IVF/ICSI Support Group

ickle - juz wait for the result k and let's hope for the best ...One of the ladies here - TNT also had AF report but she still gt BFP so try to keep ur hopes high till the results is out

ML: Let your mil have the dog and you keep the kid next time. hee hee.

I just started stimulation and am on gonal f. oh well... am just hoping for a decent number of good quality eggs. Wish me luck...
hi tany,
thanks. hope develyn is alright now.

hi serene,
stay positive. no symptom is also one of the BFP symptom.

Hi pari
glad you got over and trying again.

hi ickleand gloria,
don't give up.

hi zaza,
all the best for your ET.
Hi Gloria, did you go for a blood test too. I know its very tough all our hopes were dashed. Are you going back to work this week. I'm taking the MC and only going back next week. When is your appointment with Prof again. I'm fixed on Friday at 9.20am. Please take care. If you want to meet we can I live in Choa Chu Kang and you stay at Sembawang maybe I can meet you near your place. Keep in touch my mobile number is 90237878. I also activated my private messages you can send msg. Take care dear.

Dear Fandz, Boon Boon,Zaza, Serene Lina, tks for your wishes and concerns.
hahahahahaa.... good idea! but i'm greedy. i want both the dog and the kid. can you imagine i offered to buy her a dog but she don't want. only want my dog... omg!!! dog leh!

Good luck to you!!! Remember to take your eggwhites and vitamins!!! All the best!!!
ZaZa-I only heard one lady has massage and Accp together. Can't remember who.

Gloria-I am sure your turn will come. Pro will have gained a great deal of information that will help fine-tune your treatment in subsequent cycle.Jia Yu!

Jan-the best you go into KK website to check which dr you prefer to receive or under his/her care for the treatment. Thereafter make a call (General Line) to fix the appt with the Dr. After consult with the Dr, he/she will refer to IVF center if needed.
Thanks everyone for your concern. KKH just called and its indeed a BFN. I'm feeling ok actually as I keep reminding myself that I am already very blessed with a son whom I conceived on my 1st IVF attempt. Anyway I checked with the nurse just now and she said I could go for another round of FET this month if I want to. I'm thinking maybe I should start going for accupuncture to prepare my body first. Any idea how many days after AF we can start accupuncture?
boon boon - thanks .... had originally wanted to try the massage but had forgotten all about it .... anyway i guess it's too late now since tomorrow is my ET ... hopefully accu is suffice
ickle - the best is to start accu on your day 5 as u cld also start on tcm on the same day ... however Doc Zou also do accu on your 1st day of accu
Thanks zaza for the info. Not sure if I need to take TCM cos the last round Dr Zou told me that I just need to do accu. I will call to make an appt to see her asap.
Hi Pari and Ickle,
Hugz for both of you...remember..we can still try..don't give up ok..i know how it felt, i cried everytime i heard my hubby's voice on the phone that day..but now i kinda come to terms with it already...

I'll only get to see Dr Loh on 26 may..still very long...i think by the time he plan for my next try will be in july or august...

I want to try the acu that u gals have be talking about, but do I need to make appt first? anyway, how does this acu help us?
hi ickle, pari and gloria

so sorry to hear of yr bfn. i can imagine how hard it is but pl do not give up. all of us in the chatroom are here 2 support u.

mel, I believe accu was a contributing factor to my success the other time although some Dr are sceptical about its benefits. If you check out western IVF forums, many of the ladies swear by accu.
Hi Zaza, did you mean that Dr Zou will do accupunture on the 1st day of AF. I am having bleeding since Saturday morning but today the bleeding has stopped maybe I am using crinone inserts. I have Dr Zou's appointment tommorrow morning. Does she start accu in the 1st appointment itself of consult only?
hi ickle,
don't give up. I was in your situation last year, kept telling myself that already got one son, why ask for more kids and more pain?? friends around also not very supportive, kept reminding me that i have one child and should be satisfied. but when i was about to give up, my boy gave me support, he cheer me up and i pick up the courage to move on. More failures came after that but it just made me stronger. For the sake of your boy, stay positive.
Hi it's me again,

I want to try the acu and i have lots of questions about it too...

Will going for massage help? Anyone going for both acu and massage?

By the way, can add me at my facebook too... [email protected] at least can keep us updated and we can get to know each other better...

how come u can go for FET so soon (do we need to wait after 2AF before trying FET - i not sure also)...
Lina, thanks for sharing. I'm not giving up yet. Will try again with my last 2 embies and hope for the best. I know what you mean by friends not being supportive. People who are not in the same situation can never understand the emotional and physical challenges we go through but as long as we're clear this is what we want, we should follow our hearts.

Mel, as mine's natural FET without any medications or jabs, it is less intrusive so the nurse said I could start anytime I want. Just need to start going for scans from Day 10 onwards. I'm still not sure if I want to start immediately maybe I will seek Dr Zou's opinion first.
ickle - thanks and plze check on tcm with Doc Zou

pari - yes Doc Zou starts accu on the 1st appt

mel irman - accu helps with the implantation of embies ... and what ar the questions u have on accu as you cld post help and the ladies wld be most helpful
I initially wanted to go for massage as it helps to relax the body but had forgotten all about it
thanks boon boon, i called KKH and got an appointment with Dr Loh for next week. From my dh's SA results, it seems quite clear that we need ivf so i need to consult with the dr to check how best to go abt it. dh has low sperm count plus low morphology (3%)
Zaza and Lina, thanks.

Boon Boon,
are u also with Prof? is this your 1st cycle too?

hi Pari dear, thanks.
i've some spotting last evening. then some bleeding before i sleep. called CHR and she asked me to go down for BT tis morning. i reached there abt 8.45am but couldnt see u already. at 12, CHR confirmed its -ve. and will have to wait for 3 mense cycle before we could embark on the next fresh cycle. how i wish we've some frozens to try. the journey is so arghhh.

my next appt to see Prof is this thurs. meanwhile, let's think of questions that we can ask Prof.

Ladies, any questions that we should ask?

to all sisters currently cycling,
all the best and BFP to you.

Zaza, wishing u smmoth transfer tomorrow.
Dream, all the best and wishing u success in your journey.
I'll make appt with Dr Zou, as my AF is ending soon i guess,but
1)what do I tell them when I call for appt?

2)when doing accu..will Dr Zou give any medication...because I need to know whether i can take the medication if there's any..

3) the accu thingy is it up to us or the Dr will tell us when exactly to do it...(coz once i'm back to work tmr..very difficult to fit in time..and my work is already SO SUPER stressful hehe...)
Wishing you a smooth ET tomorrow.

Mel Irman,
1) Just tell them you wan to make an appt with Dr Zou and inform them that this is your first appt.

2) Dr Zou will ask if you wan to take medication. You can choose to take or just do accup.

3) It is up to you. Best to go for the accup twice per week, but some sisters here go once a week.
Hi Hopeful Mel, I have an appointment with Dr Zou tomorrow at 11am. I will keep you informed. Take care and let's build our bodies together for the next cycle.

Gloria, I was there at 8.30am. Left immediately after blood test. The nurse at CHR told me that can start nextt cycle at end of August, which I'm looking forward to now. Will start accu and go back to yoga. Let's keep positive and reach our dreams to be mum. Wish you peace and luck. Keep in touch.

Hi Ladies
Can add me at facebook my email is [email protected], so that we can put a face to all these sisters here.
WY, Tany and Mel Irman,
thanks for comforting and hugz.

WY, wishing u a smooth pregnancy. do rest well esp during these 2 weeks. thanks for being the angel who answers my doubts during this try.

Pari and Irman,
if u're going to Dr Zou, it helps to bring your report to let her go thru. eg your FSH levels, your DH's SA, etc. when making appt, let them know it's your 1st visit so that they can schedule more time to go thru your report with you. accu is usu abt 45 mins.
Jan-How long have you beeen trying?

Gloria-I am not with Prof and have booked KK, maybe only start in June.

Pari-If you think you want to take TCM cum Accp then of course you can see Dr Zou now. But if you only though of Accp then you can see her later. Let the AF finish first then see her (maybe).

Hopeful Mel-Besdies Massage, Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage are also good for stress relief and relaxation. But must carefully chossing a practitioner who has experiences and understand the risk we may face.
Gloria, Pari and Ickle,

I know I am not in a good position to console you girls since I have not started cycling but just want to let you all know that I understand somehow the pain of this tough journey (I had a miscarriage and after that tried to conceive but having difficulties). So have a good cry, pick yourselves up and don't give up on yourselves.

Torishotaka, thanks for your reply. You want to consider acu, seems to be helpful according to the sisters here. Me consdering very seriously about doing it before starting.
ZaZa-just created a facebook and add u as friend.

Girls-Just created and will add u as friend please accept me. I am not IT savvy (pai seh)
Thanks Zaza, yes, my history was that I had a miscarriage, then tried for more than a year with no success. Mainly facing irregular menses and got thin lining. Been to see a few Drs including quite reknown ones but some more interested in making money and not curing patients. So got recommended to Prof Wong. Find him very professional just a bit fierce.

Want to consider IVF as am not getting younger. Going 32 this year.

Read that tomorrow is your ET. All the best. Me definitely a layman still but heard to relax is very important. Bring your mp3 along and listen to some relaxing music before the ET? Hope everything goes well for you
gloria, it is my pleasure indeed 2 b of help 2 u. we r all here 2 suppurt one another in the ivf journey.

all ladies, thanks 4 all yr well-wishes. hope bb has grown well during this period.

Hi Tany and Boon Boon,
Thanks for the info...i'll see where I can go first..just for info, currently I'm taking supplements from GNC..a multivit to prepare for pregnancy, EPO and Vitex Agnus-Castus to increase my progresterone level, but once preggy..have to stop this Vitex and EPO..

Pari and Zaza, i already request to add u guys in Facebook, accept me ya
babygalore - thanks for the blessing and will try to relax as much as possible ... my hubby will be my own entertainment juz like he did for my ER .... even my doctor n embrologist was laughing all the way ... I'm pretty sure he will do the same thing tomorrow to keep me relax
U shld try accu as it helps to increase ur womb lining and implantation of the embies

boon boon n mel irman - will accept u guys in a while
