IVF/ICSI Support Group

Noi - I go home and add you... As I am using my phone to access now, a bit difficult to add.. Hee...

Serene - just use my email addy to search for me...
I also didn't upload pix of myself as profile pix anyway... Haha...

Juju, Bliss - thanks for adding, I have accepted Liao... Whoa the 2 of you so sweet and swee...
Hey, I actually wanted to take pix of my stretchmark and show you all... But I'm scared I'll scare everyone... My stretchmarks is damn jialat one...

juju - ur gal is cute... congrats! were you on apidural?

develyn - just read abt ur hospitalisation due to OHSS... hope u r recovering well! take care...

humbug - my hb told me u asked where am I... well, i am still around... i log on every 2-3 days to catch up but seldom post. have been very very busy at work, preparing for the big water show in Jun. how r you? when is ur next try?
Hi Juju
Congrats for the arrival of your princess. She is so beautiful. Tell us the birth story later. Have you start to breastfeed her aldy?

Hi Bliss
Do take care and jia you. Countdown to 2 weeks mor eand you will be seeing your cuttie prince.

Wow May month seem beri busy month with 2 mummies delivering.

Hi all gals
Happy mothers birthday to all of you and may our wishes come true
hi Mel, Bliss, JuJu,
i do not have a facebook. can i still read your posts and pics in the facebook?

i have msn only. [email protected]

possible to add me?

Mel and Bliss,
you'll be delivering in 2 weeks' time. Mel, guess u'll be deliverng earlier than Bliss since you're carrying twins. Wishing u all a short and blessed delivery. ;-)

Libby and Pari,
tomorrow is THE DAY. BFP BFP BFP to both of you! saya still gotto wait...
Hi gals

Glad to read that so many of you have succeeded. I have been following this thread since last year, my fresh cycle to first FET. Now I am going to embark on the next FET. Good to know that a lot of girls have moved on.
One good example is Bliss, read from when when you got your BFP, till now going to give birth soon.

Now I hope TCM will help me in my third round. Read that quite a lot of you are under Dr Zou (AMK), so I intend to make appointment. Does she see males as well and any of your hubby under her? Any advise?

Thank you.
1) Click on "Profile"
2) Enter ur password
3) Click on "Preference"
4) Uncheck the box "Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users"
Orangey, i had the same info with sunflower leh. Coz u see, bai feng wan is advised after menses finish rite and if u take a close look at the contents it actually contains alot of dang guai components inside..
yes. Dr Zou has accupunctured for my hubby 2x b4 the ER. if u have the Sperm Analysis result, pls bring along to show her. best to bring all reports to her during your first visit. let her know its your first appt so that she can scheduled more time with you. Good Luck.
Hi ladies,

Can I join you all? I have been TTCing more than a year with no success and am considering IVF with NUH Prof PC Wong. I have been scanning through some of the stories and saw that most ladies here are with Dr Loh from KK. There seems to be very few patients with PC Wong. I am quite concerned if its because his success rates are not high? Is that true?

Also, sometimes I find Prof PC Wong quite fierce. Any sister seeing him?

Can I ask another question, how do you girls get ready for IVF emotionally. To be frank, I am very scared about having to start the program. Really very scared. Any advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot!
dEvelyn has been discharged yay


Please don't walk around hor. I know you have been bedridden for the last few days.. next few days is your implantation days so please backache or whatever lie down hor. BFP

hehe so you hub read the forum on your behalf
Glad you are ok
Wow!! so you are involved in the water festival. Please do not overwork yourself ok
rest when needed to.


Bai feng pills do consist dang gui cause it is to replenish your blood after menses. I heard if doing ivf not advisiable to eat that. only for normal ladies for very other month
after menses.
Dear babygalore,

I am currently with Prof PC Wong... He is not fierce, just stern and no-nonsense kind... The reason why we decided on him because we preferred someone straight to the point... We have seen some "salesy" doctors which promise us high chance of success which we know is not true...

Another consideration factor is his wonderful team of nurses at his fertility clinic... All of them are very warm, caring and encouraging...

As for getting myself emotionally ready for IVF, what I told myself is just bite the bullet and go because I know the more I think, the more I will procrastinate and end up wasting precious time... Our biological clock is ticking by the day...
Hi babygalore, welcome.... I m doing ivf in june and now also preparing myself for it. I m trying to think very positively abt it daily. I think at the end of the day is like wat tori had said juz bite the bullet and go all the way for it, have to endure all pain and heartache coz this is our way to have our dream fullfilled.
Hi Mel and the rest,

Where can I get your email addy so that I can add you in my face book?? PM doesn't show emaill add leh... Can someone advice me on this.. hehe.. me blur blur lah!
lots of sisters suggested watching VCD or reading books, whichever that interest u. Good Luck! can u add me to your facebook too, even though i have no facebook?

Press on ok.. 2 weeks will pass quite fast. Just get some HK serial or Korean serial then your days will pass faster hehe...
Been thru it know it. It's tough but if the result in the end is good, it's worth it. Hang in there ok.
hi babygalore,
welcome to this forum. i'm also with Prof. alot of sisters here have mentioned that the most impt factor is that u feel comfortable with your dr. coz he'll be with u thru'out the journey towards your dream. Good Luck.
gloria - i know that i can send you my pix.. facebook has a public access url for photos.. i am not sure if you need faceook acct to view it though... pretty silly if you one needs..

fellaine - welcome back..
hope you succeed this time round.. lotsa good luck..

babygalore - welcome..

humbug - send my regards to develyn if you are smsing her...

serene - my email addy is [email protected]..
u sure or not? me sweet & swee? u see bliss double issit?
dun worry abt stretchmark la... wun win those advertised by beauty salons one!

thanks! no time for epidural. dilated too fast for the last 5cm.

thank you! only managed to have some colostrum these 2 days. ya, fed her dat & supplement wif FM... hope BM comes in soon!

invited u liao!
bee told u how to activate PM liao, to read your PM - go to the email u used to register for this forum, sender will be S'pore Motherhood.
slight light brown discharge just now. looks like AF is reporting. how long after ET is AF suppose to report? my ET was on 2may.

JuJu, thanks for adding me. need a facebook account to read your facebook. registered already. Mel and Bliss, can add me too?

JuJu, nice pics of princess there. thanks.
Dont worry, 1st 2 days is like tat. Onli colostrum but must be hardworking to massage yr breasts and continuous to breastfeed. Gradually the flows will come.

Rest well for this critical period. Keep thinking BFP

Another 2 more weeks to go for your baby arrival, congrats to u.

Bear these 2 weeks and dont stress yourself. If u are boring, come to chat here in this thread or if you have msn, can chat there aso

My msn: [email protected]
I just change from Dr loh to PC Wong. And i found that PC wong is much better. During the time with Dr loh, he din check much on my condition. Just the normal blood test. But with PC wong, i was told to go thru 2 bloodtest, detail scan on my uterus (donno the exact word for it) and he also will request my report from KK before seeing my again.
I was suppose to hv my bloodtest when AF comes but too bad due to holiday and weekend I will miss my 1-3 days bloodtest this month. Sigh...
thanks for praising.
Your pic has two pregnant women, which is you?
My stretchmarks is also horrible, lots and lots on lower tummy and thighs and hips... still increasing...

Dilemmagal, Gloria,
thanks! Yes, really pray for a smooth delivery soon.

I do remember you, you know?

All the best for the coming FET! Baby dust pouring on you....
hi libby and ickle
gd luck for BT tmr..BFP to both of u

hi gloria and pari
gd luck oso for u guys BT soon...BFP BFP

hi zaza
how was ur ER?
Hi Gloria
Dun stress yourself, it could be implantation bleeding..pls stay positive..will be rooting for u!

Hi libby & Pari
All the best to your Beta test tmr!

Hi babygalore
Welcome to this thread.
I'm with Prof,he is a wise doc..believe yourself and the doc..like what Gloria mention, u must be comfortable with the doc.
congrats and your baby girl is so pretty. I am sure you have enjoyed mother's day today with your precious princess and of course DH

To the new ladies
welcome to the thread. It is really a great place to exchange information and support each other in this stressful time.

may be it is implantation bleeding? Better call Dr and nurse tomorrow

Great to hear about your healthy embryo. Rest well!

Bliss and Mel
count down for both of you!

great to read that you have found a Dr whom you can trust and feel comfortable with. It will make the journey less stressful. Otherwise you should call NUH tomorrow to check whether you still can go for your BT on day 4. Is the BT to start ivf or just for reference. If for reference only BT on day 4 should be ok. I did my first one on day 7 with my existing DR
Dream, i think libby, ickle and pari gan cheong now didnt see them log in these few days. I also gan cheong for them, really hope to hear good news
Hi Babygalore,
I'm gonna my 2nd cycle this june with Pro Wong. Prof may look stern but actually he is quite nice and he is actually a man with few words...
hi everyone,
Juju, congrats on your little baby girl! she is so cute

Develyn, I hope you recover soon. Take care *hugs*
Mel Wong and Bliss, best of luck for your deliveries!!
To everyone on the forum esp those in 2ww, good luck and BFPs all round

Hi Ladies

Long time no log-in. Some good and bad news.

Was bleeding on Wed and again Fri. In between got some brownish discharge+pink stains. Scared the shit out of me. Went 2 see Dr and was told 2 increase my progesterone insets + daily jabs. Bleeding has stopped since yesterday, hopefully its gone 4 good. Good news is that i saw bb's heartbeat at 6weeks. Was amazing! So far, all's well, hope that bb is not diturbed by the bleeding and will grow well 4 next week's scan.
Am now bedresting at home for next 2 weeks!
What an experience! Plus, Now got a bit runny nose + cough. Pl could I ask u ladies 2 pray 4 bb and me. Many thanks

