still watch tv during 2ww. Try playing games or read to keep yourself occupied. The few days near BT is most difficult, i kept having nightmares and worried. Do bear with this stage, it's the final stage to BFP. Take care.
hi lina,
all right. i'll grab a book...too addicted to internet. just went to your FB but did not manage to see your albums, I think today, too many people using internet. will do it on monday when everybody is at work. and i'll try to post some pictures as well!
Hi gals, read IUI and SO-IUI are different. May I know what's the diff? DO u try IUI (cheaper) first , then if not successful, go on to SO-IUI?
Always tot the 2 terms are the same. Thanks. =)
lyn - looks like you had a good time yesterday..
enjoy the rest of your birthday month..

lina - try muesli bars.. healthy and nice... they kept megoing during my office hours.. haha..

dream - i didn't really stay alot at home nor in bed, cos i will get headache if i stay at home too long.. haha.. i am not really a home body.. but i did alot of evening walks cos i read on some websites that light exercise will improve blood flow, hence encourage implantation... can't teach u how to stay sane, cos i had trouble staying sane too.. :p
hi dream,
try to use less of pc due to radiation.

hi mel,
that's a good idea, i try muesli. But do we need to avoid those with peanut contents? as not suppose to eat too much peanut if not will cause allergies to baby right?
did you still take 2ww off or you went back to work? i still think i will stay at home for 2ww as i am afraid to meet colleagues and also would feel guilty. you did not bed rest at all? not even the first few days?

ok will try to reduce pc. Can use ipod instead? otherwise, i just went to the mysoju website and there are really lots of shows. I think I am hooked already
but seems I better rent VCD so that not so much radiation.

but, once need to go back to work, how to cut back PC?
Hi Dream ,

Haha.. i didn't move around.. i go and sleep cos tired :p What are u doing ? Not gtg out today ? I also very sianz...

Hi Lyn ,

Thanks for that birthday wish
We hope that u get BFP BFP BFP soon too.. muacks !
lina - try the alpen yogurt bars... they are fruit muesli bars.. very nice.. esp the strawberry.. i dun really avoid peanuts, i know that they say that we should avoid peanuts, but i recently read an article talks abt allergies in baby.. it promotes exposing the fetus or babies to small amounts of allergy causing foods, so as to built the tolerance to it... i think it makes sense... but it is all up to you..


dream - i should not be advising you, as i am quite bo chap one.. i believe that once the cervix is closed, the embies will not drop out.. but if you want to know.. i did take 2ww off work, cos i wanted to be stress free.. i talked to my boss, she understands that i need to be 'not bothered'.. i did not really do bed rest.. i went jalan jalan after ET.. when at home, i sit up or walked abt.. but i did try not to do rigorous stuff..
Hi Equinox

I did not experience any AF=like cramps but instead had 'chou-jing; cramps lasting abt 5-10 in e middle of e nite which Dr said was a side-effect of me inserting e Progesterone rectally (not good 4 me). But i read that cramps like implantation spotting/bleeding r quite common. NB not 2 over-analyse each sensation u experience. Know its not easy, try not 2 think abt it by taking short walks in e Park, which improves blood circulation too. 2nd week can b a bit more active. Where r yr cramps exactly? If on e sides cld b due 2 yr ovaries still hurting, post ER. o yes, i oso had e sensation of wind causing discomfort all over my tummy, another side effect of e inserts.

Hi sue, do not panic abt yr fall. which day r u when it happened ie dpo/dpt? If u dun hv cramps in yr lower abdomen/pelvic area, cld b implantation related.
WY Im on my 10dpo. No cramps but i knew it a fail ivf. The blood now is pink colour.

Just not fate to have this time round.

Thanks all for all the encouraging words.

LyN..Happy Belated Birthday.

And BFP for ALL!!!!

hi dream,
ipod should be ok. For my 1st try, i didn't know about this forum and when the hospital gave me HL, i took it lightly. I thought 2ww is nothing serious, why need to rest so i actually went back to work 2 days immediately after ET, wearing high heels and walking alot. Not sure if luck but i still get BFP. But this BFP didn't last long, HCG declined later on. Then coming to this forum, i realized 2ww is something so serious. Do take good care.

hi develyn,
what movie did you watched?

hi mel,
oh thanks, will try the fruit bars. Quite true the article, i think if family history no allergic to peanuts, then should be ok.
