IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sisters

I tested HPT last friday, and it was negative. Was already very disheartened these few days. Went for my BT today. It's BFP. However, my level is quite low, about 71. Nurse said my ideal level should be around 200. I have to go back this wed for another blood test to see if the level will go up. Else, it will be considered chemical pregnancy.

I'm only hoping for the best.. Nurse has stopped my progesterone jab for these 2 days, i'm not sure will this affect my already low hormones to go down. I've emailed to Dr Loh for his advise, waiting for his reply.

Last night, i had slight fever, as the jab given by the 24hr nurse was so painful, and cause my injection area swollen, and harden. Now the fever has come down.
libby - hugz for you ... quickly call Doctor Zou for help
Hopeful Mel, Ickle, Pari and Gloria
I'm very sorry to hear that it didn't work out this time round, please do not give up and try again, likewise i will do the same if i fail this time. It's definitely very disheartening, but life still goes on, as long as we are able, we should not give up. Our wishes will come true one day.
Libby dear,
Do take care and rest well, hope everything will be fine ya
stay positive for your BB..

Zaza, thanks for the add..u look so young

Gloria, i try to add u using the email but cannot lehh...
Tks. I talked to Dr Zou already, she says hopefully level will increase by Wed. She said she ever had a patient similar case. I asked her if need to take some med to help save the baby, she said wait till wed first.
Yes, i went for accu one day before my ET, and 4 times before my ER. All the best for your ET.

Hopeful Mel
Tks, will hope for the best.
Congratulations and your princess is so adorable. Did you tear when you first see her? The feeling must be so bonded.. take care during your confinement.
Hi Gloria,
Tried adding you inn face book but cannot leh. Can you check your email to see any invite from me.

Boon Boon& hopeful Mel, accepted your invite at face book
Zaza, you very lucky to have such a nice husband. Can even make the doctor laugh, his jokes must be like gao xiao xing dong..heheee..
Yes, I will want to start with acu soon. Can I ask you something, how soon did you start with acu (before of during program), how frequent do you acu per week, will the your acu Dr know when to adminster the sessions for u and lastly, are u on TCM too. Sorry, ask so many questions. If u want to rest and prepare for tom, you can answer me whenever you are free. Thanks a lot.

Gloria, I am eating the ocean brand Vitamin B+C with zinc. It has a good dosage of the vit b group that are good to regulate hormones and can beat stress. Good to eat when recuperating but think must stop while doing the program.

I hope it is not too late to ask. If the embroy is 4 cell, what is the grade?

Ok done check in the internet already. hehehe

sorry n thanks
babygalore - I start my accu since last feb and I go for accu once a week session
I was also on TCM but I stop a week b4 I start my GonalF as my doctor is against it
I only continue with essence of chicken
Libby dear, finally get a good news today. thanks for bringing hope to this thread. lets pray that your level will go up. for now, dont forget to drink lots of water.

Zaza, Boon, WY and Libby,
can add me to your facebook? anybody not in my FB yet - pls invite me hor.
Stay Positive okie... will pray for your HCG to go up, uP, Up and UP by wednesday... in the meantime, please continue to rest well...
dear ladies,
i've posted before and here's the recap for those interested in accu as booster for IVF.

recommended frequency by Dr Zou:

2x per week (think upon start of IVF journey)

5x daily before Egg Retrieval (ER)

Rest Day on ER

accu daily from 1 day after ER to i day before ET
(usu. 1x or 2x, depending on D2 or D3 transfer)

Accu stops a day before Embryos Transfer (ET)

hope this helps. however, she may recommend otherwise depending on individuals. this serves as a guide.

Sisters, correct me if i am wrong.
Zara, thanks for the information. Really appreciate it. And please rest early today for a smooth ET tomorrow. All the best

Gloria, thanks digging out this. Very useful.
Dear Ickle, Pari and Gloria,

I am sorry to hear about your bfns, please rest well.


Congrats on your BFP! My BHCG was 114 on D14 after transfer, which Dr says is ok, and I am on progesterone jabs twice a week... Now that you say the ideal level should be 200, I'm worried...

And my doc is not seeing me till 20 May for u/s scan... Should I drop in earlier to do another BT?
dear Libby

I guess you have done all that you can..have a good rest and lets wait for the good news..remember you said we shall never give up when we are still able to.

guess you can call the nurses to ask if u can have BT earlier..all the best & rest well.
Gloria, Tany
Thanks a lot dear, this will really be a miracle if i'm really pregnant. Had actually given up hope since last friday after HPT. Hoping you will BFP soon too.
I haven't set up face book account yet.

Today is my D17, but it's only 71. I also don't really trust the KKH nurse, cos when i ask her what's the ideal level, she paused a while, before replying me is 200. I guess she's also not very sure.
Whether is it 200, yours should be doubling up since D14, don't worry.
Maybe the sisters here who BFP can enlighten us the range?
Yes, we have done our best, we will never give up while still able. On the brighter side (trying to console myself), at least this is already an improvement from my previous failure, at least i manage to get a BFP, even though it may be a short while).. Sigh.. Hopefully this BFP will last the next 9 months!
Hi Torishotaka,

I did not know you are pregnant, congrats..other more primitive of judging your Beta is to do a hpt test on alternative days and if the line gets darker, b is increasing. But if you don't want to speculate, no harm doing another BT at clinic.

You mentioned you did not do TCM, did you do acu?

And try your best not to worry, remind yourself that you want your baby hormones to grow grow grow and stress hormones to shrink shrink shrink..
juju: okie i try not to bite..
She is adorable.. A kiss for me to her *Muakz*

Lyn: Ya it is a relieve but still must take care coz still early pregnancy..

Mel; Im gd thanks. How r u??
WY Koo: How r u??Ur bleeding could be due to the other embroye getting eliminated from body. That's wat happened to me.. NOw on bed rest also.. Another baby will be fine.. k.. Juz relax n be happy soo bb will be happy one..
That's wat im telling myself.

Paule: Some ppl have bleeding while for others the other embroye gets absorbed in the body soo most likely that must have happened with urs.. How's ur pregnancy coming along? I feel like drinking COLD water. Dun know can drink or not ..
Ickle, Pari and Gloria: Sori to hear on ur BT. Be +ve n dun give up k.. We r all here for u ..

Libby: Dun worry ur BT will be fine.. Jzu rest well n drink loadsa water k.. *Huggz*
hi ltjabi, glad 2 c u r back 2 yr cheerful self. bleeding has stopped since sat. what a scary experience! now my body is so full of hormones, getting stuffy nose + my pollen allergy got exaggerated. but so long as bb is safe, it is worth it. i thot 2ww was hard but the 1st 2 months is even more worrisome. r u on increased progesterone inserts? yr bleeding must b quite heavy since u were w twins. my bhcg didn't look like twins leh! how long will u b on mc?

and better dun drink cold water, must endure 4 bb's sick. must keep e womb cosy 4 bb.
WY KOO: Im on leave until my next scan n wed then see wat they say but look like i'll be stuck at home again coz had slight bleeding again today but old blood. So on off bleeding. They increased my progesterone to 3 times a day. Previously was 2 times. See wat doc Loh say on wednesday. I walk ard the house but juz dun do anything.. sit, walk to room.. lie down.. Basically juz watch tv whole day.. Damn boring. Can understand.. It is very scary.. Juz have to pray bb is fine..
ltjabi, try listen 2 some soothing music, i find it useful. try not to walk too much. be in lie down position as much as possb, with legs propped up. my gfs who had e same experience advised me. u must b 9 weeks soon? my scan is on wed too, hopefully e bb is growing well despite e 'trauma'. saw bb's heartbeat at 6w. So awe-inspiring! am on mc since last thurs, think will ask 4 mc next week as well, 2 b safe.
hey, is it a coincidence or what? i noticed most ladies w bleeding during early pregnancies r all working? Bee, Lina, you and myself + my gfs. Maybe walk/stand too much, too tired!
Ickle, Pari and Gloria....
glad to hear that you girls are so strong, so brave and all ready to face the next cycle again! I'm sure your prayers would be answered for your determination to be mummies! BFP BPF BFP dust to you!

congrats! don't worry so much, when i got my hcg level on D14, it was 181, also lower than 200, was quite worried at that time also, so keep searching the internet about the hcg levels. But the websites always say that hcg level is not really predictive one, it is different for everyone.... and soon, my hcg raises liao. So don't worry lah!!

oh, so i supposed my greedy body absorbed the embroye!
I'm still feeling nausea, especially after I eat, appetit not good at all... I do eat ice-cream... hehe.... but hopefully when i go back to singapore next month, with all the goodies, my appetit would improve!
and also i realise that my body hair is growing more and faster... *shy* shy*, does this happen to you?

Itjabi, WY
are you both taking multi-vits and folic acids?
for me, i am eating a multi-vit that include folic acid, and i read somewhere in the forum that, if only that folic acid, then the nausea wouldn't be so bad....
hi paule,

yes, dr advised me 2 take multi-vitamins that include folic acid. whoa, u r travelling during yr 1st trimester? seems yr pregnancy quite smooth leh, so shld b ok. hey, m going 2 paris 4 fr 25-28 june 4 the sales. will u b ard? want 2 meet up?

All the best for your ET tomorrow.

dEvelyn still sound quite sick today.. she still merlioning.. poor gal. Hope she gets well soon. She is back at home.


*huggs* normally TCM will not interfere if you are in the midst of 2ww.. cause they also do not wnat to be responsible as Chinese medication cannot mix with the HCG jabs. Anyway, got this feeling you will BFP.. just bear with these 3 days and I am sure you can make it *wink*. Natural is always the best.. you know what I mean *grin*
jia you ok.
Dear Gloria, Pari & Ickle
Sayang, sayang! Pls dun give up your hope! Have a cry if u want to and move on...Tell yourself that u have done your very best! Pls boast up your health and have a healthy lifestyle before your next cycle! Jia You!

Dear libby
Dun lose heart yet, pls stay positive! Hope your beta will rise high high on wednesday! Will be praying for u!

Dear Zaza
All the best to your ET tmr!

Hi Sisters
Pls add me to your facebook..me at [email protected]
Forgive me also if I not active in FB (I not IT savvy)..:p
hi pari and gloria
i tot both of u all BT on 15/5? so dun be dishearten yet...wait for the blood test result ok..have faith

hi daffodils
how much gonal f u injecting? wish got good egg results

hi wy koo
pls rest and take care...
lying in bed more often ok

hi ickle
rest and tiao ur body is most impt now... so tat ur body in tip condition for ur next FET...when u going to see Dr Loh?

hi zaza
gd luck for ur ET tmr...wish ur embryo stick very tight in ur uterus
