IVF/ICSI Support Group

no leh, not very smooth leh, vomiting and no appetit... hopefully my baby noes where to get food....
i would be taking the flight jux after my first trimester ends.... ah yah... im leaving france on 22 june! so by the time you are here, i would be gone gone liao!

Yong Wei,
Pari and my AF reported way before our scheduled BT on 15 May! that's one of the worst case, isn't it?

Paule, thanks. seen your new crib. nice and roomy. which part are u residing? u'll be flying back after your 1st trimester, and stay til delivery, is it? my mum loves anything lavender!~)

thanks for the encouragement.
Hi gals,

I've been sitting up to do some work for my boss the whole afternoon... now i feel crampy on my lower right. I hope everything is fine cos these 2 days will be implantation days...

hate my office... so much work to do!! Aarrrgghhhhh!
hi libby
have faith and have faith ok...am sure ur HCG will surely raise high on wed

hi wy koo
i m fine..jus tat everyday still need to wear those N95 mask during work lor...

hi gloria and pari
miracles do happen sometimes....dun give up yet
hi gloria
thanks thanks.... im staying in the north of france, nearly two hours drive north of Paris...

i also wish that i can stay until delivery! but no lah... my hubby won't allow that! nobody cook for him, nobody do housework, nobody to talk nonsense to him, he cannot take it!

i would be flying back just after my first trimester, stay for about 5 weeks, to eat all the goodies, catch up with my friends and family, and stock up some stuffs and back to France, then guai guai wait for delivery!
after ER & ET, i was on HL till BT. stayed home but not strictly on bed cos i cannot tahan. i jus wandered around at home, did light housework, watched dvds, surfed net & read. hubby will bring me out for dinner & short walks to ease boredom. dat's all. i din do much walking cos get cramps easily.
if ur course is very light work, can try for it. but excuse urself if u feel unwell. i believe it's ok to be on HL for 3 wks since it's issued by hospital. dun nid to take leave or even resign.

zaza/ boon boon/ libby,

nope, i was too exhausted to cry. but hubby almost teared at the sight of her - he say very touching.

hope ur level will go up soon!

haha! how u feeling?
when's the next chk up?
pls dun drink cold water now, esp since u r in more fragile condition.
hehehehe misunderstanding!!
infact, in facebook, i posted pictures of my house when it was undergoing renovation and i call it our crib!

in france, they are superstitious about buying the baby stuffs, must wait for last 3 months then can buy... would be getting a lot of stuffs from friends coz its super expensive in france, like a pram costs around 500 to 800 euros! I suppose in london too...
zaza - hope you have a very good and smooth ET tomorrow.. lots of baby dust on you..

gloria, pari, ickle - my heart goes out to you.. do take a rest and try again.. lots of love and positive dust on you all..

libby - pls stay positive... there are lots of miracle stories.. i know of a lady who's 14dpt's hCG level is at about 14.. everyone expected her to fail.. but she stood tall and insisted on medical help (injections and medications) and you know what?? the little embie grew into a sweet 4 year old... this lady is now preggy with twins.. all IVF.. throughout 5 fresh cycles... pls stay positive.. showering you with lots of growing beta dust!!

tori - you should be fine... 114 is a good number... libby is doing at KKH, and i believe KKH is testing at 17dpt or 19dpt.. your levels are just fine... take a look at the url below... they are actualy numbers from ladies who manage to get a successful pregnancy..

wy - yes, you will need to relax a bit.. it is supposed to help.. no heavy lifting, walk slowly, no squating and no straining... drink lots of water and stay positive..

pau le - if you have nausea.. try bubbly drinks.. it will help ease a bit.. i used to puke at warm drinks and plain water.. dun worry so mush abt the baby.. i puked till 4th month plus... and i barely ate a meal a day.. lost 6 kg... :p.. fly back here and get pampered by mummy..
great feeling... yahaha..

itjabi - haa.. me?? feel fat and heavy lor.. i have not been able to lie on my back for sometime.. and i also have not been able to wipe myself properly after doing big business for the last 4 months.. :p sorry for being gross... but other than that.. deliriously happy all the time..

juju - whoa.. your hubby so romantic.. still got tear.. my hubby keeps telling my gynae that to suggest c-section with GA for me.. i think he wants to siam my labour.. i think he is scared that i'll bite him.. hahaha...

oh, and attached is a link of my stretchmarks.. not to scare you girls off, but i hope this inspire you girls to get preggy.. hahah..
look at this..
thanks for ur assurance... wow u also vomit a lot ah? so the baby actually knows where to find the food?
in fact, i was thinking bubbly drinks would make it worst... ok ok i would try! was dying for one actually!
wow mel, i really never seen stretchmarks like yours leh! are you putting cream?
pau le, wy - yeah, i ahev used 2 tubes of clarin's stretchmark cream and lots of johnson baby's lotion liao.. for me no use... my gynae's nurses keep teasing me abt carrying a watermelon around with me..
well, i guess that the twins grow too fast in the beginning.. my hubby keeps teasing me abt how there is no miracle cream in the world that will work for me..
ladies, my late story...

9.45am - head to delivery suite. did the necessary paperwork.
10am - was ushered to labour ward 23. given prostin to induce labour after chking that i'm still only 2cm dilated.
10.15am - ctg monitoring strapped on. no contractions as per the nurse, bb's heartbeat is ok but kept moving around so the ctg monitor had to be re-positioned.
11.15am - still no contractions & further dilation.
2pm - sent up to ward 8223 to wait for dilation & contraction.
3.30pm - ctg monitoring done again, bb is doing well still. starting to have mild contractions. was reminded that i will be sent down for 2nd prostin @ 10pm... haiz
6pm onwards - contractions started, between 1 to 5 mins interval.
6.15pm - ve done again, this time 3cm dilated. high bp @ 155/90. bb is coping well still, phew!
7.17pm - enema inserted
7.30pm - bowels cleared
8.40pm - reached delivery suite. unable to bear wif contractions yet refused epidural. so took laughing gas to cope.
10pm onwards - contractions got realli bad... wanna regret not asking for epidural
10.20pm - 5cm dilated
10.30pm - screamed for epidural cos realli cannot take it anymore. hubby said it sounded more like beg+demand+command tone.
10.40pm - 10cm dilated, no epidural allowed.
10.55pm - bb slipped out into dr loh's hands. heard frm hubby everyone was shocked cos 1st bb usually not so fast. but i had bad tears, due to fast exit of bb. later realised my tears were really bad...
11pm - pd came to check bb. dr marcus not friendly. quietly do his stuff & dun share info. i only got to noe bb had to go special care nursery (for further ctg & observation due to suspected ectopic heartbeat) from the midwife! she was also surprised dr marcus did not tell us dat!
11.30pm - latched bb on. she sucked on & off, not a focused suck-er.
11.45pm - bb pushed into scn.
1.20am - after everything else cleared & settled, midwife made sure i was conscious enough, i was pushed up to ward in wheelchair, the only time i used a float.
1.40am - hubby came up frm scn to report bb is ok after ctg monitoring. due to no bm, allowed scn to feed bb FM via cup (similac).
hi bliss and mel
excited and counting down for both of u..

mel..ur stretch mark is a sign tat how noble of a mother to be...i feel proud for u
Bliss, Noi, Ju, Itjabi, Pau Le, TNT, Humbug
Thanks for your well wishes, i will take care of myself these 2 days, and hope HCG will rise rise rise.

** Wink wink **

WY Koo & Mel
Tks for your betabase link, it ease my heart a little to see that it's still within the range, am hoping for the best.

Never seen stretchmarks like yours, maybe carrying twins are like that?

Our poor develyn doesn't has appetite to eat things, feel like merlion and nausea all the time, any tips for her?
Wa.. yours really seem a long long day, before little princess is out.. Your tear sound scary.. you finally experience true natural birth! lucky your hubby is there to accompany you, give you moral support
oh, i didnt realise u are expecting twins... maybe that's why it is stretchinnnnggggg.... maybe after birth, it would recover!
tnt - haha.. thanks for that..
it was more like nothing much i can do.. yahaha.. but i do console myself and boast to my hubby that this is his sons' doings...

libby - yeah, and you wanted twins...
anyway, i see angmoh carry twins and triplets and other higher order multiples also like no marks like that.. hai.. mabbe it is just me and my skin..

oh, for me, sweet cold stuff or sweet bubbly stuff works to curb the nausea for a few hours at a time.. the smell of fresh orange skin makes me feel better too..
Gloria, Ickle and Pari,
I just read your posts and I am really sorry. But, all of you are so positive and already looking forward to the next steps. Really look up to you. It is such a hard and tough journey but looking at Juju, Bliss and the other successful ladies, it is worth the efforts. So don't give up.

Please rest well so that baby can grow.

Thanks for your wishes. My ER is scheduled this wednesday.
think ur hubby suggest c-sect for ur good. multiple pregnancy better to c-sect. safer for the bbs also.
my hubby? hahaha... he was melted ice glacier since he felt his gal's movement in the tummy!
Mel, Juju and Bliss
A BIG round of applause to all of you... u are 3 brave mummies...

I told Dr Zou's dEve's conditions, she said to ask Eve to email Dr Loh or go see doc directly if her condition does not improve...
not brave.
is act brave and then bo bian, have to be brave.
my advise : TAKE EPIDURAL!!!

ur turn will come. dun worry.

stay cheerful, will help also!
10am - 2am is ok liao bah... considering the painful contractions started at 5-ish only. sil was saying i got lucky wif 5-6hrs of labour. cos her fastest was 17 hrs!
haha! hubby say i almost twisted his arm!
You got twins, not easy for your hubby to handle.. for natural birth..

True.. have heard of those long hours labour, very tedious.
u wun noe... he may jus surprise u...
plus, multiple, gynae worry the remaining bb(s) may turn head up during delivery of 1st bb then may hv to emergency c-sect

ya... sil asked for epi & got her $$ worth. 17 hrs of epi for $500...
Thanks for your story. Yep, really brave

Just had a look at your stretchmark. They are really unique! But they are there for a good cause! your twin boys!

Please take care. You must have quite a fright.
libby - stay positive...
please dun let the numbers stress you...

juju - haha... You have a better opinion of my hubby than me..
but I'll make him go in with me... Haha... I'll threaten to bite him if he does not...
wow, your stretchmarks cover the whole tummy, no wonder you kept saying that yours is the worst.Heehee... no worry, my sis was also like that, but then she just showed me her tummy yesterday, the stretchmarks have almost gone leh... but then, the stretchmarks were there about 5 years ago during her first pregnancy. She just gave birth to her 2nd bb last Jan(but then she had no stretchmarks during her this 2nd pregnancy).
Kind of consolation to me when I see her stretchmarks can disappear actually over time. I thot will forever be there in silverish white lines.
Dream - you are really imaginative... Nice way of describing horrible... Haha... Dun worry... I'm still deliriously happy everyday...
Yes, was trying to be positive and polite! but I guess you read through me! Anyway, I really wish to have your stretchmarks soon!
my sis never even apply creams or lotion once during pregnancy or after delivery .... but can still recover over time...
I am not sure leh, but among my two sisters and my mum, my this sister is the only one who has stretchmarks all over the tummy, my mum has not a single...kekeke.. so she always say she is more unlucky in terms of stretchmarks.
Hi Juju
Thanks for sharing your story with us..indeed All Mothers Are Very "WEI DA"! Hope I can experience the process and the stretchmark!

Hi Dream
All the Best to your ER this wed
wow Juju

YOU are such a wonderful MOM!!..we are so PROUD of you....your hubby must have got a memorable experience!! Thanks for your advice anyway...hope the short course and little walking to & fro classes will do little impact to implantation.
hi ickle,
i agree, we should follow our hearts. I am sure you can succeed.

hi libby,
i encounter low HCG level on D17 in my 1st try, level was only 67. I went back many alternate days for BT and level rose up slowly to 200 plus. Then at 300 plus i had bleeding. Doctor could not explain the reason. But that time i didn't start accu yet, maybe could have save the pregnancy if i did. Please stay positive, as long as there is no bleeding or painful cramps, still got hope.
Hi WY,
yeah, could be due to work. My job is desk bound so minimal walking but stress level is high.

Hi pau le,
increase in hair growth is due to hormone change. I have lots of hair on tummy and leg now. Plus point is i used to have little hair on head but now thicker. However, this will drop off after delivery.

hi tnt,
how do you manage to wear the N95 mask daily? i wore the disposable mask for about 2 hrs at hospital and i could not breath. Saw the nurses talking loudly as patients cannot hear them properly through the mask.
hi mel,
no worries, stretch marks can be removed via laser. My friend got worst than yours, and marks on legs as well.

hi juju,
you are so 'wei da', without epidural. I am so proud of you.
oh ok... hope that they will drop off... hehe coz i very hairy normally ald and my hair very pong one...
